path: root/scm/xlat.scm
diff options
authorSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2004-06-11 13:48:56 +0000
committerSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2004-06-11 13:48:56 +0000
commit9efa28af3c0ba603a8b0e296088211b16d03fecb (patch)
tree60b60aff60ca56b8e3c6e35a83250b83ff6ad531 /scm/xlat.scm
parentea3816b966b44e36ef3c5bc235a4250141379084 (diff)
Translations from greek to internal representation and vice-versa
git-svn-id: file:///home/puszcza/svnroot/ellinika/trunk@109 941c8c0f-9102-463b-b60b-cd22ce0e6858
Diffstat (limited to 'scm/xlat.scm')
1 files changed, 281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scm/xlat.scm b/scm/xlat.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7548e54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scm/xlat.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+(define-module (xlat))
+(define xlist-latin
+ (list
+ (list #\a "α" "Α" "ά" "Ά")
+ (list #\b "β" "Β")
+ (list #\g "γ" "Γ")
+ (list #\d "δ" "Δ")
+ (list #\e "ε" "Ε" "έ" "Έ")
+ (list #\z "ζ" "Ζ")
+ (list #\% "η" "Η" "ή" "Ή")
+ (list #\@ "θ" "Θ")
+ (list #\i "ι" "Ι" "ί" "Ί")
+ (list #\k "κ" "Κ")
+ (list #\l "λ" "Λ")
+ (list #\m "μ" "Μ")
+ (list #\n "ν" "Ν")
+ (list #\x "ξ" "Ξ")
+ (list #\o "ο" "Ο" "ό" "Ό")
+ (list #\p "π" "Π")
+ (list #\r "ρ" "Ρ")
+ (list #\s "σ" "Σ" "ς") ; FIXME: Special case.
+ (list #\c "ς" "Σ")
+ (list #\t "τ" "Τ")
+ (list #\y "υ" "Υ" "ύ" "Ύ")
+ (list #\f "φ" "Φ")
+ (list #\h "χ" "Χ")
+ (list #\* "ψ" "Ψ")
+ (list #\w "ω" "Ω" "ώ" "Ώ")
+ (list #\I "ϊ" "Ϊ" "ΐ" "ΐ")
+ (list #\Y "ϋ" "Ϋ" "ΰ" "ΰ")))
+(define xlist-greek
+ (list
+ (cons "α" #\a )
+ (cons "Α" #\a )
+ (cons "Ά" (cons #\a #t))
+ (cons "ά" (cons #\a #t))
+ (cons "β" #\b )
+ (cons "Β" #\b )
+ (cons "γ" #\g )
+ (cons "Γ" #\g )
+ (cons "δ" #\d )
+ (cons "Δ" #\d )
+ (cons "ε" #\e )
+ (cons "Ε" #\e )
+ (cons "Έ" (cons #\e #t))
+ (cons "έ" (cons #\e #t))
+ (cons "ζ" #\z )
+ (cons "Ζ" #\z )
+ (cons "η" #\% )
+ (cons "Η" #\% )
+ (cons "Ή" (cons #\% #t))
+ (cons "ή" (cons #\% #t))
+ (cons "θ" #\@ )
+ (cons "Θ" #\@ )
+ (cons "ι" #\i )
+ (cons "Ι" #\i )
+ (cons "Ί" (cons #\i #t))
+ (cons "ί" (cons #\i #t))
+ (cons "κ" #\k )
+ (cons "Κ" #\k )
+ (cons "λ" #\l )
+ (cons "Λ" #\l )
+ (cons "μ" #\m )
+ (cons "Μ" #\m )
+ (cons "ν" #\n )
+ (cons "Ν" #\n )
+ (cons "ξ" #\x )
+ (cons "Ξ" #\x )
+ (cons "ο" #\o )
+ (cons "Ο" #\o )
+ (cons "Ό" (cons #\o #t))
+ (cons "ό" (cons #\o #t))
+ (cons "π" #\p )
+ (cons "Π" #\p )
+ (cons "ρ" #\r )
+ (cons "Ρ" #\r )
+ (cons "σ" #\s )
+ (cons "Σ" #\s )
+ (cons "ς" #\s )
+ (cons "τ" #\t )
+ (cons "Τ" #\t )
+ (cons "υ" #\y )
+ (cons "Υ" #\y )
+ (cons "Ύ" (cons #\y #t))
+ (cons "ύ" (cons #\y #t))
+ (cons "φ" #\f )
+ (cons "Φ" #\f )
+ (cons "χ" #\h )
+ (cons "Χ" #\h )
+ (cons "ψ" #\* )
+ (cons "Ψ" #\* )
+ (cons "ω" #\w )
+ (cons "Ω" #\w )
+ (cons "Ώ" (cons #\w #t))
+ (cons "ώ" (cons #\w #t))
+ (cons "Ϊ" #\I )
+ (cons "ΐ" (cons #\I #t))
+ (cons "Ϋ" #\Y )
+ (cons "ΰ" (cons #\Y #t))))
+(define (greek->xlat0 str)
+ "Convert the greek STRing into its latin transliteration. Returns
+ (list AP XLAT)
+where AP is the number of accented letter (not syllable!), counted from 0;
+ XLAT is the list of transliterated letters
+Secondary accents are ignored"
+ (let ((accent-pos #f)
+ (syllable 0)
+ (len (string-length str)))
+ (do ((i 0)
+ (lcnt 0 (1+ lcnt))
+ (sl '()))
+ ((= i len) (cons
+ (if accent-pos
+ (- (length sl) accent-pos 1)
+ 0)
+ (reverse sl)))
+ (letrec ((get-trans (lambda (x)
+ (let ((y (cdr x)))
+ (cond
+ ((pair? y)
+ (if (not accent-pos)
+ (set! accent-pos lcnt))
+ (car y))
+ (else
+ y))))))
+ (set! sl (cons (cond
+ ((and (<= (+ i 4) len)
+ (assoc (substring str i (+ i 4)) xlist-greek)) =>
+ (lambda (x)
+ (set! i (+ i 4))
+ (get-trans x)))
+ ((and (<= (+ i 2) len)
+ (assoc (substring str i (+ i 2)) xlist-greek)) =>
+ (lambda (x)
+ (set! i (+ i 2))
+ (get-trans x)))
+ (else
+ (set! i (1+ i))
+ (substring str (- i 1) i)))
+ sl))))))
+(define-public (xlat->greek w)
+ (apply
+ string-append
+ (apply append
+ (let ((acc (car w))
+ (n 0))
+ (reverse
+ (map
+ (lambda (syllable)
+ (set! n (1+ n))
+ (reverse
+ (map
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let ((entry (assoc x xlist-latin)))
+ (cond
+ ((and acc (= n acc) (= (length entry) 5))
+ (set! acc #f)
+ (list-ref entry 3))
+ (else
+ (list-ref entry 1)))))
+ syllable)))
+ (let ((slist (cdr w)))
+ (if (char=? (caar slist) #\s)
+ ;; Special handling for terminal sigma
+ (cons (cons #\c (cdar slist)) (cdr slist))
+ slist))))))))
+;; α a
+;; ε e
+;; αι ai
+;; ο o
+;; ω w
+;; ι i
+;; η %
+;; υ y
+;; οι oi
+;; ει ei
+;; υι ui
+;; ου oy
+;; αυ ay
+;; ευ ey
+;; a -> a, ai, au
+;; e -> e, ei, ey
+;; o -> o, oi, oy
+;; y -> y, yi
+;; i -> i, ia, ie, io, ioy
+;; %
+;; I
+;; Y
+(define-public (vowel? x)
+ (member x (list #\a #\e #\o #\y #\i #\% #\I #\Y #\w)))
+(define (prosodia ap wl accented sl)
+ (let ((syl '()))
+ ;; Collect consonants
+ (do ()
+ ((or (null? wl)
+ (vowel? (car wl))))
+ (set! syl (cons (car wl) syl))
+ (set! wl (cdr wl)))
+ (cond
+ ((null? wl)
+ (cons accented
+ (if (null? sl)
+ (list syl)
+ (cons (append syl (car sl)) (cdr sl)))))
+ (else
+ (let ((a (car wl)))
+ (set! wl (cdr wl))
+ (set! syl (cons a syl))
+ (cond
+ ((= ap (length wl))
+ (set! accented (length sl)))
+ (else
+ (case a
+ ((#\a #\e #\o)
+ (cond
+ ((and (not (null? wl))
+ (or (char=? (car wl) #\i) (char=? (car wl) #\y)))
+ (set! syl (cons (car wl) syl))
+ (set! wl (cdr wl))
+ (if (= ap (length wl))
+ (set! accented (length sl))))))
+ ((#\i)
+ (if (not (null? wl))
+ (cond
+ ((or (char=? (car wl) #\e)
+ (char=? (car wl) #\a))
+ (set! syl (cons (car wl) syl))
+ (set! wl (cdr wl))
+ (if (= ap (length wl))
+ (set! accented (length sl))))
+ ((char=? (car wl) #\o)
+ ;; "ιο" ή "ιου"
+ (set! syl (cons (car wl) syl))
+ (set! wl (cdr wl))
+ (cond
+ ((= ap (length wl))
+ (set! accented (length sl)))
+ ((and (not (null? wl)) (char=? (car wl) #\y))
+ (set! syl (cons (car wl) syl))
+ (set! wl (cdr wl))
+ (if (= ap (length wl))
+ (set! accented (length sl)))))))))
+ ((#\y)
+ (cond
+ ((and (not (null? wl))
+ (char=? (car wl) #\i))
+ (set! syl (cons (car wl) syl))
+ (set! wl (cdr wl))
+ (if (= ap (length wl))
+ (set! accented (length sl))))))
+ ((#\Y #\I)
+ (set! accented (length sl))))))
+ (prosodia ap wl accented (cons syl sl)))))))
+(define-public (greek->xlat str)
+ (let* ((wl (greek->xlat0 str))
+ (sl (prosodia (car wl) (cdr wl) 0 '())))
+ (cons
+ (- (length (cdr sl)) (car sl))
+ (cdr sl))))
+;;;; End of file \ No newline at end of file

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