diff options
authorSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2019-07-04 09:53:37 +0300
committerSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2019-07-04 10:00:32 +0300
commit4ac456c267f765cccb3a7d9ac5055476f95ebf12 (patch)
parentbb42fcc206531ca87bf6ab8e3d50aaccc4da3f3d (diff)
Rely on GNU makefile to do installs
* GNUmakefile: New file. * Makefile: Remove. * install.pl: Remove.
4 files changed, 100 insertions, 265 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index b25c15b..5c342e1 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27707ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GNUmakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# usage:
+# 1. make PREFIX=prefix [MAILMANSRC=mdir] install
+# Installs everything.
+# 2. make PREFIX=prefix [MAILMANSRC=mdir] install-cgi
+# Builds (if necessary) and installs the listarchive cgi.
+# MAILMANSRC must be set for building the program.
+# Installation directory is $(PREFIX)/cgi-bin. Set CGIDIR
+# to override.
+# 3. make PREFIX=prefix install-Mailman
+# Installs scripts in the Mailman subdirectory.
+# Installation directory is $(PREFIX)/Mailman. Set MAILMANDIR
+# to override.
+# 4. make PREFIX=prefix install-templates
+# Installs templates to $(PREFIX)/templates. Set TEMPLATESDIR
+# to override.
+# 5. make PREFIX=prefix install-bin
+# Installs binary scripts to $(PREFIX)/bin. Set BINDIR to
+# override.
+# 6. make PREFIX=prefix install-man
+# Installs manpages to $(PREFIX)/man. Set MANDIR to override.
+# 7. make PREFIX=prefix install-htdocs
+# Installs static HTML files to $(PREFIX)/htdocs. Set HTDOCSDIR
+# to override.
+# 8. make MAILMANSRC=mdir listarchive
+# Builds the listarchive cgi.
+# 9. make clean
+# Remove created files.
+# 10. make help
+# Shows this help list.
+# usage ends
+ @sed -n \
+ -e '/# usage ends/,$$d' \
+ -e 's/^# //' \
+ -e ta \
+ -e 's/^#$$//' \
+ -e ta \
+ -e d \
+ -e :a \
+ -e '/^usage:/,$$p' $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
+ @if [ -z "$(MAILMANSRC)" ]; then \
+ echo >&2 "Please set MAILMANSRC to point to the mailman-2.x tree"; \
+ false; \
+ else \
+ make -C $(MAILMANSRC)/src CGI_PROGS=`pwd`/listarchive `pwd`/listarchive; \
+ fi
+define geninstall
+ install -d $$(DESTDIR)$$($(shell echo $(1) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')DIR)
+ tar -C $(1) -cf - . | tar -C $$(DESTDIR)$$($(shell echo $(1) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')DIR) -xpf -
+ifndef PREFIX
+ $(if $(subst help,,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(error Please supply PREFIX))
+CGIDIR = $(PREFIX)/cgi-bin
+ Mailman\
+ templates\
+ bin\
+ man\
+ htdocs
+$(foreach tgt,$(TARGETS),$(eval $(call geninstall,$(tgt))))
+install-cgi: listarchive
+ install -d $(DESTDIR)$(CGIDIR)
+ install -o root -g mailman -m 2755 listarchive $(DESTDIR)$(CGIDIR)
+install: install-cgi $(foreach tgt,$(TARGETS), install-$(tgt))
+ rm listarchive
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ec0b8c5..0000000
--- a/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-prefix = /usr
-sysconfdir = $(prefix)/etc
- foo.c\
- bar.c\
- baz.c
-$(error Please set MAILMANDIR)
- make -C $(MAILMANDIR) CGI_PROGS=listarchive `pwd`/listarchive
diff --git a/install.pl b/install.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bcc464..0000000
--- a/install.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use File::Basename;
-use File::Copy;
-use File::Find;
-use File::Path qw(make_path);
-use Pod::Usage;
-use Pod::Man;
-use Data::Dumper;
-=head1 NAME
-install.pl - install Puszcza-specific Mailman extensions
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<perl install.pl>
-[B<-D> I<DIR>]
-Installs Puszcza extensions to Mailman. This includes the B<mail.gnu.org.ua>
-site, backend scripts for conversion to HTML and indexing, and B<listarchive>
-CGI script.
-The I<MAILMAN-DIR> argument should point to B<Mailman> source directory. This
-is a directory from where you installed B<Mailman>, in other words,
-B<configure> and B<make install> should have already been run in it by the
-time you run B<install.pl>. Also, this directory should be writable.
-Optional I<DIR> arguments select specific components to install.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 4
-=item B<-D>, B<--destdir=>I<DIR>
-Destination directory. This has the same meaning as B<DESTDIR> variable in
-automake-generated makefiles.
-=item B<-n>, B<--dry-run>
-Do nothing, print what would have been done.
-=item B<--htdocs-dir=>I<DIR>
-Installation directory for the B<mail.gnu.org.ua> site. Defaults to
-F<B<MAILMAN>/htdocs>, where B<MAILMAN> is Mailman installation prefix.
