## files to be ignored given by name lstdrvrs.ins temp.c testing/keyval/extendedchars/iso_8859_1.out testing/keyval/extendedchars/iso_8859_1.txt testing/languages/scala/scala-emacs.png testing/languages/scala/scala-vs_code.png ## directories to be ignored by name (there must be a trailing /) auto/ ## files to be ignored given by pattern (*, ?, [...]) *~ # additional files for the distribution *.prf # the LaTeX files *.aux *.bcf *.cfg *.dvi *.gz *.idx *.ilg *.ind *.log *.lol *.out *.pdf *.ps *.sty *.tmp *.toc *.xml # MetaPost output *.1 # RefTeX files *.rel ## files to be included in contrary to the previous settings, denoted ## by a leading !