#! /usr/local/bin/guile -s !# ;;;; This is Scheme whoisd daemon ;;;; Copyright (C) 2002, Sergey Poznyakoff ;;;; ;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;;; (set! %load-path (append %load-path (list "/usr/local/share/guile-sql"))) (use-modules (ice-9 getopt-long)) (use-modules (ice-9 format)) (use-modules (sql)) ;;; User-definable variables (define sql-iface "mysql") (define sql-host "") (define sql-port 3306) (define sql-database "whois") (define sql-username "whois") (define sql-password "secret") (define base-domain-list (list "domain.com" "domain.net")) ;;; End of user-definable variables (define progname "whoisd") (define debug-level 0) (define (debug level . text) (if (<= level debug-level) (map (lambda (x) (display x (current-error-port))) (append (list (if foreground-mode progname (strftime "%c" (localtime (current-time)))) ":debug:" (number->string level) ": ") text (list "\n"))))) (define (convert-date date) (string-append (substring date 0 4) (substring date 5 7) (substring date 8))) (define (display-list prefix data port) (for-each (lambda (x) (if (pair? x) (display-list prefix x port) (begin (display prefix port) (display ": " port) (display x port) (newline port)))) data)) (define (multiline->list str) (let loop ((fields '()) (str str)) (cond ((string-index str #\newline) => (lambda (w) (loop (append fields (list (substring str 0 w))) (substring str (1+ w))))) ((= (string-length str) 0) fields) (else (append fields (list str)))))) (define (whitespace? ch) (or (char=? ch #\space) (char=? ch #\ht))) (define (string-empty? line) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((or (= i (string-length line)) (not (whitespace? (string-ref line i)))) (= i (string-length line))))) (define (whitespace-index str ind) (let ((space (string-index str #\space ind)) (ht (string-index str #\ht ind))) (if (and space ht) (min space ht) (or space ht)))) (define (word-index str ind) (let ((x (whitespace-index str ind))) (if x (do ((i x (+ i 1))) ((or (= i (string-length str)) (not (whitespace? (string-ref str i)))) i)) ind))) (define (string->list str) (let loop ((fields '()) (ind (if (whitespace? (string-ref str 0)) (word-index str 0) 0))) (cond ((whitespace-index str ind) => (lambda (w) (loop (append fields (list (substring str ind w))) (word-index str ind)))) ((= ind (string-length str)) fields) (else (append fields (list (substring str ind (string-length str)))))))) (define (display-multiline prefix text port) (if text (display-list prefix (multiline->list text) port))) (define (whois-error port code . text) (display-list (string-append "%ERROR:" (number->string code)) text port)) (define (whois-warning port code . text) (debug 1 "TEXT " text) (display-list (string-append "%WARNING:" (number->string code)) text port)) (define (whois-query-primitive port conn key) (debug 2 "key " key) (let ((dom-res (sql-query conn (string-append "SELECT \ domain,descr,remark,created,changed,changed_by,source \ FROM domain WHERE domain=\"" key "\""))) (admin-c (sql-query conn (string-append "SELECT contact FROM admin_c \ WHERE domain=\"" key "\""))) (tech-c (sql-query conn (string-append "SELECT contact FROM tech_c \ WHERE domain=\"" key "\""))) (zone-c (sql-query conn (string-append "SELECT contact FROM zone_c \ WHERE domain=\"" key "\""))) (nserver (sql-query conn (string-append "SELECT nserver FROM nserver \ WHERE domain=\"" key "\"")))) (debug 2 "result: " dom-res) (if (null? dom-res) #f (let ((dr (car dom-res))) (display "domain: " port)(display (car dr) port)(newline port) (display-multiline "descr" (list-ref dr 1) port) (display-multiline "remark" (list-ref dr 2) port) (display-list "admin-c" admin-c port) (display-list "tech-c" tech-c port) (display-list "zone-c" zone-c port) (display-list "nserver" nserver port) (display (string-append "changed: " (list-ref dr 5) " " (convert-date (list-ref dr 4))) port) (newline port) (display "source: " port) (display (list-ref dr 6) port) (newline port) (newline port) (force-output port) #t)))) (define (whois-query port conn key args) (let* ((keyval (string-downcase key)) (result (whois-query-primitive port conn keyval))) (cond ((member #:-L args) (whois-warning port 200 (string-append "Exact key " key " was not found.") "Less specific matches follow") (if (not (do ((res (whois-query-primitive port conn keyval) (or (whois-query-primitive port conn keyval) res))) ((or (member keyval base-domain-list) (begin (set! keyval (strip-element keyval)) (not keyval))) res))) (whois-error port 100 "No entries found"))) ((not result) (whois-error port 100 "No entries found"))))) (define (strip-element name) (let ((index (string-index name #\.))) (if index (substring name (1+ index)) #f))) (define whois-standalone #t) (define single-process #f) (define foreground-mode #f) (define whois-address INADDR_ANY) (define whois-port 43) (define max-children 10) (define num-children 0) (define whoisd-idle-timeout 5) (define whoisd-gid -1) (define whoisd-uid -1) (define whoisd-user "daemon") (define (sigalrm-handler sig) (debug 1 "Timed out in waiting for input") (exit 1)) (define (strip-cr str) (let ((len (string-length str))) (if (char=? (string-ref str (- len 1))) (substring str 0 (- len 1)) str))) (define (read-or-timeout port) (sigaction SIGALRM sigalrm-handler) (alarm whoisd-idle-timeout) (do () ((char-ready? port) #f)) (let ((value (read-line port))) (sigaction SIGALRM SIG_IGN) (strip-cr value))) (define whoisd-grammar `((help (single-char #\H) (value #f)) (less-specific (single-char #\L) (value #f)))) (define (whoisd-help port) (with-output-to-port port (lambda () (display "% WHOISD command line syntax:\n") (display "%\n") (display "% Look for exact match\n") (display "% -L Return all less-specific matches\n") (display "% -H Return this help summary\n")))) (define (whoisd-run-command out command-list) (let ((args '()) (key #f)) (catch #t (lambda () (for-each (lambda (x) (cond ((pair? x) (case (car x) ((help) (whoisd-help out) (throw 'whoisd-done)) ((less-specific) (set! args (append args (list #:-L)))) (else (cond ((null? (car x)) (cond (key (throw 'whoisd-extra-key)) ((null? (cdr x)) ); Continue ((= (length (cdr x)) 1) (set! key (cadr x))) (else (throw 'whoisd-extra-key)))) (else (throw 'whoisd-unknown-option)))))))) (getopt-long (cons "whoisd" command-list) whoisd-grammar)) (let ((conn (sql-connect sql-iface sql-host sql-port sql-database sql-username sql-password))) (cond (conn (whois-query out conn key args) (sql-connect-close conn)) (else (whois-error out 500 "Database is not available"))))) (lambda (key . args) (case key ((whoisd-unknown-option) (whois-error out 511 "Unknown option")) ((whoisd-extra-key) (whois-error out 512 "Extra key")) ((whoisd-done) ) ; Nothing ('misc-error ; FIXME: (whois-error out 513 (apply format args))) (else ; FIXME ;(write key out) ;(write args out) (debug 1 "EXCEPTION" args) (whois-error out 600 "Internal error. Please report to administrator"))))))) (define (whois-server in out . rest) (if (not (null? rest)) (let ((conn-info (car rest))) (debug 1 "Connect from " (inet-ntoa (vector-ref conn-info 1))))) (let ((input (read-or-timeout in))) (if (not (string-null? input)) (whoisd-run-command out (string->list input))))) (define (sigchld-handler sig) (catch 'system-error (lambda () (do ((pid (waitpid WAIT_ANY