/* wordsplit - a word splitter Copyright (C) 2009 Sergey Poznyakoff This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include struct flgtab { char *name; int flag; }; struct flgtab flgtab[] = { #define FLG(n) { #n, n } FLG(WRDSF_SHOWERR), FLG(WRDSF_ENOMEMABRT), FLG(WRDSF_WS), FLG(WRDSF_QUOTE), FLG(WRDSF_SQUEEZE_DELIMS), FLG(WRDSF_RETURN_DELIMS), FLG(WRDSF_SED_EXPR), FLG(WRDSF_DEFFLAGS), { NULL } #undef FLG }; int str2flag (const char *opt) { struct flgtab *f; for (f = flgtab; f->name; f++) if (strcmp (f->name, opt) == 0) return f->flag; return 0; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { struct wordsplit ws; int flags = 0; int f; size_t i; char *text; char *progname = argv[0]; while (--argc) { char *opt = *++argv; if (strncmp (opt, "delim=", 6) == 0) { ws.ws_delim = opt + 6; flags |= WRDSF_DELIM; } else if (strncmp (opt, "comment=", 8) == 0) { ws.ws_comment = opt + 8; flags |= WRDSF_COMMENT; } else if ((opt[0] == '!' || opt[0] == '~') && strncmp (opt+1, "WRDSF_", 6) == 0) { f = str2flag (opt + 1); if (!f) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: unknown flag: %s\n", progname, opt+1); exit (1); } flags &= ~f; } else if (strncmp (opt, "WRDSF_", 6) == 0) { f = str2flag (opt); if (!f) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: unknown flag: %s\n", progname, opt); exit (1); } flags |= f; } else if (strcmp (opt, "--") == 0) break; else break; } if (!flags) flags = WRDSF_DEFFLAGS; if (argc == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: not enough arguments\n", progname); return 1; } text = *argv++; argc--; if (wordsplit (text, &ws, flags)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: parse error\n", progname); return 1; } if (ws.ws_wordc != argc) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: wrong number of fields (%lu/%d)\n", progname, (unsigned long) ws.ws_wordc, argc); return 1; } for (i = 0; i < ws.ws_wordc; i++) if (strcmp (ws.ws_wordv[i], argv[i])) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: word %lu mismatch (got %s)\n", progname, (unsigned long) i, ws.ws_wordv[i]); return 1; } wordsplit_free (&ws); return 0; }