diff options
authorSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org>2020-04-08 14:46:00 +0300
committerSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org>2020-04-08 14:46:00 +0300
commitf5a28a360321c58a1fc09b132d3d5e7ee3392eaa (patch)
parent4e852c163e5898db9716d5e35024fd0af72ed6d3 (diff)
Implement the dbrw module.
* Makefile.PL: Update. * lib/MakeRedirect/Output/dbrw.pm: New module. * lib/MakeRedirect/Output/rewrite.pm: Minor change in the description. * lib/MakeRedirect/URI.pm (local): New method. (canonical): Use local.
4 files changed, 645 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
index e3f563b..7d3e6a3 100644
--- a/Makefile.PL
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -25,11 +25,25 @@ WriteMakefile(
'Text::Locus' => '1.03',
'URI::Encode' => '1.1.1',
'String::Escape' => '2010.002',
- 'Clone' => 0
+ 'Clone' => 0,
+ 'Inline::Files' => 0,
+ 'Safe' => 0,
+ 'DBI' => 0,
+ 'DBD::mysql' => 0
+ },
+ 'Test::More' => '0.88',
+ 'File::Temp' => 0
- BUILD_REQUIRES => {'Test::More' => '0.88'},
'meta-spec' => { version => 2 },
+ prereqs => {
+ runtime => {
+ recommends => {
+ 'Text::CSV_XS' => 0,
+ },
+ },
+ },
resources => {
repository => {
type => 'git',
diff --git a/lib/MakeRedirect/Output/dbrw.pm b/lib/MakeRedirect/Output/dbrw.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b41519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/MakeRedirect/Output/dbrw.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+package MakeRedirect::Output::dbrw;
+use parent 'MakeRedirect::Output';
+=head1 NAME
+dbrw - insert rewrite rules into MySQL database for vmod_dbrw
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<makeredirect dbrw>
+[B<-P> I<DBPORT>]
+[B<-d> I<DBNAME>]
+[B<-h> I<DBHOST>]
+[B<-p> I<DBPASS>]
+[B<-s> I<SCHEME>]
+[B<-u> I<DBUSER>]
+This module maintains a database of redirects for use with B<vmod_dbrw>.
+B<Vmod_dbrw> is a loadable module for Varnish Cache that enables it to
+programmatically redirect HTTP requests based on lookups in a MySQL database.
+It supports three distinct database structures (I<schemes>), each designed
+for a particular purpose. The scheme is selected with the B<--scheme>
+The B<--init> option allows the user to create and initialize the database
+of the selected scheme.
+The B<--vcl> option prints a fragment of VCL code that could be used in the
+Varnish VCL script to make use of the created database.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=head2 Scheme selection
+=over 4
+=item B<-s>, B<--scheme=>I<SCHEME>
+Selects the database scheme to use. This option must always be present.
+It must correspond to the actual database structure, if it already exists.
+I<SCHEME> is the scheme number as described in the table below.
+Currently, three database schemes are supported:
+=over 4
+=item B<0>
+Simple database with no hostname distinction. Use this scheme if your
+redirects don't depend on the source hostname.
+=item B<1>
+A database with hostname distinction. Use this scheme if the redirects
+have various source hostnames.
+=item B<2>
+A more compact version of B<1>. Useful for a very large number of redirects.
+=head2 Database connection
+=over 4
+=item B<--defaults-file=>I<FILE>
+Sets the name of the MySQL defaults file to use. Default is B<.my.cnf>
+in the user's home directory.
+The defaults file is the preferred method for supplying MySQL credentials.
+=item B<-d>, B<--database=>I<DBNAME>
+Sets the database name. The database name can also be specified in
+the defaults file. However, the use of this option is mandatory if
+the B<--vcl> or B<--init> operation modifier is given.
+=item B<-h>, B<--host=>I<DBHOST>
+Sets the hostname or IP of the MySQL server.
+=item B<-P>, B<--port=>I<DBPORT>
+Sets the port number the MySQL server is listening on.
+=item B<-u>, B<--user=>I<DBUSER>
+Sets the MySQL user name.
+=item B<-p>, B<--password=>I<DBPASS>
+Sets the MySQL user password.
+B<Note:> the use of this option imposes a security threat. Please use the
+B<--defaults-file> instead.
+=item B<--params=>I<DBPARAMS>
+Sets additional MySQL database driver parameters.
+=head2 Operation modifiers
+=over 4
+=item B<-n>, B<--dry-run>
+Don't modify the database, but print verbosely what's being done. In
+particular, print each database query that would have been executed
+(implies B<--verbose>).
+=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>
+Verbose mode. Prints on standard error each database query being performed.
+=item B<-i>. B<--init>
+Create the database and initialize tables.
+=item B<--vcl>
+Produce on standard output a VCL template for using the created database.
+You can paste it into your VCL code (in B<sub vcl_recv>), with the necessary
+edits. See
+for details.
+=item B<--comment=>I<TEXT>
+=head2 Informational options
+=over 4
+=item B<-?>
+Produce a short help text and exit.
+=item B<--help>
+Display the manual page and exit.
+=item B<--usage>
+Display a short command line usage summary and exit.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+use DBI;
+use File::Spec;
+use Inline::Files;
+use Safe;
+sub getopt {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->SUPER::getopt(
+ 's|scheme=s' => 'scheme',
+ 'i|init' => 'init',
+ 'n|dry-run' => 'dry_run',
+ 'v|verbose+' => 'verbose',
+ 'd|database=s' => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{options}{connarg}{database} = $_[1];
+ },
+ 'h|host=s' => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{options}{connarg}{host} = $_[1];
+ },
+ 'P|port=s' => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{options}{connarg}{port} = $_[1];
+ },
+ 'u|user=s' => 'dbuser',
+ 'p|password=s' => 'dbpass',
+ 'params=s' => 'dbparams',
+ 'defaults-file=s' => 'defaults_file',
+ 'comment=s' => 'comment',
+ 'vcl' => 'vcl');
+ if ($self->{options}{dry_run}) {
+ $self->{last_insert_id} = 0;
+ $self->{options}{verbose}++;
+ }
+ unless (defined($self->{options}{scheme})) {
+ croak "pease supply scheme ID (use the --scheme option)";
+ }
+ if ($self->{options}{init}) {
+ $self->dbinit;
+ }
+ if ($self->{options}{vcl}) {
+ $self->vcl;
+ }
+sub vcl {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $handle = "VCL_$self->{options}{scheme}";
+ if (my $code = $self->get_code($handle)) {
+ $code =~ s/(?<!\\)\$database/$self->{options}{connarg}{database}/g;
+ $code =~ s/\\\$/\$/g;
+ print $code;
+ }
+ exit 0;
+sub dbinit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dbname = delete $self->{options}{connarg}{database};
+ unless ($dbname) {
+ croak "please supply the database name (use the --database option)"
+ }
+ $self->read_struct;
+ $self->open;
+ $self->sql_query_finish("CREATE DATABASE $dbname CHARACTER SET utf8");
+ unless ($self->{options}{dry_run}) {
+ $self->close;
+ $self->{options}{connarg}{database} = $dbname;
+ $self->open;
+ }
+ foreach my $dfn (@{$self->{struct}}) {
+ $self->sql_query_finish($dfn);
+ }
+ $self->close;
+sub ruleset {
+ my ($self, $host, $rules) = @_;
+ my $www_host;
+ foreach my $key (sort { $b cmp $a } keys %{$rules}) {
+ my $r = $rules->{$key};
+ my $args = $self->insert_args($r, $r->src, $r->dst,
+ $self->host_id($host));
+ $self->sql_insert('rules', %$args);
+ if ($r->www && $host) {
+ unless ($www_host) {
+ ($www_host = $host) =~ s{^www\.}{}
+ or $www_host = 'www.' . $host;
+ }
+ my $src = $r->src->clone;
+ $src->host($www_host);
+ $args = $self->insert_args($r, $src, $r->dst,
+ $self->host_id($www_host));
+ $self->sql_insert('rules', %$args);
+ }
+ }
+sub get_code {
+ my ($self, $handle) = @_;
+ local $/;
+ unless (exists($self->{code}{$handle})) {
+ local $/;
+ $self->{code}{$handle} = <$handle>;
+ }
+ return $self->{code}{$handle};
+sub host_id {
+ my ($self, $host) = @_;
+ my $res;
+ unless ($res = $self->{host_id}{$host}) {
+ my $handle = "HOSTID_$self->{options}{scheme}";
+ if (my $code = $self->get_code($handle)) {
+ my %qarg;
+ my $cpt = new Safe;
+ ${$cpt->varglob('hostname')} = $host;
+ ${$cpt->varglob('result')} = \%qarg;
+ $cpt->reval($code);
+ croak "$handle: $@" if ($@);
+ croak "No select hash in $handle" unless $qarg{select};
+ $res = $self->get_host_id(%{$qarg{select}});
+ unless ($res) {
+ croak "No insert hash in $handle" unless $qarg{insert};
+ $self->sql_insert($qarg{insert}{table}, %{$qarg{insert}{args}});
+ $res = $self->last_insert_id($qarg{insert}{table},
+ $qarg{insert}{id} // 'id');
+ }
+ $self->{host_id}{$host} = $res
+ }
+ }
+ return $res
+sub get_host_id {
+ my $self = shift;
+ local %_ = @_;
+ my $sth = $self->sql_query($_{query}, @{$_{args}});
+ my $res;
+ if (my $rows = $sth->fetchall_arrayref([0], 1)) {
+ $res = $rows->[0][0];
+ }
+ $sth->finish;
+ return $res;
+sub insert_args {
+ my ($self, $rule, $src, $dst, $host_id) = @_;
+ my %args;
+ my $handle = "INSERT_$self->{options}{scheme}";
+ if ($rule->exact) {
+ $handle .= "_EXACT";
