diff options
authorSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2019-07-03 13:45:44 +0200
committerSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2019-07-03 13:45:44 +0200
commit968d52376f6a26a7a22c622857d942e2b5570c19 (patch)
parentd1800cee2fa13ad4de85416e47648ae9a04e71cb (diff)
Implement LDAP aliases for mailman
* backend/Makefile.PL: Add sv_mailman_ldap * backend/mail/sv_mailman_ldap: New file. This is temporary. It is planned to merge with sv_mailman at some point.
2 files changed, 699 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Makefile.PL b/backend/Makefile.PL
index 8cc1c5c..84bb042 100644
--- a/backend/Makefile.PL
+++ b/backend/Makefile.PL
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ WriteMakefile(
+ 'mail/sv_mailman_ldap',
diff --git a/backend/mail/sv_mailman_ldap b/backend/mail/sv_mailman_ldap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0b804c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/mail/sv_mailman_ldap
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Mathieu Roy <yeupou@gnu.org>
+# BBN Technologies Corp
+# Copyrignt (C) 2005-2016 Sergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Savane;
+use Savane::Conf;
+use Savane::Backend;
+use Savane::LDAP;
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
+use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Compare;
+use String::Random qw(random_string);
+use Text::Wrap;
+use IO::Handle;
+use feature 'state';
+use Symbol qw(gensym);
+my $skipmail;
+my $sync;
+backend_setup(descr => "maintain Mailman mailing lists in sync with the Savane database",
+ options => { 'skip-mail|no-mail' => \$skipmail,
+ 'sync' => \$sync,
+ },
+ cron => GetConf('backend.sv_mailman.cron'));
+my $sys_mailman_user = GetConf('backend.sv_mailman.user')
+ or abend(EX_CONFIG, 'backend.sv_mailman.user not set');
+my $sys_mailman_dir = GetConf('backend.sv_mailman.mailman_dir')
+ or abend(EX_CONFIG, 'backend.sv_mailman.mailman_dir not set');
+#my $sys_mailman_list_dir = GetConf('backend.sv_mailman.list_dir')
+# or abend(EX_CONFIG, 'backend.sv_mailman.list_dir not set');
+# my $sys_mailman_archive_dir = GetConf('backend.sv_mailman.archive_dir')
+# or abend(EX_CONFIG, 'backend.sv_mailman.archive_dir not set');
+my $sys_mail_domain = GetConf('mail.mail_domain')
+ or abend(EX_CONFIG, 'mail.mail_domain not set');
+my $sys_mailman_command = GetConf('backend.sv_mailman.mailman_command')
+ or abend(EX_CONFIG, 'backend.sv_mailman.mailman_command not set');
+my $sys_mail_aliases = GetConf('backend.sv_aliases.alias_file');
+my $sys_mailman_keep_archives = GetConf('backend.sv_mailman.keep_archives');
+my $mailman_bin_dir = GetConf('backend.sv_mailman.mailman_bin_dir')
+ || "$sys_mailman_dir/bin";
+my $error_count;
+my $create_count = 0;
+my $delete_count = 0;
+my $reconf_count = 0;
+$Text::Wrap::columns = 72;
+my $ldap = new Savane::LDAP;
+my @mailman_ops = qw(post admin bounces confirm join leave owner request subscribe unsubscribe);
+sub alias_pairs {
+ my $list_name = shift;
+ map { [$_ eq "post" ? $list_name : "$list_name-$_", $_] } @mailman_ops;
+sub create_aliases {
+ my $list_name = shift;
+ foreach my $p (alias_pairs($list_name)) {
+ unless ($ldap->getalias($p->[0])) {
+ my $al = new Savane::LDAP::alias(
+ name => $p->[0],
+ mem => [ "$sys_mailman_command $p->[1] $list_name" ]);
+ debug("Adding alias $al");
+ $ldap->chalias($al) unless dry_run();
+ }
+ }
+sub remove_aliases {
+ my $list_name = shift;
+ foreach my $p (alias_pairs($list_name)) {
+ if (my $ent = $ldap->getalias($p->[0])) {
+ debug("Removing $ent");
+ $ldap->delete($ent) unless dry_run();
+ }
+ }
+sub config_list {
+ my $list = shift;
