diff options
authorSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2017-11-02 08:25:50 +0200
committerSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2017-11-02 08:27:55 +0200
commita6f0497a5627c1e58d61740cfbdb919533dca867 (patch)
parent37cc1bee473473c1049cad79f54d24e57f7e1215 (diff)
Two new utilities to monitor user accounts
* backend/accounts/sv_spamkill: New file. * backend/accounts/sv_userstat: New file. * backend/Makefile.PL: Add these.
3 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Makefile.PL b/backend/Makefile.PL
index a3d6ee4..fe097a8 100644
--- a/backend/Makefile.PL
+++ b/backend/Makefile.PL
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ WriteMakefile(
+ 'accounts/sv_spamkill',
+ 'accounts/sv_userstat',
diff --git a/backend/accounts/sv_spamkill b/backend/accounts/sv_spamkill
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..145c789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/accounts/sv_spamkill
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Sergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Savane;
+use Savane::DB;
+use Savane::Backend;
+use Savane::Trackers;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use User::pwent;
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+use Time::ParseDate;
+use utf8;
+my $minscore = 9;
+my $sys_cron = 0;
+my $mark_status = 'S';
+backend_setup(descr => "Clean up spammers",
+ cron => $sys_cron,
+ options => {
+ "score|s=n" => \$minscore,
+ "delete|D" => sub { $mark_status = 'D' }
+ });
+sub format_user {
+ my $user = shift;
+ $user->{user_name}.': "'.$user->{real_name}.'" <'.$user->{email}.'>';
+my @users;
+db_foreach(sub {
+ push @users, shift;
+ },
+ qq{
+SELECT user.user_id AS user_id,
+ user.user_name AS user_name,
+ user.realname AS real_name,
+ user.spamscore AS spamscore,
+ user.email AS email,
+ count(user_group.group_id) AS group_count
+FROM user
+LEFT JOIN user_group
+ON user.user_id = user_group.user_id
+WHERE user.status = 'A' AND user.spamscore > ?
+GROUP BY user_id},
+ $minscore);
+foreach my $user (@users) {
+ if ($user->{group_count}) {
+ logit('info', 'skipping user '.format_user($user).', score '.$user->{spamscore}.': member of '.$user->{group_count}.' projects');
+ next;
+ }
+ debug(format_user($user).': '.$user->{spamscore});
+ next if dry_run;
+ db_insert('email_black_list',
+ email => $user->{email},
+ reason => 'Blocked for spam ('.$user->{spamscore}.')');
+ db_modify("UPDATE user SET status=? WHERE user_id=?",
+ $mark_status, $user->{user_id});
+=head1 NAME
+sv_spamkill - suspend spammers
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<sv_spamkill> [B<-h>] [B<--help>] [B<--usage>]
+Suspends or deletes users with spamscore greater than I<MINSCORE> (default 9).
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 8
+=item B<-D>, B<--delete>
+Mark spammers as deleted instead of as suspended.
+=item B<-s>, B<--score=I<MINSCORE>>
+Set minimum spam score.
+=item B<-d>, B<--debug>
+Increase debugging level.
+=item B<-n>, B<--dry-run>
+Do nothing, print everything. Implies B<--debug>.
+=item B<-F>, B<--facility=>I<NAME>
+Log to the syslog facility I<NAME>. If I<NAME> begins with a slash,
+it is understood as the name of the file where to direct the logging
+=item B<--stderr>
+Log to standard error. This is the default.
+=item B<-h>
+Show a terse help summary and exit.
+=item B<--help>
+Prints the manual page and exits.
+=over 4
+=item B<sql.database>
+=item B<sql.user>
+=item B<sql.password>
+=item B<sql.host>
+=item B<sql.params>
+Database credentials.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Sergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org>
diff --git a/backend/accounts/sv_userstat b/backend/accounts/sv_userstat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e27050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/accounts/sv_userstat
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Sergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Savane;
+use Savane::DB;
+use Savane::Backend;
+use Savane::Trackers;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use User::pwent;
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+use Time::ParseDate;
+use utf8;
+my $max_user_name = 8;
+my $max_real_name = 32;
+my $long_format;
+my $before_date;
+my $after_date;
+my $print_real_names;
+sub select_class {
+ my ($stk, $c) = @_;
+ my $user = pop @$stk;
+ return $user->{class}{$c}
+my %seltab = (
+ system => sub { select_class(shift, 'SYSTEM') },
+ s => 'system',
+ active => sub { select_class(shift, 'ACTIVE') },
+ a => 'active',
+ reporter => sub { select_class(shift, 'REPORTER') },
+ r => 'reporter',
+ spammer => sub { select_class(shift, 'SPAMMER') },
+ S => 'spammer',
+ idle => sub {
+ my $stk = shift;
+ my $user = pop @$stk;
+ return !($user->{class}{SYSTEM} ||
+ $user->{class}{ACTIVE} ||
+ $user->{class}{REPORTER} ||
+ $user->{class}{SPAMMER});
+ },
+ before => sub {
+ my $stk = shift;
+ my $user = pop @$stk;
+ return $user->{add_date} <= $before_date
+ },
+ after => sub {
+ my $stk = shift;
+ my $user = pop @$stk;
+ return $user->{add_date} >= $after_date
+ }
+ );
+sub f_push {
+ my ($stk) = @_;
+ return $_;
+sub f_and {
+ my ($stk) = @_;
+ my $a = pop @$stk;
+ my $b = pop @$stk;
+ return 1 if $a && $b;
+sub f_negate {
+ my ($stk) = @_;
+ return ! pop @$stk;
+sub findfun {
+ my ($ftab, $key) = @_;
+ my $neg;
+ my $fun;
+ if ($key =~ m/[~!](.+)/) {
+ $neg = 1;
+ $key = $1;
+ }
+ while (exists($ftab->{$key})) {
+ if (ref($ftab->{$key}) eq 'CODE') {
+ $fun = $ftab->{$key};
+ last;
+ }
+ $key = $ftab->{$key};
+ }
+ abend(EX_USAGE, "unknown selector: $key")
+ unless defined $fun;
+ return ($neg,$fun);
+my @selectors;
+sub usel {
+ return 1 unless @selectors;
+ my $user = shift;
+ my $retval = 0;
+ my @args;
+ foreach my $f (@selectors) {
+ local $_ = $user;
+ $retval = &{$f}(\@args);
+ last unless defined($retval);
+ push @args, $retval;
+ }
+ return $retval;
+sub progsel {
+ my $val = shift;
+ my ($neg, $fun) = findfun(\%seltab, $val);
+ my $prev = @selectors;
+ push @selectors, \&f_push;
+ push @selectors, $fun;
+ push @selectors, \&f_negate if $neg;
+ push @selectors, \&f_and if $prev;
+sub sort_class {
+ my $class = shift;
+ return $a->{class}{$class} <=> $b->{class}{$class};
+my %sorttab = (
+ system => sub { sort_class('SYSTEM') },
+ s => 'system',
+ active => sub { sort_class('ACTIVE') },
+ a => 'active',
+ reporter => sub { sort_class('REPORTER') },
+ r => 'reporter',
+ spammer => sub { sort_class('SPAMMER') },
+ user => sub { $a->{user_name} cmp $b->{user_name} },
+ time => sub { $a->{add_date} cmp $b->{add_date} },
+ date => 'time',
+ groups => sub { $a->{group_count} cmp $b->{group_count} },
+ postings => sub { $a->{postings} cmp $b->{postings} },
+ comments => sub { $a->{comments} cmp $b->{comments} }
+my @sortstk;
+sub usort {
+ foreach my $f (@sortstk) {
+ my $res = &{$f->{fun}};
+ $res = - $res if ($f->{neg});
+ return $res if $res;
+ }
+ return 0;
+backend_setup(descr => "Show savane users' statistics",
+ options => {
+ "long|l" => \$long_format,
+ "select=s" => sub {
+ foreach my $val (split /\s*,\s*/, $_[1]) {
+ abend(EX_USAGE, "$val cannot be used as selector")
+ if grep { $val eq $_ } qw(after before);
+ progsel($val);
+ }
+ },
+ "since|after=s" => sub {
+ $after_date = parsedate($_[1]);
+ progsel('after');
+ },
+ "before=s" => sub {
+ $before_date = parsedate($_[1]);
+ progsel('before');
+ },
+ "sort=s" => sub {
+ my ($opt, $val) = @_;
+ foreach my $val (split /\s*,\s*/, $_[1]) {
+ my ($neg, $fun) = findfun(\%sorttab, $val);
+ push @sortstk, { neg => $neg, fun => $fun };
+ }
+ },
+ "real-names|N" => \$print_real_names
+ });
+my $cond = 'user.user_id > 100 AND user.status=?';
+my @args = ('A');
+if ($#ARGV == -1) {
+} else {
+ my (@uids, @unames);
+ foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
+ if ($arg =~ /^\+(\d+)$/) {
+ push @uids, $1;
+ } else {
+ push @unames, $arg;
+ }
+ }
+ $cond .= ' AND (';
+ $cond .= "user.user_name in (".join(',', ('?') x @unames).")"
