# SNMP Sendmail Statistics Module # Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 Sergey Poznyakoff # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . =head1 NAME NetSNMP::Sendmail - NetSNMP plugin for Sendmail statistics =head1 SYNOPSIS B =head1 DESCRIPTION A perl plugin for B that provides access to Sendmail statistics information obtained by B and B. In most cases adding perl use NetSNMP::Sendmail; to B(5) is enough to get the plugin working. You may however need to tune it. For example, Debian-based distributions override default Sendmail binaries with homemade scripts that have somewhat different output format, which can confuse this module. The binaries are then located in the F directory. To have the plugin use the right binaries, load it as follows: perl use NetSNMP::Sendmail qw(:config bindir /usr/lib/sm.bin); Another way to do so would be to export the B method and call it right after requiring the module: perl use NetSNMP::Sendmail qw(Configure); perl NetSNMP::Sendmail::Configure(bindir => '/usr/lib/sm.bin'); In general, configuration options and corresponding values are either passed as a hash to the B function, or passed with the B statement following the B<:config> marker. The following options are defined: =over 4 =item B Directory where to look for B and B. It is unset by default, which means that both binaries will be looked up using the B environment variable, unless they are set to absolute pathname using B and B keywords. =item B Absolute name of the Sendmail configuaration file. Defaults to F. =item B Name of the B binary. Default is B. =item B Name of the B binary. Default is B. =item B Time in seconds during which the result of the recent invocation of B(8) is cached. Default is 10. =item B Time in seconds during which the result of the recent invocation of B(1) is cached. Default is 10. =back =head2 OIDS The MIB is defined in file SENDMAIL-STATS.txt, which is distributed along with this module. The following OIDs are defined: =over 4 =item B Total number of messages in the queue. =item B This OID provides a conceptual table of Sendmail queue groups. Each row has the following elements (I stands for the row index): =over 4 =item BI Name of the queue group. =item BI Queue directory. =item BI Number of messages in that queue group. =back =item B This OID provides a conceptual table of mailers with the corresponding statistics. Each row has the following elements (I stands for the row index): =over 4 =item BI Name of the mailer, as set in its definition in F. =item BI Number of outgoing messages sent using this mailer. =item BI Number of kilobytes in outgoing messages sent using this mailer. =item BI Number of messages received using this mailer. =item BI Number of kilobytes in messages received using this mailer. =item BI Number of messages rejected by this mailer. =item BI Number of messages discarded by this mailer. =item BI Number of messages put in quarantine by this mailer. =back =item B Total number of outgoing messages. =item B Total number of outgoing kilobytes. =item B Total number of incoming messages. =item B Total number of incoming kilobytes. =item B Total number of rejected messages. =item B Total number of discarded messages. =item B Total number of messages put in quarantine. =item B Number of messages sent over TCP connections. =item B Number of messages received over TCP connections. =item B Number of messages that arrived over TCP connections and were rejected. =back =head1 SEE ALSO B(5), B(8), B(1), B(8). =head1 LICENSE GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later, see This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. =head1 AUTHOR Sergey Poznyakoff . =cut package NetSNMP::Sendmail; require 5.10.0; use strict; use warnings; use feature 'state'; use NetSNMP::agent::Support; use NetSNMP::agent (':all'); use NetSNMP::ASN (':all'); use Carp; use Data::Dumper; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our $VERSION = "0.93"; our @EXPORT_OK = qw(&Configure); my $sendmail_cf = '/etc/mail/sendmail.cf'; my $mailq_bin = 'mailq'; my $mailstats_bin = 'mailstats'; my %ttl = ( mailq => 10, mailstats => 10 ); my %config = ( mailq_ttl => \$ttl{mailq}, mailstats_ttl => \$ttl{mailstats}, mailq => \$mailq_bin, mailstats => \$mailstats_bin, cf => \$sendmail_cf, bindir => sub { $mailq_bin = "$_[1]/$mailq_bin" if $mailq_bin !~ m#^/#; $mailstats_bin = "$_[1]/$mailstats_bin" if $mailstats_bin !