+ my $descr = $list->{description};
+ if ($descr =~ /[ \"\\]/) {
+ $descr =~ s/[\"\\]/\\$&/g;
+ }
+ my @vars = ( "description=\"$descr\"",
+ 'require_explicit_destination=0',
+ 'private_roster=2' );
+ if ($list->{is_public}) {
+ push @vars, 'archive_private=0', 'advertised=1', 'subscribe_policy=1';
+ } else {
+ push @vars, 'archive_private=1', 'advertised=0', 'subscribe_policy=3';
+ }
+ return runcommand("$mailman_bin_dir/sv_config_list",
+ $list->{name},
+ @vars);
+my %existing_lists;
+sub mailman_get_lists {
+ open(my $fd, '-|', "$mailman_bin_dir/list_lists", '-b')
+ or abend(EX_OSERR, "can't run $mailman_bin_dir/list_lists: $!");
+ while (<$fd>) {
+ chomp;
+ $existing_lists{$_} = $_;
+ }
+ close($fd);
+# ####
+# my (undef,undef,$uid,$gid) = getpwnam($sys_mailman_user)
+# or abend(EX_NOUSER, "no such user: $sys_mailman_user");
+# FIXME: it's remote
+# abend(EX_OSFILE, "directory $mailman_bin_dir doesn't exist")
+# unless -d $mailman_bin_dir;
+#abend(EX_OSFILE, "directory $sys_mailman_list_dir doesn't exist")
+# unless -d $sys_mailman_list_dir;
+# Run as mailman user
+# if ($< == 0) {
+# $) = $gid;
+# $> = $uid;
+# } elsif ($< != $uid) {
+# abend(EX_USAGE, "must be run as root or $sys_mailman_user");
+# }
+# #########################################################################
+## Note about status of list:
+## - Status 0: list is deleted (ie, does not exist).
+## - Status 1: list is marked for creation.
+## - Status 2: list is marked for reconfiguration.
+## - Status 5: list has been created (ie, it exists).
+## The frontend php script sets status to:
+## 0 if user deletes a list before the backend ever actually created it.
+## 1 if user adds a list
+## 2 if user reconfigures an _existing_ list (ie, status was 5)
+## This backend script sets status to:
+## 0 when a list is actually deleted
+## 5 when a list is actually created
+my $sync_query = q{SELECT m.list_name AS name,
+ t.mailing_list_virtual_host AS virtual_host
+ FROM mail_group_list AS m, group_type AS t, groups AS g
+ WHERE m.status = '5'
+ AND g.group_id = m.group_id
+ AND t.type_id = g.type};
+sub mailman_sync_ldap {
+ my $list = shift;
+ my $name = $list->{name};
+ $name .= '@'.$list->{virtual_host}
+ if (defined($list->{virtual_host}) && $list->{virtual_host} ne '');
+ delete $existing_lists{$name};
+ create_aliases($name);
+if ($sync) {
+ mailman_get_lists();
+ db_foreach(\&mailman_sync_ldap, $sync_query);
+ foreach my $name (keys %existing_lists) {
+ create_aliases($name);
+ }
+ exit(0);
+my $newlist_query = qq{SELECT m.list_name AS name,
+ m.is_public AS is_public,
+ m.password AS password,
+ m.description AS description,
+ t.mailing_list_virtual_host AS virtual_host,
+ u.email AS admin,
+ group_concat(u1.email) AS group_admins
+FROM mail_group_list AS m, group_type AS t, groups AS g,
+ user AS u, user AS u1, user_group ug
+WHERE m.status IN('0','1')
+ AND g.group_id = m.group_id
+ AND t.type_id = g.type
+ AND u.user_id = m.list_admin
+ AND ug.group_id = g.group_id
+ AND ug.admin_flags='A'
+ AND ug.user_id = u1.user_id
+ GROUP BY 1};
+sub mailman_list_create {
+ my $list = shift;
+ return unless defined $list->{name};
+ $list->{complete_name} = $list->{name};
+ $list->{complete_name} .= '@'.$list->{virtual_host}
+ if (defined($list->{virtual_host}) && $list->{virtual_host} ne '');
+ debug("creating list $list->{name}: $list->{complete_name}");
+ unless (runcommand("$mailman_bin_dir/newlist -q $list->{complete_name} $list->{admin} $list->{password}")) {
+ ++$error_count;
+ return;
+ }
+ create_aliases($list->{complete_name});
+ # FIXME: Not needed. mboxsync uses os.makedirs, which recursively creates
+ # all intermediate dirs.
