diff options
authorSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2019-04-03 22:40:21 +0200
committerSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2019-04-03 22:52:19 +0200
commit1e31ca54f55f2f8a97960d21a7f3c55807f95e5d (patch)
parent5214cb8a18d9fbb3a1c11a8547b95a72e986810f (diff)
New utilities: sv_users_ldap and sv_groups_ldap
3 files changed, 631 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Makefile.PL b/backend/Makefile.PL
index 43da7ec..fc7f72d 100644
--- a/backend/Makefile.PL
+++ b/backend/Makefile.PL
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ WriteMakefile(
'VERSION' => '1.0', # FIXME
'EXE_FILES' => [
+ 'accounts/sv_groups_ldap',
+ 'accounts/sv_users_ldap',
diff --git a/backend/accounts/sv_groups_ldap b/backend/accounts/sv_groups_ldap
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9a3b5a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/accounts/sv_groups_ldap
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 Sergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+use strict;
+use Savane;
+use Savane::Conf;
+use Savane::Backend;
+use Savane::Feature qw(:prio);
+use Savane::LDAP;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $sys_cron_groups = GetConf('backend.sv_groups.cron');
+my $sys_min_gid = GetConf('users.min_gid');
+my $sys_git_projects_file = GetConf('backend.sv_groups.project_list');
+my $sys_git_cgitrepos_file = GetConf('backend.sv_groups.cgitrepos_file');
+my %select_type;
+# New-style initialization:
+backend_setup(descr => "Synchronize Savane group database with LDAP",
+ cron => $sys_cron_groups,
+ options => {
+ "type|t:s" => sub { $select_type{$_[1]} = 1; },
+ });
+# ref layout:
+# { 'group_id' => '103',
+# 'group_name' => 'whatever',
+# 'type' => '2',
+# 'is_public' => '1',
+# 'unix_group_name' => 'group',
+# 'gidNumber' => '7017',
+# 'group_type_name' => 'Software',
+# 'group_type_homepage_scm' => 'cvs',
+# 'feature' => {
+# 'homepage' => {
+# 'dir_type' => 'basiccvs',
+# 'dir' => '/home/project/%PROJECT'
+# },
+# ...
+# }
+# }
+sub build_feature {
+ my ($feature, $ref) = @_;
+ return unless exists $ref->{feature}{$feature};
+ return if $ref->{feature}{$feature}{dir} eq '';
+ debug("updating $ref->{unix_group_name},$feature");
+ my $obj = backend_feature($feature, $ref);
+ return unless $obj;
+ $obj->build() and $obj->updatedb();
+ backend_feature_log($obj);
+ return $obj;
+my @features = ('homepage', 'download', 'cvs',
+ 'arch', 'svn', 'git', 'hg', 'bzr');
+my @group_columns = (
+ 'group_id',
+ 'group_name',
+ 'type',
+ 'is_public',
+ 'unix_group_name',
+ 'gidNumber'
+my @type_columns = (
+ 'name',
+ 'homepage_scm'
+my @select_columns = (
+ # First, group columns:
+ (map { "g.$_ as $_" } @group_columns),
+ (map { "g.use_$_ as use_$_" } @features),
+ (map { "g.dir_$_ as dir_$_" } @features),
+ # Now, group type columns:
+ (map { "t.$_ as group_type_$_" } @type_columns),
+ (map { "t.can_use_$_ as group_type_can_use_$_" } @features),
+ (map { "t.dir_$_ as group_type_dir_$_" } @features),
+ (map { "t.dir_type_$_ as dir_type_$_" } @features)
+my $ldap = new Savane::LDAP;
+logit('info', "processing Savane groups");
+foreach my $ref (GetDBHashArray("groups g, group_type t",
+ "g.status='A' AND g.type=t.type_id",
+ join(',', @select_columns))) {
+ next if keys %select_type > 0
+ and !exists($select_type{$ref->{group_type_name}});
+ foreach my $f (@features) {
+ $ref->{"use_$f"} = $ref->{"group_type_can_use_$f"}
+ unless exists $ref->{"use_$f"};
+ if ($ref->{"use_$f"}) {
+ $ref->{feature}{$f}{dir_type} = $ref->{"dir_type_$f"};
+ $ref->{feature}{$f}{dir} =
+ (exists $ref->{"dir_$f"} && $ref->{"dir_$f"} ne '')
+ ? $ref->{"dir_$f"}
+ : $ref->{"group_type_dir_$f"};
+ }
+ delete $ref->{"use_$f"};
+ delete $ref->{"group_type_can_use_$f"};
+ delete $ref->{"dir_type_$f"};
+ delete $ref->{"dir_$f"};
+ delete $ref->{"group_type_dir_$f"};
+ }
+ if (debug_level()) {
+ local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Purity = 0;
+ debug(Dumper($ref));
+ }
+ my $grp = $ldap->getgrnam($ref->{unix_group_name});
+ unless ($grp) {
+ debug("creating group $ref->{unix_group_name}");
+ $grp = new Savane::LDAP::grent(name => $ref->{unix_group_name},
+ gid => $ldap->nextgid($sys_min_gid));
+ $ldap->chgrent($grp);
+ }
+ unless (defined($ref->{gidNumber}) && $ref->{gidNumber} == $grp->gid) {
+ debug("$ref->{unix_group_name}: updating GID in database: ".$grp->gid);
+ $ref->{gidNumber} = $grp->gid;
+ db_modify(qq{UPDATE groups SET gidNumber=? WHERE group_id=?},
+ $grp->gid, $ref->{group_id}) unless dry_run();
+ }
+ foreach my $f (@features) {
+ # Build the feature if needed.
+ build_feature($f, $ref);
+ }
+logit('info', "updating git trees");
+my $updateinfo;
+foreach my $ref (GetDBHashArray("git_repo r,groups g,group_type t",
+ "r.updated>r.synchronized and g.group_id=r.group_id and g.type=t.type_id",
+ "r.repo_id as repo_id,".
+ "g.group_id as group_id,".
+ "g.type as type,".
+ "g.is_public as is_public,".
+ "g.unix_group_name as unix_group_name,".
+ "g.gidNumber as gidNumber,".
+ "g.use_git as use_git,".
+ "g.dir_git as dir_git,".
+ "r.name as repo_name,".
+ "r.master as master,".
+ "r.owner as owner,".
+ "r.description as repo_short_description,".
+ "r.readme_html as repo_long_description,".
+ "t.name as group_type_name,".
+ "t.homepage_scm as group_type_homepage_scm,".
+ "t.dir_git as group_type_dir_git,".
+ "t.can_use_git as can_use_git,".
+ "t.dir_type_git as dir_type_git")) {
+ $ref->{use_git} = $ref->{can_use_git} unless $ref->{use_git};
+ next unless $ref->{use_git};
+ $ref->{feature}{git}{dir_type} = $ref->{dir_type_git};
+ $ref->{feature}{git}{dir} = $ref->{dir_git} || $ref->{group_type_dir_git};
+ delete $ref->{dir_type_git};
+ delete $ref->{dir_git};
+ delete $ref->{group_type_dir_git};
+ if (debug_level()) {
+ local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Purity = 0;
+ debug(Dumper($ref));
+ }
+ my $obj = build_feature('git', $ref);
+ if ($obj and $obj->success) {
+ $updateinfo = 1;
+ SetDBSettings("git_repo",
+ 'repo_id=?',
+ 'synchronized=now()', $ref->{repo_id});
+ }
+if (($sys_git_projects_file && ! -e $sys_git_projects_file)
+ || ($sys_git_cgitrepos_file && ! -e $sys_git_cgitrepos_file)) {
+ $updateinfo = 1;
+if ($updateinfo && ($sys_git_projects_file || $sys_git_cgitrepos_file)) {
+ my $f = $sys_git_projects_file;
+ if (defined($sys_git_cgitrepos_file)) {
+ $f .= ' and ' if defined($f);
+ $f .= $sys_git_cgitrepos_file;
+ }
+ logit('info', "updating $f");
