This is a list of EC2 actions and their status in Eclat. A check mark in Impl column means the corresponding action is implemented, and that in Doc columnt means the action is documented. The abbreviation column lists the action abbreviation, which is used to name the source files. +---------------------------------+----------------------+------------+-------+ | Action | Abbreviation | Impl | Doc | +---------------------------------+----------------------+------------+-------+ AllocateAddress ALLCADR [ ] [ ] AssignPrivateIpAddresses ASGNPRIVIPADRS [ ] [ ] AssociateAddress ASSCADR [X] [X] AssociateDhcpOptions ASSCDHCPOPTS [ ] [ ] AssociateRouteTable ASSCROUTTAB [ ] [ ] AttachInternetGateway ATTINETGW [ ] [ ] AttachNetworkInterface ATTNETIF [ ] [ ] AttachVolume ATTVOL [ ] [ ] AttachVpnGateway ATTVPNGW [ ] [ ] AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress AUTHSECGRPEG [ ] [ ] AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress AUTHSECGRPIG [ ] [ ] BundleInstance BUNINST [ ] [ ] CancelBundleTask CANBUNTSK [ ] [ ] CancelConversionTask CANCVRSTSK [ ] [ ] CancelExportTask CANEXPTSK [ ] [ ] CancelReservedInstancesListing CANRSRVDINSTSLST [ ] [ ] CancelSpotInstanceRequests CANSPOTINSTREQS [ ] [ ] ConfirmProductInstance CFRMPRODINST [ ] [ ] CreateCustomerGateway CRECUSTGW [ ] [ ] CreateDhcpOptions CREDHCPOPTS [ ] [ ] CreateImage CREIMG [ ] [ ] CreateInstanceExportTask CREINSTEXPTSK [ ] [ ] CreateInternetGateway CREINETGW [ ] [ ] CreateKeyPair CREKEYPAIR [ ] [ ] CreateNetworkAcl CRENETACL [ ] [ ] CreateNetworkAclEntry CRENETACLENT [ ] [ ] CreateNetworkInterface CRENETIF [ ] [ ] CreatePlacementGroup CREPLCGRP [ ] [ ] CreateReservedInstancesListing CRERSRVDINSTSLST [ ] [ ] CreateRoute CREROUT [ ] [ ] CreateRouteTable CREROUTTAB [ ] [ ] CreateSecurityGroup CRESECGRP [ ] [ ] CreateSnapshot CRESNAP [ ] [ ] CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription CRESPOTDFSSCR [ ] [ ] CreateSubnet CRESUB [ ] [ ] CreateTags CRETAGS [X] [ ] CreateVolume CREVOL [ ] [ ] CreateVpc CREVPC [ ] [ ] CreateVpnConnection CREVPNCNCT [ ] [ ] CreateVpnConnectionRoute CREVPNCNCTROUT [ ] [ ] CreateVpnGateway CREVPNGW [ ] [ ] DeleteCustomerGateway DELCUSTGW [ ] [ ] DeleteDhcpOptions DELDHCPOPTS [ ] [ ] DeleteInternetGateway DELINETGW [ ] [ ] DeleteKeyPair DELKEYPAIR [ ] [ ] DeleteNetworkAcl DELNETACL [ ] [ ] DeleteNetworkAclEntry DELNETACLENT [ ] [ ] DeleteNetworkInterface DELNETIF [ ] [ ] DeletePlacementGroup DELPLCGRP [ ] [ ] DeleteRoute DELROUT [ ] [ ] DeleteRouteTable DELROUTTAB [ ] [ ] DeleteSecurityGroup DELSECGRP [ ] [ ] DeleteSnapshot DELSNAP [ ] [ ] DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription DELSPOTDFSSCR [ ] [ ] DeleteSubnet DELSUB [ ] [ ] DeleteTags DELTAGS [X] [ ] DeleteVolume DELVOL [ ] [ ] DeleteVpc DELVPC [ ] [ ] DeleteVpnConnection DELVPNCNCT [ ] [ ] DeleteVpnConnectionRoute DELVPNCNCTROUT [ ] [ ] DeleteVpnGateway DELVPNGW [ ] [ ] DeregisterImage DRGIMG [ ] [ ] DescribeAddresses DSCRADRS [X] [ ] DescribeAvailabilityZones DSCRAVAIZONS [ ] [ ] DescribeBundleTasks DSCRBUNTSKS [ ] [ ] DescribeConversionTasks DSCRCVRSTSKS [ ] [ ] DescribeCustomerGateways DSCRCUSTGWS [ ] [ ] DescribeDhcpOptions