+ # my $dir = "$sys_mailman_archive_dir/$list->{name}";
+ # debug("creating $dir");
+ # unless (dry_run()) {
+ # make_path($dir, { mode => 02775 })
+ # or do {
+ # ++$error_count;
+ # logit('err', "can't create $dir: $!");
+ # return;
+ # };
+ # }
+ debug("configuring list $list->{name}");
+ unless (config_list($list)) {
+ ++$error_count;
+ return;
+ }
+ unless ($skipmail) {
+ my ($name, $pass) = ($list->{name}, $list->{password});
+ debug("sending mail to $list->{group_admins} for list $list->{name}");
+ my $mail = <<EOT;
+You requested the creation of the list $name at $sys_mail_domain.
+The list administrator password of the newly created list is:
+ $pass
+You are advised to change the password, and to avoid at any cost using
+a password you use for others important account, as mailman does not
+really provide security for these list passwords.
+ MailSend("", $list->{group_admins}, "Mailman list $name", $mail)
+ unless dry_run();
+ }
+ SetDBSettings("mail_group_list",
+ 'list_name=?',
+ "status='5', password=NULL",
+ $list->{name}) unless dry_run();
+ logit('info', "list $list->{name} <$list->{admin}> created");
+ $create_count++;
+my $remove_query = qq{SELECT group_list_id AS id, list_name AS name
+FROM mail_group_list
+WHERE status!='0' AND is_public='9'
+sub mailman_list_remove {
+ my $list = shift;
+ debug("deleting list $list->{name}");
+ my @args;
+ push @args, '-a' unless $sys_mailman_keep_archives;
+ push @args, $list->{name};
+ unless (runcommand("$mailman_bin_dir/rmlist", @args)) {
+ ++$error_count;
+ return;
+ }
+ # FIXME!!!