+ my ($proj_fd, $cgit_fd);
+ if ($sys_git_projects_file) {
+ if (dry_run()) {
+ open($proj_fd, ">&STDOUT");
+ } else {
+ open($proj_fd, '>', $sys_git_projects_file)
+ or logit('err',
+ "can't open $sys_git_projects_file for writing: $!");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($sys_git_cgitrepos_file) {
+ if (dry_run()) {
+ open($cgit_fd, ">&STDOUT");
+ } else {
+ open($cgit_fd, '>', $sys_git_cgitrepos_file)
+ or logit('err',
+ "can't open $sys_git_cgitrepos_file for writing: $!");
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($proj_fd) || defined($cgit_fd)) {
+ db_foreach(sub {
+ my $ref = shift;
+ $ref->{feature}{git}{dir_type} = $ref->{group_type_dir_type_git};
+ delete $ref->{group_type_dir_type_git};
+ $ref->{feature}{git}{dir} =
+ $ref->{dir_git} || $ref->{group_type_dir_git};
+ delete $ref->{dir_git};
+ delete $ref->{group_type_dir_git};
+ my $repo_name;
+ if ($ref->{master} eq 'Y') {
+ $repo_name = $ref->{repo_name};
+ delete $ref->{repo_name};
+ } else {
+ $repo_name = $ref->{unix_group_name} . '/' . $ref->{repo_name};
+ }
+ my $obj = backend_feature('git', $ref);
+ unless ($obj) {
+ local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Purity = 0;
+ logit('err', "can't create git object for ".Dumper([$ref]));
+ next;
+ }
+ my $dir_git = $obj->directory;
+ my $owner = $ref->{owner};
+ $owner =~ tr/ /+/;
+ if (defined($proj_fd)) {
+ print $proj_fd "## $sys_git_projects_file ##\n" if dry_run();
+ print $proj_fd "$repo_name.git\t$owner\n";
+ }
+ if (defined($cgit_fd)) {
+ print $cgit_fd "## $sys_git_cgitrepos_file ##\n" if dry_run();
+ print $cgit_fd "repo.url=$repo_name.git\n";
+ print $cgit_fd "repo.path=$dir_git\n";
+ print $cgit_fd "repo.desc=$ref->{description}\n";
+ print $cgit_fd "repo.owner=$ref->{owner}\n";
+ print $cgit_fd "repo.readme=$dir_git/README.html\n";
+ print $cgit_fd "\n";
+ }
+ },
+ q{
+SELECT g.unix_group_name as unix_group_name,
+ g.group_id as group_id,
+ g.type as type,
+ g.is_public as is_public,
+ g.gidNumber as gidNumber,
+ t.name as group_type_name,
+ g.dir_git as dir_git,
+ t.dir_git as group_type_dir_git,
+ t.dir_type_git as group_type_dir_type_git,
+ r.name as repo_name,
+ r.master as master,
+ r.owner as owner,
+ r.description as description,
+ t.dir_git as group_dir_git
+FROM git_repo r, groups g, group_type t
+WHERE g.group_id=r.group_id and g.type=t.type_id
+ close $proj_fd if defined $proj_fd;
+ close $cgit_fd if defined $cgit_fd;
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+sv_groups - update system notion about Savane project groups
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<sv_groups> [B<-h>] [B<--help>] [B<--usage>]
+Creates and updates system files to reflect changes in the Savane projects.
+The following operations are performed:
+=over 4
+=item *
+For each new project registered, a corresponding UNIX group is created.
+No users are added to the group, this is responsibility of B<sv_users>,
+which normally is run after B<sv_groups>.
+=item *
+For any feature enabled in the project (both existing or just created),
+corresponding infrastructure is created in the file system. What files
+are created depends on the feature in question: a directory or a Git, CVS,
+or other repository, etc.