WNOHANG) (waitpid WAIT_ANY WNOHANG))) ((= (car pid) 0) #f) (debug 1 "Child " (car pid) " terminated with code " (cdr pid)) (set! num-children (1- num-children)))) (lambda args #f))) (define (ready-for-reading? fd) (catch 'system-error (lambda () (let ((r (select (list fd) '() '() 1))) (member fd (car r)))) (lambda args #f))) (define (whois-mainloop) (let ((socket (socket AF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0))) (bind socket AF_INET whois-address whois-port) (if (not foreground-mode) (begin (setgid whoisd-gid) (setuid whoisd-uid))) (sigaction SIGCHLD sigchld-handler SA_RESTART) (listen socket 5) (do () (#f #f) (if (or (= 0 num-children) (ready-for-reading? socket)) (let ((conn (accept socket))) (cond ((>= num-children max-children) (debug 1 "Too many connections active (" num-children ")") (whois-error (car conn) 501 "Too many connections active")) (else (let ((pid (primitive-fork))) (cond ((= pid 0) (close-port socket) (whois-server (car conn) (car conn) (cdr conn)) (shutdown (car conn) 2) (exit 0)) (else (set! num-children (1+ num-children)) (debug 1 "Child " pid " started. Total " num-children ".")))))) (close-port (car conn))))))) (define (whois-daemon) (close-all-ports-except (current-error-port)) (sigaction SIGCHLD SIG_IGN) (case foreground-mode ((#f) (let ((pid (primitive-fork))) (cond ((= pid 0) (chdir "/") (setsid) (whois-mainloop)) (else (debug 10 "Started child " pid) (primitive-exit))))) ((#t) (whois-mainloop)))) (define grammar `((help (single-char #\h) (value #f)) (single (single-char #\s) (value #f)) (foreground (single-char #\f) (value #f)) (debug (single-char #\x) (value #t)) (inetd (single-char #\i) (value #f)) (daemon (single-char #\d) (value #t)) (ip-address (single-char #\a) (value #t)) (port (single-char #\p) (value #t)) (timeout (single-char #\t) (value #t)) (user (single-char #\u) (value #t)))) (define (print-help) (display "\ Usage: whoisd [OPTIONS]\n\ whoisd -- The whois daemon.\n\ \n\ -h, --help Display this help\n\ -x, --debug VALUE Set debugging level\n\ -t, --timeout Set idle timeout for a request\n\ \n\ -i, --inetd Run in inetd mode.\n\ \n\ -d, --daemon NUMBER Run in daemon mode. Limit number of children spawned\n\ simultaneously to NUMBER. This is the default mode,\n\ NUMBER defaults to 10.\n\ \n\ The following options may be used in daemon mode only:\n\ \n\ -s, --single Single-process mode: do not spawn children\n\ for handling requests.\n\ -f, --foreground Stay in foreground.\n\ -a, --ip-address ADDRESS Listen on this IP address\n\ -p, --port NUMBER Listen on this port number.\n\ -u, --user USER Run with this user privileges. Default is \"daemon\"\n\ ")) ;; Parse command line (for-each (lambda (x) (cond ((pair? x) (case (car x) ((help) (print-help) (exit 0)) ((port) (set! whois-port (string->number (cdr x)))) ((ip-address) (set! whois-address (inet-aton (cdr x)))) ((debug) (set! debug-level (string->number (cdr x)))) ((daemon) (set! max-children (string->number (cdr x)))) ((single) (set! single-process (cdr x))) ((foreground) (set! foreground-mode (cdr x))) ((user) (set! whoisd-user (cdr x))) ((timeout) (set! whoisd-idle-timeout (string->number (cdr x)))) ((inetd) (set! whois-standalone (not (cdr x)))) (else (cond ((not (null? (cdr x))) (whois-error (current-error-port) 500 "Command line usage") (exit 1)))))) (else (whois-error (current-error-port) 500 "Command line usage: unexpected argument")))) (getopt-long (command-line) grammar)) (let ((pwd (getpwnam whoisd-user))) (set! whoisd-uid (vector-ref pwd 2)) (set! whoisd-gid (vector-ref pwd 3))) (if whois-standalone (whois-daemon) (whois-server (current-input-port) (current-output-port)))