path: root/README.rst
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1 files changed, 167 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 587526a..40e3d5d 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,169 @@
MediaWiki Markup Translator
+This package provides Python framework for translating WikiMedia
+articles to various formats. The present version supports
+conversions to plain text, HTML, and Texinfo formats.
+A command line convertor utility is included.
+class ``WikiMarkup``
+A base class for all translator classes. Unless you plan extending
+wikitrans, you will never have to create objects of this
+class. Instead, you will be using one of its derived classes.
+Constructor arguments common for all derived classes:
+filename = *name*
+ The file *name* is opened and used for input.
+file = *fd*
+ An already opened file *fd* is used for input.
+text = *string*
+ Input is taken from *string*, line by line.
+lang = *code*
+ Specifies language version. Default is ``en``. This variable can be
+ referred to as ``%(lang)s`` in the keyword arguments below.
+html_base = *url*
+ Base URL for cross-references. Default is
+ ``http://%(lang)``.
+image_base = *url*
+ Base URL for images. Default is
+ ````
+media_base = *url*
+ Base URL for media files. Default is
+ ````
+class ``TextWikiMarkup``
+Translates material in Wiki markup language to plain text. Usage::
+ from WikiTrans.wiki2text import TextWikiMarkup
+ markup = TextWikiMarkup(filename='input.txt')
+ markup.parse()
+ print(str(markup))
+Specific constructor arguments:
+width = *N*
+ Limit output width to *N* columns. Default is 78.
+show_urls = *bool*
+ Whether or not to show the URLs links refer to. If *bool* is
+ ``True`` (the default), a URL will be displayed in parentheses next
+ to the link text. If ``False``, only the link text will be displayed.
+class ``TextWiktionaryMarkup``
+Translate material from wiktionary to plain text form. This is
+supposed to provide a wiktionary-specific form of
+``TextWikiMarkup``. Currently both classes are entirely equivalent.
+class ``TexiWikiMarkup``
+Translate Wiki markup to Texinfo source. Usage::
+ from WikiTrans.wiki2texi import TexiWikiMarkup
+ markup = TexiWikiMarkup(filename='input.txt')
+ markup.parse()
+ print(str(markup))
+Two markup-specific keywords control the sectioning model used.
+sectioning_model = *model*
+ Selects the Texinfo sectioning model for the output
+ document. Possible values are:
+ ``numbered``
+ Top of document is marked with ``@top``. Headings (``=``, ``==``,
+ ``===``, etc) produce ``@chapter``,
+ ``@section``, ``@subsection``, etc.
+ ``unnumbered``
+ Unnumbered sectioning: ``@top``, ``@unnumbered``, ``@unnumberedsec``,
+ ``@unnumberedsubsec``.
+ ``appendix``
+ Sectioning suitable for appendix entries: ``@top``, ``@appendix``,
+ ``@appendixsec``, ``@appendixsubsec``, etc.
+ ``heading``
+ Use heading directives to reflect sectioning: ``@majorheading``,
+ ``@chapheading``, ``@heading``, ``@subheading``, etc.
+sectioning_start = *n*
+ Shift resulting heading level by *n* positions. For example, supposing
+ ``sectioning_model=numbered``, ``== A ==`` will produce ``@section
+ A`` on output. If ``sectioning_start=1`` is also given, this
+ directive will produce ``@subsection A`` instead.
+class ``HtmlWikiMarkup``
+Translates Wiki markup to HTML. Usage::
+ from WikiTrans.wiki2html import HtmlWikiMarkup
+ markup = HtmlWikiMarkup(filename='input.txt')
+ markup.parse()
+ print(str(markup))
+Supported keywords are same as for ``WikiMarkup`` class.
+class ``HtmlWiktionaryMarkup``
+Translate material from wiktionary to HTML form. This is
+supposed to provide a wiktionary-specific form of
+``HtmlWikiMarkup``. Currently both classes are equivalent.
+The ``wikitrans`` utility
+This command line utility converts the supplied text to a selected
+output format. The usage syntax is::
+ wikitrans [OPTIONS] ARG
+If ARG looks like a URL, the wiki text to be converted will be
+downloaded from that URL.
+Otherwise, if the ``--base-url=URL`` option is given, ARG is treated as
+the name of the page to get from the WikiMedia istallation at ``URL``.
+Otherwise, ARG is treated as the name of the file to read wiki
+material from.
+ wikitrans
+ wikitrans --base-url door
+ wikitrans
+Options are:
+ Show program's version number and exit.
+``-h``, ``--help``
+ Show a short usage summary and exit.
+``-v``, ``--verbose``
+ Verbose operation.
+``-I ITYPE``, ``--input-type=ITYPE``
+ Set input document type. *ITYPE* is one of: ``default`` or ``wiktionary``.
+``-t OTYPE``, ``--to=OTYPE``, ``--type=OTYPE``
+ Set output document type (``html`` (the default), ``texi``,
+ ``text``, or ``dump``).
+``-l LANG``, ``--lang=LANG``
+ Set input document language
+``-o KW=VAL``, ``--option=KW=VAL``
+ Pass the keyword argument ``KW=VAL`` to the parser class construct.
+``-d DEBUG``, ``--debug=DEBUG``
+ Set debug level (0..100)
+``-D``, ``--dump``
+ Dump parse tree and exit; same as ``--type=dump``.
+``-b URL``, ``--base-url=URL``
+ Set base url.

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