diff options
authorSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2004-09-28 15:50:24 +0000
committerSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2004-09-28 15:50:24 +0000
commit13cbd89066dce59c444d85551ed376435a7a5e11 (patch)
parent5b6449289b92bef21551ff820d2560d6de0f6fbc (diff)
Use lingua (xmltools) instead
git-svn-id: file:///home/puszcza/svnroot/ellinika/trunk@172 941c8c0f-9102-463b-b60b-cd22ce0e6858
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 997 deletions
diff --git a/xtrans/.cvsignore b/xtrans/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dda729..0000000
--- a/xtrans/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/xtrans/LINGUA.html.xtrans b/xtrans/LINGUA.html.xtrans
deleted file mode 100644
index 90e6873..0000000
--- a/xtrans/LINGUA.html.xtrans
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,946 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: indented-text -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2004 Sergey Poznyakoff
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-Import: copy
-Import: string
-Import: posix
-Include: i18n.inc
-# Index of the current item withing the item group (e.g. ROW,
-Global: item_index
-# Index of the current row within the row group (TABULAR)
-Global: row_index
-# Maximum number of items per row in the current table
-Global: max_items
-# Row index of the last separator row in the current table
-Global: separator_row
-Global: rowspan_end
-# Dictionary of file name translations
-Global: translist
-# Dictionary of cross-reference identifiers
-Global: id_table
-# Override the default file name creation method
-Function: create_file_name l, base
- """Create new output file name"""
- if xtrans.attr["LINGUA"].has_key("LANG"):
- lang = xtrans.attr["LINGUA"]["LANG"] + "/"
- else:
- lang = ""
- a = xtrans.get_attribute("PAGENO")
- if a == None:
- return "%s%s.%s" % (lang, base, xtrans.targetformat)
- else:
- n = a["PAGENO"]
- a["PAGENO"] = n + 1
- if n == 0:
- return "%s%s.%s" % (lang, base, xtrans.targetformat)
- else:
- return "%s%s_%02d.%s" % (lang, base, n, xtrans.targetformat)
-Function: translate_name name
- if xtrans.translist.has_key(name):
- return xtrans.translist[name]
- return name
-Function: translate_name_id n
- return xtrans.translate_name(xtrans.filenames[n])
-# Encode the UTF-8 WORD into the hex notation suitable for passing it
-# as a GET argument to the CGI invocation.
-Function: dict_encode_string word
- str = ""
- for i in range(len(word)):
- if ord(word[i]) > 127:
- str = str + "%" + hex(ord(word[i]))[2:]
- else:
- str = str + word[i]
- return str
-Function: get_attribute name, attr=None
- if attr != None and attr.has_key(name):
- return attr
- for i in range(len(xtrans.tagstack),0,-1):
- if xtrans.attr.has_key(xtrans.tagstack[i-1]) \
- and xtrans.attr[xtrans.tagstack[i-1]].has_key(name):
- return xtrans.attr[xtrans.tagstack[i-1]]
- return None
-Function: get_attrval name, defval, attr=None
- a = xtrans.get_attribute(name, attr)
- if a == None:
- return defval
- return a[name]
-# Expand quoted tags in TEXT. Quoted tags are tags in the form {TAG}{/TAG}
-# This is a way to compensate for lack of proper quoting and recursive tags (a la m4).
-# Some time later I should definitely add both features to eXtrans.
-# FIXME: 1) Tag delimiters are hardcoded.
