path: root/elisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'elisp')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/elisp/ellinika-dict-mode.el b/elisp/ellinika-dict-mode.el
index af2ed7e..c1e4719 100644
--- a/elisp/ellinika-dict-mode.el
+++ b/elisp/ellinika-dict-mode.el
@@ -36,80 +36,61 @@
(set-language-environment 'utf-8)
-;;; Abbreviation stuff
-(defun node-init nil
- (forward-line -1)
- (beginning-of-line)
- (forward-char 4)
- (greek-input nil)
- t)
-(put 'node-init 'no-self-insert t)
-(defun back-4 nil
- (backward-char 4)
- t)
-(put 'back-4 'no-self-insert t)
-(defun back-4-ru nil
- (backward-char 4)
- (alt-input nil)
- t)
-(put 'back-4-ru 'no-self-insert t)
-(defun back-4-el nil
- (backward-char 4)
- (greek-input nil)
- t)
-(put 'back-4-el 'no-self-insert t)
-(defun ellinika-guess-line-syntax ()
- (save-excursion
- (let ((bound (save-excursion
- (beginning-of-line)
- (point))))
- (end-of-line)
- (if (not (search-backward-regexp "<\\(/?[^>]+\\)>" bound t))
- nil
- (setq ellinika-last-tag (buffer-substring
- (match-beginning 1)
- (match-end 1)))
- (cond
- ((looking-at "</[MKTXPF]>")
- 'node)
- ((or (looking-at "</NODE>") (looking-at "<DICT>"))
- 'initial)
- ((looking-at "<NODE>")
- 'node)
- ((looking-at "<M>")
- 'alternative-input)
- ((looking-at "<[KX]>")
- 'greek-input)
- ((looking-at "<[TPF]")
- 'ascii-input)
- ((looking-at "<[CE]>")
- nil)
- (t
- 'unknown-tag))))))
(defun ellinika-guess-syntax ()
- (setq ellinika-last-tag nil)
(catch 'loop
- (while (not (bobp))
- (let ((syntax (ellinika-guess-line-syntax)))
- (if syntax
- (throw 'loop syntax)
- (forward-line -1))))
- nil)))
+ (while (search-backward-regexp "<\\(/?[^ >]+\\)\\(\\s +[^>]*\\)?>"
+ nil t)
+ (let ((tag (buffer-substring
+ (match-beginning 1)
+ (match-end 1))))
+ (setq ellinika-last-tag tag)
+ (cond
+ ((string-equal tag "T")
+ (throw 'loop (ellinika-guess-syntax)))
+ ((looking-at "</[MKXPF]>")
+ (throw 'loop 'node))
+ ((or (looking-at "</NODE>") (looking-at "<DICT>"))
+ (throw 'loop 'initial))
+ ((looking-at "<M>")
+ (throw 'loop 'alternative-input))
+ ((looking-at "<[KX]>")
+ (throw 'loop 'greek-input)
+ ((looking-at "<[PF]")
+ (throw 'loop 'ascii-input))
+ ((looking-at "<[CE]>")) ;; continue
+ (t
+ (throw 'loop 'invalid-tag))))))
+ 'initial)))
+(defun ellinika-find-open-tag-internal ()
+ (catch 'loop
+ (let ((tag-list nil))
+ (while (search-backward-regexp "<\\(/?[^ >]+\\)\\(\\s +[^>]*\\)?>"
+ nil t)
+ (let ((tag (buffer-substring
+ (match-beginning 1)
+ (match-end 1))))
+ (cond
+ ((char-equal (string-to-char tag) ?\/)
+ (setq tag-list (cons (substring tag 1)
+ tag-list)))
+ ((looking-at "<!"))
