/* GNU Mailutils -- a suite of utilities for electronic mail Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int mailbox_folder_create (mu_mailbox_t mbox, const char *name, mu_record_t record) { int rc; char *fname; if ((rc = mu_url_aget_path (mbox->url, &fname))) return rc; if (mu_url_is_scheme (mbox->url, "file") || mu_url_is_scheme (mbox->url, "mbox") || mu_url_is_scheme (mbox->url, "mh") || mu_url_is_scheme (mbox->url, "maildir")) { char *p = strrchr (fname, '/'); /* FIXME: Is this always appropriate? */ if (p) *p = 0; } rc = mu_folder_create_from_record (&mbox->folder, fname, record); free (fname); return rc; } static char *default_proto; int mu_mailbox_set_default_proto (const char *proto) { char *p; size_t len = strlen (proto); if (proto [len - 1] == ':') { p = strdup (proto); if (!p) return ENOMEM; } else { p = malloc (len + 2); if (!p) return ENOMEM; strcpy (p, proto); p[len] = ':'; p[len+1] = 0; } if (mu_registrar_lookup (p, MU_FOLDER_ATTRIBUTE_FILE, NULL, NULL)) return MU_ERR_NO_HANDLER; if (default_proto) free (default_proto); default_proto = p; return 0; } const char * mu_mailbox_get_default_proto () { return default_proto ? default_proto : "/"; } static int _create_mailbox0 (mu_mailbox_t *pmbox, mu_url_t url, const char *name) { int status; mu_record_t record = NULL; if (mu_registrar_lookup_url (url, MU_FOLDER_ATTRIBUTE_FILE, &record, NULL) == 0) { mu_log_level_t level; int (*m_init) (mu_mailbox_t) = NULL; mu_record_get_mailbox (record, &m_init); if (m_init) { int (*u_init) (mu_url_t) = NULL; mu_mailbox_t mbox; /* Allocate memory for mbox. */ mbox = calloc (1, sizeof (*mbox)); if (mbox == NULL) return ENOMEM; /* Initialize the internal lock now, so the concrete mailbox could use it. */ status = mu_monitor_create (&mbox->monitor, 0, mbox); if (status != 0) { mu_mailbox_destroy (&mbox); return status; } mu_record_get_url (record, &u_init); if (u_init && (status = u_init (url)) != 0) { mu_mailbox_destroy (&mbox); return status; } /* Make sure scheme contains actual mailbox scheme */ if (strcmp (url->scheme, record->scheme)) { char *p = strdup (record->scheme); if (!p) { mu_mailbox_destroy (&mbox); return errno; } free (url->scheme); url->scheme = p; } mbox->url = url; /* Create the folder before initializing the concrete mailbox. The mailbox needs it's back pointer. */ status = mailbox_folder_create (mbox, name, record); if (status == 0) status = m_init (mbox); /* Create the concrete mailbox type. */ if (status != 0) mu_mailbox_destroy (&mbox); else { *pmbox = mbox; level = mu_global_debug_level ("mailbox"); if (level) { int status = mu_debug_create (&mbox->debug, mbox); if (status) return 0; /* FIXME: don't want to bail out just because I failed to create a *debug* object. But I may be wrong... */ mu_debug_set_level (mbox->debug, level); if (level & MU_DEBUG_INHERIT) mu_folder_set_debug (mbox->folder, mbox->debug); } } return status; } } return MU_ERR_NO_HANDLER; } static int _create_mailbox (mu_mailbox_t *pmbox, const char *name) { int status; mu_url_t url; status = mu_url_create (&url, name); if (status) return status; status = mu_url_parse (url); if (status == 0) status = _create_mailbox0 (pmbox, url, name); return status; } /* The Mailbox Factory. Create an iterator for registrar and see if any url scheme match, Then we call the mailbox's mu_url_create() to parse the URL. Last initialize the concrete mailbox and folder. */ int mu_mailbox_create (mu_mailbox_t *pmbox, const char *name) { int