-# 2) The function ignores any attributes in tags
-Function: expand_text text
- r = re.compile("{(\w+)}", re.UNICODE);
- e = re.compile("{/(\w+)}", re.UNICODE);
- while 1:
- m = r.search(text)
- if m:
- xtrans.output.write(text[:m.start()])
- text = text[m.end():]
- # FIXME: Attrs
- xtrans.finish_starttag(m.group(1), {})
- k = e.search(text)
- if k:
- xtrans.content[k.group(1)] = text[:k.start()]
- xtrans.finish_endtag(k.group(1))
- else:
- raise "Not found end tag for " + m.group(1)
- text = text[k.end():]
- continue
- else:
- break
- xtrans.output.write(text)
-# Create a template for a page
-Function: PageTemplate title
- xtrans.output.write("""
- <TD VALIGN=top CLASS="contentpanel">
- xtrans.expand_text(title)
- xtrans.output.write("""</H1>
-# Create and open a new page
-Function: OpenPage title, prefix
- xtrans.SetLocale(xtrans.attr["LINGUA"]["LANG"])
- xtrans.set_output(title, prefix)
- if xtrans.content.has_key("AUTHOR") and xtrans.attr["AUTHOR"].has_key("EMAIL"):
- xtrans.email = xtrans.attr["AUTHOR"]["EMAIL"]
- else:
- xtrans.email = "gray@gnu.org"
- if xtrans.attr["LINGUA"].has_key("BASE"):
- base = xtrans.attr["LINGUA"]["BASE"]
- else:
- base = xtrans.environ['BASE_HREF']
- hb = """
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
- <LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:%s">
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=UTF-8">
- <META NAME="keywords" LANG="%s" CONTENT="%s">
- <BASE HREF="%s">
- <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="%s">
- xtrans.output.write(hb % (title,
- xtrans.email,
- xtrans.generator,
- xtrans.attr["LINGUA"]["LANG"],
- xtrans.content["KEYWORDS"],
- base,
- xtrans.prefix("mainstyle.css")))
- if xtrans.attr["PAGE"].has_key("HEADER"):
- title = xtrans.attr["PAGE"]["HEADER"]
- xtrans.PageTemplate(title)
-Function: ClosePage
- xtrans.output.write("""
- </TD>
- <TD class="navbar" VALIGN=TOP width="20%%">
- <IMG SRC="graphics/gnu-head-sm.jpg" ALIGN="top" ALT=" [A GNU head] "><P>
- <TABLE class="navbar" WIDTH="100%%" ALIGN="LEFT" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="10%%" BORDER="0">
- [TOC]
- <TR><TD class="group"><DIV ALIGN="CENTER">%s</DIV></TD></TR>
- <TR><TD><A HREF="%s">%s</A></TD></TR>
- <TR><TD><A HREF="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer">
- <img border="0" src="graphics/valid-html401.png"
- alt="[ Valid HTML 4.01! ]" height="31" width="88"></A></TD></TR>
- <TR><TD><a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer">
- <img border="0" src="graphics/valid-css.png"
- alt="[ Valid CSS! ]" height="31" width="88"></A></TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- </TD>
- <TD colspan=\"2\">
- <hr>"""
- % (xtrans.gettext("Information"),
- xtrans.attr["AUTHOR"]["HOMEPAGE"],
- xtrans.gettext("Home Page")))
- if xtrans.attr["PAGE"].has_key("BOTTOM"):
- xtrans.output.write("\n")
- xtrans.output.write(xtrans.attr["PAGE"]["BOTTOM"])
- xtrans.output.write("\n<br>\n")
- xtrans.output.write("""
-%s <A HREF="mailto:%s">%s</A>;
- </TD>
- % (
- xtrans.gettext("For information about this site contact"),
- xtrans.attr["AUTHOR"]["EMAIL"],
- xtrans.attr["AUTHOR"]["CONTACT"]))
-Starttag: LINGUA
- def dictref(x=xtrans):
- return '/cgi-bin/dict.cgi?LANG=' + \
- x.attr["LINGUA"]["LANG"] + \
- '_' + \
- x.attr["LINGUA"]["TER"]
- def navigation(fn, x=xtrans):
- if fn > 0:
- x.put_menu_item(0, x.translate_name_id(fn-1),
