WHAT IT IS ---- -- -- RenRot is a program to rename and lossless rotate (for now only JPEG format) files according to their EXIF tags values. To prevent incorrect associations, some explanation is needed here. The name of project is short form of 'REName and ROTate' and no other interpretation will be used. RenRot is intended to work with files of --extension extension containing EXIF date and can do two things with them - rename and rotate. It runs in batch mode in current or set with --work-directory directory as well as selective mode for separate files given as arguments in command line. New template ideology was implemented. It includes flexibility in file name construction. In version 0.16 and later the previous behaviour still present with default NameTemplate. The template can contain different data, from direct name to EXIF data (the date, id or shooting details such as WhiteBalance, ISO, e.t.c.). For further information, please, see applied manual. RenRot rotates file and its thumbnail, according to EXIF tag Orientation. If the tag is absent or miss set, than the script allows to rotate the file as well as its thumbnail "by hands". Furthermore, the script put a comment to: - Comment tag from comment file; - UserComment tag from configuration variable or command line option. Personal data could be specified via XMP tags defined in configuration file. Starting from the version 0.21rc1 RenRot can write any EXIF tag given by command line option or configuration file. In addition RenRot can aggregate all files in directories according the given date/time pattern template, set with --aggr-template. WHY RenRot --- ------ Several projects like RenRot are available in the net, but why to choose namely RenRot? Because: - it does just what it would do - renames and rotates, nothing more than that; - it is pure CLI with all it's advantage (no need KDE or any other monster to run); - it uses Image::ExifTool (the best open tool to work with EXIF data) and libjpeg6 (the best open tool to operate JPEG format files, to correctly rotate both, the entire file and the thumbnail inside it); - it has very much flex file naming and aggregation template engines; - it uses original algorithm of smart Orientation tag rotation; - it works in batch mode. Although not all of these 100% truth now due to implementation of the Contact Sheet Generator framework RenRot is worth to try. GETTING ------- RenRot's home page is the https://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/projects/renrot/. You can download script package from the following sites: ftp://download.gnu.org.ua/pub/release/renrot/ (home) ftp://ftp.dn.farlep.net/pub/misc/renrot/ (mirror) http://www.smile.org.ua/~andy/prj/renrot/ (mirror) Repositories: Fedora and any of its mirrors (use yum install renrot) Debian and any of its mirrors (use apt-get install renrot) Ubuntu (the same as for Debian) To get notifications about new releases you could subscribe on the Freshmeat page: http://freshmeat.net/projects/renrot/ RUNNING ------- After installation process was done renrot is being running by typing its name in console as usual. The next several examples provide general applications of the script: rename each file according to the given template renrot --name-template="01.%c.%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%E%F%W%I" --extension JPG rename each file according to the given template and aggregate according the date renrot --name-template="%y%m%d%H%M%S.%i" --aggr-mode="template" --aggr-template="%Y%m%d" *.JPG aggregate files by yymmddHHMM renrot --aggr-mode="template" --aggr-template="%y%m%d%H%M" --extension jpg rotate each file and their thumbnail by 90CW in specified directory renrot --rotate-angle 90 --work-directory="/tmp/images" --extension jpg rotate thumbnails, included to EXIF, for each file by 270CW (same as 90CCW) renrot --rotate-thumb 270 --extension jpg rotate given files by Orientation tag (no real rotation will be done) renrot --no-rename --mtime --rotate-angle=90 --only-orientation *.JPEG fix file mtime according to its EXIF tags or current time stamp, when tags are invalid renrot --no-rotate --no-rename --mtime --extension jpeg leave mtime untouched for couple of files renrot --no-mtime *.jpg RESTRICTIONS AND BUGS ------------ --- ---- RenRot has some restrictions and known bugs at runtime. 1. Script handles a whole directory without recursion and only with one extension of files. 2. Algorithm treats each file with given extension as the image. Otherwise, file will be renamed to the current time stamp when --no-rename option is omitted. 3. Rename operation is not permited between different partitions due to hard link technology used (this will be avoided in the future). 4. Rotation process is available only on JPEG files. 5. It seems that for Perl v.5.8.7 and 5.8.8, at least on FreeBSD 6 the bug, which cause crash of the renrot, exists. In case when total amount of the files size to process is bigger than RAM amount, the renrot falls with error: Out of memory during "large" request for XXXX bytes ... This doesn't occure for Perl with external malloc implementation used (f.e. Perl 5.6.1). Starting from version 1.0 RenRot has workaround for this. 6. Still no way to set the tags with the same name but located in the different groups. 7. The colorization is started after the configuration files were parsed. While that is not happened the messages will be colorized by default color scheme. 8. The colorization is not working under Windows platform. All bug reports are welcome to our bugzilla which is obtained here: http://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/bugs/?group=renrot DEBUGGING --------- For advanced users and developers renrot provides debug interface. Amount of -v options in a command line defines level of verbosity. So script differs the nine levels of debugging such as: from 1 till 4 - internal levels from 5 till 9 - equal to 1-5 levels for ExifTool plus maximum verbosity for renrot First word after DEBUG prefix in each message means function where the dbgmsg() is called. INSTALLATION ------------ You can install RenRot to make it available for use by other users by typing the following: perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/usr/local make make install PREFIX=/usr/local Notes: i) You need root access for the last step above. ii) Some Perl installations (like the standard OSX installation) may not contain the necessary files to complete the first step above. But no worries: You can install script manually by moving 'renrot' to any directory in your current PATH. iii) You may choose any desired PREFIX by changing /usr/local at above sample. RenRot is shipped with the built-in spec file and rpm package. In RPM-based distribution you may install package by next way: rpmbuild -tb renrot-.tar.gz rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/noarch/renrot--.noarch.rpm DEPENDENCIES ------------ Requires Perl version 5.6.0 or later. No other special libraries are required, except: Image::ExifTool http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/ Getopt::Long cpan:Getopt::Long (usually, it's included in the perl distribution) jpegtran (libjpeg6) http://www.ijg.org/ Contact Sheet Generator framework is depended to Image::Magick module at run-time. The module is still optional to whole script. LICENSING --------- RenRot is an Open Source project distributed under Artistic 2.0 license You can find it here http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. For more information, please, consult with the full license text placed on http://opensource.org/licenses/. THANKS AND CREDITS ------ --- ------- People ------ Phil Harvey (http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/) for his valued comments and suggestions. Alex Zasypkin for his help with documentation writing. Vyacheslav Garonin for his idea concerning the virtual aggregation. Sergey Poznyakoff for help summary and manual style, English and code fixes. Anthony Thyssen for his help with ImageMagick/PerlMagick related questions. Slaven Rezic for his help with perl5.8.x "Out of memory ... sbrk()" on FreeBSD-6.x Teams ----- ASPLinux company (http://www.asplinux.ru) has included RenRot to their distribution. Fedora Team for including RenRot to its repository. Debian maintainers team for including RenRot to the pool. ARE YOU WANT SOMETHING TO SAY? --- --- ---- --------- -- ---- If you have notes, propositions, found bugs or something else do not hesitate to contact us!