~ m#^/#; } ); sub debug { } sub Configure { # print Dumper ( \@_ ); local %_ = @_; while (my ($k,$v) = each %_) { if (exists($config{$k})) { if (ref($config{$k}) eq 'CODE') { &{$config{$k}}($k, $v); } else { ${$config{$k}} = $v; } } else { confess "unknown keyword: $k"; } } } sub import { my $pkg = shift; # package my @syms = (); # symbols to import my @config = (); # configuration my $dest = \@syms; # symbols first for (@_) { if ($_ eq ':config') { $dest = \@config; next; } push @$dest, $_; } local $Exporter::ExportLevel = 1; $pkg->SUPER::import(@syms); Configure(@config) if @config; } my %qgroup; my $qdir; my %qopt = ( F => 'queueFlags', N => 'queueNice', I => 'queueInterval', P => 'queueDirectory', R => 'queueRunners', J => 'queueJobs', r => 'queueMaxRecipients' ); sub readcf { open(my $fd, '<', $sendmail_cf) or do { warn "can't open $sendmail_cf: $!"; return; }; while (<$fd>) { chomp; next if /^#/; if (/^O\s+QueueDirectory=(.+)/) { # O QueueDirectory=/var/spool/mqueue $qdir = $1; } elsif (/^Q([^,]+),\s+(.+)/) { # Qlocal, P=/var/spool/mqueue/local, F=f, R=2, I=1m my $name = $1; # Collect parameters. So far only P is actially used. my %h = map { if (/([a-zA-Z])[^=]*=(.+)/) { if (exists($qopt{$1})) { $qopt{$1} => $2; } else { () } } else { () } } split /,\s*/, $2; if (exists($h{queueDirectory})) { my $dir = $h{queueDirectory}; delete $h{$dir}; $h{queueName} = $name; $qgroup{$dir} = \%h; } } } close($fd); } # Read Sendmail configuration readcf(); my %timestamp; sub queue_stats { state %tmp; if ($ttl{mailq}) { my $now = time(); return %tmp if $now - $timestamp{mailq} < $ttl{mailq}; $timestamp{mailq} = $now; %tmp = (); } open(my $fd, '-|', $mailq_bin) or die "can't run $mailq_bin: $!"; while (<$fd>) { chomp; if (/^(^\S+) is empty/) { push @{$tmp{q}}, { queueName => $qgroup{$1}{queueName} || "", queueDirectory => $1, queueMessages => 0 }; } elsif (/^\s*(\S+) \((\d+) requests\)/) { push @{$tmp{q}}, { queueName => $qgroup{$1}{queueName} || "", queueDirectory => $1, queueMessages => $2 }; } elsif (/Total requests:\s+(\d+)\s*$/) { $tmp{total} = $1 } } close($fd); return %tmp; } sub mailer_stats { state $timestamp; state %mstats; my $now = time(); return %mstats if $now - $timestamp{mailstats} < $ttl{mailstats}; $timestamp{mailstats} = $now; %mstats = (); debug("calling $mailstats_bin"); open(my $fd, '-|', "$mailstats_bin -P") or die "can't run $mailstats_bin: $!"; my $line = 0; while (<$fd>) { ++$line; next if $line == 1; s/^\s+//; # msgsfr bytes_from msgsto bytes_to msgsrej msgsdis msgsqur Mailer my @a = split /\s+/; if ($a[0] eq 'T') { @{$mstats{totals}}{('totalMessagesFrom', 'totalKBytesFrom', 'totalMessagesTo', 'totalKBytesTo', 'totalMessagesRejected', 'totalMessagesDiscarded', 'totalMessagesQuarantined')} = @a[1..7]; } elsif ($a[0] eq 'C') { @{$mstats{conn}}{('connectionMessagesFrom', 'connectionMessagesTo', 'connectionMessagesRejected')} = @a[1..3]; } else { my %h; @h{('mailerMessagesFrom', 'mailerKBytesFrom', 'mailerMessagesTo', 'mailerKBytesTo', 'mailerMessagesRejected', 'mailerMessagesDiscarded', 'mailerMessagesQuarantined', 'mailerName')} = @a[1..8]; push @{$mstats{mailer}}, \%h; } } close($fd); return %mstats; } # ############# sub get_queueTotal { my %qstats = queue_stats(); return $qstats{total}; } sub get_queueTable { my ($name, $off, $oid) = @_; my $idx = getOidElement($oid, $off); my %qstats = queue_stats(); return $qstats{q}->[$idx-1]{$name}; } sub check_queueTable { my ($off, $oid) = @_; my $idx = getOidElement($oid, $off); my %qstats = queue_stats(); return $idx-1 <= $#{$qstats{q}}; } sub next_queueTable { my ($len, $oid) = @_; my $idx = getOidElement($oid, $len); my %qstats = queue_stats(); ++$idx; if ($idx-1 <= $#{$qstats{q}}) { return setOidElement($oid, $len, $idx); } return 0; } sub get_mailerTable { my ($name, $off, $oid) = @_; my $idx = getOidElement($oid, $off); my %mstats = mailer_stats(); return $mstats{mailer}->[$idx-1]{$name}; } sub check_mailerTable { my ($off, $oid) = @_; my $idx = getOidElement($oid, $off); my %mstats = mailer_stats(); return $idx-1 <= $#{$mstats{mailer}}; } sub next_mailerTable { my ($len, $oid) = @_; my $idx = getOidElement($oid, $len); my %mstats = mailer_stats(); ++$idx; if ($idx-1 <= $#{$mstats{mailer}}) { return setOidElement($oid, $len, $idx); } return 0; } sub total_table_get { my $name = shift; my %mstats = mailer_stats(); return $mstats{totals}->{$name}; } sub connection_table_get { my $name = shift; my %mstats = mailer_stats(); return $mstats{conn}->{$name}; }