- x.gettext("Previous Page"))
- if fn + 1 < len(x.filenames):
- x.put_menu_item(0, x.translate_name_id(fn+1),
- x.gettext("Next Page"))
- xtrans.attr["LINGUA"]["DICT"] = dictref
- xtrans.attr["LINGUA"]["NAVIGATION"] = navigation
- xtrans.attr["LINGUA"]["MENU"] = []
-Endtag: LINGUA
- pass
-Starttag: MSGSTR
- pass
-Endtag: MSGSTR
- xtrans.msgid(xtrans.attr["MSGSTR"]["ID"], xtrans.content["MSGSTR"])
-Starttag: TITLE nostrip
- if xtrans.is_parent("TABULAR"):
- xtrans.put('<CAPTION>')
-Endtag: TITLE
- if xtrans.is_parent("TABULAR"):
- xtrans.put('</CAPTION>')
-Function: get_prefix attr, defval
- return xtrans.get_attrval("PREFIX", defval, attr)
-Function: menu_append_ref filename, label
- menu = xtrans.attr[xtrans.tagstack[-1]]["MENU"]
- menu.append([0, filename, label])
-Function: menu_append_menu submenu, label
- menu = xtrans.attr[xtrans.tagstack[-1]]["MENU"]
- menu.append([1, submenu, label])
-Function: menu_append_function name
- menu = xtrans.attr[xtrans.tagstack[-1]]["MENU"]
- menu.append([2, name])
-Starttag: PAGE
- xtrans.OpenPage(xtrans.attr["PAGE"]["TITLE"],
- xtrans.get_prefix(xtrans.attr["PAGE"], "prefix"))
- if xtrans.attr["PAGE"].has_key("REF"):
- name = xtrans.attr["PAGE"]["REF"]
- ref = xtrans.attr["LINGUA"][name]()
- xtrans.translist[xtrans.filenames[-1]] = ref
- else:
- ref = xtrans.filenames[-1]
- if xtrans.attr["PAGE"].has_key("HEADER"):
- label = xtrans.attr["PAGE"]["HEADER"]
- else:
- label = xtrans.labels[-1]
- xtrans.menu_append_ref(ref, label)
- xtrans.attr["PAGE"]["MENU"] = []
-Function: has_group
- for i in range(len(xtrans.tagstack)-1,0,-1):
- if xtrans.tagstack[i] == "GROUP":
- return 1
- return 0
-Endtag: PAGE
- xtrans.ClosePage()
-Function: begin_block attr
- if attr.has_key("ID"):
- xtrans.put('<A NAME="%s"></A>\n' % attr["ID"])
- if xtrans.id_table.has_key(attr["ID"]):
- raise "ID already defined: " + attr["ID"]
- xtrans.id_table[attr["ID"]] = xtrans.filenames[-1]
-Starttag: CHAPTER
- xtrans.begin_block(xtrans.attr["CHAPTER"])
- xtrans.attr["CHAPTER"]["PAGENO"]=0
- xtrans.attr["CHAPTER"]["MENU"] = []
-Endtag: CHAPTER
- xtrans.menu_append_menu(xtrans.attr["CHAPTER"]["MENU"], "")
-Starttag: SECTION
- xtrans.begin_block(xtrans.attr["SECTION"])
-Endtag: SECTION
- xtrans.put("<HR>")
- xtrans.begin_block(xtrans.attr["SUBSECTION"])
- xtrans.begin_block(xtrans.attr["SUBSUBSECTION"])
-Starttag: PAGEGROUP
- if xtrans.attr["PAGEGROUP"].has_key("PREFIX"):
- xtrans.attr["PAGEGROUP"]["PAGENO"]=0
- xtrans.attr["PAGEGROUP"]["MENU"] = []
- xtrans.menu_append_menu(xtrans.attr["PAGEGROUP"]["MENU"], "")
-Starttag: GROUP
- xtrans.attr["GROUP"]["MENU"] = []
-Endtag: GROUP
- if not xtrans.attr["GROUP"].has_key("HIDDEN"):
- xtrans.menu_append_menu(xtrans.attr["GROUP"]["MENU"],
- xtrans.attr["GROUP"]["TITLE"])
-Endtag: DFN
- xtrans.put('<EM>%s</EM>' % xtrans.content["DFN"])
-Endtag: CMD
- xtrans.put('<CODE>%s</CODE>' % xtrans.content["CMD"])
-Endtag: PROG
- xtrans.put('<B>%s</B>' % xtrans.content["PROG"])
-Endtag: QUOTE
- xtrans.put('<I>%s</I>' % xtrans.content["QUOTE"])
-Function: canonical_name file
- s = file[len(xtrans.targetdir):]
- if s[0] == '/':
- s = s[1:]
- return s
-Starttag: XREF
- if xtrans.attr["XREF"].has_key("URL"):
- xtrans.put("<A HREF=\"%s\">" % xtrans.attr["XREF"]["URL"])
- elif xtrans.id_table.has_key(xtrans.attr["XREF"]["REF"]):
- fname = xtrans.id_table[xtrans.attr["XREF"]["REF"]]
- xtrans.put('<A HREF="')
