diff options
authorSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2020-02-07 11:53:08 +0100
committerSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2020-02-07 11:58:31 +0100
commit507ae64c3e886b82435cbc963594ed5e2af3458f (patch)
parent06031d3add92479fce6b02971a23ad5931ee26dd (diff)
Implement the "safe upgrade" mode
In safe upgrade mode, all the necessary package tarballs are first downloaded to the spool directory. Once downloaded, the program starts upgrading using these tarballs. Each tarball is removed after being processed. The old ("incremental") mode is used if there is not enough disk space for full download.
2 files changed, 313 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/slackupgrade b/slackupgrade
index 662b325..ff4d46f 100644
--- a/slackupgrade
+++ b/slackupgrade
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# slackupgrade - full upgrade of a Slackware installation
-# Copyright (C) 2019 Sergey Poznyakoff.
+# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Sergey Poznyakoff.
# Slackware-upgrade-system is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ set -e
# Configuration directory
: ${SLACKUPGRADE_CONFDIR:=/etc/slackupgrade}
+: ${SLACKUPGRADE_PKGDIR:=/var/slackupgrade}
# Slackware root directory
# Log file name
@@ -41,10 +42,25 @@ install_packages=
# Max. count of backup files to keep
+# Display progress bar when downloading
+# Operating mode. Possible values:
+# INCR Incremental mode. Archive for each package is downloaded prior
+# to its nstallation and removed immediately afterwards. This
+# ensures minimal disk space requirements.
+# SAFE Safe mode. All archives are first downloaded to
+# SLACKUPGRADE_PKGDIR and then installed. Each archive is removed
+# immediately after installing from it. This requires some 2.5G
+# of disk space at the beginning, which will be freed by the end
+# of upgrade.
+# AUTO Select incremental mode if there is enough disk space. If not,
+# ask the user if it is OK to proceed in incremental mode.
# Internal variables
@@ -132,6 +148,8 @@ function error() {
+# Abnormal termination: print error message, remove temporary directory
+# and terminate with status 1.
function abend() {
error "$@"
@@ -147,10 +165,8 @@ function package_file_name() {
-function package_name_md5sum() {
- pkg=$(awk -vname=$1 '$1==name { print $3 }' $avail_index)
+# check_package_md5sum PKG ARCHIVE
+# Verifies the MD5 sum of the ARCHIVE file for Slackware package PKG
function check_package_md5sum() {
if [ -n "$checksums" ]; then
awk -vcname="$1" -vdname="$2" \
@@ -159,10 +175,14 @@ function check_package_md5sum() {
+# all_package_names
+# Lists all packages from the Slackware distribution.
function all_package_names() {
grep -v '.*/kde[^/]*/' $avail_index | cut -d ' ' -f 1
+# series_package_names S
+# Lists the names of packages in Slackware series S.
function series_package_names() {
grep '.*/'"$1/" $avail_index | cut -d ' ' -f 1
@@ -171,10 +191,14 @@ function catfile() {
echo $rooturl/${1#./}
+# download_curl FILE URL
+# Downloads file from URL to FILE using curl.
function download_curl {
curl $CURL_OPTIONS -L -sS -o$1 $2
+# download_wget LOCAL URL
+# Downloads file from URL to FILE using wget.
function download_wget {
if ! wget $WGET_OPTIONS -nv -o wget.log -O$1 $2; then
grep -i "failed\|error" wget.log
@@ -182,6 +206,8 @@ function download_wget {
+# dnfunc_init
+# Initializes the downloader function to wget or curl.
function dnfunc_init() {
if [ -z "$dnfunc" ]; then
if wget --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then
@@ -194,17 +220,28 @@ function dnfunc_init() {
+# download FILE
+# Downloads package FILE from the remote server. On success, returns the
+# full pathname of the downloaded copy.
function download() {
- local name=$(basename $1)
+ local name=$SLACKUPGRADE_PKGDIR/$(basename $1)
local url=$(catfile $1)
if $dnfunc $name $url; then
echo $name
+# getfile PKG [GPG]
+# Retrieves the package archive file for the package PKG. If second argument
+# is non-empty, verifies the GPG signature of the file.
+# If checksums file is available, verifies also the MD5 checksum of the file.
