diff options
authorSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2016-08-31 16:10:21 +0300
committerSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2016-08-31 16:10:21 +0300
commit51daf620008519af565b38f5cd6b3e624741bfef (patch)
parent06138afc98740fe9ae5b76a78e39b07d12b7d38f (diff)
Simplify listgroups; reorder debug levels
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/rex.exp b/rex.exp
index 312beb7..13b9b93 100755
--- a/rex.exp
+++ b/rex.exp
@@ -691,21 +691,19 @@ namespace eval description {
# List available host groups.
proc listgroups {} {
global confpath argv0
+ set first 1
- set groups {}
foreach dir $confpath {
foreach file [glob -nocomplain -directory $dir -types f "*/rc"] {
- set groups [lappend groups [string range $file 0 end-3]]
- }
- }
- if [llength $groups] {
- puts "$argv0: use '$argv0 -g GROUP' to select a host group."
- puts "$argv0: available host groups are:"
- foreach grp $groups {
- set i [string last "/" $grp]
- set name [string range $grp [expr $i + 1] end]
- set descr [::description::get $grp]
- puts [format "%-16.16s %s" $name $descr]
+ if $first {
+ puts "$argv0: use '$argv0 -g GROUP' to select a host group."
+ puts "$argv0: available host groups are:"
+ set first 0
+ }
+ set groupdir [file dirname $file]
+ puts [format "%-16.16s %s" \
+ [file tail $groupdir] \
+ [::description::get $groupdir]]
@@ -1110,7 +1108,7 @@ proc runcmd {hosts command} {
spawn -noecho ssh [hostuser $host]@$host
lappend sidlist $spawn_id
set sidinfo($spawn_id,host) $host
- debug 2 "$host on $spawn_id"
+ debug 3 "$host on $spawn_id"
set sidinfo($spawn_id,state) INIT
set sidinfo($spawn_id,zsh-quirk) [config_option zsh-quirk]
set sidinfo($spawn_id,earlycmd) [hostearlycmd $host]
@@ -1200,23 +1198,23 @@ proc runcmd {hosts command} {
-re $config(prompt) {
set sid $expect_out(spawn_id)
- debug 2 "STATE $sid $sidinfo($sid,state)"
+ debug 3 "STATE $sid $sidinfo($sid,state)"
if {$sidinfo($sid,state) == "INIT"
|| $sidinfo($sid,state) == "PASS_SENT"} {
set cmd [lshift sidinfo($sid,cmdlist)]
- debug 2 "$sid: sending $cmd"
+ debug 3 "$sid: sending $cmd"
send -i $sid "$cmd\r"
set sidinfo($sid,state) STTY
} elseif {$sidinfo($sid,state) == "STTY"} {
if [llength $sidinfo($sid,cmdlist)] {
set cmd [lshift sidinfo($sid,cmdlist)]
- debug 2 "$sid: sending $cmd"
+ debug 3 "$sid: sending $cmd"
send -i $sid "$cmd\r"
} elseif [info exists config(data)] {
set host $sidinfo($sid,host)
set cmd $config(data)
lappend cmd "[hostuser $host]@$host:$sidinfo($sid,wd)"
- debug 2 "$sid: starting scp $cmd"
+ debug 3 "$sid: starting scp $cmd"
eval spawn -noecho scp $cmd
lappend sidlist $spawn_id
set sidinfo($spawn_id,state) COPY
@@ -1224,7 +1222,7 @@ proc runcmd {hosts command} {
set sidinfo($spawn_id,cmd) "scp $cmd"
set sidinfo($spawn_id,master) $sid
} else {
- debug 2 "$sid: sending $command"
+ debug 3 "$sid: sending $command"
send -i $sid "$command\r"
set sidinfo($sid,state) COMMAND
@@ -1235,7 +1233,7 @@ proc runcmd {hosts command} {
} else {
if {[info exists sidinfo($sid,wd)] && $sidinfo($sid,state) == "COMMAND"} {
set host $sidinfo($sid,host)
- debug 2 "$sid: removing $host:$sidinfo($sid,wd)"
+ debug 3 "$sid: removing $host:$sidinfo($sid,wd)"
send -i $sid "$config(sudo)rm -r $sidinfo($sid,wd)\r"
if {$config(sudo) != ""} {
set sidinfo($sid,state) SUDO2
@@ -1281,8 +1279,8 @@ proc runcmd {hosts command} {
closeproc $sid
wait -i $sid
} elseif {$sidinfo($sid,state) == "COPY"} {
- debug 2 "$sidinfo($sid,cmd) finished"
- debug 2 "sending $command to $sidinfo($sid,master)"
+ debug 3 "$sidinfo($sid,cmd) finished"
+ debug 3 "sending $command to $sidinfo($sid,master)"
send -i $sidinfo($sid,master) "$command\r"
set sidinfo($sidinfo($sid,master),state) COMMAND

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