/* This file is part of vmod-tbf Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Sergey Poznyakoff Vmod-tbf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. Vmod-tbf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with vmod-tbf. If not, see . */ #include "tbf.h" static unsigned gc_interval = 3600; static int debug_level = 0; static void debugprt(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsyslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_DEBUG, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } #define debug(n,c) do { if (debug_level>=(n)) debugprt c; } while (0) /* Linked list management */ /* Link NODE after REF in TREE. If REF is NULL, link at head */ static void lru_link_node(struct tree *tree, struct node *node, struct node *ref) { if (!ref) { node->prev = NULL; node->next = tree->head; if (tree->head) tree->head->prev = node; else tree->tail = node; tree->head = node; } else { struct node *x; node->prev = ref; node->next = ref->next; if ((x = ref->next)) x->prev = node; else tree->tail = node; ref->next = node; } } static void lru_unlink_node(struct tree *tree, struct node *node) { struct node *x; if ((x = node->prev)) x->next = node->next; else tree->head = node->next; if ((x = node->next)) x->prev = node->prev; else tree->tail = node->prev; node->prev = node->next = NULL; } static int keycmp(uint8_t *a, uint8_t *b) { return memcmp(a, b, SHA256_LEN); } static void keycpy(uint8_t *a, uint8_t *b) { memcpy(a, b, SHA256_LEN); } static void key_create(char const *input, uint8_t key[]) { struct SHA256Context ctx; SHA256_Init(&ctx); SHA256_Update(&ctx, input, strlen (input)); SHA256_Final(key, &ctx); } static struct node * node_alloc(uint8_t key[], struct node *parent) { static struct node *node; node = calloc(1, sizeof(*node)); AN(node); node->parent = parent; keycpy(node->key, key); pthread_cond_init(&node->notbusy, NULL); node->busy = 1; node->status = NST_INCOMPLETE; // debug(2, ("%x: allocated new node %p", pthread_self(), node)); return node; } static void node_lock(struct tree *tree, struct node *node) { if (node->busy) { pthread_cond_wait(&node->notbusy, &tree->mutex); node->busy = 1; } } static void node_unlock(struct node *node) { if (node->busy) { node->busy = 0; pthread_cond_broadcast(&node->notbusy); } } static int tree_lookup_node(struct tree *tree, uint8_t key[], struct node **ret) { int res; struct node *node, *parent = NULL; struct node **nodeptr; pthread_mutex_lock(&tree->mutex); nodeptr = &tree->root; while ((node = *nodeptr) != NULL) { res = keycmp(key, node->key); if (res == 0) break; parent = node; nodeptr = &node->child[res > 0]; } if (node) { node_lock(tree, node); lru_unlink_node(tree, node); res = NODE_FOUND; } else { node = node_alloc(key, parent); *nodeptr = node; res = NODE_NEW; } lru_link_node(tree, node, NULL); *ret = node; pthread_mutex_unlock(&tree->mutex); // debug(2, ("head: %p, root: %p", tree->head, tree->root)); return res; } static void node_free(struct node *node) { #ifdef DEBUG free(node->keystr); #endif pthread_cond_destroy(&node->notbusy); free(node); } static void tree_delete_node_unlocked(struct tree *tree, struct node *node) { struct node *parent = node->parent; struct node **slot; if (!parent) slot = &tree->root; else if (node == parent->child[CHILD_LEFT]) slot = &parent->child[CHILD_LEFT]; else slot = &parent->child[CHILD_RIGHT]; if (!node->child[CHILD_LEFT]) { /* No left subtree: link the right subtree to the parent slot */ *slot = node->child[CHILD_RIGHT]; if (node->child[CHILD_RIGHT]) node->child[CHILD_RIGHT]->parent = parent; } else if (!node->child[CHILD_RIGHT]) { /* No right subtree: link the left subtree to the parent slot */ *slot = node->child[CHILD_LEFT]; if (node->child[CHILD_LEFT]) node->child[CHILD_LEFT]->parent = parent; } else { /* Node has both subtrees. Find the largest value in the left subtree */ struct node *p; for (p = node->child[CHILD_LEFT]; p->child[CHILD_RIGHT]; p = p->child[CHILD_RIGHT]) ; p->child[CHILD_RIGHT] = node->child[CHILD_RIGHT]; p->child[CHILD_RIGHT]->parent = p; *slot = node->child[CHILD_LEFT]; node->child[CHILD_LEFT]->parent = parent; } lru_unlink_node(tree, node); } /* Dispose of tree nodes that were last accessed TIMEOUT seconds ago or earlier */ void tree_gc(struct tree *tree, time_t timeout) { struct node *p; uint64_t t; size_t count = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&tree->mutex); t = (uint64_t) (time(NULL) - timeout) * USEC_PER_SEC; debug(1,("gc till %"PRIu64, t)); while ((p = tree->tail) && p->timestamp < t) { #ifdef DEBUG debug(1,("deleting %s", tree->tail->keystr)); #endif node_lock(tree, p); tree_delete_node_unlocked(tree, p); node_unlock(p); node_free(p); ++count; } debug(1,("gc removed %lu nodes", count)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&tree->mutex); } /* Algorithm: * A token is added to the bucket at a constant rate of 1 token per INTERVAL microseconds. * A bucket can hold at most BURST_SIZE tokens. If a token arrives when the bucket is full, that token is discarded. * When COST items of data arrive, COST tokens are removed from the bucket and the data are accepted. * If fewer than COST tokens are available, no tokens are removed from the bucket and the data are not accepted. This keeps the data traffic at a constant rate INTERVAL with bursts of up to BURST_SIZE data items. Such bursts occur when no data was being arrived for BURST_SIZE*INTERVAL or more microseconds. */ static int tbf_proc(struct tree *tree, const char *keystr, int cost, unsigned long interval, int burst_size) { uint8_t key[SHA256_LEN]; struct node *node = NULL; struct timeval tv; uint64_t now; uint64_t elapsed; uint64_t tokens; int res; key_create(keystr, key); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); now = (uint64_t) tv.tv_sec * USEC_PER_SEC + (uint64_t)tv.tv_usec; switch (tree_lookup_node(tree, key, &node)) { case NODE_FOUND: /* calculate elapsed time and number of new tokens since last add */; elapsed = now - node->timestamp; tokens = elapsed / interval; /* partial tokens ignored */ /* timestamp set to time of most recent token */ node->timestamp += tokens * interval; /* add existing tokens to 64bit counter to prevent overflow in range check */ tokens += node->tokens; if (tokens >= burst_size) node->tokens = burst_size; else node->tokens = (size_t)tokens; debug(2, ("found, elapsed time: %"PRIu64" us, " "new tokens: %"PRIu64", total: %lu", elapsed, tokens, (unsigned long) node->tokens)); break; case NODE_NEW: /* Initialize the structure */ node->status = NST_INIT; #ifdef DEBUG node->keystr = strdup(keystr); #endif node->timestamp = now; node->tokens = burst_size; } if (cost <= node->tokens) { res = 1; node->tokens -= cost; debug(2, ("tbf_rate matched %s, tokens left %lu", keystr, (unsigned long) node->tokens)); } else { res = 0; debug(1, ("tbf_rate overlimit on %s", keystr)); } node_unlock(node); debug(1, ("tbf_proc: return")); return res; } static void tree_ref(struct tree *tree); static struct tree * tree_create(void) { struct tree *tree = calloc(1, sizeof(*tree)); AN(tree); pthread_mutex_init(&tree->mutex, NULL); tree_ref(tree); return tree; } static void tree_ref(struct tree *tree) { pthread_mutex_lock(&tree->mutex); tree->refcnt++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&tree->mutex); } static void tree_destroy(struct tree **tree_ptr) { struct tree *tree = *tree_ptr; struct node *p; pthread_mutex_lock(&tree->mutex); *tree_ptr = NULL; while ((p = tree->tail)) { node_lock(tree, p); lru_unlink_node(tree, p); node_unlock(p); node_free(p); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&tree->mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&tree->mutex); free(tree); } static void tree_unref(struct tree **ptree) { struct tree *tree = *ptree; pthread_mutex_lock(&tree->mutex); AN(tree->refcnt); if (--tree->refcnt == 0) *ptree = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&tree->mutex); if (tree->refcnt == 0) tree_destroy(&tree); } static struct node * node_postorder_first(struct node *node) { uint32_t n = node->ord; while (1) { if (node->child[CHILD_LEFT]) node = node->child[CHILD_LEFT]; else if (node->child[CHILD_RIGHT]) node = node->child[CHILD_RIGHT]; else break; node->ord = ++n; } return node; } static struct node * node_postorder_next(struct node *node) { AN(node->parent); if (node == node->parent->child[CHILD_RIGHT]) return node->parent; if (node == node->parent->child[CHILD_LEFT]) { if (node->parent->child[CHILD_RIGHT]) { node->parent->child[CHILD_RIGHT]->ord = node->parent->ord + 1; return node_postorder_first(node->parent->child[CHILD_RIGHT]); } else return node->parent; } /* should not happen */ abort(); } static void tree_traverse_postorder(struct tree *tree, void (*visit)(struct node *, void *data), void *data) { struct node *node; pthread_mutex_lock(&tree->mutex); tree->root->ord = 1; node = node_postorder_first(tree->root); visit(node, data); while (node != tree->root) { node = node_postorder_next(node); visit(node, data); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&tree->mutex); } #if 0 static void node_traverse_postorder(struct node *node, void (*visit)(struct node *, void *data), void *data) { if (!node) return; node_traverse_postorder(node->child[CHILD_LEFT], visit, data); node_traverse_postorder(node->child[CHILD_RIGHT], visit, data); visit(node, data); } static void tree_traverse_postorder(struct tree *tree, void (*visit)(struct node *, void *data), void *data) { node_traverse_postorder(tree->root, visit, data); } #endif struct tree_stats { uint32_t len_sum; uint32_t num_nodes; uint32_t num_leaves; uint32_t shortest_path; uint32_t longest_path; double avg_path; }; static void node_compute_stats(struct node *node, void *data) { struct tree_stats *st = data; st->num_nodes++; if (!node->child[CHILD_LEFT] && !node->child[CHILD_RIGHT]) { st->num_leaves++; st->len_sum += node->ord; if (node->ord > st->longest_path) st->longest_path = node->ord; if (node->ord < st->shortest_path) st->shortest_path = node->ord; } } void tree_compute_stats(struct tree *tree, struct tree_stats *st) { memset(st, 0, sizeof(*st)); st->shortest_path = tree->root != NULL ? (uint32_t)-1 : 0; tree_traverse_postorder(tree, node_compute_stats, st); if (st->num_leaves) st->avg_path = (double) st->len_sum / st->num_leaves; } static char xdig[] = "0123456789abcdef"; static void key_to_str(uint8_t key[], char *buf) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < SHA256_LEN; i++) { *buf++ = xdig[key[i] >> 4]; *buf++ = xdig[key[i] & 0xf]; } *buf = 0; } #if 0 static void node_to_keystr(struct node *node, char *buf) { if (node) key_to_str(node->key, buf); else *buf = 0; } #endif static void node_dump_ord(struct node *node, FILE *fp) { uint32_t *p; if (node) p = &node->ord; else { uint32_t t = 0; p = &t; } fwrite(p, sizeof(*p), 1, fp); } #define ELSIZE(m) sizeof(((struct node*)0)->m) #define RECSIZE (3*ELSIZE(key) + ELSIZE(timestamp) + ELSIZE(tokens)) static void node_dump(struct node *node, FILE *fp) { uint32_t len = 1; uint32_t flags = 0; #ifdef DEBUG len += (strlen(node->keystr) + RECSIZE) / RECSIZE; #endif fwrite(&len, sizeof(len), 1, fp); if (node->child[CHILD_LEFT]) flags |= FL_CHILD_LEFT; if (node->child[CHILD_RIGHT]) flags |= FL_CHILD_RIGHT; fwrite(&flags, sizeof(flags), 1, fp); fwrite(&node->key, sizeof(node->key), 1, fp); node_dump_ord(node->child[CHILD_LEFT], fp); node_dump_ord(node->child[CHILD_RIGHT], fp); fwrite(&node->timestamp, sizeof(node->timestamp), 1, fp); fwrite(&node->tokens, sizeof(node->tokens), 1, fp); #ifdef DEBUG fwrite(node->keystr, strlen(node->keystr), 1, fp); len = RECSIZE - (strlen(node->keystr) + RECSIZE) % RECSIZE; if (len) { char c = 0; fseek(fp, len-1, SEEK_CUR); fputc(c, fp); } #endif } static void tree_dump_unlocked(struct tree *tree, char const *file) { struct node *node; FILE *fp; int err = 0; struct dump_header header; fp = fopen(file, "w"); if (!fp) { syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_ERR, "tbf.dump: can't open file %s for output: %m", file); return; } header.version = DUMP_VERSION; #ifdef DEBUG header.debug = 1; #else header.debug = 0; #endif header.size = RECSIZE; header.count = 0; /* Count nodes */ for (node = tree->head; node; node = node->next) node->ord = header.count++; if (tree->root) header.root = tree->root->ord; fwrite(&header, sizeof(header), 1, fp); for (node = tree->head; node; node = node->next) { node_dump(node, fp); if (ferror(fp)) { syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_ERR, "tbf.dump: error writing to %s: %m", file); err = 1; break; } } fclose(fp); if (err) unlink(file); } static void tree_dump(struct tree *tree, char const *file) { if (tree) { pthread_mutex_lock(&tree->mutex); tree_dump_unlocked(tree, file); pthread_mutex_unlock(&tree->mutex); } } static int readrec(FILE *fp, void *buf, size_t size) { switch (fread(buf, size, 1, fp)) { case 1: break; case -1: syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_ERR, "tbf.%s: read error: %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno)); return -1; default: syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_ERR, "tbf.%s: unexpected EOF", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } return 0; } #define READREC(f,r) readrec(f, &(r), sizeof(r)) struct node * new_node(struct node **nodes, struct dump_header *hdr, uint32_t ord, struct node *parent) { struct node *child; if (ord >= hdr->count) return NULL; if (nodes[ord]) { child = nodes[ord]; child->parent = parent; } else { static uint8_t null_key[SHA256_LEN]; child = node_alloc(null_key, parent); child->busy = 0; nodes[ord] = child; } return child; } int tree_load_nodes(struct tree *tree, struct dump_header *hdr, struct node **nodes, FILE *fp) { size_t i; uint32_t ord[2]; size_t incomplete = 0; for (i = 0; i < hdr->count; i++) { struct node node, *np; uint32_t len; uint32_t flags; debug(3,("Load record %lu/%lu %lu", i, hdr->count, incomplete)); if (READREC(fp, len)) return -1; if (READREC(fp, flags)) return -1; if (READREC(fp, node.key)) return -1; if (READREC(fp, ord[CHILD_LEFT])) return -1; if (READREC(fp, ord[CHILD_RIGHT])) return -1; if (READREC(fp, node.timestamp)) return -1; if (READREC(fp, node.tokens)) return -1; if (--len) { #ifdef DEBUG char *p, *recbuf = malloc(len * hdr->size); AN(recbuf); p = recbuf; while (len--) { if (readrec(fp, p, hdr->size)) { free(recbuf); return -1; } p += hdr->size; } node.keystr = recbuf; #else fseek(fp, len * hdr->size, SEEK_SET); #endif } if (nodes[i]) { np = nodes[i]; if (np->status == NST_INIT) { syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_ERR, "tbf.