-my $progname;
-my $progdescr = "install Puszcza-specific Mailman extensions";
-my $dry_run;
-my $destdir;
-my $mailmandir;
-my $htdocsdir;
-sub expvar {
- my ($vtab, $name, $f, $t) = @_;
- my $val = $vtab->{$name};
- return '' unless defined $val;
- if (defined($f)) {
- $val = join(' ', map { s/$f$/$t/; $_ } split(/\s+/, $val));
- }
- return $val;
-sub parse_makefile_vars {
- my $file = shift;
- my %vtab;
- open(my $fd, '<', $file) or die "can't open $file: $!";
- while (<$fd>) {
- chomp;
- if (/\\$/) {
- chop;
- $_ .= <$fd>;
- redo;
- }
- s/\s+$//;
- s/#.*//;
- next if ($_ eq "");
- if (/^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/) {
- $vtab{$1} = $2;
- $vtab{$1} =~ s/\$\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(?::([^)=]+)=([^)]+))?\)/expvar(\%vtab, $1, $2, $3)/gex;
- }
- }
- close($fd);
- return %vtab;
-# ##
-sub runcmd {
- my ($cmd, $res) = @_;
- system($cmd);
- die "failed to execute \"$cmd\": $!" if ($? == -1);
- die "\"$cmd\" died with signal " . ($? & 127) if ($? & 127);
- die "\"$cmd\" exited with code " . ($? >> 8) if ($? >> 8);
-sub install {
- my ($src, $dst) = @_;
- print "$progname: Installing $src to $dst\n";
- find(sub {
- return if /~$/;
- my $dir = $File::Find::dir;
- my $target;
- if ($dir eq $src) {
- $target = "$dst/$_";
- } else {
- $dir =~ s#^$src/##;
- $target = "$dst/$dir/$_";
- }
- if (-d $_) {
- unless (-d $target) {
- print "$progname: creating $target\n";
- make_path($target) unless $dry_run;
- }
- } else {
- print "$progname: cp $_ $target\n";
- unless ($dry_run or copy($_, $target)) {
- print STDERR "error copying file: $!\n"
- }
- }
- }, $src);
-sub dir_src {
- my $dir = shift;
- $dir = "$mailmandir/$dir";
- die "$dir does not exist or is not a directory" unless -d $dir;
- die "$dir is not writable" unless -d $dir;
- my $opt = '-n' if $dry_run;
- $opt .= " DESTDIR=\"$destdir\"" if defined($destdir);
- print "$progname: building and installing listarchive\n";
- runcmd("make -C $dir $opt CGI_PROGS=listarchive listarchive");
- runcmd("make -C $dir $opt CGI_PROGS=listarchive MAIL_PROGS= install");
-sub dest {
- my ($dir, $var) = @_;
- my %vtab = parse_makefile_vars("$dir/Makefile");
- die "$var not defined in $dir/Makefile"
- unless exists $vtab{$var};
- my $dest = $vtab{$var};
- $dest = "$destdir/$dest" if defined($destdir);
- return $dest;
-sub dir_default {
- my ($base, $ref) = @_;
- my $dir = "$mailmandir/$base";
- die "$dir does not exist or is not a directory" unless -d $dir;
- install($base, dest($dir, $ref->{var}));
-sub dir_htdocs {
- my ($base, $ref) = @_;
- my $dest;
- if (defined($htdocsdir)) {
- $dest = $htdocsdir;
- } else {
- my %vtab = parse_makefile_vars("$mailmandir/Makefile");
- die "prefix not defined in $mailmandir/Makefile"
- unless exists $vtab{prefix};
- $dest = "$vtab{prefix}/$base";
- $dest = "$destdir/$dest" if defined($destdir);
- }
- install($base, $dest);
-sub dir_man {
- my ($base, $ref) = @_;
- my $dest;
- my %vtab = parse_makefile_vars("$mailmandir/Makefile");
- die "prefix not defined in $mailmandir/Makefile"
- unless exists $vtab{prefix};
- $dest = "$vtab{prefix}/$base";
- $dest = "$destdir/$dest" if defined($destdir);
- print "$progname: Installing $base to $dest\n";
- for (my $i = 1; $i <= 8; ++$i) {
- my @files = map { s#$base/##; $_ } glob "$base/*.$i";
- next unless $#files >= 0;
- my $d = "$dest/man$i";
- make_path($d) unless -d $d;
- foreach my $f (@files) {
- print "$progname: cp $f $d/$f\n";
- unless ($dry_run or copy("$base/$f", "$d/$f")) {
- print STDERR "error copying file: $!\n"
- }
- }
- }
-my %dirs = (
- 'src' => { proc => \&dir_src },
- 'Mailman' => { proc => \&dir_default, var => 'PACKAGEDIR' },
- 'templates' => { proc => \&dir_default, var => 'TEMPLATEDIR' },
- 'bin' => { proc => \&dir_default, var => 'SCRIPTSDIR' },
- 'man' => { proc => \&dir_man },
- 'htdocs' => { proc => \&dir_htdocs }
-# ##
-$progname = basename($0);
-GetOptions("h" => sub {
- pod2usage(-message => "$progname: $progdescr",
- -exitstatus => 0);
- },
- "help" => sub {
- pod2usage(-verbose => 2, -exitstatus => 0);
- },
- "usage" => sub {
- pod2usage(-verbose => 0, -exitstatus => 0);
- },
- "destdir|D=s" => \$destdir,
- "htdocs-dir=s" => \$htdocsdir,
- "dry-run|n" => \$dry_run) or exit(1);
-die "bad number of arguments" unless $#ARGV>=0;
-$mailmandir = shift @ARGV;
-die "$mailmandir does not exist or is not a directory" unless -d $mailmandir;
-@ARGV = ('src',
- 'Mailman',
- 'templates',
- 'bin',
- 'man',
- 'htdocs') if ($#ARGV == -1);
-foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
- die "unknown source: $arg" unless exists $dirs{$arg};
- my $v = $dirs{$arg};
- &{$v->{proc}}($arg, $v);

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