- if fname != xtrans.filenames[-1]:
- xtrans.put(xtrans.prefix(xtrans.translate_name(fname)))
- xtrans.put('#%s">' % xtrans.attr["XREF"]["REF"])
- else:
- raise "Undefined or forward reference " + xtrans.attr["XREF"]["REF"]
-Endtag: XREF
- xtrans.put("</A>")
-Starttag: PARA nostrip
- xtrans.put("\n<P>")
-Endtag: PARA
- # FIXME: This may generate empty <P> blocks
- if not xtrans.attr["PARA"].has_key("__CLOSED__"):
- xtrans.put("</P>\n")
-Starttag: HEADER nostrip
- if xtrans.is_parent("SECTION"):
- n = 2
- elif xtrans.is_parent("SUBSECTION"):
- n = 3
- elif xtrans.is_parent("SUBSUBSECTION"):
- n = 4
- else:
- n = 1
- xtrans.begin_block(xtrans.attr["HEADER"])
- xtrans.output.write('\n<H%d ALIGN="CENTER">' % n)
-Endtag: HEADER
- if xtrans.is_parent("SECTION"):
- n = 2
- elif xtrans.is_parent("SUBSECTION"):
- n = 3
- elif xtrans.is_parent("SUBSUBSECTION"):
- n = 4
- else:
- n = 1
- xtrans.output.write("</H%d>\n" % n)
-Starttag: ITEMIZE
- xtrans.put("<DL>")
-Endtag: ITEMIZE
- xtrans.put("</DL>")
-# Split the given text string at split delimiters. Print each part
-# except the first one in bold face and indent it one space from
-# the previous one
-Function: item_split text
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("SPLIT"):
- delim = xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["SPLIT"]
- str = ""
- for s in text.split(delim):
- if str == "" :
- str = s
- else:
- str = str + "&nbsp;<B>" + s + "</B>"
- return str;
- return text
-# Print the contents of the current item using splitting rules.
-# SPLIT attribute introduces a split delimiter.
-# OR attribute introduces an "or" delimiter
-Function: item_text
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("OR"):
- delim = xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["OR"]
- str = ""
- for s in xtrans.content["ITEM"].split(delim):
- if str == "" :
- str = xtrans.item_split(s)
- else:
- str = str + "&nbsp;" + delim + "&nbsp;" + xtrans.item_split(s)
- return str;
- else:
- return xtrans.item_split(xtrans.content["ITEM"])
-# Remove any split delimiters from the given text string
-Function: restore_single_word text
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("SPLIT"):
- delim = xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["SPLIT"]
- str = ""
- for s in text.split(delim):
- str = str + s
- return str;
- return text
-# Restore the "canonical" form of the item text by removing any split
-# delimiters from it and gluing the resulting parts together. If the
-# item has several parts separated by "or" delimiters, only the first
-# part is acted upon.
-Function: restore_word
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("OR"):
- delim = xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["OR"]
- return xtrans.restore_single_word(xtrans.content["ITEM"].split(delim)[0])
- else:
- return xtrans.restore_single_word(xtrans.content["ITEM"])
-# Create a dictionary reference for a given WORD. REFTEXT gives the
-# reference text.
-Function: dict_reference word, reftext, backref=0
- xtrans.put('<A ')
- if backref:
- xtrans.put('NAME="id%s" ' % xtrans.dict_encode_string(word))
- xtrans.put('HREF="cgi-bin/dict.cgi?LANG=%s_%s&amp;IDENT=%s">%s</A>'
- % (xtrans.attr["LINGUA"]["LANG"],
- xtrans.attr["LINGUA"]["TER"],
- xtrans.dict_encode_string(word),
- reftext))
-# Return true if we are on the very first data row in a table. Colon
-# headings are not counted as data row.
-Function: is_first_data_row
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("COLHEADING"):
- return xtrans.row_index == 1
- else:
- return xtrans.row_index == 0
-# Return effective row index
-# Rows are numbered from 1, column headings are not counted
-Function: eff_row_index
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("COLHEADING"):
- return xtrans.row_index
- else:
- return xtrans.row_index + 1
-# Return effective column (item) index
-# Columns are numbered from 1, row headings are not counted
-Function: eff_col_index
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("ROWHEADING"):
- return xtrans.item_index
- else:
- return xtrans.item_index + 1
-Starttag: ENITEM nostrip
- xtrans.put('\n<LI>')
-Endtag: ENITEM
- xtrans.put('</LI>\n')
-# Map structure: [ start-col, end-col, start-row, end-row, need-ref? ]
-Function: parse_dictref str
- map = [-1,-1,-1,-1, 0]
- for s in str.split(";"):
- x = s.split(":")
- if x[0] == "col":
- n = 0
- elif x[0] == "row":
- n = 2
- elif x[0] == "ref":
- map[4] = 1
- continue
- else:
- raise "Unknown modifier " + x[0]
- map[n] = int(x[1])
- if len(x) == 3:
- map[n+1] = int(x[2])
- else:
- map[n+1] = 0
- if map[0] == -1 and map[2] != -1:
- map[0] = 1
- map[1] = 1
- elif map[2] == -1 and map[0] != -1:
- map[2] = 1
- map[3] = 1
- return map
-Function: need_dictref
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("DICTREF"):
- map = xtrans.parse_dictref(xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["DICTREF"])
- if (map[0] != -1 \
- and (map[0] == 0 or map[0] <= xtrans.eff_col_index()) \
- and (map[1] == 0 or map[1] >= xtrans.eff_col_index()))\
- and (map[2] != -1 \
- and (map[2] == 0 or map[2] <= xtrans.eff_row_index()) \
- and (map[3] == 0 or map[3] >= xtrans.eff_row_index())):
- return map[4] + 1
- else:
- return 0
-Function: get_col_align ind
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("COLALIGN"):
- s = xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["COLALIGN"].split(":")
- if len(s) == 1:
- return xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["COLALIGN"]
- elif len(s) <= ind:
- if s[len(s)-1] == "*":
- return s[len(s)-2]
- else:
- return None
- elif s[ind] == "*":
- return s[ind-1]
- elif s[ind] == "":
- return None
- else:
- return s[ind]
- else:
- return None
-# NOTE: Expansion of quoted tags is performed only for:
-# 1) Enumeration items
-# 2) Row headings in tables
-# 3) Table items, for which no DICTREF is requested
-# 4) Page items
-Endtag: ITEM
- if xtrans.is_parent("ENUMERATE"):
- xtrans.put('<LI>')
- xtrans.expand_text(xtrans.content["ITEM"])
- xtrans.put('</LI>')
- elif xtrans.is_parent("ROW"):
- if xtrans.row_index == 0 and xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("COLHEADING"):
- eltname = "TH"
- else:
- eltname = "TD"
- xtrans.put(" <%s" % eltname)
- if xtrans.attr["ITEM"].has_key("SPAN"):
- if xtrans.attr["ITEM"]["SPAN"] == "0":
- n = xtrans.max_items
- else:
- n = xtrans.attr["ITEM"]["SPAN"]
- xtrans.put(' COLSPAN="%s" ALIGN="CENTER"' % n)
- else:
- if eltname == "TD":
- align = xtrans.get_col_align(xtrans.item_index)
- if align:
- xtrans.put(' ALIGN="%s"' % align)
- if xtrans.item_index == 0 and xtrans.attr["ITEM"].has_key("ROWSPAN"):
- xtrans.rowspan_end = xtrans.row_index + int(xtrans.attr["ITEM"]["ROWSPAN"])
- xtrans.put(' ROWSPAN="%s"' % xtrans.attr["ITEM"]["ROWSPAN"])
- if xtrans.item_index == 0 and xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("ROWHEADING"):
- xtrans.put(' CLASS="%s"' % xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["ROWHEADING"])
- xtrans.put(">")
- if xtrans.item_index == 0 and xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("ROWHEADING"):
- xtrans.expand_text(xtrans.content["ITEM"])
- else:
- x = xtrans.need_dictref()
- if x:
- xtrans.dict_reference(xtrans.restore_word(),
- xtrans.item_text(), x)
- else:
- xtrans.expand_text(xtrans.item_text())
- xtrans.put("</%s>" % eltname)
- xtrans.item_index = xtrans.item_index + 1
- if xtrans.max_items < xtrans.item_index:
- xtrans.max_items = xtrans.item_index
- elif xtrans.is_parent("GROUP"):
- xtrans.menu_append_function(xtrans.content["ITEM"])
- elif xtrans.is_parent("PAGE"):
- xtrans.put('<H2>')
- xtrans.expand_text(xtrans.content["ITEM"])
- xtrans.put('</H2>')
- else:
- xtrans.put('<DD>')
- xtrans.expand_text(xtrans.content["ITEM"])
- xtrans.put('</DD>')
-Endtag: FLECT
- if xtrans.attr["FLECT"].has_key("SPLIT"):
- str = ""
- for s in xtrans.content["FLECT"].split(xtrans.attr["FLECT"]["SPLIT"]):
- if str == "" :
- str = "-" + s
- else:
- str = str + "&nbsp;" + ",&nbsp;-" + s
- xtrans.put('<B>%s</B>' % str)
- else:
- xtrans.put('<B>-%s</B>' % (xtrans.content["FLECT"]))
-Endtag: PREF
- xtrans.put('<B>%s</B>' % (xtrans.content["PREF"]))
-Endtag: SUFF
- xtrans.put('<B>%s</B>' % (xtrans.content["SUFF"]))
-Endtag: DICTREF
- xtrans.dict_reference(xtrans.content["DICTREF"],
- xtrans.content["DICTREF"])
-#Starttag: MENU
-# xtrans.menu[xtrans.attr["MENU"]["NAME"]] = []
-Starttag: ENUMERATE
- if xtrans.is_parent("PARA"):
- xtrans.attr["PARA"]["__CLOSED__"] = 1
- xtrans.put("\n</P>\n")
- xtrans.put('<UL>\n')
- xtrans.put('</UL>\n')
-Endtag: EMPH nostrip
- xtrans.put("""<B>%s</B>""" % (xtrans.content["EMPH"]))
-Endtag: SUBSCRIPT nostrip
- xtrans.put("""<sub>%s</sub>""" % (xtrans.content["SUBSCRIPT"]))
-Endtag: DFN nostrip
- xtrans.put("""<DFN>%s</DFN>""" % (xtrans.content["DFN"]))
-Endtag: IT nostrip
- xtrans.put('<I>%s</I>' % (xtrans.content["IT"]))
-Function: alignment align
- if align == "":
- xtrans.put('</DIV>\n')
- else:
- xtrans.put('<DIV ALIGN="%s">' % (align))
-Starttag: TABULAR
- if xtrans.is_parent("PARA"):
- xtrans.attr["PARA"]["__CLOSED__"] = 1
- xtrans.put("\n</P>\n")
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("SPACE"):
- for i in range(int(xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["SPACE"])):
- xtrans.put('<BR>')
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("ALIGN"):
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["ALIGN"] != "NONE":
- xtrans.alignment(xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["ALIGN"])
- else:
- xtrans.alignment("CENTER")
- xtrans.put('<TABLE CELLPADDING="10%" ')
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("TYPE"):
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["TYPE"] == "EXAMPLE":
- xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["NOFRAME"] = 1
- if not xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("NOFRAME"):
- xtrans.put(' frame="box"')
- if not xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("BESTFIT"):
- xtrans.put(' WIDTH="95%"')
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("CLASS"):
- xtrans.put(' class="%s"' % (xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["CLASS"]))
- xtrans.put(">\n")
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("TYPE"):
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["TYPE"] == "EXAMPLE":
- xtrans.put('<COL SPAN=2 WIDTH="50%">\n')
- xtrans.row_index = 0
- xtrans.max_items = 0
- xtrans.separator_row = 0
-Endtag: TABULAR
- xtrans.put("</TABLE>\n")
- if not xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("ALIGN") \
- or xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["ALIGN"] != "NONE":
- xtrans.alignment("")
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("AFTERSPACE"):