DSCRDHCPOPTS [ ] [ ] DescribeExportTasks DSCREXPTSKS [ ] [ ] DescribeImageAttribute DSCRIMGATTR [ ] [ ] DescribeImages DSCRIMGS [ ] [ ] DescribeInstanceAttribute DSCRINSTATTR [X] [ ] DescribeInstances DSCRINSTS [X] [ ] DescribeInstanceStatus DSCRINSTSTAT [X] [ ] DescribeInternetGateways DSCRINETGWS [ ] [ ] DescribeKeyPairs DSCRKEYPAIRS [ ] [ ] DescribeNetworkAcls DSCRNETACLS [ ] [ ] DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute DSCRNETIFATTR [ ] [ ] DescribeNetworkInterfaces DSCRNETIFS [ ] [ ] DescribePlacementGroups DSCRPLCGRPS [ ] [ ] DescribeRegions DSCRREGS [ ] [ ] DescribeReservedInstances DSCRRSRVDINSTS [ ] [ ] DescribeReservedInstancesListings DSCRRSRVDINSTSLSTS [ ] [ ] DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings DSCRRSRVDINSTSOFRS [ ] [ ] DescribeRouteTables DSCRROUTTABS [ ] [ ] DescribeSecurityGroups DSCRSECGRPS [X] [ ] DescribeSnapshotAttribute DSCRSNAPATTR [ ] [ ] DescribeSnapshots DSCRSNAPS [ ] [ ] DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription DSCRSPOTDFSSCR [ ] [ ] DescribeSpotInstanceRequests DSCRSPOTINSTREQS [ ] [ ] DescribeSpotPriceHistory DSCRSPOTPRICHIST [ ] [ ] DescribeSubnets DSCRSUBS [ ] [ ] DescribeTags DSCRTAGS [X] [ ] DescribeVolumes DSCRVOLS [X] [ ] DescribeVolumeAttribute DSCRVOLATTR [ ] [ ] DescribeVolumeStatus DSCRVOLSTAT [ ] [ ] DescribeVpcs DSCRVPCS [ ] [ ] DescribeVpnConnections DSCRVPNCNCTS [ ] [ ] DescribeVpnGateways DSCRVPNGWS [ ] [ ] DetachInternetGateway DETINETGW [ ] [ ] DetachNetworkInterface DETNETIF [ ] [ ] DetachVolume DETVOL [ ] [ ] DetachVpnGateway DETVPNGW [ ] [ ] DisableVgwRoutePropagation DISVGWROUTPRPG [ ] [ ] DisassociateAddress DSSCADR [X] [X] DisassociateRouteTable DSSCROUTTAB [ ] [ ] EnableVgwRoutePropagation ENAVGWROUTPRPG [ ] [ ] EnableVolumeIO ENAVOLIO [ ] [ ] GetConsoleOutput GETCONOUT [X] [X] GetPasswordData GETPWDDATA [ ] [ ] ImportInstance IMPINST [ ] [ ] ImportKeyPair IMPKEYPAIR [ ] [ ] ImportVolume IMPVOL [ ] [ ] ModifyImageAttribute MODIMGATTR [ ] [ ] ModifyInstanceAttribute MODINSTATTR [ ] [ ] ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute MODNETIFATTR [ ] [ ] ModifySnapshotAttribute MODSNAPATTR [ ] [ ] ModifyVolumeAttribute MODVOLATTR [ ] [ ] MonitorInstances MONINSTS [ ] [ ] PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering PURRSRVDINSTSOFR [ ] [ ] RebootInstances RBTINSTS [X] [X] RegisterImage REGIMG [ ] [ ] ReleaseAddress RLSADR [ ] [ ] ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation RPLNETACLASCN [ ] [ ] ReplaceNetworkAclEntry RPLNETACLENT [ ] [ ] ReplaceRoute RPLROUT [ ] [ ] ReplaceRouteTableAssociation RPLROUTTABASCN [ ] [ ] ReportInstanceStatus REPINSTSTAT [ ] [ ] RequestSpotInstances REQSPOTINSTS [ ] [ ] ResetImageAttribute RSTIMGATTR [ ] [ ] ResetInstanceAttribute RSTINSTATTR [ ] [ ] ResetNetworkInterfaceAttribute RSTNETIFATTR [ ] [ ] ResetSnapshotAttribute RSTSNAPATTR [ ] [ ] RevokeSecurityGroupEgress RVKSECGRPEG [ ] [ ] RevokeSecurityGroupIngress RVKSECGRPIG [ ] [ ] RunInstances RUNINSTS [ ] [ ] StartInstances STAINSTS [X] [X] StopInstances STOINSTS [X] [X] TerminateInstances TRMINSTS [ ] [ ] UnassignPrivateIpAddresses USGNPRIVIPADRS [ ] [ ] UnmonitorInstances UMONINSTS [ ] [ ]