## This file is part of GNU Mailutils. ## Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ## ## GNU Mailutils is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at ## your option) any later version. ## ## GNU Mailutils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with GNU Mailutils. If not, see . SUBDIRS = . etc tests bindir = @MH_BIN_DIR@ bin_PROGRAMS = \ ali\ anno\ burst\ comp\ fmtcheck\ folder\ forw\ inc\ install-mh\ mark\ mhl\ mhn\ mhparam\ mhpath\ mhseq\ msgchk\ pick\ prompter\ refile\ repl\ rmf\ rmm\ scan\ show\ send\ sortm\ whatnow\ whom prompter_LDADD = $(mh_LIBS) if MU_COND_READLINE PROMPTER_FUN=prompter-rl.c prompter_LDADD += @READLINE_LIBS@ else PROMPTER_FUN=prompter-tty.c prompter_LDADD += @CURSES_LIBS@ endif prompter_SOURCES = \ prompter.c\ prompter.h\ $(PROMPTER_FUN) noinst_LIBRARIES = libmh.a libmh_a_SOURCES= \ compcommon.c\ mboxprop.c\ mh_alias_gram.y\ mh_alias_lex.l\ mh_getopt.c\ mh_global.c\ mh_format.c\ mh_init.c\ mh_list.c\ mh_fmtgram.y\ mh_msgset.c\ mh_sequence.c\ mh_stream.c\ mh_whatnow.c\ mh_whom.c\ scanfmt.c\ seqelim.c\ whatnowenv.c noinst_HEADERS = mh.h mh_alias_gram.h mh_format.h mh_getopt.h BUILT_SOURCES=\ mh_fmtgram.c\ pick-gram.c\ pick-gram.h\ mh_alias_gram.c\ mh_alias_gram.h\ mh_alias_lex.c MAINTAINERCLEANFILES=$(BUILT_SOURCES) EXTRA_DIST = gylwrap.conf mhlibdir = $(pkgdatadir)/mh AM_CPPFLAGS =\ @MU_APP_COMMON_INCLUDES@\ -D_GNU_SOURCE -DMHLIBDIR=\"$(mhlibdir)\"\ -DMHBINDIR=\"$(bindir)\" mh_LIBS = \ ./libmh.a\ ../lib/libmuaux.la\ ${MU_LIB_MAILBOX}\ ${MU_LIB_MAILER}\ ${MU_LIB_AUTH}\ @MU_AUTHLIBS@\ ${MU_LIB_MAILUTILS}\ @MU_COMMON_LIBRARIES@ LDADD = $(mh_LIBS) scan_LDADD = $(mh_LIBS) @CURSES_LIBS@ pick_SOURCES = pick.c pick.h pick-gram.y pick-gram.h YLWRAP = @MU_YLWRAP@ AM_YFLAGS=-vt inc_LDADD = \ ./libmh.a\ ../lib/libmuaux.la\ ../lib/libmuscript.a\ @LIBMU_SCM@ @GUILE_LIBS@\ @LIBMU_SCM_DEPS@\ @MU_LIB_PY@ @PYTHON_LIBS@\ ${MU_LIB_SIEVE}\ ${MU_LIB_MAILBOX}\ ${MU_LIB_MAILER}\ ${MU_LIB_AUTH}\ @MU_AUTHLIBS@\ ${MU_LIB_MAILUTILS}\ @MU_COMMON_LIBRARIES@ install-exec-hook: @here=`pwd`; \ cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir); \ rm -f folders next prev; \ $(LN_S) folder folders; \ $(LN_S) show next; \ $(LN_S) show prev; \ cd $$here