- for i in range(int(xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["AFTERSPACE"])):
- xtrans.put('<BR>')
-Starttag: ROW
- xtrans.item_index = 0
- if xtrans.row_index == 0 and xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("COLHEADING"):
- xtrans.put('<THEAD class="%s">' % xtrans.attr["TABULAR"]["COLHEADING"]);
- xtrans.put("<TR>\n")
- else:
- xtrans.put("<TR")
- if xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("ALTERNATE"):
- if (xtrans.row_index - xtrans.separator_row) % 2 == 0:
- xtrans.put(' class="even"')
- else:
- xtrans.put(' class="odd"')
- xtrans.put(">\n")
- if xtrans.row_index < xtrans.rowspan_end:
- xtrans.item_index = xtrans.item_index + 1
-Endtag: ROW
- xtrans.put("</TR>")
- if xtrans.row_index == 0 and xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("COLHEADING"):
- xtrans.put("</THEAD>");
- xtrans.put("\n")
- xtrans.row_index = xtrans.row_index + 1
- if xtrans.row_index == xtrans.rowspan_end:
- xtrans.rowspan_end = 0
-Starttag: SEPARATOR
- if xtrans.attr["SEPARATOR"].has_key("SPAN"):
- max_items = int(xtrans.attr["SEPARATOR"]["SPAN"])
- else:
- max_items = xtrans.max_items
- xtrans.put('\n<TR><TD COLSPAN="%d" class="separator">' % max_items)
- xtrans.put('</TD></TR>\n')
- if xtrans.attr["SEPARATOR"].has_key("INITCOUNT") or xtrans.attr["TABULAR"].has_key("INITCOUNT"):
- xtrans.separator_row = 0
- else:
- xtrans.separator_row = xtrans.row_index
-Function: class_begin attr, class_name
- if xtrans.is_parent("ROW"):
- tag = "TD"
- elif xtrans.is_parent("TABULAR"):
- xtrans.put('<TR class="%s">' % (class_name))
- tag = "TD"
- elif attr.has_key("TYPE"):
- if attr["TYPE"] == "INLINE":
- tag = "SPAN"
- else:
- tag = "DIV"
- elif attr.has_key("ALIGN"):
- tag = "DIV ALIGN=\"" + attr["ALIGN"] + "\""
- else:
- tag = "SPAN"
- xtrans.put('<%s class="%s">' % (tag, class_name))
-Function: class_end attr
- if xtrans.is_parent("ROW"):
- tag = "TD"
- elif xtrans.is_parent("TABULAR"):
- tag = "TD"
- elif attr.has_key("TYPE"):
- if attr["TYPE"] == "INLINE":
- tag = "SPAN"
- else:
- tag = "DIV"
- elif attr.has_key("ALIGN"):
- tag = "DIV"
- else:
- tag = "SPAN"
- xtrans.put('</%s>' % tag)
- if xtrans.is_parent("TABULAR"):
- xtrans.put('</TR>')
-Starttag: EXAMPLE nostrip
- xtrans.class_begin(xtrans.attr["EXAMPLE"], "example")
-Endtag: EXAMPLE
- xtrans.class_end(xtrans.attr["EXAMPLE"])
-Starttag: TRANS nostrip
- xtrans.class_begin(xtrans.attr["TRANS"], "translation")
-Endtag: TRANS
- xtrans.class_end(xtrans.attr["TRANS"])
-Starttag: SAMP
- xtrans.put('<SPAN class="sample">')
-Endtag: SAMP
- xtrans.put('</SPAN>')
- xtrans.put("""<table class="notready">
-<td><img border="0" src="graphics/construction.jpg" alt="[ Construction Bar ]" width="300" height="28"></img></td>
-<td class="notready">%s</td>
-<td><img border="0" src="graphics/construction.jpg" alt="[ Construction Bar ]" width="300" height="28"></img></td>
-</table>""" % (xtrans.content["NOTREADY"]))
- pass
-Endtag: MSGSTR
- xtrans.msgid(xtrans.attr["MSGSTR"]["ID"], xtrans.content["MSGSTR"])
-Function: prefix ref
- if ref[0] == '/':
- return ref[1:]
- elif xtrans.attr["LINGUA"].has_key("TARGETDIR"):
- return xtrans.attr["LINGUA"]["TARGETDIR"] + "/" + ref
- else:
- return xtrans.environ['TARGET_DIR'] + "/" + ref
- return ref
-Function: put_menu_item cur, ref, label, level=0
- xtrans.put('<TR><TD>')
- if level > 0:
- for i in range(level-1):
- xtrans.put('&gt;')
- if cur:
- xtrans.expand_text(label)
- else:
- xtrans.put('<A HREF="%s">' % xtrans.prefix(ref))
- xtrans.expand_text(label)
- xtrans.put('</A>')
- xtrans.put('</TD></TR>\n')
-Function: is_cur menu_item, fileno
- if fileno == -1:
- return 0
- else:
- return menu_item[1] == xtrans.filenames[fileno]