+ if (@unames);
+ if ($#uids >= 0) {
+ $cond .= " OR " if defined($cond);
+ $cond .= "user.user_id in (".join(',', ('?') x @uids).")";
+ }
+ $cond .= ')';
+ push @args, @unames, @uids;
+sub comment_count {
+ my $uref = shift;
+ my $postings = 0;
+ my $comments = 0;
+ foreach my $tracker (TrackerNames()) {
+ db_foreach(
+ sub {
+ my $x = shift;
+ $postings += $x->{n};
+ },
+ qq{
+SELECT count(*) AS n
+FROM $tracker tracker
+WHERE tracker.submitted_by=?},
+ $uref->{user_id});
+ db_foreach(
+ sub {
+ my $x = shift;
+ $comments += $x->{n};
+ },
+ qq{
+SELECT count(*) AS n
+FROM ${tracker}_history hist
+WHERE hist.field_name=? AND hist.mod_by=?},
+ 'details', $uref->{user_id});
+ }
+ $uref->{postings} = $postings;
+ $uref->{comments} = $comments;
+sub user_class_str {
+ my $uref = shift;
+ return
+ ($uref->{class}{SYSTEM} ? 's' : '-') .
+ ($uref->{class}{ACTIVE} ? 'a' : '-') .
+ ($uref->{class}{REPORTER} ? 'r' : '-') .
+ ($uref->{class}{SPAMMER} ? 'S' : '-');
+sub list_user {
+ my $uref = shift;
+ printf("%4s %-*s",
+ user_class_str($uref),
+ $max_user_name + 1, $uref->{user_name});
+ if ($print_real_names) {
+ printf(" %-*s", $max_real_name + 1, $uref->{real_name});
+ }
+ if ($long_format) {
+ printf("%s %2d %3d %3d",
+ strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime $uref->{add_date}),
+ $uref->{group_count},
+ $uref->{postings},
+ $uref->{comments}
+ );
+ }
+ print "\n";
+my @userlist;
+ sub {
+ my $ref = shift;
+ if (my $pw = getpwnam($ref->{user_name})) {
+ $ref->{system_account} = 1;
+ $ref->{sys_uid} = $pw->uid;
+ $ref->{sys_gid} = $pw->gid;
+ $ref->{sys_shell} = $pw->shell;
+ $ref->{sys_home} = $pw->dir;
+ }
+ comment_count($ref);
+ $ref->{class}{SPAMMER} = $ref->{spamscore} > 4;
+ $ref->{class}{SYSTEM} = $ref->{system_account};
+ $ref->{class}{ACTIVE} = $ref->{group_count} > 0;
+ $ref->{class}{REPORTER} = ($ref->{postings} + $ref->{comments} > 0);
+ push @userlist, $ref;
+ $max_user_name = length($ref->{user_name}) if length($ref->{user_name}) > $max_user_name;
+ $max_real_name = length($ref->{real_name}) if length($ref->{real_name}) > $max_real_name;
+ },
+ qq{
+SELECT user.user_id AS user_id,
+ user.user_name AS user_name,
+ user.spamscore AS spamscore,
+ user.add_date AS add_date,
+ user.email AS email,
+ user.realname AS real_name,
+ user.authorized_keys_count AS authorized_keys_count,
+ user.people_view_skills AS people_view_skills,
+ count(user_group.group_id) AS group_count
+FROM user
+LEFT JOIN user_group
+ON user.user_id = user_group.user_id
+WHERE $cond
+GROUP BY user_name},
+ @args);
+foreach my $user (sort usort grep { usel($_) } @userlist) {
+ list_user($user);

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