diff options
authorax006ho <j.hoffmann@fh-aachen.de>2018-11-19 12:32:28 +0100
committerax006ho <j.hoffmann@fh-aachen.de>2018-11-19 12:32:28 +0100
commit1f0fda7cac0493fff3d290788ebacb7ebe89e35f (patch)
parent56f152c91428220c4a3ace7dcce59ddf5532faa9 (diff)
now using a special listings.cfg file
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/testing/keyval/extendedchars/listings.cfg.alt b/testing/keyval/extendedchars/listings.cfg.alt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f5128e..0000000
--- a/testing/keyval/extendedchars/listings.cfg.alt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
- \lstset{extendedchars=true,
- literate=%
- {Ö}{{\"O}}1
- {Ä}{{\"A}}1
- {Ü}{{\"U}}1
- {ß}{{\ss}}1
- {ü}{{\"u}}1
- {ä}{{\"a}}1
- {ö}{{\"o}}1
- % ee: UTF-8 support A
- {á}{{\'{a}}}1
- {ã}{{\~{a}}}1
- {ç}{{\c{c}}}1
- {é}{{\'e}}1
- {è}{{\`e}}1
- {ê}{{\^{e}}}1
- % be: UTF-8 support A
- {»}{{\guillemotright}}1
- {«}{{\guillemotleft}}1
- {°}{{\ensuremath{^\circ}}}1
- {§}{{\S}}1 % add more characters,
- {´}{{\'{}}}1 % if you need them
- % ee: UTF-8 support A
- % be: UTF-8 support B
- {‘}{`}1
- {’}{'}1
- {●}{{\(\bullet\)}}1 % the following characters are used
- {└}{{\textSFii}}1 % by journalctl (\textSF?? symbols
- {─}{{\textSFx}}1 % come from the pmboxdraw package)
- %{±}{{\ensuremath{\pm}}}1
- %{↑}{{\ensuremath{\uparrow}}}1
- %{π}{{\ensuremath{\pi}}}1
- {±}{C}1
- {↑}{A}1
- {π}{B}1
- {␣}{\texttt{\char32}}2
- }
- lstlang2.sty,lstlang3.sty}
- defaultdialect=[ISO]C++,
- defaultdialect=[WinXP]command.com,
- defaultdialect=[08]Fortran,
- defaultdialect=[5.3]lua,
- defaultdialect=[gnu]make,
- defaultdialect=[LaTeX]TeX,
- basicstyle=\small\fontfamily{lmtt}%
- \fontseries{m}\fontshape{n}\selectfont,
- % in lmtt bold (b) and medium (m) are hardly to
- % distinguish, so
- keywordstyle=\fontfamily{ul9}\fontseries{b}%
- % replace this ul9 (and all ul9 below)
- % by lmtt, if luximono is not available
- \fontshape{n}\selectfont,
- commentstyle=\small\fontfamily{lmtt}%
- \fontseries{m}\fontshape{sl}\selectfont,
- stringstyle=\small\fontfamily{lmtt}%
- \fontseries{m}\fontshape{it}\selectfont,
- numbers=left,
- numberstyle=\tiny,
- stepnumber=5,
- numbersep=5pt,
- tabsize=4,
- keepspaces=true,
- resetmargins=true,
- basewidth={0.6em,0.48em},
- frame=tlb,% the frame is open on the right side
- {\color{red}\tiny$\hookleftarrow$}}}%
- {\color{red}\tiny$\hookrightarrow$}}}%
- prebreak=\usebox{\hookleftarrowbox},%
- postbreak=\usebox{\hookrightarrowbox},%
- breakautoindent=true,%
- breakindent=120pt,%
- breaklines=t,%
- resetmargins=false,%
- basicstyle=\small\ttfamily\fontseries{m}\fontshape{n},
- language={},
- frame=tb,%
- backgroundcolor={},%
- framerule=1pt

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