diff options
authorSergey Poznyakoff <gray@nxc.no>2018-02-04 20:24:29 +0100
committerSergey Poznyakoff <gray@nxc.no>2018-02-04 20:24:29 +0100
commit027e83b6f5dc6a63ed9c69e534c0b994041df14f (patch)
parent7651936f80b1bc6f5b01477ee9e648843097d7b8 (diff)
Document HashTable
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VarnishMib/HashTable.pm b/lib/VarnishMib/HashTable.pm
index 0f3b47e..1faef96 100644
--- a/lib/VarnishMib/HashTable.pm
+++ b/lib/VarnishMib/HashTable.pm
@@ -139,62 +139,120 @@ sub create {
if ($self->{verbose}) {
# print STDERR "Input: " . @$names . "\n";
if ($self->{hash_table}) {
print STDERR "Table size: " . @{$self->{hash_table}} . "\n";
print STDERR "Collisions: " . $self->{collisions} . "\n";
} else {
print STDERR "FAILED\n";
return $self->{hash_table};
+=head2 format_input_table
+ $ht->format_input_table([FILEHANDLE]);
+Outputs to I<FILEHANDLE> (default B<STDOUT>) a C array of input names. The
+array is declared as
+ char const *PFXname_table[]
+where I<PFX> is replaced by the prefix given when creating the HashTable
sub format_input_table {
my ($self, $fh) = @_;
$fh ||= \*STDOUT;
croak "no input data to format" unless $self->{input};
- print $fh 'char const *' . $self->{prefix} . "name_table[] = {\n";
+ print $fh 'static char const *' . $self->{prefix} . "name_table[] = {\n";
foreach my $name (@{$self->{input}}) {
printf $fh $self->{indent} . '"' . $name . "\",\n";
print $fh "};\n";
+=head2 format_data_table
+ $ht->format_data_table(CTYPE [, FILEHANDLE])
+Outputs a C array of data associated with input strings. The array is declared
+ CTYPE PFXdata_table[N];
+where I<CTYPE> is the first parameter to the method, I<PFX> is the prefix and
+I<N> is the dimension (number of strings for which the hash table is built).
+Both B<name_table> and B<data_table> have the same dimension.
sub format_data_table {
my ($self, $type, $fh) = @_;
$fh ||= \*STDOUT;
croak "no data to format" unless $self->{input};
my $n = @{$self->{input}};
- print $fh $type . ' ' . $self->{prefix} . "data_table[$n];\n";
+ print $fh 'static '. $type . ' ' . $self->{prefix} . "data_table[$n];\n";
+=head2 format_hash_table
+ $ht->format_hash_table([FILEHANDLE]);
+Outputs the hash table to I<FILEHANDLE> (B<STDOUT> by default). The table
+is declared as
+ int PFXhash_table[]
+where I<PFX> is the prefix.
sub format_hash_table {
my ($self, $fh) = @_;
$fh ||= \*STDOUT;
croak "no hash table to format" unless $self->{hash_table};
print $fh "static int ".$self->{prefix}."hash_table[] = {\n";
my $col = 0;
print $fh $self->{indent};
foreach my $p (@{$self->{hash_table}}) {
printf $fh "%3d,", defined($p) ? $p : -1;
print $fh ($col % 10 == 0) ? "\n".$self->{indent} : ' ';
print $fh "\n" if ($col % 10);
print $fh "};\n";
my $pfx = $self->{prefix} . 'hash_table';
print $fh "unsigned ${pfx}_size = sizeof($pfx) / sizeof(${pfx}[0]);\n";
+=head2 format_code
+ $ht->format_code([FILEHANDLE])
+Formats the supporting C code to the I<FILEHANDLE> (B<STDOUT>, if not given).
+The code contains at least the following function:
+ unsigned string_hash(const char *str, unsigned size)
+which, given the string I<str> and the size of the hash table (I<size>)
+returns the index in the table starting from which the pointer to that
+string and associated data can be located.
sub format_code {
my ($self, $fh) = @_;
$fh ||= \*STDOUT;
seek DATA, 0, 0;
my $visible = 0;
while (<DATA>) {
if (/^__C__$/) {
$visible = 1;
} elsif ($visible) {
print $fh "$_";

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