rc; if (pmbox == NULL) return MU_ERR_OUT_PTR_NULL; if (!mu_is_proto (name) && default_proto) { char *tmp_name = malloc (strlen (default_proto) + strlen (name) + 1); strcpy (tmp_name, default_proto); strcat (tmp_name, name); rc = _create_mailbox (pmbox, name); free (tmp_name); } else rc = _create_mailbox (pmbox, name); return rc; } void mu_mailbox_destroy (mu_mailbox_t *pmbox) { if (pmbox && *pmbox) { mu_mailbox_t mbox = *pmbox; mu_monitor_t monitor = mbox->monitor; /* Notify the observers. */ if (mbox->observable) { mu_observable_notify (mbox->observable, MU_EVT_MAILBOX_DESTROY, mbox); mu_observable_destroy (&mbox->observable, mbox); } /* Call the concrete mailbox _destroy method. So it can clean itself. */ if (mbox->_destroy) mbox->_destroy (mbox); mu_monitor_wrlock (monitor); /* Close the stream and nuke it */ if (mbox->stream) { /* FIXME: Is this right, should the client be responsible for closing the stream? */ /* mu_stream_close (mbox->stream); */ mu_stream_destroy (&mbox->stream, mbox); } if (mbox->url) mu_url_destroy (&mbox->url); if (mbox->locker) mu_locker_destroy (&mbox->locker); if (mbox->debug) mu_debug_destroy (&mbox->debug, mbox); if (mbox->folder) mu_folder_destroy (&mbox->folder); if (mbox->property) mu_property_destroy (&mbox->property, mbox); free (mbox); *pmbox = NULL; mu_monitor_unlock (monitor); mu_monitor_destroy (&monitor, mbox); } } /* -------------- stub functions ------------------- */ int mu_mailbox_open (mu_mailbox_t mbox, int flag) { if (mbox == NULL || mbox->_open == NULL) return MU_ERR_EMPTY_VFN; if (flag & MU_STREAM_QACCESS) { /* Quick access mailboxes are read-only */ if (flag & (MU_STREAM_WRITE | MU_STREAM_RDWR | MU_STREAM_APPEND | MU_STREAM_CREAT)) return EINVAL; /* FIXME: Better error code, please? */ } return mbox->_open (mbox, flag); } int mu_mailbox_close (mu_mailbox_t mbox) { if (mbox == NULL || mbox->_close == NULL) return MU_ERR_EMPTY_VFN; return mbox->_close (mbox); } int mu_mailbox_flush (mu_mailbox_t mbox, int expunge) { size_t i, total = 0; int status = 0; if (!mbox) return EINVAL; if (!(mbox->flags & (MU_STREAM_RDWR|MU_STREAM_WRITE|MU_STREAM_APPEND))) return 0; mu_mailbox_messages_count (mbox, &total); if (!(mbox->flags & MU_STREAM_APPEND)) for (i = 1; i <= total; i++) { mu_message_t msg = NULL; mu_attribute_t attr = NULL; mu_mailbox_get_message (mbox, i, &msg); mu_message_get_attribute (msg, &attr); mu_attribute_set_seen (attr); } if (expunge) status = mu_mailbox_expunge (mbox); else status = mu_mailbox_sync (mbox); return status; } /* messages */ int mu_mailbox_append_message (mu_mailbox_t mbox, mu_message_t msg) { if (mbox == NULL || mbox->_append_message == NULL) return MU_ERR_EMPTY_VFN; if (!(mbox->flags & (MU_STREAM_RDWR|MU_STREAM_WRITE|MU_STREAM_APPEND))) return EACCES; return mbox->_append_message (mbox, msg); } int mu_mailbox_get_message (mu_mailbox_t mbox, size_t msgno, mu_message_t *pmsg) { if (mbox == NULL || mbox->_get_message == NULL) return MU_ERR_EMPTY_VFN; if (mbox->flags & MU_STREAM_QACCESS) return MU_ERR_BADOP; return mbox->_get_message (mbox, msgno, pmsg); } int mu_mailbox_quick_get_message (mu_mailbox_t mbox, mu_message_qid_t qid, mu_message_t *pmsg) { if (mbox == NULL || mbox->_quick_get_message == NULL) return MU_ERR_EMPTY_VFN; if (!