#+TITLE: runcap * Overview The function *runcap* runs an external command, and waits for its termination, optionally capturing its standard output and standard error streams, and piping data to its standard input. * Building as a standalone library The following steps will build the project as a standalone installable library: 1. Configure the package #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script ./configure #+END_SRC 2. Build the project. #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script make #+END_SRC 3. Install the files (normally run as root). #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script make install #+END_SRC This will install the files *libruncap.so* and *libruncap.a* to the system library directory, and the header file *runcap.h* to the system include directory. * Incorporating as a submodule To incorporate *runcap* as a submodule to your project, follow these steps: 1. Change to your project's toplevel directory. 2. Clone the project. #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script git submodule add git://git.gnu.org.ua/runcap.git git submodule init #+END_SRC 3. Add it to *git* index: #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script git add runcap #+END_SRC 4. Add it to your toplevel *Makefile.am*. #+BEGIN_SRC make ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I grecs/am SUBDIRS = runcap #+END_SRC 5. Edit your *configure.ac* #+BEGIN_SRC automake RUNCAP_SETUP #+END_SRC 6. #+BEGIN_SRC make AM_CPPFLAGS = @RUNCAP_INC@ AM_LDADD = @RUNCAP_LDADD@ #+END_SRC # Local Variables: # mode: org # paragraph-separate: "[ ^L]*$" # version-control: never # End: