diff options
authorAndy Shevchenko <andy@smile.org.ua>2008-08-25 21:08:06 +0000
committerAndy Shevchenko <andy@smile.org.ua>2008-08-25 21:08:06 +0000
commit98e959358454b696c3eebc3733072372194f50e6 (patch)
parent0a88e0a636815ee0073d7d2186a60423da6a6975 (diff)
Optimize if...then condition in contact sheet generator and make it more readable.
git-svn-id: file:///svnroot/renrot/branches/andy@555 fe2816f4-e837-0410-b10a-f608c9d244a1
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/renrot b/renrot
index b1a361e..2b35860 100755
--- a/renrot
+++ b/renrot
@@ -551,10 +551,10 @@ sub getOptions {
dbgmsg (1, "We have Image::Magick package and could proceed with --contact-sheet related functionality.\n");
} elsif ($cfgOpts{'contact sheet'} == 1 or defined $contactSheet) {
errmsg ("To use --contact-sheet related functionality you need Image::Magick package!\n",
- "Contact Sheet generation disabled.\n\n");
+ "Contact Sheet generation disabled.\n");
} elsif ($gen_thm != 0) {
errmsg ("To use --generate-thumb functionality you need Image::Magick package!\n",
- "ThumbnailImage generation is disabled.\n\n");
+ "ThumbnailImage generation is disabled.\n");
# preparing Software tag according the usage or not of ImageMagick
@@ -1252,46 +1252,49 @@ sub contactSheetGenerator {
foreach $file (keys %filenameshash) {
$info = $exifToolObj->ImageInfo($file);
$orientation = $exifToolObj->GetValue("Orientation", 'ValueConv');
- $filefull = $file;
- if ($contactSheetThm != 0 and defined $orientation and $orientation > 1) {
- $filefull = rot_thm_cs ($file, $rotorient{$orientation}, $workdir);
- } elsif ($contactSheetThm != 0 and defined $orientation and $orientation == 1) {
- # We need this since rotated imgage will be at $workdir, but others are
- # in current
- $ThumbnailOriginal = File::Spec->catfile($workdir, $file);
- copy ($file, $ThumbnailOriginal) or die "copy failed: $!";
- $filefull = $ThumbnailOriginal;
- } elsif ($contactSheetThm == 0 and defined ${$$info{ThumbnailImage}}) {
- $ThumbnailOriginal = File::Spec->catfile($workdir, $file);
- unless (open (OLDTHUMBNAIL, ">$ThumbnailOriginal")) {
- die "$ThumbnailOriginal wasn't opened!\n";
- }
- print OLDTHUMBNAIL ${$$info{ThumbnailImage}};
- unless (close (OLDTHUMBNAIL)) { warn "$ThumbnailOriginal wasn't closed!\n"; }
+ $filefull = $file;
- if (not defined $orientation) {
- $orientation = $exifToolObj->GetValue("Rotation", 'ValueConv');
+ if ($contactSheetThm != 0 and defined $orientation) {
+ if ($orientation > 1) {
+ $filefull = rot_thm_cs ($file, $rotorient{$orientation}, $workdir);
+ } elsif ($orientation == 1) {
+ # We need this since rotated imgage will be at $workdir, but others are
+ # in current
+ $ThumbnailOriginal = File::Spec->catfile($workdir, $file);
+ copy ($file, $ThumbnailOriginal) || ( fatalmsg ("copy failed: $!"), die );
+ $filefull = $ThumbnailOriginal;
+ } elsif ($contactSheetThm == 0) {
+ if (defined ${$$info{ThumbnailImage}}) {
+ $ThumbnailOriginal = File::Spec->catfile($workdir, $file);
+ open (OLDTHUMBNAIL, ">$ThumbnailOriginal") || ( fatalmsg ("$ThumbnailOriginal wasn't opened!\n"), die; )
+ print OLDTHUMBNAIL ${$$info{ThumbnailImage}};
+ close (OLDTHUMBNAIL) || { warnmsg ("$ThumbnailOriginal wasn't closed!\n"); }
+ if (not defined $orientation) {
+ $orientation = $exifToolObj->GetValue("Rotation", 'ValueConv');
+ }
- if (defined $orientation and $orientation > 1) {
- $filefull = rot_thm_cs ($ThumbnailOriginal, $orientation, File::Spec->curdir());
+ if (defined $orientation and $orientation > 1) {
+ $filefull = rot_thm_cs ($ThumbnailOriginal, $orientation, File::Spec->curdir());
+ } else {
+ $filefull = $ThumbnailOriginal;
+ }
} else {
- $filefull = $ThumbnailOriginal;
+ my $ffwf = File::Spec->catfile($workdir, $file);
+ if ($gen_thm == 0) {
+ warnmsg ("$filefull has no ThumbnailImage tag. Stub thumbnail image will be used.\n");
+ my $thmbstubjpg = File::Spec->catfile($workdir, "thmbstub.jpg");
