/* update.c - The routines for updating the file to a consistent state. */ /* This file is part of GDBM, the GNU data base manager. Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1993, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* Include system configuration before all else. */ #include "autoconf.h" #include "gdbmdefs.h" static void write_header (GDBM_FILE); /* This procedure writes the header back to the file described by DBF. */ static void write_header (GDBM_FILE dbf) { int num_bytes; /* Return value for write. */ off_t file_pos; /* Return value for lseek. */ file_pos = __lseek (dbf, 0L, L_SET); if (file_pos != 0) _gdbm_fatal (dbf, "lseek error"); num_bytes = __write (dbf, dbf->header, dbf->header->block_size); if (num_bytes != dbf->header->block_size) _gdbm_fatal (dbf, "write error"); /* Sync the file if fast_write is FALSE or it's mapped. */ if (dbf->mapped_region != NULL || dbf->fast_write == FALSE) __fsync (dbf); } /* After all changes have been made in memory, we now write them all to disk. */ void _gdbm_end_update (GDBM_FILE dbf) { int num_bytes; /* Return value for write. */ off_t file_pos; /* Return value for lseek. */ /* Write the current bucket. */ if (dbf->bucket_changed && (dbf->cache_entry != NULL)) { _gdbm_write_bucket (dbf, dbf->cache_entry); dbf->bucket_changed = FALSE; } /* Write the other changed buckets if there are any. */ if (dbf->second_changed) { if (dbf->bucket_cache != NULL) { int index; for (index = 0; index < dbf->cache_size; index++) { if (dbf->bucket_cache[index].ca_changed) _gdbm_write_bucket (dbf, &dbf->bucket_cache[index]); } } dbf->second_changed = FALSE; } /* Write the directory. */ if (dbf->directory_changed) { file_pos = __lseek (dbf, dbf->header->dir, L_SET); if (file_pos != dbf->header->dir) _gdbm_fatal (dbf, "lseek error"); num_bytes = __write (dbf, dbf->dir, dbf->header->dir_size); if (num_bytes != dbf->header->dir_size) _gdbm_fatal (dbf, "write error"); dbf->directory_changed = FALSE; if (!dbf->header_changed && (dbf->fast_write == FALSE || dbf->mapped_region != NULL)) __fsync (dbf); } /* Final write of the header. */ if (dbf->header_changed) { write_header (dbf); dbf->header_changed = FALSE; } } /* If a fatal error is detected, come here and exit. VAL tells which fatal error occured. */ void _gdbm_fatal (GDBM_FILE dbf, const char *val) { if ((dbf != NULL) && (dbf->fatal_err != NULL)) (*dbf->fatal_err) (val); else { write (STDERR_FILENO, "gdbm fatal: ", 12); if (val != NULL) write (STDERR_FILENO, val, strlen(val)); write (STDERR_FILENO, "\n", 1); } exit (1); /* NOTREACHED */ }