+ } elsif ($rule->nosub) {
+ $handle .= "_NOSUB";
+ } else {
+ $handle .= "_DEFAULT";
+ }
+ my $code = $self->get_code($handle);
+ if ($self->{options}{comment}) {
+ $args{comment} = $self->{options}{comment};
+ }
+ my $cpt = new Safe;
+ ${$cpt->varglob('src')} = $src->clone;
+ ${$cpt->varglob('dst')} = $dst->clone;
+ ${$cpt->varglob('host_id')} = $host_id;
+ ${$cpt->varglob('result')} = \%args;
+ *{$cpt->varglob('quoterx')} = sub {
+ my $s = shift;
+ $s =~ s/([\\|()\[\]{}^\$*+?.])/\\$1/g;
+ $s;
+ };
+ $cpt->reval($code);
+ croak "$handle: $@" if ($@);
+ return \%args;
+sub read_struct {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $handle = "STRUCT_$self->{options}{scheme}";
+ my @dfn;
+ while (<$handle>) {
+ chomp;
+ s/^\s+//;
+ s/\s+$//;
+ next if /^(?:--.*)?$/;
+ push @dfn, $_;
+ if (/\);$/) {
+ push @{$self->{struct}}, join('', @dfn);
+ @dfn = ();
+ }
+ }
+sub open {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @connarg = map { "$_=$self->{options}{connarg}{$_}" }
+ keys %{$self->{options}{connarg}};
+ if (my $p = $self->{options}{dbparams}) {
+ push @connarg, $p;
+ }
+ unless ($self->{options}{defaults_file}) {
+ my $f = File::Spec->catfile($ENV{HOME}, '.my.cnf');
+ if (-f $f) {
+ $self->{options}{defaults_file} = $f;
+ }
+ }
+ if (my $p = $self->{options}{defaults_file}) {
+ push @connarg, ";mysql_read_default_file=$p";
+ }
+ unless (@connarg) {
+ croak 'Database parameters not initialized. Please use the --database (optionally - --host and --port) option.'
+ }
+ my $arg = join(':', ('DBI', 'mysql', @connarg));
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect($arg, $self->{options}{dbuser},
+ $self->{options}{dbpass},
+ { RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 1, AutoCommit => 1})
+ or croak "can't connect to the database server";
+ $self->{dbh} = $dbh;
+sub dbh { shift->{dbh} }
+sub last_insert_id {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($self->{options}{dry_run}) {
+ $self->{last_insert_id}++;
+ } else {
+ $self->dbh->last_insert_id(undef,
+ $self->{options}{connarg}{database},
+ @_);
+ }
+sub close {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->dbh->disconnect;
+sub sql_query {
+ my ($self, $query, @args) = @_;
+ if ($self->{options}{verbose}) {
+ my $n = () = $query =~ /\Q?/g;
+ croak "declared number of parameters doesn't match actual arguments"
+ unless $n == @args;
+ my @q = split /\?/, $query;
+ my $s = join('',
+ ((map { ($q[$_], "'" . $args[$_] . "'" ) } (0 .. $#args)),
+ $q[$#q]));
+ warn "DEBUG: $s\n";
+ }
+ return if $self->{options}{dry_run} && $query !~ /^select/i;
+ my $sth = $self->dbh->prepare($query);
+ $sth->execute(@args) or croak($sth->errstr);
+ $sth;
+sub sql_query_finish {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (my $sth = $self->sql_query(@_)) {
+ $sth->finish;
+ }
+sub sql_insert {
+ my ($self, $table, %args) = @_;
+ my @fields = sort keys %args;
+ my $fieldnames = join(',', @fields);
+ my $valmap = join(',', ('?') x @fields);
+ $self->sql_query_finish("INSERT INTO $table ($fieldnames) VALUES ($valmap)",
+ map { $args{$_} } @fields);
+ url varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ dest varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+ value varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+ pattern varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+ flags char(64) DEFAULT NULL,
+ prio int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ comment varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+ KEY (id),
+ UNIQUE KEY (url)
+dbrw.config("mysql", "database=$database",
+ {"SELECT dest,pattern,value,flags
+ FROM rules
+ WHERE url IN (\$(urlprefixes $url))
+ ORDER BY LENGTH(dest) DESC, prio ASC"});
+set req.http.X-Redirect-To = dbrw.rewrite("url=" + req.url);
+if (req.http.X-Redirect-To != "") {
+ return(synth(301, "Redirect"));
+$result->{url} = $src->local;
+$result->{dest} = $dst->local;
+$result->{url} = $src->local;
+$result->{dest} = $dst->local
+$result->{value} = '$uri';
+$result->{pattern} = quoterx($src->path) . "(/.*)?";
+$result->{url} = $src->local;
+$result->{dest} = $dst->local . '$1';
+$result->{value} = '$uri';
+$result->{pattern} = quoterx($src->path) . "(/.*)?";
+ host varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ url varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ dest varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+ value varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+ pattern varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+ flags char(64) DEFAULT NULL,
+ prio int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ comment varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+ KEY (id),
+ UNIQUE KEY source (host,url)
+dbrw.config("mysql", "database=$database",
+ {"SELECT dest,pattern,value,flags
+ FROM rules
+ WHERE host='$host'
+ AND url IN (\$(urlprefixes $url))
+ ORDER BY LENGTH(dest) DESC, prio ASC"});
+set req.http.X-Redirect-To = dbrw.rewrite("host=" + req.host + ";" +
+ "url=" + req.url);
+if (req.http.X-Redirect-To != "") {
+ return(synth(301, "Redirect"));
+$result->{host} = $src->host if $src->host;
+$result->{url} = $src->local;
+$result->{dest} = $dst->local;
+$result->{host} = $src->host if $src->host;
+$result->{url} = $src->local;
+$result->{dest} = $dst->local;
+$result->{value} = '$uri';
+$result->{pattern} = quoterx($src->path) . "(/.*)?";
+$result->{host} = $src->host if $src->host;
+$result->{url} = $src->local;
+$result->{dest} = $dst->local . '$1';
+$result->{value} = '$uri';
+$result->{pattern} = quoterx($src->path) . "(/.*)?";
+ name varchar(255),
+ comment varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+ KEY (id),
+ KEY name (name)
+ host_id int NOT NULL,
+ url varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ dest varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+ value varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+ pattern varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+ flags char(64) DEFAULT NULL,
+ prio int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ comment varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
+ KEY (id),
+ UNIQUE KEY source (host_id,url)
+dbrw.config("mysql", "database=$database",
+ {"SELECT rules.dest,rules.pattern,rules.value,rules.flags
+ FROM rules,hosts
+ WHERE hosts.name='$host'
+ AND rules.host_id=hosts.id
+ AND rules.url IN (\$(urlprefixes $url))
+ ORDER BY LENGTH(rules.dest) DESC, rules.prio ASC"});
+set req.http.X-Redirect-To = dbrw.rewrite("host=" + req.host + ";" +
+ "url=" + req.url);
+if (req.http.X-Redirect-To != "") {
+ return(synth(301, "Redirect"));
+$result->{select} = {
+ query => 'SELECT id FROM hosts WHERE name=?',
+ args => [ $hostname ]
+$result->{insert} = {
+ table => 'hosts',
+ args => {
+ name => $hostname
+ }
+$result->{host_id} = $host_id;
+$result->{url} = $src->local;
+$result->{dest} = $dst->local;
+$result->{host_id} = $host_id;
+$result->{url} = $src->local;
+$result->{dest} = $dst->local;
+$result->{value} = '$uri';
+$result->{pattern} = quoterx($src->path) . "(/.*)?";
+$result->{host_id} = $host_id;
+$result->{url} = $src->local;
+$result->{dest} = $dst->local . '$1';
+$result->{value} = '$uri';
+$result->{pattern} = quoterx($src->path) . "(/.*)?";
diff --git a/lib/MakeRedirect/Output/rewrite.pm b/lib/MakeRedirect/Output/rewrite.pm
index f9ed7c8..7faec11 100644
--- a/lib/MakeRedirect/Output/rewrite.pm
+++ b/lib/MakeRedirect/Output/rewrite.pm
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ sub ruleset {
=head1 NAME
-rewrite - generate mod_rewrite rules
+rewrite - generate redirection rules for mod_rewrite
diff --git a/lib/MakeRedirect/URI.pm b/lib/MakeRedirect/URI.pm
index ccb5055..3fe1e82 100644
--- a/lib/MakeRedirect/URI.pm
+++ b/lib/MakeRedirect/URI.pm
@@ -70,18 +70,22 @@ sub scheme_prefix {
$self->{scheme} ? ($self->scheme . '://') : '';
-sub canonical {
+sub local {
my ($self) = @_;
- my $s;
- if ($self->host) {
- $s = $self->scheme_prefix . $self->host . ($self->{path} || '/');
- } else {
- $s = $self->path;
- }
+ my $s = $self->{path} || '/';
if ($self->query) {
$s .= '?' . $self->query;
return $s;
+sub canonical {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $s = $self->local;
+ if ($self->host) {
+ $s = $self->scheme_prefix . $self->host . $s;
+ }
+ return $s;
use overload

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