%s: duplicate node", __FUNCTION__); #if DEBUG free(node.keystr); #endif return -1; } else { --incomplete; keycpy(np->key, node.key); } } else { np = node_alloc(node.key, NULL); np->status = NST_INIT; node_unlock(np); nodes[i] = np; } np->timestamp = node.timestamp; np->tokens = node.tokens; #if DEBUG np->keystr = node.keystr; debug(3, ("loaded %p: %s %1x (%lu,%lu): time: %"PRIu64" us, tokens: %lu", np, np->keystr, flags, ord[CHILD_LEFT], ord[CHILD_RIGHT], np->timestamp, np->tokens)); #endif if (flags & FL_CHILD_LEFT) { np->child[CHILD_LEFT] = new_node(nodes, hdr, ord[CHILD_LEFT], np); if (!np->child[CHILD_LEFT]) { syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_ERR, "tbf.%s: invalid left pointer", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } if (np->child[CHILD_LEFT]->status == NST_INCOMPLETE) { ++incomplete; } } if (flags & FL_CHILD_RIGHT) { np->child[CHILD_RIGHT] = new_node(nodes, hdr, ord[CHILD_RIGHT], np); if (!np->child[CHILD_RIGHT]) { syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_ERR, "tbf.%s: invalid left pointer", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } if (np->child[CHILD_RIGHT]->status == NST_INCOMPLETE) { ++incomplete; } } lru_link_node(tree, np, tree->tail); } if (incomplete) { syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_ERR, "tbf.%s: %zu incomplete nodes left", __FUNCTION__, incomplete); return 1; } tree->root = nodes[hdr->root]; return 0; } struct tree * tree_load(char const *filename) { FILE *fp; struct tree *tree = NULL; int rc; struct dump_header header; fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!fp) { syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_ERR, "can't open file %s: %s", filename, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } if (READREC(fp, header)) rc = -1; else { struct node **nodes; debug(3,("elements: %"PRIu32", size: %"PRIu32", root: %"PRIu32, header.count, header.size, header.root)); tree = tree_create(); nodes = calloc(header.count, sizeof(*nodes)); rc = tree_load_nodes(tree, &header, nodes, fp); fclose(fp); if (rc) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < header.count; i++) { if (nodes[i]) node_free(nodes[i]); } tree->root = tree->head = tree->tail = NULL; tree_destroy(&tree); } free(nodes); } return tree; } pthread_mutex_t access_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static struct tree *tbf_tree; static char *tbf_dump_file_name; static struct tree * tbf_get_tree(void) { struct tree *t; pthread_mutex_lock(&access_mutex); tree_ref(tbf_tree); t = tbf_tree; pthread_mutex_unlock(&access_mutex); return t; } static void tbf_release_tree(struct tree **t) { tree_unref(t); } static void tbf_exit(void) { if (tbf_dump_file_name) { struct tree *t = tbf_get_tree(); tree_dump(t, tbf_dump_file_name); tbf_release_tree(&t); } } int tbf_init(struct vmod_priv *priv, const struct VCL_conf *vclconf) { tbf_tree = tree_create(); atexit(tbf_exit); return 0; } VCL_VOID vmod_debug(MOD_CTX ctx, VCL_INT newval) { debug_level = newval; } VCL_VOID vmod_set_gc_interval(MOD_CTX ctx, VCL_REAL interval) { gc_interval = interval; } VCL_VOID vmod_gc(MOD_CTX ctx, VCL_REAL interval) { tree_gc(tbf_tree, interval); } VCL_BOOL vmod_rate(MOD_CTX ctx, VCL_STRING key, VCL_INT cost, VCL_REAL t, VCL_INT burst_size) { VCL_BOOL res; struct tree *tree = tbf_get_tree(); unsigned long interval = t * USEC_PER_SEC; debug(2, ("entering rate(%s,%d,%g,%d)", key, cost, t, burst_size)); tree_gc(tree, gc_interval); if (interval == 0 || burst_size == 0) res = false; else if (!cost) /* cost free, so don't waste time on tree lookup */ res = true; else if (cost > burst_size) /* impossibly expensive, so don't waste time on tree lookup */ res = false; else res = tbf_proc(tree, key, cost, interval, burst_size); tbf_release_tree(&tree); return res; } #define ISWS(c) ((c)==' '||(c)=='\t') VCL_BOOL vmod_check(MOD_CTX ctx, VCL_STRING key, VCL_STRING spec) { double v, n; char *p; #define SKIPWS(init) for (init; *spec && ISWS(*spec); spec++) errno = 0; v = strtod(spec, &p); if (errno || v < 0) { syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_ERR, "bad rate: %s", spec); return false; } SKIPWS(spec = p); if (strncmp(spec, "req", 3)) { syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_ERR, "bad rate: expected \"req\", but found \"%s\"", spec); return false; } SKIPWS(spec += 3); if (*spec != '/') { syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_ERR, "bad rate: expected \"/\", but found \"%c\"", *spec); return false; } SKIPWS(++spec); if (*spec >= '0' && *spec <= '9') { errno = 0; n = strtod(spec, &p); if (errno || n < 0) { syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_ERR, "bad interval: %s", spec); return false; } spec = p; } else n = 1; SKIPWS(); switch (*spec) { case 0: case 's': break; case 'd': n *= 24; case 'h': n *= 60; case 'm': n *= 60; break; default: syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_ERR, "invalid interval specifier: %s", spec); return false; } SKIPWS(++spec); if (*spec) syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_WARNING, "garbage after rate spec: %s", spec); return vmod_rate(ctx, key, 1, n/v, v/n+1); } VCL_VOID vmod_dump(MOD_CTX ctx, VCL_STRING file) { struct tree *t = tbf_get_tree(); tree_dump(t, file); tbf_release_tree(&t); } VCL_VOID vmod_dump_at_exit(MOD_CTX ctx, VCL_STRING file) { pthread_mutex_lock(&access_mutex); free(tbf_dump_file_name); tbf_dump_file_name = strdup(file); AN(tbf_dump_file_name); pthread_mutex_unlock(&access_mutex); } VCL_VOID vmod_load(MOD_CTX ctx, VCL_STRING file) { struct tree *new_tree = tree_load(file); if (new_tree) { pthread_mutex_lock(&access_mutex); tree_unref(&tbf_tree); tbf_tree = new_tree; pthread_mutex_unlock(&access_mutex); } } struct traverse_closure { int prio; uint32_t num; }; static void log_node(struct node *node, void *data) { struct traverse_closure *tc = data; char kbuf[2*SHA256_LEN+1]; key_to_str(node->key, kbuf); #ifdef DEBUG syslog(tc->prio, "%"PRIu32": %p(%p,%p): %"PRIu32" %s: %s", tc->num, node, node->child[CHILD_LEFT], node->child[CHILD_RIGHT], node->ord, kbuf, node->keystr); #else syslog(tc->prio, "%"PRIu32": %p(%p,%p): %"PRIu32" %s", tc->num, node, node->child[CHILD_LEFT], node->child[CHILD_RIGHT], node->ord, kbuf); #endif ++tc->num; } VCL_VOID vmod_log_tree(MOD_CTX ctx, VCL_INT prio) { struct traverse_closure tc; struct tree *tree = tbf_get_tree(); if (!tree) return; tc.num = 0; tc.prio = prio; tree_traverse_postorder(tree, log_node, &tc); tbf_release_tree(&tree); } VCL_VOID vmod_log_stats(MOD_CTX ctx, VCL_INT prio) { struct tree_stats st; struct tree *tree = tbf_get_tree(); tree_compute_stats(tree, &st); tbf_release_tree(&tree); syslog(prio, "Number of nodes: %"PRIu32, st.num_nodes); syslog(prio, "Number of leaves: %"PRIu32, st.num_leaves); syslog(prio, "Shortest path: %"PRIu32, st.shortest_path); syslog(prio, "Longest path: %"PRIu32, st.longest_path); syslog(prio, "Avg path: %f", st.avg_path); }