# This file is part of Eclat -*- Autotest -*- # Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Sergey Poznyakoff # # Eclat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # Eclat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Eclat. If not, see . ECLAT_TEST_FORMAT([DescribeInstances], [DescribeInstances], [describe-instances.fln], [ fdcdcab1-ae5c-489e-9c33-4637c5dda355 r-0ece705a 053230519467 i-7a00642e ami-1cd4924e 16 running VPCKey 0 c1.medium 2012-06-28T17:41:48.000Z ap-southeast-1b default windows disabled subnet-c53c87ac vpc-cc3c87a5 true sg-374b565b quick-start-3 x86_64 ebs /dev/sda1 /dev/sda1 vol-9e151bfc attached 2012-06-28T17:42:05.000Z true hvm JNlxa1340905307390 Name SingleENI xen eni-d83388b1 subnet-c53c87ac vpc-cc3c87a5 Primary network interface 053230519467 in-use true sg-374b565b quick-start-3 eni-attach-31b87358 0 attached 2012-06-28T17:41:48.000Z true 053230519467 true 053230519467 false 053230519467 r-58b30a0c 053230519467 sg-aa4170f8 quick-start-5 i-507f1804 ami-70d49222 16 running ip-10-139-34-251.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal ec2-122-248-233-255.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com EC2Key 0 t1.micro 2012-06-29T22:53:42.000Z ap-southeast-1a default windows disabled sg-aa4170f8 quick-start-5 x86_64 ebs /dev/sda1 /dev/sda1 vol-a22b3ac0 attached 2012-06-29T22:54:02.000Z true hvm clNwH1341010421443 Name EC2 Instance xen ], [Reservation ID: r-0ece705a Owner ID: 053230519467 Instance: i-7a00642e Image ID: ami-1cd4924e State: running Kernel ID: Architecture: x86_64 Private DNS: Public DNS: Key: VPCKey Type: c1.medium Launch Time: 2012-06-28T17:41:48.000Z Availability Zone: ap-southeast-1b VPC: vpc-cc3c87a5 Subnet: subnet-c53c87ac Group Name: Tenancy: default Private IP: Public IP: Groups: sg-374b565b -- quick-start-3 Root Device Type: ebs Root Device Name: /dev/sda1 Device mapping: /dev/sda1 vol-9e151bfc attached 2012-06-28T17:42:05.000Z true Virtualization: hvm Tag Set: Name=SingleENI Hypervisor: xen EBS Optimized: End of instance Reservation ID: r-58b30a0c Owner ID: 053230519467 Groups: sg-aa4170f8 quick-start-5 Instance: i-507f1804 Image ID: ami-70d49222 State: running Kernel ID: Architecture: x86_64 Private DNS: ip-10-139-34-251.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal Public DNS: ec2-122-248-233-255.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com Key: EC2Key Type: t1.micro Launch Time: 2012-06-29T22:53:42.000Z Availability Zone: ap-southeast-1a VPC: Subnet: Group Name: Tenancy: default Private IP: Public IP: Groups: sg-aa4170f8 -- quick-start-5 Root Device Type: ebs Root Device Name: /dev/sda1 Device mapping: /dev/sda1 vol-a22b3ac0 attached 2012-06-29T22:54:02.000Z true Virtualization: hvm Tag Set: Name="EC2 Instance" Hypervisor: xen EBS Optimized: End of instance ])