(mbox->flags & MU_STREAM_QACCESS)) return MU_ERR_BADOP; return mbox->_quick_get_message (mbox, qid, pmsg); } int mu_mailbox_messages_count (mu_mailbox_t mbox, size_t *num) { if (mbox == NULL || mbox->_messages_count == NULL) return MU_ERR_EMPTY_VFN; if (mbox->flags & MU_STREAM_QACCESS) return MU_ERR_BADOP; return mbox->_messages_count (mbox, num); } int mu_mailbox_messages_recent (mu_mailbox_t mbox, size_t *num) { if (mbox == NULL || mbox->_messages_recent == NULL) return MU_ERR_EMPTY_VFN; if (mbox->flags & MU_STREAM_QACCESS) return MU_ERR_BADOP; return mbox->_messages_recent (mbox, num); } int mu_mailbox_message_unseen (mu_mailbox_t mbox, size_t *num) { if (mbox == NULL || mbox->_message_unseen == NULL) return MU_ERR_EMPTY_VFN; if (mbox->flags & MU_STREAM_QACCESS) return MU_ERR_BADOP; return mbox->_message_unseen (mbox, num); } int mu_mailbox_sync (mu_mailbox_t mbox) { if (mbox == NULL || mbox->_sync == NULL) return MU_ERR_EMPTY_VFN; if (!(mbox->flags & (MU_STREAM_RDWR|MU_STREAM_WRITE|MU_STREAM_APPEND))) return 0; return mbox->_sync (mbox); } /* Historic alias: */ int mu_mailbox_save_attributes (mu_mailbox_t mbox) { if (mbox == NULL || mbox->_sync == NULL) return MU_ERR_EMPTY_VFN; if (!(mbox->flags & (MU_STREAM_RDWR|MU_STREAM_WRITE|MU_STREAM_APPEND))) return EACCES; return mbox->_sync (mbox); } int mu_mailbox_expunge (mu_mailbox_t mbox) { if (mbox == NULL || mbox->_expunge == NULL) return MU_ERR_EMPTY_VFN; if (!(mbox->flags & (MU_STREAM_RDWR|MU_STREAM_WRITE|MU_STREAM_APPEND))) return EACCES; return mbox->_expunge (mbox); } int mu_mailbox_is_updated (mu_mailbox_t mbox) { if (mbox == NULL || mbox->_is_updated == NULL) return 1; if (mbox->flags & MU_STREAM_QACCESS) return 1; return mbox->_is_updated (mbox); } int mu_mailbox_scan (mu_mailbox_t mbox, size_t msgno, size_t *pcount) { if (mbox == NULL || mbox->_scan == NULL) return MU_ERR_EMPTY_VFN; if (mbox->flags & MU_STREAM_QACCESS) return MU_ERR_BADOP; return mbox->_scan (mbox, msgno, pcount); } int mu_mailbox_get_size (mu_mailbox_t mbox, mu_off_t *psize) { int status; if (mbox == NULL) return MU_ERR_EMPTY_VFN; if (mbox->flags & MU_STREAM_QACCESS) return MU_ERR_BADOP; if (mbox->_get_size == NULL || (status = mbox->_get_size (mbox, psize)) == ENOSYS) { /* Fall back to brute-force method */ size_t i, total; mu_off_t size = 0; status = mu_mailbox_messages_count (mbox, &total); if (status) return status; for (i = 1; i <= total; i++) { mu_message_t msg; size_t msgsize; status = mu_mailbox_get_message (mbox, i, &msg); if (status) return status; status = mu_message_size (msg, &msgsize); if (status) return status; size += msgsize; } *psize = size; } return status; } int mu_mailbox_uidvalidity (mu_mailbox_t mbox, unsigned long *pvalid) { if (mbox == NULL || mbox->_uidvalidity == NULL) return MU_ERR_EMPTY_VFN; if (mbox->flags & MU_STREAM_QACCESS) return MU_ERR_BADOP; return mbox->_uidvalidity (mbox, pvalid); } int mu_mailbox_uidnext (mu_mailbox_t mbox, size_t *puidnext) { if (mbox == NULL || mbox->_uidnext == NULL) return MU_ERR_EMPTY_VFN; if (mbox->flags & MU_STREAM_QACCESS) return MU_ERR_BADOP; return mbox->_uidnext (mbox, puidnext); } /* locking */ int mu_mailbox_set_locker (mu_mailbox_t mbox, mu_locker_t locker) { if (mbox == NULL) return MU_ERR_MBX_NULL; if (mbox->locker) mu_locker_destroy (&mbox->locker); mbox->locker = locker; return 0; } int mu_mailbox_get_locker (mu_mailbox_t mbox, mu_locker_t *plocker) { if (mbox == NULL) return MU_ERR_MBX_NULL; if (plocker == NULL) return MU_ERR_OUT_PTR_NULL; *plocker = mbox->locker; return 0; } int mu_mailbox_get_flags (mu_mailbox_t mbox, int *flags) { if (mbox == NULL) return MU_ERR_MBX_NULL; if (!*flags) return MU_ERR_OUT_NULL; *flags = mbox->flags; return 0; } int mu_mailbox_set_stream (mu_mailbox_t mbox, mu_stream_t stream) { if (mbox == NULL) return MU_ERR_MBX_NULL; if (mbox->flags & MU_STREAM_QACCESS) return MU_ERR_BADOP; if (mbox->stream) mu_stream_destroy (&mbox->stream, mbox); mbox->stream = stream; return 0; } /* FIXME: This is a problem. We provide a mu_mailbox_get_stream () and this stream is special it should, in theory, represent a "view" of a flow of messages. But providing this perspective may make sense for local mailboxes but downright impossible for a remote mailbox, short on downloading the entire mailbox locally. The question is : should this function be removed? So far it as been used on local mailboxes to get offsets. */ int mu_mailbox_get_stream (mu_mailbox_t mbox, mu_stream_t *pstream) { if (mbox == NULL) return MU_ERR_MBX_NULL; if (pstream == NULL) return MU_ERR_OUT_PTR_NULL; /* If null two cases: - it is no open yet. - it a remote stream and the socket stream is on the folder. */ if (mbox->stream == NULL) { if (mbox->folder) return mu_folder_get_stream (mbox->folder, pstream); } *pstream = mbox->stream; return 0; } int mu_mailbox_get_observable (mu_mailbox_t mbox, mu_observable_t *pobservable) { if (mbox == NULL) return MU_ERR_MBX_NULL; if (pobservable == NULL) return MU_ERR_OUT_PTR_NULL; if (mbox->observable == NULL) { int status = mu_observable_create (&mbox->observable, mbox); if (status != 0) return status; } *pobservable = mbox->observable; return 0; } int mu_mailbox_get_property (mu_mailbox_t mbox, mu_property_t *pproperty) { if (mbox == NULL) return MU_ERR_MBX_NULL; if (pproperty == NULL) return MU_ERR_OUT_PTR_NULL; if (mbox->property == NULL) { int status = mu_property_create (&mbox->property, mbox); if (status != 0) return status; } *pproperty = mbox->property; return 0; } int mu_mailbox_has_debug (mu_mailbox_t mailbox) { if (mailbox == NULL) return 0; return mailbox->debug ? 1 : 0; } int mu_mailbox_set_debug (mu_mailbox_t mbox, mu_debug_t debug) { if (mbox == NULL) return MU_ERR_MBX_NULL; if (mbox->debug) mu_debug_destroy (&mbox->debug, mbox); mbox->debug = debug; /* FIXME: Honor MU_DEBUG_INHERIT */ if (!mu_folder_has_debug (mbox->folder)) mu_folder_set_debug (mbox->folder, debug); return 0; } int mu_mailbox_get_debug (mu_mailbox_t mbox, mu_debug_t *pdebug) { if (mbox == NULL) return MU_ERR_MBX_NULL; if (pdebug == NULL) return MU_ERR_OUT_PTR_NULL; if (mbox->debug == NULL) { int status = mu_debug_create (&mbox->debug, mbox); if (status != 0) return status; /* FIXME: MU_DEBUG_INHERIT?? */ if (!mu_folder_has_debug (mbox->folder)) mu_folder_set_debug (mbox->folder, mbox->debug); } *pdebug = mbox->debug; return 0; } int mu_mailbox_get_url (mu_mailbox_t mbox, mu_url_t *purl) { if (mbox == NULL) return MU_ERR_MBX_NULL; if (purl == NULL) return MU_ERR_OUT_PTR_NULL; *purl = mbox->url; return 0; } int mu_mailbox_get_folder (mu_mailbox_t mbox, mu_folder_t *pfolder) { if (mbox == NULL) return MU_ERR_MBX_NULL; if (pfolder == NULL) return MU_ERR_OUT_PTR_NULL; *pfolder = mbox->folder; return 0; } int mu_mailbox_set_folder (mu_mailbox_t mbox, mu_folder_t folder) { if (mbox == NULL) return MU_ERR_MBX_NULL; mbox->folder = folder; return 0; } int mu_mailbox_lock (mu_mailbox_t mbox) { mu_locker_t lock = NULL; mu_mailbox_get_locker (mbox, &lock); return mu_locker_lock (lock); } int mu_mailbox_unlock (mu_mailbox_t mbox) { mu_locker_t lock = NULL; mu_mailbox_get_locker (mbox, &lock); return mu_locker_unlock (lock); }