+ # unless ($sys_mailman_keep_archives) {
+ # my $dir = "$sys_mailman_archive_dir/$list->{name}";
+ # debug("removing $dir");
+ # unless (dry_run()) {
+ # my $err;
+ # remove_tree($dir, { error => \$err });
+ # if (@$err) {
+ # for my $diag (@$err) {
+ # ++$error_count;
+ # my ($file, $message) = %$diag;
+ # if ($file eq '') {
+ # logit('err', $message);
+ # } else {
+ # logit('err', "can't unlink $file: $message");
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ remove_aliases($list->{name});
+ DeleteDB("mail_group_list", "group_list_id='$list->{id}'")
+ unless dry_run();
+ logit('info', "list $list->{name} deleted");
+ $delete_count++;
+my $reconf_query = qq{SELECT group_list_id AS id,
+ list_name AS name,
+ is_public,
+ description
+FROM mail_group_list
+WHERE status='2' AND is_public!='9'};
+sub mailman_list_reconf {
+ my $list = shift;
+ debug("configuring list $list->{name}");
+ unless (config_list($list)) {
+ ++$error_count;
+ return;
+ }
+ SetDBSettings("mail_group_list",
+ 'group_list_id=?',
+ "status='5'",
+ $list->{id}) unless dry_run();
+ logit('info', "list $list->{name} reconfigured");
+ ++$reconf_count;
+my $pwreset_query = qq{SELECT mail_group_list.group_list_id AS id,
+ mail_group_list.list_name AS name,
+ group_concat(user.email) AS admin
+FROM mail_group_list, user, user_group, groups
+WHERE mail_group_list.password = '1'
+ AND groups.group_id = mail_group_list.group_id
+ AND user_group.group_id = groups.group_id
+ AND user_group.admin_flags='A'
+ AND user_group.user_id = user.user_id};
+sub mailman_list_pwreset {
+ my $list = shift;
+ return unless defined $list->{name};
+ debug("resetting password on $list->{name} for $list->{admin}");
+ # Create a new password, random enough, with not too weird characters
+ my $password = random_string("ssssssss");
+ unless (runcommand("$mailman_bin_dir/change_pw",
+ "-l",
+ $list->{name},
+ "-p",
+ $password,
+ "--quiet")) {
+ ++$error_count;
+ return;
+ }
+ SetDBSettings("mail_group_list",
+ 'group_list_id=?',
+ 'password=NULL', $list->{id}) unless dry_run();
+ logit('info', "list $list->{name} password was reset");
+ # Send a mail giving the password
+ unless ($skipmail) {
+ my $mail = <<EOT;
+You requested the password of the list $list->{name} at $sys_mail_domain to be
+The new list administrator password of this mailing list is:
+ $password
+You are advised to change the password, and to avoid at any cost using
+a password you use for others important account, as mailman does not
+really provide security for these list passwords.
+ MailSend("", $list->{admin}, "Mailman list $list->{name}", $mail)
+ unless dry_run();
+ }
+logit('info', 'creating new lists');
+db_foreach(\&mailman_list_create, $newlist_query);
+debug("total lists created: $create_count");
+logit('info', 'removing lists scheduled for deletion');
+db_foreach(\&mailman_list_remove, $remove_query);
+debug("total lists deleted: $delete_count");
+### Reconfigure all lists marked for reconfiguration (status = 2), but
+### that have not been deleted.
+logit('info', 'reconfiguring lists');
+db_foreach(\&mailman_list_reconf, $reconf_query);
+debug("total lists reconfigured: $reconf_count");
+### Reset passwords
+logit('info','resetting passwords');
+db_foreach(\&mailman_list_pwreset, $pwreset_query);
+$) = 0;
+$> = 0;
+logit('info', "statistics: created: $create_count, deleted: $delete_count, reconfigured: $reconf_count");
+if ($error_count) {
+ logit('err', "there were $error_count errors");
+=head1 NAME
+sv_mailman - maintain Mailman mailing lists in sync with the Savane database
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<sv_mailman> [B<-h>] [B<--help>]
+Creates, deletes and modifies B<mailman>-driven mailing lists according
+to changes in the Savane database.
+The process runs in four stages:
+=over 4
+=item *
+Creation of new lists.
+Lists marked with status 0 and 1 in the database are created. For each
+list B<newaliases> is invoked to create it, the directory for html files
+is created under B<backend.sv_mailman.archive_dir> and a list alias file is
+created in B<backend.sv_mailman.list_dir>. Administrators of the group for
+which the list is created are then notified via email about the fact.
+=item *
+Deletion of existing lists scheduled for removal.
+Each list is removed using B<rmlist>. List alias file is removed.
+Archive and html files are deleted, unless B<backend.sv_mailman.keep_archives>
+is set to B<1>.
+=item *
+Modification of existing lists.
+For each list scheduled for modification, a temporary control file is
+created and B<config_list> is run.
+=item *
+Resetting admin passwords for lists that requested it.
+=item *
+Updating of MTA alias file.