+# Returns full pathname of the retrieved file.
function getfile() {
local name=$(if [ -n "$remote" ]; then
download $1
+ elif [ $strip_series -eq 1 ]; then
+ catfile $(basename $1)
catfile $1
@@ -231,12 +268,17 @@ function getfile() {
echo $name
+# dropfile FILE
+# Removes FILE, if it has been downloaded from the remote repository,
function dropfile() {
- if [ -n "$remote" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$remote" ] || [ $strip_series -eq 1 ]; then
rm $1
+# upgrade_package [OPTIONS] FILE
+# Runs upgradepkg with the supplied arguments and captures its output to
+# the log file. In verbose mode, filters parts of it to the stdout.
function upgrade_local() {
if [ -n "$dry_run" ]; then
echo "upgradepkg $@"
@@ -249,6 +291,8 @@ function upgrade_local() {
+# upgrade_package NAME [OPTIONS]
+# Upgrades the package NAME. OPTIONS will be passed to upgradepkg verbatim.
function upgrade_package() {
local name=$1
@@ -263,6 +307,8 @@ function upgrade_package() {
+# version_gt A B
+# Returns true if version A is greater than B.
function version_gt() {
test "$(echo "$@" | tr " " "\n" | sort -V | head -n 1)" != "$1"
@@ -302,13 +348,67 @@ function backup() {
+# disk_avail_size DIR
+# Returns the available disk size (in kilobytes) on the device where
+# DIR is located
+function disk_avail_size() {
+ df -k --output=target,avail | \
+ sed 1d | \
+ awk -vdir=$1 \
+ 'BEGIN { dirlen=length(dir) }
+ { len = length($1)
+ if (len <= dirlen && substr(dir, 1, len) == $1) {
+ if (mp_len < len) {
+ mp_len = len
+ mp_avail = $2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ END { print mp_avail }'
+# Downloads all selected packages to the spool directory.
+function download_all() {
+ info "downloading packages"
+ if [ ${COLUMNS:-0} -lt 10 ]; then
+ progressbar=0
+ fi
+ if [ $progressbar -eq 1 ]; then
+ total=$(wc -l candidates | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
+ width=$(( $COLUMNS - 7 ))
+ fi
+ i=0
+ cat candidates |
+ while read pkg
+ do
+ if [ $progressbar -eq 1 ]; then
+ n=$(( $i * $width / $total ))
+ s=$(printf "%${n}s" ' '|sed 's/./=/g')
+ printf "\r% 3d%% %s>" $(( $i * 100 / $total)) $s
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$dry_run" ]; then
+ file=$(getfile $(package_file_name $pkg))
+ if [ -z "$file" ]; then
+ abend "failed to download $pkg"
+ fi
+ fi
+ i=$(( $i + 1 ))
+ done || exit $?
+ if [ $progressbar -eq 1 ]; then
+ s=$(printf "%${width}s" ' '|sed 's/./=/g')
+ printf "\r% 3d%% %s|\n" 100 $s
+ fi
# ##########
# Main
# ##########
-while getopts "ahknp:qs:vy" OPTION
+while getopts "ahIknp:qSs:vy" OPTION
case $OPTION in
+ I) opmode=INCR;;
+ S) opmode=SAFE;;
a) install_all=y;;
h) usage
exit 0;;
@@ -354,6 +454,10 @@ case "$(uname -m)" in
*) abend "architecture $(uname -m) is not yet supported"
+if [ ! -d $SLACKUPGRADE_PKGDIR ]; then
+ mkdir -p $SLACKUPGRADE_PKGDIR || abend "can't create $SLACKUPGRADE_PKGDIR"
cd $tempdir
@@ -394,6 +498,8 @@ if [ -z "$remote" ]; then
if [ ! -d $rooturl ]; then
abend "$rooturl does not exist"
+ # Safe mode is meaningless with local repository
+ opmode=INCR
# Check if rooturl contains all we need
@@ -477,7 +583,7 @@ fi) | sort -u > candidates.$$
comm -2 -3 $installed_list candidates.$$ > remove.list.$$
if [ -s "$keep_file" ]; then
grep -v '^#' $keep_file | \
- tr -s '\n' | sort | comm -2 -3 remove.list.$$ - > remove.list
+ tr -s '\n' | sort -u | comm -2 -3 remove.list.$$ - > remove.list
rm remove.list.$$
mv remove.list.$$ remove.list
@@ -536,6 +642,89 @@ if ! getyn n "Ready for upgrade from $VERSION to $newversion. Continue"; then
exit 0
+if [ $opmode != INCR ]; then
+ # Automatic mode selection. Compute total compressed size of packages
+ # to be installed and compare it with available disk space on the device
+ # hosting SLACKUPGRADE_PKGDIR. Select safe mode if there is enough space,
+ # otherwise ask if the user wishes to continue in incremental mode.
