path: root/tpnotify
diff options
authorSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org>2019-07-29 12:12:37 +0300
committerSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org>2019-07-29 12:12:37 +0300
commite936b4df97a31401dec55919781235bef1f849fc (patch)
tree1e0111298076ceea6fb7d038c9795a58efb67728 /tpnotify
parent7e51746fec8788e3dd8db0027c87d03f7e9e9433 (diff)
Use Safe for template expansion
Diffstat (limited to 'tpnotify')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/tpnotify b/tpnotify
index 9d042be..698c182 100755
--- a/tpnotify
+++ b/tpnotify
@@ -28,59 +28,63 @@ use IPC::Open2;
use Mail::Send;
use Mail::Message;
use Sys::Hostname;
#use Data::Dumper;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Locale::PO;
+use Safe;
my $progname = basename($0);
my $progdescr = "Notifies translationproject.org about new POT file";
our $VERSION = "1.0";
my $keep; # Keep temporary directory on errors
-my $signature = "$ENV{HOME}/.signature"; # Signature file
+my $signature_file = "$ENV{HOME}/.signature"; # Signature file
my $verbose; # Verbose mode
my $dry_run; # Dry-run mode
my %mailer_args; # Mailer arguments
-my $sender; # Sender email
-my $fullname; # Sender real name
-my $localdomain; # Local domain name
-my $recipient; # Override recipient address
my @add_headers; # Additional headers
my $refile_method; # Refiling method
+my $force_option;
my $template = <<'EOT';
To: <coordinator@translationproject.org>
Subject: $package_base.pot
The new $release_type version of $package_name is available at:
- $url
+ $archive_url
my $tp_url = q{http://translationproject.org/domain/${domain}.html};
my $pot_regex_str =
q{The current template for this domain is <a href="(.*?)">};
-my $url; # Tarball URL
my $wd; # Temporary working directory
-my $archive_file; # Archive file name
-my $topdir; # Toplevel directory from the archive
my %files; # Extracted files. Key - name under $topdir, value - pathname
# within $wd
-my $package_name; # Package name;
-my $package_tarname; # Package archive name
-my $package_version; # Package version number
-my $package_base; # Package base name
-my $release_type; # Package type (alpha or stable)
+# Package variables: these are shared with the Safe compartment in
+# expand_template.
+our $sender; # Sender email
+our $fullname; # Sender real name
+our $localdomain; # Local domain name
+our $recipient; # Override recipient address
+our $archive_url; # Tarball URL
+our $archive_file; # Archive file name
+our $topdir; # Toplevel directory from the archive
+our $package_name; # Package name;
+our $package_tarname; # Package archive name
+our $package_version; # Package version number
+our $package_base; # Package base name
+our $release_type; # Package type (alpha or stable)
sub err {
my $msg = shift;
local %_ = @_;
print STDERR "$progname: ";
@@ -100,13 +104,19 @@ sub abend {
sub info {
print "$progname: ";
print @_;
print "\n";
-# download($source, dest => 'filename' or ref)
+# download($source_url, dest => 'filename' or ref)
+# ------------------------------------------------
+# Downloads material from $source. If 'dest' is a reference to a scalar,
+# the downloaded material is stored to that ref. If it is a filename,
+# the material is stored in the named disk file. If 'dest' is not given,
+# the name of the disk file is determined as the basename of the path
+# component from the $source_url.
sub download {
my ($source,%opt) = @_;
my $url = new URI($source);
my $dest = delete $opt{dest} || basename($url->path);
my %args;
@@ -137,12 +147,15 @@ sub download {
if (ref($dest) eq 'SCALAR') {
$$dest = $response->decoded_content;
return $dest;
+# get_sources($URL)
+# -----------------
+# Download and extract source archive.
sub get_sources {
my ($source) = @_;
$archive_file = download($source);
info("scanning $archive_file") if $verbose;
open(my $fd, '-|', "tar tf $archive_file")
or abend(EX_NOINPUT, "can't open $archive_file: $!");
@@ -174,18 +187,20 @@ sub get_sources {
unless (keys(%files) > 1) {
abend(EX_DATAERR, "no potfile in $archive_file");
my $filelist = join(' ', values(%files));
info("extracting from $archive_file") if $verbose;
- system("tar xf $archive_file $filelist");
- check_command_status("tar xf $archive_file $filelist");
- #print "tar xvf $archive_file " . ;
- #print "\n";
+ my $cmd = "tar xf $archive_file $filelist";
+ system($cmd);
+ check_command_status($cmd);
+# check_command_status($STAT)
+# ---------------------------
+# Handles the result of the system or wait function call.
