diff options
authorSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2015-03-09 16:39:32 +0200
committerSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2015-03-09 16:39:32 +0200
commitc5e9e9dd65107df40f073c93a053bd616dc8b463 (patch)
initial commit
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/regopt.pl b/regopt.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a75284b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/regopt.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+use strict;
+use Data::Dumper;
+# split_prefix(ARRAY)
+sub split_prefix {
+ my $aref = shift;
+ my $n = $#{$aref};
+ my $j = 0;
+ my $k = -1;
+ while ($n > 0 and
+ $j <= $#{$aref->[0]} and
+ $j <= $#{$aref->[1]} and
+ $aref->[1][$j] eq $aref->[0][$j]) {
+# print "Start iteration\n";
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
+# print "($i,$j) $aref->[$i+1][$j] <=> $aref->[$i][$j]\n";
+ if ($j <= $#{$aref->[$i]}) {
+# print "A:".($j <= $#{$aref->[$i+1]})."\n";
+# print "B:".($aref->[$i+1][$j] eq $aref->[$i][$j])."\n";
+ unless ($j <= $#{$aref->[$i+1]} and
+ $aref->[$i+1][$j] eq $aref->[$i][$j]) {
+# print "($i,$j): ". Dumper($aref->[$i]) . " stop\n";
+ $n = $i;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $k = $j++;
+# print "End iteration: $n, $j\n";
+ }
+# print "res $n,$k\n";
+ $n = 0 if ($k == -1);
+ return ($n,$k);
+my @input = (
+ 'abab',
+ 'ac',
+ 'abba',
+ 'abbaab',
+ 'abbaabab',
+ 'ba',
+ 'bb',
+ 'babab',
+ );
+# my @ainput = ('abcd','e');
+print join("\n", sort @input)."\n\n";
+# my @t = map { my @x = split //, $_; \@x } sort @input;
+# print Dumper(\@t);
+# my @x = split_prefix \@t;
+# print "@x\n";
+# exit;
+sub dprint {
+ my $res = shift;
+ my $p = shift;
+ print "$p " if defined $p;
+ foreach my $x (@{$res}) {
+ print "$x->[0]";
+ if (defined($x->[1])) {
+ print " ";
+ print Dumper($x);
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ }
+#my $level;
+sub regexp_opt {
+ my @t = @_;
+ my @output;
+# ++$level;
+# print "$level IN ".Dumper(\@t)."\n";
+ return [] if $#t == -1;
+ while (1) {
+# print "$level NEXT $#t ".Dumper(\@t)."\n";
+ my @res = split_prefix \@t;
+# print "$level R @res, $#t\n";
+ if ($res[0] == 0) {
+ push @output, join('', @{$t[0]}) ;
+ } elsif ($res[1] <= 0) {
+ push @output, @t[0..$res[0]];
+ } else {
+ my @x = @{$t[0]}[0..$res[1]];
+ push @output, [ join('', @x),
+ regexp_opt(map { my @r = @{$_};
+ my @a = @r[$#x+1..$#r];
+# print "A @r -- @a\n";
+ \@a
+ } @t[0..$res[0]]) ];
+# print "==\n";
+ }
+# print "$level T=$#t\n";
+ last if $res[0] == $#t;
+ @t = @t[($res[0]+1)..$#t];
+ }
+# print "$level OUT ".Dumper(\@output)."\n";
+# --$level;
+ return \@output;
+my @t = map { my @x = split //, $_; \@x } sort @input;
+my $res = regexp_opt(@t);

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