-Function: is_cur_menu menu, fileno
- for i in range(len(menu)):
- if menu[i][0] == 0:
- if xtrans.is_cur(menu[i], fileno):
- return 1
- elif menu[i][0] == 1:
- if xtrans.is_cur_menu(menu[i][1], fileno):
- return 1
- return 0
-Function: out_menu menu, fileno=-1, cutlevel=-1, level=0, start=0
- for i in range(start,len(menu)):
- if menu[i][0] == 0:
- xtrans.put_menu_item(xtrans.is_cur(menu[i], fileno), menu[i][1], menu[i][2], level)
- elif menu[i][0] == 1:
- if cutlevel == -1 or level < cutlevel:
- if menu[i][2] != "":
- xtrans.put('<TR><TD class="group"><DIV ALIGN="CENTER">%s</DIV></TD></TR>\n' % menu[i][2])
- xtrans.out_menu(menu[i][1], fileno, cutlevel, level+1)
- elif level == cutlevel:
- if menu[i][2] == "" and menu[i][1][0][0] == 0:
- xtrans.put_menu_item(xtrans.is_cur(menu[i][1][0], fileno),
- menu[i][1][0][1], menu[i][1][0][2],
- level)
- if xtrans.is_cur_menu(menu[i][1], fileno):
- xtrans.out_menu(menu[i][1], fileno, cutlevel+1,
- level+1, 1)
- elif menu[i][0] == 2:
- xtrans.attr["LINGUA"][menu[i][1]](fileno)
- else:
- raise "Unknown menu item " + menu[i][0]
-# Debugging call
-Function: p_menu menu
- for i in range(len(menu)):
- item = menu[i]
- print("IND ", i, "TAG ", item[0], "IT ", item[1], "TW", item[2])
- if item[0] == 0:
- print("ITEM" , item[1])
- elif item[0] == 1:
- print("SUB", item[1])
- xtrans.p_menu(item[1])
- else:
-Postmacro: TOC
- menu = xtrans.attr["LINGUA"]["MENU"]
- xtrans.out_menu(menu, currentfileno, 1)
-Function: menu_map menu, start=0
- xtrans.put('<UL>')
- for i in range(start,len(menu)):
- if menu[i][0] == 0:
- xtrans.put('<LI><A HREF="%s">' % (xtrans.prefix(menu[i][1])))
- xtrans.expand_text(menu[i][2])
- xtrans.put('</A></LI>\n')
- elif menu[i][0] == 1:
- if menu[i][2] != "":
- xtrans.put('<LI>')
- xtrans.expand_text(menu[i][2])
- xtrans.menu_map(menu[i][1])
- xtrans.put('</LI>')
- else:
- submenu = menu[i][1]
- xtrans.put('<LI><A HREF="%s">' % (xtrans.prefix(submenu[0][1])))
- xtrans.expand_text(submenu[0][2])
- xtrans.put('</A>\n')
- xtrans.menu_map(submenu, 1)
- xtrans.put('\n</LI>\n')
- else:
- pass
- xtrans.put('</UL>')
-Postmacro: SITEMAP
- menu = xtrans.attr["LINGUA"]["MENU"]
- xtrans.menu_map(menu)
-Endtag: BOTTOM
- xtrans.attr["PAGE"]["BOTTOM"] = xtrans.content["BOTTOM"]
diff --git a/xtrans/Makefile.am b/xtrans/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index e58c9f2..0000000
--- a/xtrans/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-EXTRA_DIST=LINGUA.html.xtrans i18n.inc \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xtrans/i18n.inc b/xtrans/i18n.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5472368..0000000
--- a/xtrans/i18n.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: indented-text -*-
-# This file is part of GNU RADIUS documentation.
-# Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Sergey Poznyakoff
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-Global: linguas
-[ 'en', 'fr', 'pl', 'es', 'el', 'ru' ]
-Function: translations
- if not xtrans.attr["LINGUA"].has_key("GETTEXT"):
- xtrans.attr["LINGUA"]["GETTEXT"] = {}
- return xtrans.attr["LINGUA"]["GETTEXT"]
-Function: msgid id, str
- xtrans.translations()[id] = str
-Function: SetLocale lang
- xtrans.lang = lang
-Function: gettext messid
- translations = xtrans.translations()
- if not translations.has_key(messid):
- return messid
- return translations[messid]
-Global: charset_dict
-{ 'def' : "iso-8859-1", 'pl': "iso-8859-2", 'ru': "koi8-r" }
-Function: charset lang
- if not xtrans.charset_dict.has_key(lang):
- lang = 'def'
- return xtrans.charset_dict[lang]

Return to:

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