path: root/src/ellinika/cgi.scm4
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ellinika/cgi.scm4')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ellinika/cgi.scm4 b/src/ellinika/cgi.scm4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38fd3de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ellinika/cgi.scm4
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+;;;; -*- scheme -*-
+;;;; Greek Dictionary Web Engine
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2005, 2007 Sergey Poznyakoff
+;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+;;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (ellinika cgi)
+ #:use-module (ellinika config)
+ #:use-module (ellinika i18n)
+ #:use-module ifelse(IFACE,[CGI],(www cgi),(guile-user))
+ #:re-export (base-dir html-dir sysconf-dir locale-path
+ sql-iface sql-host sql-port sql-database
+ sql-username sql-password
+ config-file-name ))
+(define form-data
+ (append
+ (parse-form-data
+ (table:get (request-rec:subprocess-env Request) "QUERY_STRING"))
+ (if (= (request-rec:method-number Request) 2)
+ (parse-form-data (read-post-data Request))
+ '())))
+(define-public (cgi:value name)
+ (assoc-ref form-data name))
+(define-public (cgi:names)
+ (map car form-data))
+(define-public cgi-script-name
+ (table:get (request-rec:subprocess-env Request)
+(define-public cgi-server-hostname
+ (table:get (request-rec:subprocess-env Request)
+(define-public cgi-server-protocol-name #f)
+(define-public cgi-server-protocol-version #f)
+(let* ((server-protocol (table:get (request-rec:subprocess-env Request)
+ (if server-protocol
+ (let ((slash (string-index server-protocol #\/)))
+ (set! cgi-server-protocol-name (substring server-protocol
+ 0 slash))
+ (set! cgi-server-protocol-version (substring server-protocol
+ (1+ slash))))))
+;;; User-definable variables
+(define-public dict-template-file-name "dict.html")
+(define-public nea-template-file-name "nea.html")
+(define-public monima-nea-template-file-name "monima.html")
+(define-public target-language "el_GR")
+(define-public word-forms-reference '())
+(define-public ref-loc #f)
+;; Number of colums in fuzzy search output
+(define-public match-list-columns 4)
+;;; End of user-definable variables
+(define-public (language-code lang)
+ (cond
+ ((string-index lang #\_) =>
+ (lambda (len)
+ (substring lang 0 len)))
+ (else
+ lang)))
+(define-public (template-file lang template-file-name)
+ (string-append html-dir "/" (language-code lang) "/" template-file-name))
+(define-public (make-cgi-name cgi-path . rest)
+ (apply
+ string-append
+ (cons
+ cgi-path
+ (let ((arglist (let ((lang (cgi:value "LANG")))
+ (do ((ilist (if lang
+ (cons "LANG" (cons lang rest))
+ rest) (cdr ilist))
+ (i 1 (1+ i))
+ (olist '()))
+ ((null? ilist) (if (null? olist)
+ olist
+ (reverse (cdr olist))))
+ (set! olist (cons (car ilist) olist))
+ (set! olist (cons
+ (if (odd? i) "=" "&amp;")
+ olist))))))
+ (if (null? arglist)
+ arglist
+ (cons "?" arglist))))))
+(define-public (expand-template explist template)
+ "(expand-template EXPLIST TEMPLATE)
+Expands string TEMPLATE in accordance with EXPLIST. EXPLIST is a list
+of elements:
+ (cons WORD THUNK)
+Each occurrence of WORD in TEMPLATE is replaced with the return value of
+ (let loop ((template template))
+ (cond
+ ((string-index template #\@) =>
+ (lambda (w)
+ (display (substring template 0 w))
+ (if (and (< (+ w 2) (string-length template))
+ (char=? (string-ref template (1+ w)) #\@))
+ (let ((end-pos (string-index template #\@ (+ w 2))))
+ (if (and end-pos
+ (< (1+ end-pos) (string-length template))
+ (char=? (string-ref template (1+ end-pos)) #\@))
+ (let* ((name (substring template w (+ end-pos 2)))
+ (entry (assoc name explist)))
+ (cond
+ (entry
+ ((cdr entry))
+ (loop (substring template (+ end-pos 2))))
+ (else
+ (display "@@")
+ (loop (substring template (+ w 2))))))
+ (begin
+ (display "@")
+ (loop (substring template (+ w 1))))))
+ (begin
+ (display "@")
+ (loop (substring template (1+ w)))))))
+ (else
+ (display template)))))
+(define-public (ellinika-cgi-init template-file-name)
+ ;;; Load the site defaults
+ (ellinika-config-setup)
+ ;;; Load the language-specific defaults
+ (cond
+ ((cgi:value "LANG") =>
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (file-exists? (template-file x template-file-name))
+ (set! target-language x)))))
+ ;;; Initialize i18n
+ (let ((x (locale-setup target-language "PACKAGE" locale-path)))
+ (if x
+ (set! target-language x))))
+;;; End of cgi.scmi

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