+ packages=$(download PACKAGES.TXT)
+ if [ -z "$packages" ]; then
+ abend "PACKAGES.TXT not found in $rooturl"
+ fi
+ download_size=$(sed -n -r \
+ -e '/PACKAGE NAME:[[:space:]]*/{' \
+ -e 's///' \
+ -e 's/^(.*)-[^-]+-(i386|x86(_64)?|arm|noarch|fw)-[[:digit:]]+(_.*)?\.t.z$/\1 &/' \
+ -e h \
+ -e '}' \
+ -e '/PACKAGE SIZE \(compressed\):[[:space:]]*/{' \
+ -e 's///' \
+ -e H \
+ -e x \
+ -e 's/\n/ /' \
+ -e p \
+ -e '}' \
+ $packages | \
+ sort +0 -1 | \
+ join candidates - | \
+ awk '{ if ($4 == "M") s += $3*1024
+ else if ($4 == "G") s += $3*1024*1024
+ else s += $3 }
+ END { print s }')
+ avail_size=$(disk_avail_size $SLACKUPGRADE_PKGDIR)
+ if [ $avail_size -lt $download_size ]; then
+ error "not enough free space in $SLACKUPGRADE_PKGDIR"
+ error "needed ${download_size}K, but only ${avail_size}K available"
+ if [ $opmode = INCR ]; then
+ abend "terminating"
+ fi
+ cat >&2 <<EOT
+Safe mode is the default for slackupgrade. In this mode, the program would
+first download all packages from the remote site, verify them and then
+proceed to actual upgrade. This ensures that even if something goes wrong
+during the upgrade, you have all tarballs at hand and can resume from
+where you left after fixing the problem.
+This mode cannot be used due to the disk space shortage. Slackupgrade can
+nevertheless continue in incremental download mode. In this mode, it will
+download and install packages one by one. This takes more time and is less
+error prone. If you choose this mode, type 'Y' at the prompt below. Other-
+wise, type 'N' to terminate the program, and follow the instructions you
+will get.
+ if getyn n "Continue in incremental download mode"; then
+ opmode=INCR
+ else
+ cat >&2 <<EOT
+Please make sure the slackupgrade spool directory can accomodate at least
+${download_size}K of data. To do so, either free sufficient disk space on
+the device where $SLACKUPGRADE_PKGDIR resides, or set the SLACKUPGRADE_PKGDIR
+environment variable to the full pathname of the new spool directory,
+ error "Terminating."
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ else
+ # Download all packages
+ download_all
+ # Switch to the local installation mode
+ opmode=INCR
+ # Instruct getfile to strip off the series directory from the
+ # package names.
+ strip_series=1
+ # Disable remote indicator and checksum verification (all archives
+ # have already been verified during the download).
+ unset remote checksums
+ fi
info "starting upgrade of Slackware $VERSION to $newversion${dry_run:+ (DRY RUN MODE)}"
pkg_names="glibc-solibs pkgtools tar xz findutils"
@@ -630,4 +819,3 @@ bootloader has been updated for the new kernel!
Good luck!
diff --git a/slackupgrade.8 b/slackupgrade.8
index 8d88b58..d58b0e7 100644
--- a/slackupgrade.8
+++ b/slackupgrade.8
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
.\" This file is part of slackupgrade
-.\" Copyright (C) 2019 Sergey Poznyakoff.
+.\" Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Sergey Poznyakoff.
.\" Slackware-upgrade-system is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
.\" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
.\" along with slackupgrade. If not, see
.\" <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-.TH SLACKUPGRADE 8 "September 23, 2019" "SLACKUPGRADE" "System Manager's Manual"
+.TH SLACKUPGRADE 8 "February 7, 2020" "SLACKUPGRADE" "System Manager's Manual"
-slackwupgrade \- do a full upgrade of a Slackware installation
+slackupgrade \- do a full upgrade of a Slackware installation
- [\fB\-anqvy\fR]\
+ [\fB\-aInSqvy\fR]\
[\fB\-k \fIFILE\fR]\
[\fB\-p \fIPACKAGE\fR\]\
[\fB\-s \fISERIES\fR]\
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ directories.
The file \fBCHECKSUMS.md5\fR and its GPG signature are downloaded
first. Then, the program verifies that the signature is correct.
