This directory holds files necessary for creating slackbuild docker images. A slackbuild image contains the base Slackware system plus all packages from the following series: a - base ap - applications d - development e - emacs l - libraries t - TeX tcl - Tcl/Tk and related x - X Window System Ideally, 'd' and 'e' would suffice. However, the reality is a bit more complex. Certain packages needed for multimedia packages are located in 'ap' (e.g. 'flac'). The 'x' series contains some libraries necessary for building graphical applications. The 'e' is necessary for packages that compile emacs lisp files. The 't' might be required for documentation and 'tcl' for some tcl or expect-based programs. To build the image for the Slackware version X.Y run make OS_VERSION=X.Y The image will be named "gray/slackbuilder:X.Y". To use it with slackbuilder, add the following to its configuration file (/etc/slackbuilder.conf): [core] image = gray/slackbuilder:X.Y or use the --image option.