path: root/scm/verbop.scm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scm/verbop.scm')
1 files changed, 676 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scm/verbop.scm b/scm/verbop.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb54126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scm/verbop.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,676 @@
+(use-modules (srfi srfi-1)
+ (xmltools xmltrans)
+ (ellinika elmorph)
+ (gamma sql)
+ (ellinika xlat)
+ (ice-9 getopt-long))
+(define cleanup-option #f)
+(define force-option #f)
+(define verbose-option #f)
+(define dry-run-option #f)
+(define debug-level 0)
+(define input-files '())
+(define flect-ident 0)
+(define (next-flect-ident)
+ (set! flect-ident (1+ flect-ident))
+ flect-ident)
+(define connection #f) ; SQL connection
+(define sysconf-dir "=SYSCONFDIR=")
+(define config-file-name "ellinika.conf")
+(define ellinika-sql-connection '())
+(define (add-conn-param key val)
+ (set! ellinika-sql-connection (cons (cons key val) ellinika-sql-connection)))
+;;; Load the site defaults
+(let ((rc-file (string-append sysconf-dir "/" config-file-name)))
+ (if (file-exists? rc-file)
+ (load rc-file)))
+(define (debug level . rest)
+ (if (>= debug-level level)
+ (begin
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (x)
+ (display x))
+ rest)
+ (newline))))
+(define (sql-val val)
+ ;; FIXME: quote
+ (if (not val)
+ "NULL"
+ (string-append "\"" val "\"")))
+(define (run-query . rest)
+ (debug 100 rest)
+ (let ((q (apply format (cons #f rest))))
+ (if verbose-option
+ (format #t "QUERY: ~S\n" q))
+ (cond
+ (connection
+ (let ((res (sql-query connection q)))
+ (if verbose-option
+ (format #t "RESULT: ~S\n" res))
+ res))
+ (else
+ #f))))
+(define (query-number q)
+ (let ((res (run-query q)))
+ (if (null? res)
+ #f
+ (string->number (caar res)))))
+(define (check-parent elt . rest)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (return)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (parent)
+ (if (xmltrans:parent? parent)
+ (return #t)))
+ rest)
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f elt " not a child of " rest)
+ (mark-invalid)
+ (return #f))))
+;;;; Internal structures
+;;; Tense is a list of 6 elements or #f
+(define tense #f)
+(define (tense-init)
+ (set! tense (make-list 6 #f)))
+(define (tense-set n val)
+ (if (not tense) (tense-init))
+ (list-set! tense n val))
+(define (get-tense)
+ (let ((ret tense))
+ (set! tense #f)
+ ret))
+;;; Mood is an associative list. Possible keys are:
+;;; Tense
+(define mood '())
+(define (get-mood)
+ (let ((ret mood))
+ (set! mood '())
+ ret))
+(define (mood-set key val)
+ (set! mood (append mood (list (cons key val)))))
+;;; Conjugation is an associative list of moods
+(define conjugation '())
+(define (get-conjugation)
+ (let ((ret conjugation))
+ (set! conjugation '())
+ ret))
+(define (conjugation-set key val)
+ (set! conjugation (append conjugation (list (cons key val)))))
+;;; Verb structure:
+(define verbdef '())
+(define (verbdef:index c)
+ (case c
+ ((#:verb) 0)
+ ((#:class) 1)
+ ((#:action) 2)
+ ((#:augment) 3)
+ ((#:suffix) 4)
+ ((#:accmap) 5)
+ ((#:act) 6)
+ ((#:pas) 7)
+ ((#:validity) 8)
+ (else
+ (error "Unknown index " c))))
+(define (verb-get what)
+ (if (null? verbdef)
+ #f
+ (list-ref verbdef (verbdef:index what))))
+(define (verb-get-sql what)
+ (sql-val (verb-get what)))
+(define (verb-set what val)
+ (if (null? verbdef)
+ (verb-init))
+ (list-set! verbdef (verbdef:index what) val))
+(define (verb-init)
+ (set! verbdef (make-list 9 #f))
+ (verb-set #:validity #t)
+ (verb-set #:action 'insert))
+(define (mark-invalid)
+ (verb-set #:validity #f))
+(define (verbdef-validate)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (return)
+ (if (verb-get #:validity)
+ (let ((dict-form (verb-get #:verb)))
+ (cond ((not dict-form)
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Dictionary form missing")
+ (verb-set #:validity #f)
+ (return #f)))
+ (if (not (verb-get #:class))
+ (cond
+ ((elstr-suffix? dict-form "άω")
+ (verb-set #:class "B1"))
+ ((elstr-suffix? dict-form "ώ")
+ (xmltrans:parse-warning #f "Class not set, assuming B2")
+ (verb-set #:class "B2"))
+ (else
+ (xmltrans:parse-warning #f "Class not set, assuming A")
+ (verb-set #:class "A"))))))
+ (return (verb-get #:validity)))))
+(define (mood-key->string key)
+ (case key
+ ((#:ind) "ind")
+ ((#:sub) "sub")
+ ((#:imp) "imp")
+ (else
+ (error "Unknown mood key" key))))
+(define (empty-conjugation? conj)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (return)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if x
+ (return #f)))
+ conj)
+ (return #t))))
+(define (flush-mood mood vstr)
+ (if (eq? (car mood) #:root)
+ (let ((val (cdr mood)))
+ (run-query "INSERT INTO irregular_root (verb,voice,thema,root) \
+VALUES (~A,~A,~A,~A);~%"
+ (verb-get-sql #:verb)
+ (sql-val vstr)
+ (sql-val (car val))
+ (sql-val (cdr val))))
+ (let ((mood-str (mood-key->string (car mood))))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (p)
+ (let ((key (car p)))
+ (debug 1 "flush-mood: " p)
+ (cond
+ ((empty-conjugation? (cdr p))
+ (run-query "INSERT INTO individual_verb (verb,voice,mood,tense,ident) \
+VALUES (~A,~A,~A,~A,~A);~%"
+ (verb-get-sql #:verb)
+ (sql-val vstr)
+ (sql-val mood-str)
+ (sql-val key)
+ "0"))
+ (else
+ (let ((num (next-flect-ident))
+ (l (cdr p)))
+ (run-query "INSERT INTO verbflect VALUES (~A,~A,~A,~A,~A,~A,~A);~%"
+ num
+ (sql-val (list-ref l 0))
+ (sql-val (list-ref l 1))
+ (sql-val (list-ref l 2))
+ (sql-val (list-ref l 3))
+ (sql-val (list-ref l 4))
+ (sql-val (list-ref l 5)))
+ (run-query "INSERT INTO individual_verb (verb,voice,mood,tense,ident) \
+VALUES (~A,~A,~A,~A,~A);~%"
+ (verb-get-sql #:verb)
+ (sql-val vstr)
+ (sql-val mood-str)
+ (sql-val key)
+ num) )))))
+ (cdr mood)))))
+(define (flush-voice vstr conj-list)
+ (if conj-list
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (mood)
+ (flush-mood mood vstr))
+ conj-list)))
+;;; Fush verb definition to the database
+(define (verb-flush)
+ ;;
+ (case (verb-get #:action)
+ ((insert)
+ (run-query "INSERT INTO verb (verb,conj,augment,accmap,suffix_aor_path) \
+VALUES (~A,~A,~A,~A,~A);~%"
+ (verb-get-sql #:verb)
+ (verb-get-sql #:class)
+ (verb-get-sql #:augment)
+ (verb-get-sql #:accmap)
+ (verb-get-sql #:suffix))
+ (flush-voice "act" (verb-get #:act))
+ (flush-voice "pas" (verb-get #:pas)))
+ ((delete update)
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f
+ "Sorry update and delete are not yet supported"))))
+;;;; XML definitions
+;;; Set the default handler
+(define tag-list '())
+(define (lingua:default-start tag attr)
+ (xmltrans:set-attr #f "__START__" 1)
+ #f)
+(xmltrans:set-default-start-handler lingua:default-start)
+(define (lingua:default-end tag attr text)
+ (if (xmltrans:attr attr "__START__")
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Unhandled element " tag))
+ (set! tag-list
+ (cons
+ (xmltrans:make-tag tag attr text)
+ tag-list))
+ #f)
+(xmltrans:set-default-end-handler lingua:default-end)
+;; <i>
+ "i"
+ (tag attr text)
+ #f)
+;; <v>...</v> - Verb definition
+ "v"
+ (tag attr text)
+ (check-parent tag "i")
+ (if (verbdef-validate)
+ (verb-flush))
+ (verb-init)
+ #f)
+;; <a>verb</a> - Verb in dictionary form
+ "a"
+ (tag attr text)
+ (check-parent tag "v")
+ (cond ((verb-get #:verb)
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Verb was already defined")
+ (mark-invalid)))
+ (verb-set #:verb text)
+ #f)
+;;; <c>class</c> - Set conjugation class
+ "c"
+ (tag attr text)
+ (check-parent tag "v")
+ (cond
+ ((verb-get #:class)
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Verb class was already defined")
+ (mark-invalid))
+ ((not (or (string=? text "A")
+ (string=? text "B1")
+ (string=? text "B2")
+ (string=? text "I")))
+ (xmltrans:parse-warning #f "Unknown or misspelled verb class")))
+ (verb-set #:class text)
+ #f)
+;;; <action>insert|delete|update</action> - Define action
+ "action"
+ (tag attr text)
+ (check-parent tag "v")
+ (cond
+ ((verb-get #:action)
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Action was already defined")
+ (mark-invalid)))
+ (let ((act (string->symbol text)))
+ (case act
+ ((insert delete update)
+ (verb-set #:action act))
+ (else
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Unknown action ~A~%" text))))
+ #f)
+;;; <augment>C</augment> - Define augment
+ "augment"
+ (tag attr text)
+ (check-parent tag "v")
+ (cond
+ ((verb-get #:augment)
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Augment was already defined")
+ (mark-invalid))
+ ((not (or (string= text "η")
+ (string= text "ε")))
+ (xmltrans:parse-warning #f "Suspicious augment")))
+ (verb-set #:augment text)
+ #f)
+;;; <suffix>S</suffix> - Define aorist suffix for B verbs
+ "suffix"
+ (tag attr text)
+ (check-parent tag "v")
+ (cond
+ ((verb-get #:suffix)
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Suffix was already defined")
+ (mark-invalid)))
+ (verb-set #:suffix text)
+ #f)
+(define accmap-char-set
+ (char-set-adjoin (char-set-copy char-set:digit) #\s #\f #\-))
+(define (valid-accent-map? accmap)
+ (let* ((acclist (string->list accmap))
+ (len (length acclist)))
+ (and
+ (or (= len 6) (= len 7))
+ (fold
+ (lambda (ch prev)
+ (char-set-contains? accmap-char-set ch))
+ #t
+ (list-head acclist 6))
+ (or (= len 6) (char=? (list-ref acclist 6) #\+)))))
+;;; <accmap>MAP</suffix> - Define accent map
+ "accmap"
+ (tag attr text)
+ (check-parent tag "v")
+ (cond
+ ((verb-get #:accmap)
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Accmap was already defined")
+ (mark-invalid))
+ ((not (valid-accent-map? text))
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Invalid accent map")
+ (mark-invalid))
+ (else
+ (verb-set #:accmap text)))
+ #f)
+;;; <act>...</act> - Define conjugation in active voice
+ "act"
+ (tag attr text)
+ (check-parent tag "v")
+ (cond
+ ((verb-get #:act)
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Active voice was already defined")
+ (mark-invalid)))
+ (verb-set #:act (get-conjugation))
+ #f)
+;;; <pas>...</pas> - Define conjugation in passive voice
+ "pas"
+ (tag attr text)
+ (check-parent tag "v")
+ (cond
+ ((verb-get #:pas)
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Passive voice was already defined")
+ (mark-invalid)))
+ (verb-set #:pas (get-conjugation))
+ #f)
+;;; <ind>...</ind> - Indicative
+ "ind"
+ (tag attr text)
+ (check-parent tag "act" "pas")
+ (conjugation-set #:ind (get-mood))
+ #f)
+;;; <sub>...</sub> - Subjunctive
+ "sub"
+ (tag attr text)
+ (check-parent tag "act" "pas")
+ (conjugation-set #:sub (get-mood))
+ #f)
+;;; <imp>...</imp> - Imperative
+ "imp"
+ (tag attr text)
+ (check-parent tag "act" "pas")
+ (conjugation-set #:imp (get-mood))
+ #f)
+;;; <aor>root</aor> - Define aorist root
+ "aor"
+ (tag attr text)
+ (check-parent tag "act" "pas")
+ (conjugation-set #:root (cons "aor" text))
+ #f)
+;;; <root theme="aor|sub|pres">root</root> - Define aorist root
+ "root"
+ (tag attr text)
+ (check-parent tag "act" "pas")
+ (let ((theme (xmltrans:attr attr "theme")))
+ (cond
+ ((not theme)
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Required attribute `theme' not specified")
+ (mark-invalid))
+ ((or (string=? theme "aor")
+ (string=? theme "sub")
+ (string=? theme "pres"))
+ (conjugation-set #:root (cons theme text)))
+ (else
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Unknown verb theme")
+ (mark-invalid))))
+ #f)
+;;; <t name="S">...</t> - Define a tense
+ "t"
+ (tag attr)
+ (check-parent tag "ind" "sub" "imp")
+ (tense-init)
+ #f)
+ "t"
+ (tag attr text)
+ (let ((name (xmltrans:attr attr "name")))
+ (if (not name)
+ (begin
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Required attribute `name' not specified")
+ (mark-invalid)))
+ (mood-set name (get-tense)))
+ #f)
+;;; <p n="[sp]" n="[123]">...</p> - Define a person
+ "p"
+ (tag attr text)
+ (check-parent tag "t")
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (return)
+ (let ((number (xmltrans:attr attr "n"))
+ (person (xmltrans:attr attr "p"))
+ (elt #f))
+ (cond
+ ((not number)