For this to succeed, you must have the Slackware Linux Project
-public key in your keyring. If you don't, run
+public key in your GPG keyring. If you don't, run
curl -o - https://www.slackware.com/gpg-key | gpg --import
@@ -56,22 +56,15 @@ curl -o - https://www.slackware.com/gpg-key | gpg --import
When this initial check is passed, the program constructs two lists
of packages: a list of currently installed packages and a list of
-packages available in the distribution. When constructing the list of
-available packages, known differences between Slackware releases are
-taken into account. For example, consider upgrade from version 14.1 to
-14.2. It is known that the \fIportmap\fR package from 14.1 is
-replaced with the \fIrpcbind\fR in version 14.2. Consequently, if the
-program sees that \fIportmap\fR is installed on the system, it will
-include \fIrpcbind\fR to the list of installation candidates.
-Information about package differences in various versions is kept in
-\fIreplacement map files\fR. See the section \fBREPLACEMENT MAP\fR,
-for a discussion of these files.
+packages available in the distribution. The intersection of these two
+is the list of \fIupgrade candidates\fR, i.e. packages that will be
-The difference between these two lists, is the set of installed
+The difference between these lists is the set of installed
packages that have no equivalent in the available package list. Those
are \fIorphaned packages\fR, which were either removed from the Slackware
distribution, or were installed from third-party sources. It is
-unpredictable whether or not these will work on the newly upgraded
+unpredictable whether these will work on the newly upgraded
system, therefore they will be removed after a successful upgrade.
Before proceeding, the program will display this list on the screen
and save it in file
@@ -82,32 +75,21 @@ for your consideration (here, \fIOLD\fR and \fINEW\fR stand for the
current and new Slackware version numbers, correspondingly). After
the upgrade, you can re-install them, if necessary.
-After this step, the program will print the current Slackware version
-and the version you are going to upgrade to, and will ask you to
-confirm that you really want to upgrade. This is the right moment to
-quit if you decide to modify program invocation in order to handle
-orphaned packages.
+Known differences between Slackware releases are taken into account
+when building lists of upgrade and delete candidates. For example,
+consider an upgrade from version 14.1 to 14.2. It is known that the
+\fIportmap\fR package from 14.1 is replaced with the \fIrpcbind\fR in
+version 14.2. Consequently, if the program sees that \fIportmap\fR is
+installed on the system, it will include \fIrpcbind\fR to the list of
+installation candidates. Information about package differences in
+various versions is kept in \fIreplacement map files\fR. See the
+section \fBREPLACEMENT MAP\fR, for a discussion of these files.
-If you do, type \fBno\fR. You have two options. First, if there are
-any orphaned packages that you want to keep in place, create a
-\fIkeep-list\fR file. This file should contain names of those
-packages, each name on a separate line. When you restart the program
-use the \fB\-k \fIFILE\fR\fR option to instruct it to use this file.
-Secondly, if you are upgrading to the version for which there is no
-replacement map, there can be replacement packages for some of the
-orphaned ones. You can create a replacement map and save it to
-the \fB/etc/slackupgrade\fR directory (see the section
-\fBREPLACEMENT MAP\fR for details). If you do, please drop me a note
-so that your changes become available for other users (see the
-\fBBUGS\fR section, for contact information). You can also use the
-\fB\-p\fR command line option to provide the names of replacement
-packages from the command line.
-By default, the program will upgrade only the packages actually
-installed on your system. You can request to install additional
-series from the distribution with the \fB\-s\fR option. E.g., it is
-often a good idea to install all packages from series \fBl\fR, like that:
+In addition to upgrading already installed packages you can request
+the program to install additional series or individual packages
+from the distribution with the \fB\-s\fR and \fB\-p\fR options. E.g.,
+it is often a good idea to install all packages from series \fBl\fR (ell),
+like that:
slackupgrade \-s l
@@ -117,6 +99,51 @@ Otherwise, you can request to install all missing packages from all
series, excepting \fBkde*\fR, by running the command with the
\fB\-a\fR option.
+Once the package lists are ready, the program prints the current
+Slackware version and the version it is going to upgrade to, and asks
+you to confirm that you really want to upgrade. This is the right
+moment to quit if you decide to modify program invocation in order to
+handle orphaned packages. See the subsection
+.B Handling of orphaned packages
+for a discussion.