+Whereas all prior stages are performed with the privileges of mailman
+user (as set by the B<backend.sv_mailman.user> variable), this stage is run
+with superuser privileges.
+This stage depends on the B<backend.sv_mailman.directory_file> variable. If
+it is not set, aliases from all list alias files are copied to the
+main alias file, specified by the B<backend.sv_aliases.alias_file> variable.
+Care is taken to preserve any existing entries, that do not belong to
+If B<backend.sv_mailman.directory_file> is set, a file named by its value
+is filled with the names of existing mailing lists (one per line).
+Unless the file name is absolute, it is taken relative to the
+B<backend.sv_mailman.list_dir> directory. The previous content of the file is
+preserved in a backup, whose name is derived by appending a tilde to the
+original file name.
+Finally, the command specified by the B<backend.sv_aliases.rebuild_command>
+variable is run.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 8
+=item B<--cron>
+Run only if the configuration variable B<backend.sv_mailman.cron> is set to
+B<yes>. Implies B<--syslog>.
+=item B<-d>, B<--debug>
+Increase debugging level.
+=item B<-n>, B<--dry-run>
+Do nothing, print everything. Implies B<--debug>.
+=item B<-F>, B<--facility=>I<NAME>
+Log to the syslog facility I<NAME>. If I<NAME> begins with a slash,
+it is understood as the name of the file where to direct the logging
+=item B<--no-mail>, B<--skip-mail>
+Do not send mail.
+=item B<--recreate>
+Recreate MTA aliases even if there were no changes to the list system.
+=item B<--stderr>
+Log to standard error. This is the default.
+=item B<--syslog>
+Log to syslog.
+=over 4
+=item B<sql.database>
+=item B<sql.user>
+=item B<sql.password>
+=item B<sql.host>
+=item B<sql.params>
+Database credentials.
+=item B<backend.sv_mailman.cron>
+This variable is consulted if B<sv_mailman> is run with the B<--cron>
+flag. If it is B<1>, the program continues running. If it is B<0>,
+it exits without actually doing anything.
+=item B<backend.sv_mailman.user>
+System name of the mailman user.
+=item B<backend.sv_mailman.mailman_dir>
+Mailman installation directory.
+=item B<backend.sv_mailman.list_dir>
+Directory where created list alias files are kept.
+=item B<backend.sv_mailman.archive_dir>
+This is where Mailman stores HTML versions of received mails.
+=item B<backend.sv_aliases.alias_file>
+Location of the alias file to update. This variable can contain several
+file names, separated with spaces. In this case, each of the files will
+be updated, but the rebuild program will be run only if the first file
+=item B<mail.mail_domain>
+Mail domain.
+=item B<backend.sv_aliases.rebuild_command>
+Command to run if aliases were updated. It will be executed with superuser
+=item B<backend.sv_mailman.keep_archives>
+If set to 1, B<sv_mailman> will not remove archives remaining after deletion
+of mailing lists.
+=item B<backend.sv_mailman.directory_file>
+If not set, B<sv_mailman> will directly update system mail alias file,
+by inserting or removing statements corresponding to the mailing lists.
+If set, B<sv_mailman> will not touch system alias file, but will, instead,
+write a list of list names to the file named by this variable. Unless the
+value of this variable begins with a B</>, it is taken relative to
+B<backend.sv_mailman.list_dir> directory.
+=head1 EXIT CODES
+=over 8
+=item 0
+Successful termination.
+=item 64
+Command line usage error.
+=item 66
+Cannot open input file.
+=item 67
+User specified by the B<backend.sv_mailman.user> variable does not exist.
+=item 69
+One or more errors ocurred, but the program was able to proceed.
+=item 71
+Execution of a B<mailman> utility failed.
+=item 72
+Required file or directory is missing
+=item 73
+Can't create (user) output file.
+=item 78
+Error in configuration file.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Mailman: B<http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Sergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org>

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