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Required attribute `n' not specified")
+ (return))
+ ((not person)
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Required attribute `p' not specified")
+ (return))
+ ((string=? person "1")
+ (set! elt 0))
+ ((string=? person "2")
+ (set! elt 1))
+ ((string=? person "3")
+ (set! elt 2))
+ (else
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Invalid value for `p'")
+ (return)))
+ (cond
+ ((string=? number "s") 0)
+ ((string=? number "p")
+ (set! elt (+ 3 elt)))
+ (else
+ (xmltrans:parse-error #f "Invalid value for `n'")
+ (return)))
+ (tense-set elt text))))
+ #f)
+;;; DB functions
+(define (escape-string str)
+ (let loop ((lst '())
+ (str str))
+ (cond
+ ((string-index str #\") =>
+ (lambda (pos)
+ (loop (append lst (list (substring str 0 pos)
+ "\\\""))
+ (substring str (1+ pos)))))
+ (else
+ (apply string-append (append lst (list str)))))))
+;;;; Main
+(define grammar
+ `((check (single-char #\c))
+ (cleanup)
+ (database (single-char #\d) (value #t))
+ (host (single-char #\h) (value #t))
+ (port (single-char #\P) (value #t))
+ (password (single-char #\p) (value #t))
+ (user (single-char #\u) (value #t))
+ (dry-run (single-char #\n))
+ (interface (value #t))
+ (verbose (single-char #\v))
+ (debug (value #t))
+ (help)))
+(define (usage)
+ (display "usage: verbop OPTIONS FILES
+General options:
+ --check Only check input syntax and consistency. Do not
+ update the database. This means that the program will
+ not access the database at all, so some errors
+ (mistyped parts of speech and the like) may slip in
+ unnoticed.
+ --verbose Verbosely display SQL queries and their results.
+ --debug NUMBER Set debugging level (0 < NUMBER <= 100)
+ --dry-run Do nothing, display what would have been done.
+SQL related options:
+ --interface STRING Select SQL interface to use. STRING may be
+ either \"mysql\" (the default) or \"postgres\".
+ --host HOST-OR-PATH Set name or IP address of the host running SQL
+ database, or path to the database I/O socket.
+ --database NAME Set name of the database to use.
+ --port NUMBER Set the SQL port number
+ --user USER-NAME Set SQL user name.
+ --password STRING Set the SQL password
+ --cleanup Clean up the database (delete all entries from all the
+ tables) before proceeding. Use this option with care.
+Informational options:
+ --help Output this help info
+(define (cons? p)
+ (and (pair? p) (not (list? p))))
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond
+ ((cons? x)
+ (case (car x)
+ ((cleanup)
+ (set! cleanup-option #t))
+ ((database)
+ (add-conn-param #:db (cdr x)))
+ ((host)
+ (add-conn-param #:host (cdr x)))
+ ((port)
+ (add-conn-param #:port (string->number (cdr x))))
+ ((password)
+ (add-conn-param #:pass (cdr x)))
+ ((user)
+ (add-conn-param #:user (cdr x)))
+ ((interface)
+ (add-conn-param #:iface (cdr x)))
+ ((verbose)
+ (set! verbose-option #t))
+ ((preserve)
+ (set! preserve-option #t))
+ ((debug)
+ (set! debug-level (string->number (cdr x))))
+ ((dry-run)
+ (set! verbose-option #t)
+ (set! dry-run-option #t))
+ ((help)
+ (usage)
+ (exit 0))))
+ (else
+ (set! input-files (cdr x)))))
+ (getopt-long (command-line) grammar))
+(if (null? input-files)
+ (begin
+ (display "Input files not specified\n" (current-error-port))
+ (exit 1)))
+ ((not dry-run-option)
+ (set! connection (sql-open-connection ellinika-sql-connection))
+ (if (not connection)
+ (begin
+ (display "Cannot connect to the database\n" (current-error-port))
+ (exit 1)))
+ (run-query "SET NAMES utf8")
+ (set! flect-ident (query-number "SELECT MAX(ident) FROM verbflect"))))
+ (cleanup-option
+ (run-query "DELETE FROM verbflect where ident > 99")
+ (run-query "DELETE FROM verb")
+ (run-query "DELETE FROM irregular_root")
+ (run-query "DELETE FROM individual_verb")))
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (not (xmltrans:parse-file x))
+ (exit 1)))
+ input-files)
+(if connection
+ (sql-close-connection connection))

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