Vmod-variable README Copyright (C) 2015 Sergey Poznyakoff See the end of file for copying conditions. * Introduction This file contains brief information about configuring, testing and using vmod-variable. It is *not* intended as a replacement for the documentation, and is provided as a brief reference only. For accessing complete vmod-variable documentation, see the section 'Documentation' below. For a list of differences between this module and vmod_var, see the section "vmod_variable vs. vmod_var". * Overview This module provides enhanced variable support for VCL scripts. It compiles for Varnish versions 3 and 4. There are two kinds of variables: session-specific, which have the lifespan of one HTTP session (connection) and cease to exist when it is closed, and global, which are shared between all sessions. Session-specific variables are typed, a pair of functions is provided for setting and retrieveng variables od a particular type. For example the function set_duration sets a duration variable, and get_duration retrieves its value: set beresp.ttl = variable.get_int("ttl"); Special functions are provided for testing if a variable is defined: the defined() function returns true if the variable is defined, and the type_of() function returns the type of the variable. A special feature of this module are regset() and queryset() functions. The regset() function allows you to parse a string (e.g. a URL or header value) according to a regular expression and to set several variables at once to selected substrings of the input string, optionally converting between different types. For example, the fragment below sets ttl and grace parameters of the object according to the Surrogate-Control header: variable.regset("ttl:d=\1s,grace:d=\2s", "^(?:.*,)?max-age=([0-9]+)(?:+([0-9]+))", beresp.http.Surrogate-Control); set beresp.ttl = variable.get_duration("ttl"); set beresp.grace = variable.get_duration("grace"); The first argument to regset declares a list of variables to be set, along with their types (":d" standing for "duration") and values to be assigned (after = signs). The latter use backreferenses to refer to the substrings captured by the regular expression and add the "s" suffix to each captured string to obtain a valid duration. To obtain the same effect without variable.regset, one would have to use regsub twice, casting the result explicitly set beresp.ttl = std.duration(regsub(beresp.http.Surrogate-Control, "^(?:.*,)?max-age=([0-9]+)(?:+([0-9]+))", "\1s")); set beresp.grace = std.duration(regsub(beresp.http.Surrogate-Control, "^(?:.*,)?max-age=([0-9]+)(?:+([0-9]+))", "\2s")); The queryset() function treats its argument as a HTTP query, and defines variables according to it. For example: variable.queryset("q:s,n:i,p:i", regsub(req.url, ".*\?(.+)", "\1")); If req.url contained "q=term&n=10&p=5", this call will define three variables: a string variable "q" having the value "term", and two integer variables "n" and "p" with the values 10 and 5 correspondingly. * Functions ** Typed accessors: VOID set(STRING name, STRING value) VOID set_string(STRING name, STRING name) Define a string variable STRING get(STRING name) STRING get_string(STRING name) Retrieve the value of a string variable VOID set_int(STRING name, INT value) Define an integer variable INT get_int(STRING name) Retrieve the value of an integer variable VOID set_real(STRING name, REAL value) Define a floating-point variable REAL get_real(STRING name) Retrieve the value of a floating-point variable VOID set_duration(STRING name, DURATION value) Define a duration variable DURATION get_duration(STRING name) Retrieve the value of a duration variable VOID unset(STRING name) Unset the variable VOID clear() Unset all variables ** Testing for existence BOOL defined(STRING name) Test if the variable is defined STRING type_of(STRING name) Return type of the variable (one of: UNSET, STRING, INT, REAL, DURATION) ** Special functions VOID regset(STRING vardcl, STRING regex, STRING input) If input matches regular expression regex, initializes variables declared in vardcl to parts of input captured by parenthesized groups in regex. The parameter vardcl contains one or more comma-separated decla- rations, each one having the syntax NAME[:TYPE][=VALUE] (brackets denoting optional parts). The :TYPE suffix declares the type of the variable (STRING, INT, REAL, DURATION). The =VALUE part defines its value. It can refer to the nine captured substrings via the usual notation \1 through \9. VOID queryset(STRING vardcl, STRING input) Parses input as HTTP query string and assigns variables according to vardcl. If vardcl is empty, the function will define all variables present in input to string values. Otherwies, only the named variables will be set. The value of the vardcl variable is a comma-separated list of variable names, optionally followed by :TYPE construct, whose meaning is the same as in regset. ** Global variables VOID global_set(STRING name, STRING value) Set a global variable STRING global_get(STRING name) Retrieve the value of a global variable BOOL global_defined(STRING name) Test whether the global variable is defined VOID global_unset(STRING name) Unset a global variable VOID global_clear() Unset all global variables * vmod_variable vs. vmod_var This module is backward-compatibile with vmod_var. To facilitate transition, it uses the same naming scheme, so switching to use vmod_variable in your VCL script is just a matter of replacing s/var\./variable./ Main differences of vmod_variable from vmod_var: 1. Both Varnish 3 and 4 are supported; 2. Variables are stored in hash tables with open addressing, to speed up accesses (vmod_var keeps them in singly-linked lists). 3. Functions for testing existence and types of variables, and for unsetting a variable: defined(), type_of() and unset() 4. The regset() and queryset() functions; 5. Additional functions for global variables: global_clear(), global_defined() and global_unset(). * Installation In order to compile the package you need to have the varnishd and varnishapi packages installed. Supposing that condition is met, run: ./configure It should be able to automatically find the necessary components. In case it doesn't, tweak the configuration variables as necessary. The most important one is PKG_CONFIG_PATH, which contains a path (in the UNIX sense) where the .pc files are located. It should contain a directory where the 'varnishapi.pc' file lives. Example usage: ./configure PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/varnish/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH Please read the file INSTALL for a detailed discussion of available variables and command line options. Once configured, do make This will build the module. After this step you can optionally run 'make test' to test the package. Finally, run the following command as root: make install * Documentation The manual page vmod-variable(3) will be available after a successful install. To read it without actually installing the module, run `man src/vmod-variable.3'. An online copy of the documentation is available from http://www.gnu.org.ua/software/vmod-variable. * Bug reporting Send bug reports and suggestions to Local Variables: mode: outline paragraph-separate: "[ ]*$" version-control: never End: