path: root/lib/POSIX/Run/Capture.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/POSIX/Run/Capture.pm')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/lib/POSIX/Run/Capture.pm b/lib/POSIX/Run/Capture.pm
index dacdcfd..5dedad0 100644
--- a/lib/POSIX/Run/Capture.pm
+++ b/lib/POSIX/Run/Capture.pm
@@ -64,27 +64,211 @@ POSIX::Run::Capture - run command and capture its output
use POSIX::Run::Capture;
+ $obj = new POSIX::Run::Capture(argv => [ $command, @args ],
+ program => $prog,
+ stdin => $fh_or_string,
+ stdout => sub { ... },
+ stderr => sub { ... },
+ timeout => $n);
+ $obj->run;
+ $num = $obj->errno;
+ $num = $obj->status;
+ $num = $obj->length($chan);
+ $num = $obj->nlines($chan);
+ $str = $obj->next_line($chan);
+ $aref = $obj->get_lines($chan);
+ $obj->rewind($chan)
+ $obj->set_program($prog);
+ $obj->set_timeout($n);
+ $obj->set_input($fh_or_string);
+ $aref = head3 $obj->argv;
+ $str = =head3 $obj->program
+ $num = $obj->timeout;
-The API is in development.
+This module prefers performance and effectiveness over portability. As its
+name suggests, it can be used only on POSIX systems.
+=head2 new POSIX::Run::Capture
+Creates a new capture object. There are three possible invocation modes.
+ new POSIX::Run::Capture(argv => [ $command, @args ],
+ program => $prog,
+ stdin => $fh_or_string,
+ stdout => sub { ... },
+ stderr => sub { ... },
+ timeout => $n)
+When named arguments are used, the following keywords are allowed:
+=over 4
+=item B<argv>
+Defines the command (B<C argv[0]>) and its arguments. In the absense of
+B<program> argument, B<$argv[0]> will be run.
+=item B<program>
+Sets the pathname of binary file to run.
+=item B<stdin> or B<input>
+Supplies standard input for the command. The argument can be a string or
+a file handle.
+=item B<stdout>
+Sets the I<line monitor> function for standard output. Line monitor is
+invoked each time a complete line is read, or the EOF is hit on the standard
+output. The acquired line is passed to the monitor as its argument. The
+following example monitor function prints its argument to STDOUT:
+ sub stdout_monitor {
+ my $line = shift;
+ print $line;
+ }
+Notice that the last line read can lack the teminating newline character.
+=item B<stderr>
+Sets the I<line monitor> function for standard error stream. See the
+description above.
+=item B<timeout>
+Sets execution timeout, in seconds. If the program takes longer than B<$n>
+seconds to terminate, it will be forcibly terminated (by sending the B<SIGKILL>
-=head2 EXPORT
+=head3 new POSIX::Run::Capture([ $command, @args ]);
+A simplified way of creating the object, equivalent to
-None by default. Use B<:std> to export the B<STDOUT> and B<STDERR> constants.
+ new POSIX::Run::Capture(argv => [ $command, @args ]);
+=head3 new POSIX::Run::Capture;
+Crates an empty capture object.
+Whatever constructor is used, the necessary parameters can be set
+or changed later, using B<set_argv>, B<set_program>, B<set_input>,
+and B<set_timeout>.
+Monitors can be defined only when creating the object.
+=head2 Modifying the object.
+The following methods modify the object:
+=head3 $obj->set_program($prog)
+Sets the pathname of the command to run.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head3 $obj->set_timeout($n)
+Sets runtime timeout, in seconds.
+=head3 $obj->set_input($fh_or_string)
+Sets standard input for the program. Argument must be either a filehandle
+open for reading or a string. The filehandle will be repositioned to its
+beginning prior to use.
+=head2 Accessors
+The following accessors return parameters associated with the object:
+=head3 $obj->argv
+Returns a reference to the B<argv> array associated with the object.
+=head3 $obj->program
+Returns the pathname of the executable program.
+=head3 $obj->timeout
+Returns the runtime timeout or B<0> if no timeout is set.
+=head2 Running the command
+=head3 $obj->run
+Runs the program. Returns B<1> on successful termination, B<0> otherwise.
+=head3 $obj->errno
+If the last call to B<run> returned false, this method returns the
+value of the system error number (the C B<errno> variable).
+Upon successful return from B<$obj-E<gt>run>, the following accessors can
+be used:
+=head3 $obj->status
+Returns the termination status of the program. Use the macros from
+B<POSIX :sys_wait_h> to analyze it. E.g.:
+ use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h);
+ if ($obj->run()) {
+ if (WIFEXITED($obj->status)) {
+ print "program "
+ . $obj->program
+ . " terminated with code "
+ . WEXITSTATUS($obj->status);
+ } elsif (WIFSIGNALED($self->status)) {
+ print "program "
+ . $obj->program
+ . " terminated on signal "
+ . WTERMSIG($obj->status);
+ } else {
+ print "program "
+ . $obj->program
+ . " terminated with unrecogized code "
+ . $obj->status;
+ }
+ }
+=head3 $obj->nlines($chan)
+Returns number of lines saved in output channel B<$chan> (1 for stdout or 2
+for stderr). You can also use symbolic constants B<RUNCAP_STDOUT> and
+B<RUNCAP_STDERR>, if you require the module as
+ use POSIX::Run::Capture qw(:std);
+=head3 $obj->length($chan)
+Returns total length in bytes of data captured in output channel B<$chan>.
+=head3 $obj->next_line($chan)
+Returns next line from the captured channel B<$chan>.
+=head3 $obj->get_lines($chan)
+Returns a reference to an array of lines captured from channel B<$chan>.
+=head3 $obj->rewind($chan)
-Mention other useful documentation such as the documentation of
-related modules or operating system documentation (such as man pages
-in UNIX), or any relevant external documentation such as RFCs or
+Rewinds the captured channel B<$chan> to its beginning.
-If you have a mailing list set up for your module, mention it here.
+=head1 EXPORT
-If you have a web site set up for your module, mention it here.
+None by default. Use B<:std> or B<:all> to export the constants
+B<RUNCAP_STDIN>, B<RUNCAP_STDOUT> and B<RUNCAP_STDERR>, which correspond to
+numbers of standard input, output and error channels.
=head1 AUTHOR

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