+ thm_gen_stub($thmbstubjpg) if (not -f $thmbstubjpg);
+ copy ($thmbstubjpg, $ffwf);
+ } else {
+ warnmsg ("$filefull has no ThumbnailImage tag. Thumbnail image will be generated.\n");
+ move (thm_gen_orig($file, 0), $ffwf);
+ }
+ $filefull = $ffwf;
- } elsif ($contactSheetThm == 0 and not defined ${$$info{ThumbnailImage}} and $gen_thm == 0) {
- warnmsg ("$filefull has no ThumbnailImage tag. Stub thumbnail image'll be used.\n");
- my $thmbstubjpg = File::Spec->catfile($workdir, "thmbstub.jpg");
- thm_gen_stub($thmbstubjpg) if (not -f $thmbstubjpg);
- my $ffwf = File::Spec->catfile($workdir, $file);
- copy ($thmbstubjpg, $ffwf);
- $filefull = $ffwf;
- } elsif ($contactSheetThm == 0 and not defined ${$$info{ThumbnailImage}} and $gen_thm != 0) {
- warnmsg ("$filefull has no ThumbnailImage tag. Thumbnail image'll be generated.\n");
- my $ffwf = File::Spec->catfile($workdir, $file);
- move (thm_gen_orig($file, 0), $ffwf);
- $filefull = $ffwf;
$infothm = $exifToolObj->ImageInfo($filefull);
@@ -1364,7 +1367,7 @@ sub contactSheetGenerator {
$readres = $image->Read($thumbnailes_sorted[$csIter]);
if (not $readres) {
dbgmsg (4, "$thumbnailes_sorted[$csIter] was successfully read.\n");
- } else { errmsg ("Image::Magick error: $readres\n\n"); }
+ } else { errmsg ("Image::Magick error: $readres\n"); }
# ranking
$substrFile = substr($thumbnailes_sorted[$csIter], length($cfgOpts{'contact sheet dir'}) + 1);
@@ -1391,7 +1394,7 @@ sub contactSheetGenerator {
stroke => 'none',
- if (not ref($montage)) { errmsg ("Image::Magick error: $montage\n\n"); }
+ if (not ref($montage)) { errmsg ("Image::Magick error: $montage\n"); }
else { dbgmsg (1, "$csIterator montage've finished successfully.\n"); }
$montage->Set (
@@ -1418,8 +1421,8 @@ sub contactSheetGenerator {
text => $left_up_row[1],
$writeres = $montage->Write();
- if (not $writeres) { dbgmsg (1, "Successfully written $montagename file.\n\n"); }
- else { errmsg ("Image::Magick error: $writeres\n\n"); }
+ if (not $writeres) { dbgmsg (1, "Successfully written $montagename file.\n"); }
+ else { errmsg ("Image::Magick error: $writeres\n"); }
$infoMontage = $exifToolObj->ImageInfo($montagename);
@@ -1451,7 +1454,7 @@ sub contactSheetGenerator {
for ($readIndex = 0, $csIteration = $csIterator * $tileMul; $csIteration < $csIterationNumber; $csIteration++, $readIndex++) {
$readres = $image->Read($thumbnailes_sorted[$csIteration]);
if (not $readres) { dbgmsg (4, "$thumbnailes_sorted[$csIteration] was successfully red.\n"); }
- else { errmsg ("Image::Magick error: $readres\n\n"); }
+ else { errmsg ("Image::Magick error: $readres\n"); }
# ranking
$substrFile = substr($thumbnailes_sorted[$csIteration], length($cfgOpts{'contact sheet dir'}) + 1);
@@ -1482,7 +1485,7 @@ sub contactSheetGenerator {
stroke => 'none',
- if (not ref($montage)) { errmsg ("Image::Magick error: $montage\n\n"); }
+ if (not ref($montage)) { errmsg ("Image::Magick error: $montage\n"); }
else { dbgmsg (1, "Montage've finished successfully.\n"); }
$montage->Set (
@@ -1509,8 +1512,8 @@ sub contactSheetGenerator {
text => $left_up_row[1],
$writeres = $montage->Write();
- if (not $writeres) { dbgmsg (1, "Successfully written $montagename file.\n\n"); }
- else { errmsg ("Image::Magick error: $writeres\n\n"); }
+ if (not $writeres) { dbgmsg (1, "Successfully written $montagename file.\n"); }
+ else { errmsg ("Image::Magick error: $writeres\n"); }
undef $image;
$infoMontage = $exifToolObj->ImageInfo($montagename);
@@ -1555,7 +1558,7 @@ sub thm_gen_stub {
my $thmbnum = $thmb->Write();
- if ($thmbnum) { errmsg ("$thmbnum\n\n"); }
+ if ($thmbnum) { errmsg ("$thmbnum\n"); }
undef $thmb;
procmsg ("Stub thumbnail image has been created.\n");
@@ -1586,7 +1589,7 @@ sub thm_gen_orig {
my $thmbnum = $thmb->Write();
- if ($thmbnum) { errmsg ("$thmbnum\n\n"); }
+ if ($thmbnum) { errmsg ("$thmbnum\n"); }
undef $thmb;
if ($unlink) {

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