path: root/lib/Config/HAProxy
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Config/HAProxy')
7 files changed, 513 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Config/HAProxy/ b/lib/Config/HAProxy/
index 6b0208e..6d80dd9 100644
--- a/lib/Config/HAProxy/
+++ b/lib/Config/HAProxy/
@@ -60,10 +60,78 @@ sub next {
return $self->{_cur};
+=head1 NAME
+Config::HAProxy::Iterator - Iterate over objects in the parse tree
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ $cfg = Config::HAProxy->new->parse;
+ $itr = $cfg->iterator(inorder => 1);
+ while (defined(my $node = $itr->next)) {
+ # Do something with $node
+ }
+The iterator object provides a method for iterating over all nodes in the
+HAProxy parse tree. The object is returned by the B<iterator> method of
+B<Config::HAProxy> and B<Config::HAProxy::Node> objects. The method takes
+as optional argument the keyword specifying the order in which the tree nodes
+should be traversed. This keyword can be one of the following:
+=over 4
+=item B<recursive =E<gt> 0>
+No recursion. The traversal will not descend into section nodes. This is the
+=item B<inorder =E<gt> 1>
+The nodes will be traversed in the inorder manner, i.e. the section node
+will be visited first, and all its sub-nodes after it.
+=item B<postorder =E<gt> 1>
+The nodes will be traversed in the postorder manner, i.e. for each section
+node, its sub-nodes will be visited first, and the node itself afterward.
+Note: This section is informative. You never need to create
+B<Config::HAProxy::Iterator> objects explicitly. Please use the B<iterator>
+method of B<Config::HAProxy> or B<Config::HAProxy::Node> class objects.
+ $itr = new Config::HAProxy::Iterator($node, %rec);
+Returns new iterator object for traversing the tree starting from B<$node>,
+which must be a B<Config::HAProxy::Node> object. Optional B<%rec> is one of
+the keywords discussed above, in section B<DESCRIPTION>.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 next
+ $node = $itr->next;
+Returns next node in the traversal sequence. If all nodes were visited, returns
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+B<HAProxy::Config>, B<HAProxy::Config::Node>.
diff --git a/lib/Config/HAProxy/ b/lib/Config/HAProxy/
index be09538..8210067 100644
--- a/lib/Config/HAProxy/
+++ b/lib/Config/HAProxy/
@@ -94,6 +94,143 @@ sub is_root { 0 }
sub is_section { 0 }
sub is_statement { 0 }
sub is_empty { 0 }
sub is_comment { 0 }
+=head1 NAME
+Config::HAProxy::Node - Abstract HAProxy configuration node
+The class B<Config::HAProxy::Node> represents an abstract node in the
+HAProxy configuration parse tree. It serves as a base class for classes
+representing configuration tree, section, simple statement, comment and
+empty line.
+ $obj = new Config::HAProxy::Node(%args);
+Returns new object. B<%args> can contain the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item B<kw>
+Configuration keyword (string),
+=item B<argv>
+Reference to the list of arguments.
+=item B<orig>
+Original text as read from the configuration file.
+=item B<locus>
+Locus (a B<Text::Locus> object) where this statement occurred.
+=item B<parent>
+Parent node.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 B<kw>, B<argv>, B<orig>, B<locus>, B<parent>
+These methods return the corresponding field of the node. When called
+with an argument, they set the field prior to returning it. The B<argv>
+method returns array of strings and takes as its argument a reference to
+the array of strings:
+ @a = $node->argv;
+ $node->argv([@a]);
+=head2 index
+Index (0-based) of this node in the parent node.
+=head2 arg
+ $a = $node->arg($n)
+Returns the B<$n>th argument (0-based) from the argument list.
+=head2 drop
+ $node->drop;
+Removes this node and destroys it.
+=head2 iterator
+ $itr = $node->iterator(@args);
+Returns the iterator for this node. See B<Config::HAProxy::Iterator> for
+a detailed discussion.
+=head2 depth
+ $n = $node->depth;
+Returns the depth of this node in the configuration tree. Depth is the
+number of parent nodes between the root of tree and this node. Top-level
+nodes have depth 0.
+=head2 root
+ $root_node = $node->root;
+Returns the root node of the parse tree this node belongs to.
+=head2 as_string
+ $s = $node->as_string;
+Returns canonical string representation of this node. The canonical
+representation consists of the keyword followed by arguments delimited
+with horizontal space characters.