+If you decide to continue and \fBslackupgrade\fR uses the remote
+repository, it will select the upgrade mode to use. There are two
+.I Incremental mode
+In this mode, the archive for each package will be downloaded
+immediately prior to its installation and removed afterwards. The
+only exception are several basic packages that are needed for the
+upgrade process and which will be downloaded and installed in the
+first place.
+This mode requires little additional disk space, but it is somewhat
+risky. If something happens to your internet connection during the
+upgrade, you'll end up with partly upgraded (and consequently,
+unstable) system.
+.I Safe mode
+In safe mode, \fBslackupgrade\fR first downloads all needed packages
+from the remote repository and then proceeds to upgrade using local
+disk copies. Downloaded files are removed when no longer needed, i.e.
+immediately after the corresponding package has been installed.
+This mode requires around 2.5G of free disk space on the device which
+hosts the \fBslackupgrade\fR spool directory (by default --
+.BR /var/slackupgrade ).
+You can select another location by setting the
+\fBSLACKUPGRADE_PKGDIR\fR environment variable to the full pathname
+of the spool directory you wish to use.
+The advantage of the safe mode is that even if something goes wrong
+during the upgrade, you have all the necessary stuff at hand to resume
+upgrade from where you left off.
+Safe mode is assumed if there is enough disk space. Otherwise, the
+program will ask you whether you wish to continue in incremental mode
+and will act accordingly.
At the end of the run, the program prints additional instructions and
leaves the detailed log in file
@@ -131,6 +158,24 @@ conflict with the existing files, they will be stored alongside the
original files, with the \fB.new\fR extension. The list of these
files will be stored in file
+.SS Handling of orphaned packages
+There are two possible ways to handle installed packages that have no
+installation candidate in the new Slackware release.
+First, if you want to keep in place any of them, create a
+\fIkeep-list\fR file. This file is a list of package names, each on a
+separate line. When you start \fBslackupgrade\fR, use the
+\fB\-k \fIFILE\fR\fR option to instruct it to use this file.
+Secondly, if you are upgrading to the version for which there is no
+replacement map, there can be replacement packages for some of the
+orphaned ones. You can create a replacement map and save it to
+the \fB/etc/slackupgrade\fR directory (see the section
+\fBREPLACEMENT MAP\fR for details). If you do, please drop me a note
+so that your changes become available for other users (see the
+\fBBUGS\fR section, for contact information). You can also use the
+\fB\-p\fR command line option to provide the names of replacement
+packages from the command line.
.B \-a
@@ -139,6 +184,9 @@ Install all series except \fBkde*\fR.
.B \-h
Display a short help summary and exit.
+.B \-I
+Force using incremental mode (see also \fB\-S\fR).
\fB\-k \fIFILE\fR
After successful upgrade, \fBslackupgrade\fR will remove
previously installed packages that are not available in the new
@@ -169,6 +217,9 @@ Install additional package.
.B \-q
Quiet mode: suppress all messages, except error diagnostics.
+.B \-S
+Force using safe mode. Abort if not enough disk space is available.
\fB\-s \fISERIES\fR
Additionally install all packages from \fISERIES\fR.
@@ -219,6 +270,12 @@ nearest newline character. Empty lines and comments are ignored.
Replacement map for upgrades from version \fIOLD\fR to \fINEW\fR.
+.B /var/slackupgrade
+Default spool directory. This is where all downloaded files are
+stored. You can override the default location by setting the
+environment variable.
Detailed log of operations performed during the upgrade from version
\fIOLD\fR to \fINEW\fR.
@@ -250,6 +307,21 @@ name. E.g. \fBslackupgrade-14.1-14.2.log\fR is renamed to
using the following pattern: \fBX~\fR becomes \fBX~1\fR, \fBX~1\fR
becomes \fBX~2\fR and so on. At most five backup copies are kept
(from \fBX~\fR up to \fBX~4\fR).
+Location of the configuration directory. This is the place where
+replacement maps are stored. The default is
+.BR /etc/slackupgrade .
+Location of the \fBslackupgrade\fR package spool directory. This is
+the temporary storage for downloaded package tarballs. The default is
+.BR /var/slackupgrade .
+Location of the temporary directory. The default is
+.BR /tmp .
The \fBUPGRADE.TXT\fR document, outlining the procedure as a whole:
@@ -263,7 +335,7 @@ subdirectory is not used.
Report bugs to <gray@gnu.org>.
-Copyright \(co 2019 Sergey Poznyakoff
+Copyright \(co 2019 \(em 2020 Sergey Poznyakoff
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later

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