## Process this file with GNU Automake to create Makefile.in ## Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ## 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ## ## GNU Mailutils is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at ## your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc. 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA ## 02110-1301 USA INCLUDES = @MU_LIB_COMMON_INCLUDES@ -I${top_srcdir}/libmailutils YLWRAP = $(SHELL) $(mu_aux_dir)/gylwrap AM_YFLAGS=-vt AM_LFLAGS=-dvp SUBDIRS = . tests lib_LTLIBRARIES = libmailutils.la localedir = $(datadir)/locale AM_CPPFLAGS = \ -DSYSCONFDIR=\"$(sysconfdir)\"\ -DSITE_VIRTUAL_PWDDIR=\"@SITE_VIRTUAL_PWDDIR@\"\ -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\" EXTRA_DIST = \ errors\ muerrno.cin\ parsedate.y\ fgetpwent.c\ cfg_lexer.l\ cfg_parser.y\ cfg_parser.h libmailutils_la_SOURCES = \ acl.c\ address.c\ alloc.c\ amd.c\ argcv.c\ asnprintf.c\ asprintf.c\ assoc.c\ attachment.c\ attribute.c\ auth.c\ base64.c\ binflt.c\ body.c\ cstrcasecmp.c\ cfg_driver.c\ cfg_format.c\ cfg_lexer.c\ cfg_parser.c\ crlfdot.c\ crlfflt.c\ cstrlower.c\ cstrupper.c\ daemon.c\ date.c\ dbgstderr.c\ dbgstream.c\ dbgsyslog.c\ debug.c\ diag.c\ dot.c\ envelope.c\ fgetpwent.c\ file_stream.c\ filter.c\ filter_iconv.c\ fltstream.c\ folder.c\ freeitem.c\ gdebug.c\ getpass.c\ gocs.c\ hdritr.c\ header.c\ iostream.c\ iterator.c\ ipsrv.c\ kwd.c\ linelenflt.c\ list.c\ listlist.c\ locale.c\ locker.c\ mailbox.c\ mailcap.c\ mailer.c\ mapfile_stream.c\ mbx_default.c\ mbxitr.c\ md5.c\ message.c\ memory_stream.c\ message_stream.c\ mime.c\ mimehdr.c\ mkfilename.c\ monitor.c\ msgscan.c\ msrv.c\ mu_auth.c\ muctype.c\ munre.c\ mutil.c\ muerror.c\ muerrno.c\ nls.c\ nullrec.c\ observer.c\ opool.c\ parse822.c\ parsedate.c\ permstr.c\ progmailer.c\ prog_stream.c\ property.c\ qpflt.c\ rdcache_stream.c\ registrar.c\ refcount.c\ rfc2047.c\ sha1.c\ secret.c\ server.c\ socket_stream.c\ stdio_stream.c\ stream.c\ stream_printf.c\ stream_vprintf.c\ streamcpy.c\ streamref.c\ strltrim.c\ strskip.c\ stripws.c\ strrtrim.c\ syslog.c\ system.c\ temp_file_stream.c\ ticket.c\ tcp.c\ url.c\ vartab.c\ vasnprintf.c\ version.c\ wicket.c\ xscript-stream.c BUILT_SOURCES = parsedate.c muerrno.c cfg_parser.c cfg_parser.h cfg_lexer.c MOSTLYCLEANFILES= parsedate.c: $(srcdir)/parsedate.y $(YLWRAP) "$(YACC) $(AM_YFLAGS)" $< \ y.tab.c parsedate.c y.output parsedate.y.output \ -- -yy pd_yy cfg_parser.c cfg_parser.h: $(srcdir)/cfg_parser.y $(YLWRAP) "$(YACC) $(AM_YFLAGS) -d" $< \ y.tab.c cfg_parser.c y.tab.h cfg_parser.h \ y.output cfg_parser.y.output \ -- -yy mu_cfg_yy cfg_lexer.c: $(srcdir)/cfg_lexer.l cfg_parser.h $(YLWRAP) "$(LEX) $(AM_LFLAGS) $(LFLAGS)" \ $(srcdir)/cfg_lexer.l lex.yy.c cfg_lexer.c \ -- -yy mu_cfg_yy muerrno.c: errors muerrno.cin $(AWK) -f $(mu_aux_dir)/generr.awk $^ > $@ libmailutils_la_LIBADD = @MU_COMMON_LIBRARIES@ libmailutils_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @VI_CURRENT@:@VI_REVISION@:@VI_AGE@