+Derived classes must overload at least one of the following methods:
+=head2 is_root
+True if the node is a root node, false otherwise.
+=head2 is_section
+True if the node represents a section (i.e. contains subnodes).
+=head2 is_statement
+True if the node is a simple statement.
+=head2 is_empty
+True if the node represents an empty line.
+=head2 is_comment
+True if the node represents a comment.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/ b/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/
index 5d7ef88..17a513b 100644
--- a/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/
+++ b/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/
@@ -1,6 +1,37 @@
package Config::HAProxy::Node::Comment;
use parent 'Config::HAProxy::Node';
+=head1 NAME
+Config::HAProxy::Node::Comment - comment node in HAProxy configuration
+Objects of this class represent comments in HAProxy configuration file.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 is_comment
+Returns true.
+=head2 orig
+Returns original line as it appeared in the configuration file.
+=head2 locus
+Returns the location of this statement in the configuration file (the
+B<Text::Locus> object).
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+B<Config::HAProxy::Node>, B<Text::Locus>.
sub is_comment { 1 }
diff --git a/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/ b/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/
index bee0f2e..19ce5da 100644
--- a/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/
+++ b/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/
@@ -1,6 +1,35 @@
package Config::HAProxy::Node::Empty;
use parent 'Config::HAProxy::Node';
+=head1 NAME
+Config::HAProxy::Node::Empty - empty HAProxy configuration node
+Objects of this class represent empty lines in HAProxy configuration file.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 is_empty
+Always true.
+=head2 orig
+Returns original line as it appeared in the configuration file.
+=head2 locus
+Returns the location of this statement in the configuration file (the
+B<Text::Locus> object).
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+B<Config::HAProxy::Node>, B<Text::Locus>.
sub is_empty { 1 }
diff --git a/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/ b/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/
index 656bb9f..ca6e575 100644
--- a/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/
+++ b/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/
@@ -1,31 +1,81 @@
package Config::HAProxy::Node::Root;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent 'Config::HAProxy::Node::Section';
use Carp;
+=head1 NAME
+Config::HAProxy::Node::Root - root node of HAProxy configuration parse tree
+Objects of this class represent the topmost node in HAProxy configuration tree.
+Each parse tree contains exactly one object of this class. This node can be
+reached from every node in the tree by following its B<parent> attribute
+and is returned by the B<tree> method of B<Config::HAProxy> class.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
$self->{dirty} = 0;
return $self;
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 is_root
+Always true.
+=head2 is_dirty
+ $bool = $node->is_dirty;
+Returns true if the tree is C<dirty>, i.e. it was modified since it has been
+created from the disk configuration file.
sub is_dirty {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{dirty}
+=head2 mark_dirty
+ $node->mark_dirty;
+Sets the C<dirty> attribute.
sub mark_dirty {
my $self = shift;
$self->{dirty} = 1;
+=head2 clear_dirty
+ $node->clear_dirty;
+Clears the C<dirty> attribute.
sub clear_dirty {
my $self = shift;
$self->{dirty} = 0;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/ b/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/
index c332155..3ef1cf0 100644
--- a/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/
+++ b/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/
@@ -1,41 +1,113 @@
package Config::HAProxy::Node::Section;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent 'Config::HAProxy::Node';
use Carp;
+=head1 NAME
+Config::HAProxy::Node::Section - HAProxy configuration section
+Objects of this class represent a C<section> in the HAProxy configuration file.
+A section is a statement that can contain sub-statements. The following
+statements form sections: B<global>, B<defaults>, B<frontend>, and B<backend>.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
$self->{_tree} = [];
return $self;
+=head2 is_section
+Always true.
sub is_section { 1 }
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 kw
+Returns the configuration keyword.
+=head2 argv
+Returns the list of arguments to the configuration keyword.
+=head2 arg
+ $s = $node->arg($n)
+Returns the B<$n>th argument.
+=head2 orig
+Returns original line as it appeared in the configuration file.
+=head2 locus
+Returns the location of this statement in the configuration file (the
+B<Text::Locus> object).