sub check_command_status {
my $cmd = shift;
my $status = shift || $?;
if ($status == -1) {
abend(EX_OSERR, "failed to run $cmd");
@@ -193,12 +208,18 @@ sub check_command_status {
abend(EX_UNAVAILABLE, "$cmd exited on signal " . ($status & 127));
} elsif (my $e = ($status >> 8)) {
abend(EX_UNAVAILABLE, "$cmd exited with status $e");
+# verify
+# ------
+# Verifies the tarball. Determines canonical package name, extracts the POT
+# file and checks if it lists the correct package name in its
+# "Project-Id-Version" header and that its msgids differ from the ones
+# already registered on the TP.
sub verify {
my ($in, $out);
my $pid = open2($out, $in, "m4 -P - $files{'configure.ac'}")
or abend(EX_NOINPUT, "can't open $files{'configure.ac'}: $!");
print $in <<'EOT';
@@ -240,12 +261,16 @@ EOT
unless ($files{$potfile}) {
abend(EX_DATAERR, "potfile $potfile not found in archive");
+# po_header($FILENAME)
+# --------------------
+# Extract the PO header from the POT file $FILENAME.
+# Returns a reference to a hash: header-name => value.
sub po_header {
my $name = shift;
print "READING $name\n";
(my $h = Locale::PO->load_file_asarray($name)->[0]->msgstr)
=~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
my %ret;
@@ -254,69 +279,98 @@ sub po_header {
$ret{lc $1}=$2;
+# po_serialize($FILENAME)
+# -----------------------
+# Serializes the pot file in the unambiguous way.
+# Extracts the msgids, sorts them lexicographically and concatenates them.
sub po_serialize {
my $name = shift;
join("\n", sort map { ($_->msgid // '') . ':' . ($_->msgid_plural // '') } @{Locale::PO->load_file_asarray($name)});
+# po_cmp($A, $B)
+# --------------
+# Compares two POT files. Returns 'true' if the two files contain exactly
+# the same set of msgids.
sub po_cmp {
my ($a,$b) = @_;
po_serialize($a) eq po_serialize($b);
+# verify_potfile($FILENAME)
+# -------------------------
+# Verifies the potfile extracted from the archive.
+# Checks if the POT file mentions the correct package string in its
+# Project-Id-Version header. Downloads the POT file registered on the
+# TP and makes sure its msgids are not the same as defined in the POT
+# file from the archive.
sub verify_potfile {
my $potname = shift;
my $hdr = po_header($potname);
my $vs = $hdr->{'project-id-version'};
if ($vs ne "$package_name $package_version") {
- abend(EX_DATAERR, "$potname: Project-Id-Version does not match \"$package_name $package_version\"");
+ err("$potname: Project-Id-Version does not match \"$package_name $package_version\"");
+ exit(EX_DATAERR) unless $force_option;
(my $url = $tp_url) =~ s/\$\{domain\}/$package_tarname/;
download($url, dest => \my $content);
if ($content =~ m{$pot_regex_str}) {
my $tp_potname = download($1);
if (po_cmp($potname, $tp_potname)) {
err("potfile contains no new msgids; no need to upload");
- exit(0);
+ exit(0) unless $force_option;
-sub get_special_var {
- my ($var) = @_;
- if ($var eq 'signature') {
- if (defined($signature)) {
- if (open(my $fd, '<', $signature)) {
- local $/;
- my $sig = <$fd>;
- close($fd);
- return $sig;
- } else {
- err("can't open signature file $signature: $!",
- prefix => 'warning');
- }
+# Reads the signature file from $signature_file.
+sub read_signature {
+ if (defined($signature_file)) {
+ if (open(my $fd, '<', $signature_file)) {
+ local $/;
+ my $sig = <$fd>;
+ close($fd);
+ return $sig;
- } elsif ($var eq 'username') {
- return $fullname;
return undef;
+# Expands the message template.
+# Returns the expanded text. Abends on failure.
sub expand_template {
- join("\n", map {
- s/\$(signature|username)/get_special_var($1)/gex;
- s/(\$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/eval "$1"/gex;
- $_
- } split(/\n/, $template)) . "\n";
+ my $cpt = new Safe;
+ $cpt->share(qw($sender
+ $fullname
+ $localdomain
+ $recipient
+ $archive_file
+ $archive_url
+ $package_name
+ $package_version
+ $package_base
+ $release_type
+ $topdir
+ $signature));
+ chomp(${$cpt->varglob('signature')} = read_signature);
+ (my $tmpl = $template) =~ s/\@/\\\@/g;
+ if ($cpt->reval("\$_ = qq{$tmpl}",1)) {
+ return $_;
+ } else {
+ abend(EX_DATAERR, "while expanding template: $@");
+ }
+# Reads the current value of the MH Path setting.
