/* This file is part of Eclat. Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Sergey Poznyakoff. Eclat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. Eclat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eclat. If not, see . */ if (.DescribeInstancesResponse.reservationSet) { for (var in .DescribeInstancesResponse.reservationSet.item) { print("Reservation ID: ", var.reservationId, "\n"); print("Owner ID: ", var.ownerId, "\n"); if (!empty(var.groupSet)) { print("Groups:\n"); for (grp in var.groupSet.item) print("\t", grp.groupId,"\t", grp.groupName, "\n"); } if (var.instancesSet) { // print("Instances:\n"); for (inst in var.instancesSet.item) { print("\nInstance: ", inst.instanceId, "\n"); print("\tImage ID: ", inst.imageId, "\n"); print("\tState: ", inst.instanceState.name, "\n"); print("\tKernel ID: ", inst.kernelId, "\n"); print("\tArchitecture: ", inst.architecture, "\n"); print("\tPrivate DNS: ", inst.privateDnsName, "\n"); print("\tPublic DNS: ", inst.dnsName, "\n"); print("\tKey: ", inst.keyName, "\n"); print("\tType: ", inst.instanceType, "\n"); print("\tLaunch Time: ", inst.launchTime, "\n"); print("\tAvailability Zone: ", inst.placement.availabilityZone, "\n"); print("\tVPC: ", inst.vpcId, "\n"); print("\tSubnet: ", inst.subnetId, "\n"); print("\tGroup Name: ", inst.placement.groupName, "\n"); print("\tTenancy: ", inst.placement.tenancy, "\n"); print("\tPrivate IP: ", inst.privateIpAddress, "\n"); print("\tPublic IP: ", inst.ipAddress, "\n"); if (!empty(inst.groupSet)) { print("\tGroups:\n"); for (grp in inst.groupSet.item) print("\t\t", grp.groupId, " -- ", grp.groupName, "\n"); } print("\tRoot Device Type: ", inst.rootDeviceType, "\n"); print("\tRoot Device Name: ", inst.rootDeviceName, "\n"); print("\tDevice mapping:\n"); for (dev in inst.blockDeviceMapping.item) { print("\t\t", dev.deviceName, " ", dev.ebs.volumeId, " ", dev.ebs.status, " ", dev.ebs.attachTime, " ", dev.ebs.deleteOnTermination, "\n"); } print("\tVirtualization: ", inst.virtualizationType, "\n"); print("\tTag Set:\n"); for (tag in inst.tagSet.item) { print("\t\t", tag.key, "=", tag.value, "\n"); } print("\tHypervisor: ", inst.hypervisor, "\n"); // FIXME: networkInterfaceSet print("\tEBS Optimized: ", inst.ebsOptimized, "\n"); print("End of instance\n\n"); } } } }