WHAT IS IT? RenRot is a program to rename and lossless rotate for JPEG format files, according to their EXIF tags. GETTING RenRot home page is a ftp site while now. You may download it from next sites: ftp://ftp.dn.farlep.net/pub/misc/renrot/ (home) ftp://andriy.asplinux.com.ua/pub/people/andy/renrot/ (mirror) ftp://ftp.asplinux.ru/ (looking for renrot package in RPM) RUNNING Renrot is intended to work ONLY in current directory with whole files of the --ext extention. You can change the behaviour by specify --work-directory option. It renames files according the DateTimeOriginal EXIF tag if it's exists than if it isn't, according the FileModifyDate EXIF tag if it's exists than if it isn't, the name will be given according the current timestamp and will look as YYYYmmddHHMMSS-XXXXX.jpg where XXXXX is incrementable suffix to the name YYYYmmddHHMMSS. It rotates file and it's thumbnail, accordingly Orientation EXIF tag. If the tag is absent or miss set, than the script allows to rotate the file as well as it's thumbnail, After all, the script can put the commentary to: - Commentary tag if commentary file provided with --comment-file option - UserComment tag if $COMMENTARY variable set in config file Personal data could be specified via XMP tags defined in config file Examples: renames PICTZZZZ.JPG to sample.YYYYmmddHHMMSS.XXXX.jpg renrot --name-prefix sample --ext '*.JPG' renames PICTZZZZ.JPG to YYYYmmddHHMMSS.XXXX.WwwwIiiiAaaaEeeejpg renrot --name-suffix --ext '*.JPG' rotates all files by 90CW renrot --rotate 90 --ext jpg rotates thumbnails for all files included to EXIF by 90CCW renrot --rotate-thumb 270 --ext jpg INSTALLATION You can install the renrot to make it available for use by other users by typing the following: perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/usr/local make make install PREFIX=/usr/local Notes: i) You need root access for the last step above. ii) Some Perl installations (like the standard OSX installation) may not contain the necessary files to complete the first step above. But no worries: You can install script manually by moving 'renrot' to any directory in your current PATH. iii) You may choose any desired PREFIX by changing /usr/local at above sample. DEPENDENCIES Requires Perl version 5.6.0 or later. No other special libraries are required, except: Image::ExifTool http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/ Getopt::Long cpan:Getopt::Long (usually, inside in perl distribution) jpegtran (libjpeg6) http://www.ijg.org/ LICENSING Renrot is an Open Source project distributed under GPL or Artistic license. THANKS Phil Harvey (http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/) for his valued comments and suggestions. ASPLinux company (http://www.asplinux.ru) has included the renrot to their distribution.