sub read_mh_path {
my $file = File::Spec->catfile($ENV{HOME}, '.mh_profile');
if (-f $file) {
if (open(my $fd, '<', $file)) {
my $prev;
while (<$fd>) {
@@ -523,13 +577,13 @@ sub read_template_file {
my %kw = (
keep => \$keep,
'template-file' => \&read_template_file,
template => \$template,
- 'signature-file' => \$signature,
+ 'signature-file' => \$signature_file,
mailer => \&set_mailer,
from => \$sender,
sender => \$sender,
fullname => \$fullname,
domain => \$localdomain,
to => \$recipient,
@@ -617,39 +671,40 @@ GetOptions("help" => sub {
-exitstatus => EX_OK);
"usage" => sub {
pod2usage(-exitstatus => EX_OK, -verbose => 0);
"config|c=s" => \$config_file,
- "no-config|N" => sub { $config_file = undef }
+ "no-config|N" => sub { $config_file = undef },
read_config($config_file) if defined $config_file;
Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(gnu_getopt no_ignore_case no_pass_through));
GetOptions("keep|k" => \$keep,
"alpha|A" => sub { $release_type = 'alpha' },
"stable|S" => sub { $release_type = 'stable' },
"template|t=s" => sub {
exit(EX_NOINPUT) unless read_template_file($_[1])
- "signature|s=s" => \$signature,
- "no-signature" => sub { $signature = undef },
+ "signature|s=s" => \$signature_file,
+ "no-signature" => sub { $signature_file = undef },
"verbose|v+" => \$verbose,
"dry-run|n" => \$dry_run,
"debug|d+" => \$debug,
"mailer|m=s" => sub {
exit(EX_USAGE) unless set_mailer($_[1])
"from|f=s" => \$sender,
"fullname|F=s" => \$fullname,
"domain|D=s" => \$localdomain,
"to=s" => \$recipient,
"add|a=s@" => \@add_headers,
- "refile-method=s" => \$refile_method
+ "refile-method=s" => \$refile_method,
+ "force" => \$force_option
) or exit(EX_USAGE);
++$verbose if $dry_run;
if ($debug && exists($mailer_args{via})) {
if ($mailer_args{via} eq 'sendmail') {
$mailer_args{sendmail_options} = []
@@ -676,29 +731,27 @@ $fullname = $gecos || $comment || $name unless defined $fullname;
$sender = $name . '@' . ($localdomain || hostname()) unless defined $sender;
if ($recipient) {
$mailer_args{to} = $recipient;
-#print Dumper([\%mailer_args]);
-$url = shift;
-abend(EX_USAGE, "not enough arguments") unless defined $url;
+$archive_url = shift;
+abend(EX_USAGE, "not enough arguments") unless defined $archive_url;
abend(EX_USAGE, "too many arguments") unless $#ARGV == -1;
if ($refile_method) {
abend(EX_USAGE, "unknown refiling method")
unless exists($refile_tab{$refile_method});
abend(EX_USAGE, "refiling method not supported")
unless (&{$refile_tab{$refile_method}{supported}});
$wd = tempdir()
or abend(EX_CANTCREAT, "can't create temporary directory: $!");
chdir($wd) or abend(EX_OSERR, "can't change to temporary directory $wd: $!");
=head1 NAME
@@ -720,12 +773,13 @@ B<tpnotify>
@@ -840,13 +894,13 @@ the line (no leading whitespace allowed). However, whitespace is allowed
between the word and end of line. For example
template = <<EOF
To: <coordinator@translationproject.org>
Subject: $package_base.pot
- $url
+ $archive_url
The valid statements are as follows:
=over 8
@@ -861,13 +915,13 @@ See also the B<--keep> option.
Name of the file to read template from. See also the B<--template> command
line option.
=item B<template=>I<TEXT>
-Template for the message. The I<TEXT> is normally a here document.
+Template for the message. The I<TEXT> is normally a here-document.
See the B<TEMPLATE> section for a description of its format.
=item B<signature-file=>I<FILE>
Read signature from the given file. See also the B<--signature> command line
@@ -923,13 +977,13 @@ An example of the configuration file follows:
template = <<EOT
To: <coordinator@translationproject.org>
Subject: $package_base.pot
The new $release_type version of $package_name is available at:
- $url
+ $archive_url
@@ -960,16 +1014,17 @@ the invoking user.
Local domain name. It is the value of the command line option B<--domain>. If
not present, the value of the configuration statemeot B<domain> is used. If
that is not present either, then the local host name is used instead.
=item $signature
-Contents of the I<signature file>. The file location is given by the command
-line option B<--signature> or the configuration statement B<--signature-file>.
+Contents of the I<signature file> with the final newline character removed.
+The file location is given by the command line option B<--signature> or the
+configuration statement B<--signature-file>.
-=item $url
+=item $archive_url
I<URL> of the tarball as supplied in the command line.
=item $archive_file
Name of the tarball. It is the last pathname component from I<URL>.
@@ -1007,12 +1062,17 @@ the type is B<stable>.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
+=item B<--force>
+Force submitting the message even if the downloaded POT file does not pass
=item B<--no-config>
Don't read configuration file.
=item B<--no-signature>

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