+=head2 append_node
+ $section->append_node(@nodes);
+Takes a list of objects of B<Config::HAProxy::Node> derived classes as
+arguments. Adds these objects after the last node in the subtree in this
sub append_node {
my $self = shift;
my $n = @{$self->{_tree}};
push @{$self->{_tree}},
map {
} @_;
+=head2 append_node_nonempty
+ $section->append_node_nonempty(@nodes);
+Same as B<append_node>, but adds new nodes after the last non-empty
+node in the subtree.
sub append_node_nonempty {
my $self = shift;
my $n = $#{$self->{_tree}};
while ($n >= 0 && $self->{_tree}[$n]->is_empty) {
$self->insert_node($n+1, @_);
+=head2 insert_node
+ $section->insert_node($idx, @nodes);
+Inserts B<@nodes> after subnode in position B<$idx> (0-based).
sub insert_node {
my $self = shift;
my $n = shift;
my $i = $n;
splice @{$self->{_tree}}, $n, 0,
map {
@@ -45,30 +117,59 @@ sub insert_node {
} @_;
for (; $i < @{$self->{_tree}}; $i++) {
+=head2 delete_node
+ $section->delete_node($i);
+Deletes B<$i>th subnode from the B<$section>.
sub delete_node {
my ($self, $n) = @_;
splice @{$self->{_tree}}, $n, 1;
for (; $n < @{$self->{_tree}}; $n++) {
+=head2 tree
+ @nodes = $section->tree;
+Returns subnodes as a list of B<Config::HAProxy::Node> derived objects.
+ $node = $section->tree($i);
+Returns B<$i>th subnode from the B<$section>.
sub tree {
my ($self, $n) = @_;
if ($n) {
return undef if $n >= @{$self->{_tree}};
return $self->{_tree}[$n];
return @{shift->{_tree}}
+=head2 ends_in_empty
+ $bool = $section->ends_in_empty
+Returns true if the last node in the list of sub-nodes in B<$section> is
+an empty node.
sub ends_in_empty {
my $self = shift;
while ($self->is_section) {
$self = $self->tree(-1);
return $self->is_empty;
@@ -107,12 +208,56 @@ my %match = (
my $node = shift;
return $node->is_comment;
+=head2 select
+ @nodes = $section->select(%cond);
+Returns nodes from B<$section> that match conditions in B<%cond>. Valid
+conditions are:
+=over 4
+=item B<name =E<gt>> I<$s>
+Node matches if its keyword (B<kw>) equals I<$s>.
+=item B<arg =E<gt>> B<{ n =E<gt>> I<$n>, B<v> =E<gt> I<$s> B<}>
+Node mathches if its I<$n>th argument equals I<$s>.
+=item B<section =E<gt>> I<$bool>
+Node matches if it is (or is not, if I<$bool> is false) a section.
+=item B<statement =E<gt>> I<$bool>
+Node matches if it is (not) a simple statement.
+=item B<comment =E<gt>> I<$bool>
+Node matches if it is (not) a comment.
+Multiple conditions are checked in the order of their appearance in the
+argument list and are joined by the short-circuit logical C<and>.
+For example, to return all B<frontend> statements:
+ @fe = $section->select(name => 'frontend');
+To return the frontend named C<in>:
+ ($fe) = $section->select( name => 'frontend',
+ arg => { n => 0, v => 'in' } );
sub select {
my $self = shift;
my @prog;
while (my $p = shift) {
my $arg = shift or croak "missing argument";
@@ -135,9 +280,15 @@ sub _test_node {
return 0 unless &{$f}($node);
return 1;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+B<Config::HAProxy::Node>, B<Config::HAProxy>, B<Text::Locus>.
diff --git a/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/ b/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/
index abf0e50..305c529 100644
--- a/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/
+++ b/lib/Config/HAProxy/Node/
@@ -1,6 +1,51 @@
package Config::HAProxy::Node::Statement;
use parent 'Config::HAProxy::Node';
+=head1 NAME
+Config::HAProxy::Node::Statement - simple statement node in HAProxy tree
+Objects of this class represent simple statements in HAProxy configuration
+file. A C<simple statement> is any statement excepting: B<global>, B<defaults>,
+B<frontend>, and B<backend>.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 is_statement
+Returns true.
+=head2 kw
+Returns the configuration keyword.
+=head2 argv
+Returns the list of arguments to the configuration keyword.
+=head2 arg
+ $s = $node->arg($n)
+Returns the B<$n>th argument.
+=head2 orig
+Returns original line as it appeared in the configuration file.
+=head2 locus
+Returns the location of this statement in the configuration file (the
+B<Text::Locus> object).
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+B<Config::HAProxy::Node>, B<Config::HAProxy>, B<Text::Locus>.
sub is_statement { 1 }

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