+ ((looking-at "<[^ >]+\\(\\s +[^>]*\\)?/>"))
+ ((string-equal (car tag-list) tag)
+ (setq tag-list (cdr tag-list)))
+ (t
+ (throw 'loop tag))))))))
+(defun ellinika-find-open-tag (&optional move-point)
+ (if move-point
+ (ellinika-find-open-tag-internal)
+ (save-excursion
+ (ellinika-find-open-tag-internal))))
(defun ellinika-select-input-method nil
(let ((syntax (ellinika-guess-syntax)))
@@ -140,13 +121,136 @@
(defun ellinika-close-tag (arg)
(interactive "p")
+ (let ((tag (ellinika-find-open-tag)))
+ (cond
+ (tag
+ (insert (concat "</" tag ">"))
+ (ellinika-select-input-method))
+ (t
+ (message "No open tags")))))
+(defun ellinika-begin-node (arg)
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((syntax (ellinika-guess-syntax)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq syntax 'initial)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (insert "<NODE>\n <K></K>\n</NODE>")
+ (forward-line -1)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (forward-char 4)
+ (greek-input nil))
+ (t
+ (message "Cannot start node here")))))
+(defun ellinika-init-block (tag &optional input-method)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (if (string-equal (ellinika-find-open-tag) "P")
+ (insert " "))
+ (insert " <" tag "></" tag ">")
+ (backward-char (+ (length tag) 3))
+ (when input-method
+ (set-input-method input-method)))
+(defun ellinika-begin-article (arg)
+ (interactive "p")
(let ((syntax (ellinika-guess-syntax)))
- ((not ellinika-last-tag))
- ((char-equal (string-to-char ellinika-last-tag) ?\/))
+ ((eq syntax 'node)
+ (ellinika-init-block "M" (if (boundp 'alternative-input-method)
+ alternative-input-method
+ nil)))
- (insert (concat "</" ellinika-last-tag ">"))
- (ellinika-select-input-method)))))
+ (message "Cannot start key here")))))
+(defun ellinika-begin-key (arg)
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((syntax (ellinika-guess-syntax)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq syntax 'node)
+ (ellinika-init-block "K" 'greek))
+ (t
+ (message "Cannot start key here")))))
+(defun ellinika-begin-pos (arg)
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((syntax (ellinika-guess-syntax)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq syntax 'node)
+ (ellinika-init-block "P" 'greek))
+ (t
+ (message "Cannot start pos here")))))
+(defun ellinika-begin-forms (arg)
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((syntax (ellinika-guess-syntax)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq syntax 'node)
+ (ellinika-init-block "F" 'greek))
+ (t
+ (message "Cannot start forms here")))))
+(defun ellinika-begin-xref (arg)
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((syntax (ellinika-guess-syntax)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq syntax 'node)
+ (ellinika-init-block "X" 'greek))
+ (t
+ (message "Cannot start xref here")))))
+(defun ellinika-begin-ant (arg)
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((syntax (ellinika-guess-syntax)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq syntax 'node)
+ (ellinika-init-block "A" 'greek))
+ (t
+ (message "Cannot start antonym here")))))
+(defun ellinika-begin-topic (arg)
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((syntax (ellinika-guess-syntax)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq syntax 'initial)
+ (insert "<T ID=\"\">\n</T>")
+ (forward-line -1)
+ (forward-char 7)
+ (greek-input nil))
+ ((eq syntax 'node)
+ (insert "<T ID=\"\" />")
+ (backward-char 4))
+ (t
+ (message "Cannot start topic here")))))
+(defun ellinika-begin-comment (arg)
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((tag (ellinika-find-open-tag)))
+ (cond
+ ((or (string-equal tag "M")
+ (string-equal tag "F"))
+ (insert "<C></C>")
+ (backward-char 4))
+ (t
+ (message "Cannot start comment here")))))
+(defun ellinika-begin-expl (arg)
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((tag (ellinika-find-open-tag)))
+ (cond
+ ((or (string-equal tag "M")
+ (string-equal tag "F"))
+ (insert "<E></E>")
+ (backward-char 4))
+ (t
+ (message "Cannot start explanation here")))))
+(defun ellinika-insert-include (arg)
+ (interactive "p")
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (insert "<INCLUDE FILE=\"\" />")
+ (backward-char 4)
+ (inactivate-input-method))
(define-derived-mode ellinika-dict-mode sgml-mode "Ellinika-Dict"
@@ -156,30 +260,19 @@
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ellinika-last-tag)
- (define-abbrev ellinika-dict-mode-abbrev-table
- "'n" "<NODE>
- <K></K>
- 'node-init 0)
- (define-abbrev ellinika-dict-mode-abbrev-table
- "'m" "<M></M>"
- 'back-4-ru 0)
- (define-abbrev ellinika-dict-mode-abbrev-table
- "'k" "<K></K>"
- 'back-4-el 0)
- (define-abbrev ellinika-dict-mode-abbrev-table
- "'p" "<P></P>"
- 'back-4-el 0)
- (define-abbrev ellinika-dict-mode-abbrev-table
- "'f" "<F></F>"
- 'back-4-el 0)
- (define-abbrev ellinika-dict-mode-abbrev-table
- "'x" "<X></X>"
- 'back-4-el 0)
- (define-abbrev ellinika-dict-mode-abbrev-table
- "'t" "<T></T>"
- 'back-4-el 0)
+ (define-key ellinika-dict-mode-map "\C-c\C-b" 'ellinika-begin-node)
+ (define-key ellinika-dict-mode-map "\C-c\C-m" 'ellinika-begin-article)
+ (define-key ellinika-dict-mode-map "\C-c\C-k" 'ellinika-begin-key)
+ (define-key ellinika-dict-mode-map "\C-c\C-p" 'ellinika-begin-pos)
+ (define-key ellinika-dict-mode-map "\C-c\C-f" 'ellinika-begin-forms)
+ (define-key ellinika-dict-mode-map "\C-c\C-x" 'ellinika-begin-xref)
+ (define-key ellinika-dict-mode-map "\C-c\C-a" 'ellinika-begin-ant)
+ (define-key ellinika-dict-mode-map "\C-c\C-t" 'ellinika-begin-topic)
+ (define-key ellinika-dict-mode-map "\C-c\C-c" 'ellinika-begin-comment)
+ (define-key ellinika-dict-mode-map "\C-c\C-e" 'ellinika-begin-expl)
+ (define-key ellinika-dict-mode-map "\C-c\C-i" 'ellinika-insert-include)
(define-key ellinika-dict-mode-map "\M-g" 'greek-input)
(define-key ellinika-dict-mode-map "\M-r" 'alt-input)
(define-key ellinika-dict-mode-map "\C-c>" 'ellinika-close-tag)

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