;;;; This file is part of Greek Dictionary Web Engine ;;;; Copyright (C) 2006 Sergey Poznyakoff ;;;; ;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;;;; any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ;;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ;;;; Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA (define-module (ellinika i18n) #:export (locale-setup)) (use-modules (gamma gettext)) ;;; ISO 639 language code => ISO 3166 country code ;;; The corresponding country codes where selected using the following ;;; principles: ;;; 1. If the language is spoken in only one country, this country code is ;;; used. ;;; 2. If the language is spoken in more than one country, select the code of ;;; that country where it has official status. ;;; 3. If the language does not have official status, select the country with ;;; greater number of speakers ;;; ;;; The table does not list artificial languages (Esperanto, Ido, Interlingua, ;;; etc), as the notion of a territory does not apply to them. ;;; ;;; If you find any inconsistency in this table, please let me know. ;;; (define defterr '((aa . "ET") ; Afar (ab . "GE") ; Abkhazian (ae . "IR") ; Avestan (af . "ZA") ; Afrikaans (ak . "GH") ; Akan # or ak_CI (am . "ET") ; Amharic (an . "ES") ; Aragonese (ar . "SA") ; Arabic (as . "IN") ; Assamese (av . "RU") ; Avaric # Spoken mainly in Dagestan (ay . "BO") ; Aymara (az . "AZ") ; Azerbaijani (ba . "RU") ; Bashkir (be . "BY") ; Byelorussian; Belarusian (bg . "BG") ; Bulgarian (bh . "IN") ; Bihari (bi . "VU") ; Bislama (bm . "ML") ; Bambara (bn . "BD") ; Bengali; Bangla (bo . "CN") ; Tibetan (br . "FR") ; Breton (bs . "BA") ; Bosnian (ca . "ES") ; Catalan (ce . "RU") ; Chechen (ch . "GU") ; Chamorro (co . "FR") ; Corsican (cr . "CA") ; Cree (cs . "CZ") ; Czech (cu . "BG") ; Church Slavic (cv . "RU") ; Chuvash (cy . "GB") ; Welsh (da . "DK") ; Danish (de . "DE") ; German (dv . "MV") ; Divehi (dz . "BT") ; Dzongkha; Bhutani (ee . "GH") ; @'Ew@'e (el . "GR") ; Greek (en . "US") ; English (es . "ES") ; Spanish (et . "EE") ; Estonian (eu . "ES") ; Basque (fa . "IR") ; Persian (ff . "CM") ; Fulah # Also NG, MR, and many others (fi . "FI") ; Finnish (fj . "FJ") ; Fijian; Fiji (fo . "FO") ; Faroese (fr . "FR") ; French (fy . "NL") ; Frisian (ga . "IE") ; Irish (gd . "GB") ; Scots; Gaelic (gl . "ES") ; Gallegan; Galician (gn . "PE") ; Guarani (gu . "IN") ; Gujarati (gv . "GB") ; Manx (ha . "NG") ; Hausa (?) (he . "IL") ; Hebrew (formerly iw) (hi . "IN") ; Hindi (ho . "PG") ; Hiri Motu (hr . "HR") ; Croatian (ht . "HT") ; Haitian; Haitian Creole (hu . "HU") ; Hungarian (hy . "AM") ; Armenian (hz . "NA") ; Herero (id . "ID") ; Indonesian (formerly in) (ig . "NG") ; Igbo (ii . "CN") ; Sichuan Yi (ik . "CA") ; Inupiak (is . "IS") ; Icelandic (it . "IT") ; Italian (iu . "CA") ; Inuktitut (ja . "JP") ; Japanese (jv . "ID") ; Javanese (ka . "GE") ; Georgian (kg . "CG") ; Kongo # also CD and AO (ki . "KE") ; Kikuyu (kj . "AO") ; Kuanyama (kk . "KZ") ; Kazakh (kl . "DK") ; Kalaallisut; Greenlandic (km . "KH") ; Khmer; Cambodian (kn . "IN") ; Kannada (ko . "KR") ; Korean (kr . "NG") ; Kanuri (ks . "IN") ; Kashmiri (ku . "IQ") ; Kurdish (kv . "RU") ; Komi (kw . "GB") ; Cornish (ky . "KG") ; Kirghiz (la . "VA") ; Latin (lb . "LU") ; Letzeburgesch (lg . "UG") ; Ganda (li . "NL") ; Limburgish; Limburger; Limburgan (ln . "CD") ; Lingala (lo . "LA") ; Lao; Laotian (lt . "LT") ; Lithuanian (lu . "CD") ; Luba-Katanga (lv . "LV") ; Latvian; Lettish (mg . "MG") ; Malagasy (mh . "MH") ; Marshall (mi . "NZ") ; Maori (mk . "MK") ; Macedonian (ml . "IN") ; Malayalam (mn . "MN") ; Mongolian (mo . "MD") ; Moldavian (mr . "IN") ; Marathi (ms . "MY") ; Malay (mt . "MT") ; Maltese (my . "MM") ; Burmese (na . "NR") ; Nauru (nb . "NO") ; Norwegian Bokm@aa{}l (nd . "ZA") ; Ndebele, North (ne . "NP") ; Nepali (ng . "NA") ; Ndonga (nl . "NL") ; Dutch (nn . "NO") ; Norwegian Nynorsk (no . "NO") ; Norwegian (nr . "ZA") ; Ndebele, South (nv . "US") ; Navajo (ny . "MW") ; Chichewa; Nyanja (oc . "FR") ; Occitan; Proven@,{c}al (oj . "CA") ; Ojibwa (om . "ET") ; (Afan) Oromo (or . "IN") ; Oriya (os . "RU") ; Ossetian; Ossetic (pa . "IN") ; Panjabi; Punjabi (pi . "IN") ; Pali (pl . "PL") ; Polish (ps . "AF") ; Pashto, Pushto (pt . "PT") ; Portuguese (qu . "PE") ; Quechua (rm . "FR") ; Rhaeto-Romance (rn . "BI") ; Rundi; Kirundi (ro . "RO") ; Romanian (ru . "RU") ; Russian (rw . "RW") ; Kinyarwanda (sa . "IN") ; Sanskrit (sc . "IT") ; Sardinian (sd . "PK") ; Sindhi (se . "NO") ; Northern Sami (sg . "CF") ; Sango; Sangro (si . "LK") ; Sinhalese (sk . "SK") ; Slovak (sl . "SI") ; Slovenian (sm . "WS") ; Samoan (sn . "ZW") ; Shona (so . "SO") ; Somali (sq . "AL") ; Albanian (sr . "CS") ; Serbian (ss . "SZ") ; Swati; Siswati (st . "LS") ; Sesotho; Sotho, Southern (su . "ID") ; Sundanese (sv . "SE") ; Swedish (sw . "TZ") ; Swahili # Also KE (ta . "IN") ; Tamil (te . "IN") ; Telugu (tg . "TJ") ; Tajik (th . "TH") ; Thai (ti . "ER") ; Tigrinya (tk . "TM") ; Turkmen (tl . "PH") ; Tagalog (tn . "BW") ; Tswana; Setswana (to . "ZM") ; Tonga (?) # Also ZW ; MW (tr . "TR") ; Turkish (ts . "MZ") ; Tsonga # ZA SZ XW (tt . "RU") ; Tatar (tw . "GH") ; Twi (ty . "PF") ; Tahitian (ug . "RU") ; Uighur (uk . "UA") ; Ukrainian (ur . "IN") ; Urdu (uz . "UZ") ; Uzbek (ve . "ZA") ; Venda (vi . "VN") ; Vietnamese (wa . "FR") ; Walloon (wo . "SN") ; Wolof (xh . "ZA") ; Xhosa (yi . "IL") ; Yiddish (formerly ji) (yo . "NG") ; Yoruba (za . "CN") ; Zhuang (zh . "CN") ; Chinese (zu . "ZA"))); Zulu (define (supported-locale-dir lang textdomain locale-path) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (return) (for-each (lambda (dir) (let ((name (string-append dir "/" lang "/LC_MESSAGES/" textdomain))) (if (or (access? (string-append name ".mo") R_OK) (access? (string-append name ".gmo") R_OK)) (return dir)))) (string-split locale-path #\:)) #f))) (define (locale-setup lang domain-name locale-path) (catch 'system-error (lambda () (cond ((not lang) (setenv "LC_ALL" "C") (setlocale LC_ALL "C") #f) (else (let ((curlocale (if (> (string-length lang) 2) (string-downcase (substring lang 0 2)) lang)) (terr #f) (sublocale #f) (domaindir #f)) (cond ((and (> (string-length lang) 2) (char=? (string-ref lang 2) #\-)) (set! terr (string-upcase (substring lang 3 2))) (set! sublocale (string-append curlocale "_" terr))) ((assoc-ref defterr (string->symbol curlocale)) => (lambda (elt) (set! sublocale curlocale) (set! terr elt))) (else (set! sublocale curlocale) (set! terr "XX"))) ; Hack for languages without defined territory. (let ((domaindir (supported-locale-dir sublocale domain-name locale-path))) (cond (domaindir (let ((locale (string-append curlocale "_" terr ".UTF-8"))) (setenv "LC_ALL" locale) (setlocale LC_ALL locale) (textdomain domain-name) (bindtextdomain domain-name domaindir) locale)) ((setenv "LC_ALL" "C") (setlocale LC_ALL "C") #f))))))) (lambda args #f)))