+=item *
+Subordinate Git repositories are created, if necessary.
+=item *
+Updates in descriptions of Git repositories are replicated to the
+corresponding files, so that they are visible in tools like B<gitweb>
+and B<cgit>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 8
+=item B<--cron>
+Run only if the configuration variable B<$sys_cron_groups> is set to
+B<true>. Implies B<--syslog>.
+=item B<-d>, B<--debug>
+Increase debugging level.
+=item B<-n>, B<--dry-run>
+Do nothing, print everything. Implies B<--debug>.
+=item B<-F>, B<--facility=>I<NAME>
+Log to the syslog facility I<NAME>. If I<NAME> begins with a slash,
+it is understood as the name of the file where to direct the logging
+=item B<--syslog>
+Log to syslog.
+=item B<-t>, B<--type=>I<GROUPTYPE>
+=item B<--stderr>
+Log to standard error. This is the default.
+=item B<-h>
+Show a terse help summary and exit.
+=item B<--help>
+Prints the manual page and exits.
+=over 4
+=item B<sql.database>
+=item B<sql.user>
+=item B<sql.password>
+=item B<sql.host>
+=item B<sql.params>
+Database credentials.
+=item B<backend.sv_groups.cron>
+This variable is consulted if B<sv_groups> is run with the B<--cron>
+flag. If it is B<1>, the program continues running. If it is B<0>,
+B<sv_users> exits without doing anything.
+=item B<users.min_gid>
+Savane groups are assigned GIDs starting from that number.
+=item B<path.userx_prefix>
+Directory where B<groupadd>(8) is located.
+=item B<backend.sv_groups.project_list>
+Pathname of B<gitweb>-compatible F<.projects> file, where to store
+information about existent git repositories.
+=item B<backend.sv_groups.cgitrepos_file>
+Pathname of B<cgit> repository list file, where to store
+information about existent git repositories.
+=head1 EXIT CODES
+=over 8
+=item 0
+Successful termination.
+=item 64
+Command line usage error.
+=item 78
+Error in configuration file.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 BUGS
+Debug output should be improved. Success in I<dry-run> mode does not
+necessarily imply success in normal run: that depends on the availability
+of external tools and existence of directories.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Sergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org>
diff --git a/backend/accounts/sv_users_ldap b/backend/accounts/sv_users_ldap
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..890159d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/accounts/sv_users_ldap
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use strict;
+use Savane;
+use Savane::Conf;
+use Savane::Backend;
+use Savane::LDAP;
+use Savane::Homedir;
+use Text::Iconv;
+use POSIX qw(locale_h);
+setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8");
+sub translit {
+ Text::Iconv->new("utf-8", "ascii//translit")->convert(@_);
+sub array_eq {
+ my ($a, $b) = @_;
+ join('',sort @$a) eq join('',sort @$b)
+my $sv_skel_dir = GetConf('backend.sv_users.skel_dir');
+my $sv_shell = GetConf('users.shell');
+backend_setup(descr => 'Synchronize Savane user database with LDAP',
+ cron => GetConf('backend.sv_users.cron'));
+my $ldap = new Savane::LDAP;
+my $sv_group = $ldap->getgrnam(GetConf('users.group'));
+# Collect user groups as per database
+my %db_user_group;
+foreach my $ent (GetDBHashArray("user_group,groups,user",
+ "groups.group_id=user_group.group_id ".
+ "AND user.user_id=user_group.user_id ".
+ "AND groups.status='A' ".
+ "AND user_group.admin_flags<>'P'",
+ "user_name,unix_group_name")) {
+ push @{$db_user_group{$ent->{user_name}}}, $ent->{unix_group_name};
+# Scan users
+foreach my $usr (GetDBHashArray("user",
+ ? "status IN('A','D') AND user_name IN("
+ . join(',', map { "'$_'" } @ARGV)
+ . ")"
+ : "status IN('A','D')",
+ "user_id,user_name,email,realname,authorized_keys,gpg_key,status,uidNumber")) {
+ debug("User=$usr->{user_name}, "
+ . "real=$usr->{realname}, "
+ . "email=$usr->{email}, "
+ . "status=$usr->{status}");
+ my $pw = $ldap->getpwnam($usr->{user_name});
+ if ($pw && $pw->gid != $sv_group->gid) {
+ logit('info',
+ "$usr->{user_name}: not in " . $sv_group->name . " group");
+ } elsif ($usr->{status} eq 'A') {
+ if ($pw) {
+ my $gecos = translit($usr->{realname});
+ $pw->gecos($gecos) if $gecos ne $pw->gecos;
+ $pw->cn($usr->{realname}) if $usr->{realname} ne $pw->cn;
+ my $db_keys = [split /###/, $usr->{authorized_keys}];
+ my $pw_keys = $pw->sshpubkey // [];
+ if (!array_eq($pw_keys, $db_keys)) {
+ $pw->sshpubkey($db_keys);
+ }
+ } elsif ($db_user_group{$usr->{user_name}}) {
+ # Create user
+ my $h = new Savane::Homedir($usr->{user_name},
+ skel => $sv_skel_dir,
+ report => 1);
+ # FIXME: create dir?
+ $pw = new Savane::LDAP::pwent(name => $usr->{user_name},
+ uid => $ldap->nextuid(GetConf('users.min_uid')),
+ gid => $sv_group->gid,
+ gecos => $usr->{realname},
+ cn => $usr->{realname},
+ dir => $h->dir,
+ shell => $sv_shell,
+ sshpubkey => [split /###/, $usr->{authorized_keys}]);
+ logit('info', "adding LDAP user ".$pw->name);
+ db_modify(qq{UPDATE user SET uidNumber=? WHERE user_id=?},
+ $pw->uid, $usr->{user_id}) unless dry_run();
+ } else {
+ next;
+ }
+ if (!dry_run) {
+ $ldap->chpwent($pw)
+ }
+ my @pw_groups = $ldap->user_groups($pw->name);
+ my @db_groups = @{$db_user_group{$pw->name}//[]};
+ if (!array_eq([map { $_->name } @pw_groups], [@db_groups])) {
+ #print STDERR "PW=".join(',',sort map { $_->name } @pw_groups)."\n";
+ #print STDERR "DB=".join(',',sort @db_groups)."\n";
+ foreach my $grp (@pw_groups) {
+ if (my @idx = grep { $db_groups[$_] eq $grp->name }
+ (0 .. $#db_groups)) {
+ foreach my $n (reverse @idx) {
+ splice @db_groups, $n, 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ debug("group ".$grp->name.": remove ".$pw->name);
+ $grp->mem_del($pw->name);
+ $ldap->chgrent($grp) unless dry_run();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $grp (map { $ldap->getgrnam($_) } @db_groups) {
+ debug("group ".$grp->name.": add ".$pw->name);
+ $grp->mem_add($pw->name);
+ $ldap->chgrent($grp) unless dry_run();
+ }
+ } elsif ($pw) { # Status 'D'
+ logit('info', "deleting user $usr->{user_name}");
+ $ldap->delete($pw) unless dry_run();
+ }
+logit('info','processing unassigned users');
+my $delete_unassigned = GetConf('backend.sv_users.remove_unassigned_users');
+my $deleted;
+foreach my $name ($ldap->user_names($sv_group->gid)) {
+ my ($res) = GetDBLists('user',"user_name=\"$name\"",'user_id');
+ unless ($res && GetDBLists('user_group',"user_id=$res->[0]", 'count(*)')) {
+ logit('info', "-- deleting user ".$name);
+ if ($delete_unassigned && !dry_run()) {
+ $ldap->delete($ldap->getpwnam($name));
+ }
+ ++$deleted;
+ }
+if (!$delete_unassigned && $deleted) {
+ logit('info',
+ 'Set backend.sv_users.remove_unassigned_users = 1 to actually remove them');

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