Mailfromd TODO list. * Language: ** Implement \U, \L, \E and other GNU extensions to the replacement strings. ** Optionally use case-fold fnmatch in fnmatches. ** gsub(regex, repl, string) ** Implement still more string functions * Provide a library facility: 1. Compile mailfromd source into a position-independent code: mailfromd --compile -osource.mfo 2. Gather several objects into a library using the standard `ar' utility: ar c file.mfl jeden.mfo dwa.mfo trzy.mfo ... 3. Use the archive at the startup to extract the needed functions from it: mailfromd -lfile * Convert database support to MFL * Implement a separate configuration file, to get rid of `#pragma option' in filter sources. * Provide a mechanism to catch exceptions for a given compound statement or expression. * Implement nested functions and lambdas: set var lambda(string x) returns string do ... done apply(%var, "foo") or: apply(lambda(string x) returns string do ... done, "foo") This can then be used to implement the previous topic. Local variables: mode: outline paragraph-separate: "[ ]*$" end: