vmod-dbrw -- history of user-visible changes. 2022-08-21 See the end of file for copying conditions. Please send vmod-dbrw bug reports to Version 2.8, 2022-08-21 * Support for Varnish 7.1 Version 2.7, 2020-04-09 * Drop support for Varnish versions prior to 6.0 Version 2.6, 2020-03-03 * Builds with Varnish 6.3.1 Version 2.5, 2019-02-15 * req.http.X-VMOD-DBRW-Error This header is set to 1 by dbrw.rewrite to indicate that an error occurred during the rewrite. * New flags: regex and eq One of this flags can appear in the fourth column of the returned data set. The 'eq' flag instructs dbrw.rewrite to use exact string match, instead of regular expressions. The 'regex' flag instructs it to use regular expression matching. It is the default. * Improve error handling in mysql submodule Previously, error codes ER_PARSE_ERROR and ER_EMPTY_QUERY were treated as permanent conditions, causing mysql connection to be closed and disabled. This is no longer the case, as they both can well mean a transient condition (e.g. ER_PARSE_ERROR returned for the 'Illegal mix of collations' error). Version 2.4, 2018-12-10 * Support for Varnish version 6.0.2 Version 2.3, 2018-12-08 * SQL idle timeout For MySQL backend, the default connection idle timeout is set equal to the value of the MySQL variable 'wait_timeout'. For Postgres, default idle timeout is not yet implemented. Idle timeout can be configured using the timeout configuration option, e.g.: dbrw.config("mysql", "database=dbrw;user=proxy;timeout=600", {"select dest,pattern,value,flags from rewrite where locate(url,'$url') = 1 order by weight asc;"}); * The $() functions in SQL templates The SQL templates support the use of $() constructs for invoking built-in functions. So far one function is implemented: $(urlprefixes PATH) It expands to comma-separated list of properly quoted pathname prefixes, constructed from its argument. Optional query part is stripped off the argument prior to expansion. For example $(urlprefixes "/local/user/local?a=1") expands to: '/local/user/local','/local/user','/local' This construct is intended for use in SQL IN conditionals, for example: SELECT dest,pattern,value,flags FROM rewrite WHERE host='$host' AND url IN ($(urlprefixes $url)) ORDER BY length(dest),value,weight DESC Version 2.2, 2017-08-10 * Support for Varnish 5.1 Version 2.1, 2017-08-06 * Requires Varnish 4.1 * The --with-varnish-source option has been withdrawn The configure script relies on pkg-config to determine the location of Varnish header files and libraries. Version 2.0, 2014-11-13 Support for Varnish 4.0. Version 1.0, 2013-07-20 Initial release ========================================================================= Copyright information: Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Sergey Poznyakoff Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim copies of this document as received, in any medium, provided that the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved, thus giving the recipient permission to redistribute in turn. Permission is granted to distribute modified versions of this document, or of portions of it, under the above conditions, provided also that they carry prominent notices stating who last changed them. Local variables: mode: outline paragraph-separate: "[ ]*$" eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) time-stamp-start: "changes. " time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d" time-stamp-end: "\n" end: