/* GNU Mailutils -- a suite of utilities for electronic mail Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* NOTE: We will leak here since the monitor and the registrar will never be released. That's ok we can live with this, it's only done once. */ static mu_list_t registrar_list; struct mu_monitor registrar_monitor = MU_MONITOR_INITIALIZER; static mu_record_t mu_default_record; void mu_registrar_set_default_record (mu_record_t record) { mu_default_record = record; } int mu_registrar_get_default_record (mu_record_t *prec) { if (mu_default_record) { if (prec) *prec = mu_default_record; return 0; } return MU_ERR_NOENT; } int mu_registrar_set_default_scheme (const char *scheme) { int status; mu_record_t rec; status = mu_registrar_lookup_scheme (scheme, &rec); if (status == 0) mu_default_record = rec; return status; } const char * mu_registrar_get_default_scheme () { return mu_default_record ? mu_default_record->scheme : NULL; } static int _registrar_get_list (mu_list_t *plist) { int status = 0; if (plist == NULL) return MU_ERR_OUT_PTR_NULL; mu_monitor_wrlock (®istrar_monitor); if (registrar_list == NULL) status = mu_list_create (®istrar_list); *plist = registrar_list; mu_monitor_unlock (®istrar_monitor); return status; } /* Provided for backward compatibility */ int mu_registrar_get_list (mu_list_t *plist) { static int warned; if (!warned) { mu_error (_("program uses mu_registrar_get_list(), which is deprecated")); warned = 1; } return _registrar_get_list (plist); } int mu_registrar_get_iterator (mu_iterator_t *pitr) { int status = 0; if (pitr == NULL) return MU_ERR_OUT_PTR_NULL; mu_monitor_wrlock (®istrar_monitor); if (registrar_list == NULL) { status = mu_list_create (®istrar_list); if (status) return status; } status = mu_list_get_iterator (registrar_list, pitr); mu_monitor_unlock (®istrar_monitor); return status; } int mu_registrar_lookup_scheme (const char *scheme, mu_record_t *precord) { size_t len; mu_iterator_t iterator; int status = mu_registrar_get_iterator (&iterator); if (status != 0) return status; status = MU_ERR_NOENT; len = strcspn (scheme, ":"); for (mu_iterator_first (iterator); !mu_iterator_is_done (iterator); mu_iterator_next (iterator)) { mu_record_t record; mu_iterator_current (iterator, (void **)&record); if (strlen (record->scheme) == len && memcmp (record->scheme, scheme, len) == 0) { if (precord) *precord = record; status = 0; break; } } mu_iterator_destroy (&iterator); return status; } int mu_registrar_lookup_url (mu_url_t url, int flags, mu_record_t *precord, int *pflags) { mu_iterator_t iterator; mu_record_t last_record = NULL; int last_flags = 0; int status = mu_registrar_get_iterator (&iterator); if (status != 0) return status; status = MU_ERR_NOENT; for (mu_iterator_first (iterator); !mu_iterator_is_done (iterator); mu_iterator_next (iterator)) { int rc; mu_record_t record; mu_iterator_current (iterator, (void **)&record); if ((rc = mu_record_is_scheme (record, url, flags))) { if (rc == flags) { status = 0; last_record = record; last_flags = rc; break; } else if (rc > last_flags) { status = 0; last_record = record; last_flags = rc; } } } mu_iterator_destroy (&iterator); if (status == 0) { if (precord) *precord = last_record; if (pflags) *pflags = last_flags; } else if (!mu_is_proto (mu_url_to_string (url)) /* FIXME: This check is not enough. */ && mu_registrar_get_default_record (precord) == 0) { status = 0; if (pflags) *pflags = flags & MU_FOLDER_ATTRIBUTE_FILE; /* FIXME? */ } return status; } int mu_registrar_lookup (const char *name, int flags, mu_record_t *precord, int *pflags) { int rc; mu_url_t url; rc = mu_url_create (&url, name); if (rc) return rc; rc = mu_registrar_lookup_url (url, flags, precord, pflags); mu_url_destroy (&url); return rc; } static int _compare_prio (const void *item, const void *value) { const mu_record_t a = (const mu_record_t) item; const mu_record_t b = (const mu_record_t) value; if (a->priority > b->priority) return 0; return -1; } int mu_registrar_record (mu_record_t record) { int status; mu_list_t list; mu_list_comparator_t comp; if (!record) return 0; _registrar_get_list (&list); comp = mu_list_set_comparator (list, _compare_prio); status = mu_list_insert (list, record, record, 1); if (status == MU_ERR_NOENT) status = mu_list_append (list, record); mu_list_set_comparator (list, comp); return status; } int mu_unregistrar_record (mu_record_t record) { mu_list_t list; _registrar_get_list (&list); mu_list_remove (list, record); return 0; } int mu_record_is_scheme (mu_record_t record, mu_url_t url, int flags) { if (record == NULL) return 0; /* Overload. */ if (record->_is_scheme) return record->_is_scheme (record, url, flags); if (mu_url_is_scheme (url, record->scheme)) return MU_FOLDER_ATTRIBUTE_ALL; return 0; } int mu_record_get_url (mu_record_t record, int (*(*_purl)) (mu_url_t)) { if (record == NULL) return EINVAL; if (_purl == NULL) return MU_ERR_OUT_PTR_NULL; /* Overload. */ if (record->_get_url) return record->_get_url (record, _purl); *_purl = record->_url; return 0; } int mu_record_get_mailbox (mu_record_t record, int (*(*_pmailbox)) (mu_mailbox_t)) { if (record == NULL) return EINVAL; if (_pmailbox == NULL) return MU_ERR_OUT_PTR_NULL; /* Overload. */ if (record->_get_mailbox) return record->_get_mailbox (record, _pmailbox); *_pmailbox = record->_mailbox; return 0; } int mu_record_get_mailer (mu_record_t record, int (*(*_pmailer)) (mu_mailer_t)) { if (record == NULL) return EINVAL; if (_pmailer == NULL) return MU_ERR_OUT_PTR_NULL; /* Overload. */ if (record->_get_mailer) return record->_get_mailer (record, _pmailer); *_pmailer = record->_mailer; return 0; } int mu_record_get_folder (mu_record_t record, int (*(*_pfolder)) (mu_folder_t)) { if (record == NULL) return EINVAL; if (_pfolder == NULL) return MU_ERR_OUT_PTR_NULL; /* Overload. */ if (record->_get_folder) return record->_get_folder (record, _pfolder); *_pfolder = record->_folder; return 0; } int mu_record_list_p (mu_record_t record, const char *name, int flags) { if (record == NULL) return EINVAL; return record == NULL || !record->_list_p || record->_list_p (record, name, flags); } int mu_record_check_url (mu_record_t record, mu_url_t url, int *pmask) { int mask; int flags; int rc; if (!record || !url) return EINVAL; rc = mu_url_get_flags (url, &flags); if (rc) return rc; mask = flags & record->url_must_have; if (mask != record->url_must_have) { if (pmask) *pmask = record->url_must_have & ~mask; return MU_ERR_URL_MISS_PARTS; } mask = flags & ~(record->url_may_have | record->url_must_have); if (mask) { if (pmask) *pmask = mask; return MU_ERR_URL_EXTRA_PARTS; } return 0; } /* Test if URL corresponds to a local record. Return: 0 - OK, the result is stored in *pres; MU_ERR_NOENT - don't know: there's no matching record; EINVAL - some of the arguments is not valid; other - URL lookup failed. */ int mu_registrar_test_local_url (mu_url_t url, int *pres) { int rc; mu_record_t rec; if (!url || !pres) return EINVAL; rc = mu_registrar_lookup_url (url, MU_FOLDER_ATTRIBUTE_ALL, &rec, NULL); if (rc) return rc; *pres = rec->flags & MU_RECORD_LOCAL; return 0; }