#! /usr/bin/perl # Manpage CGI server. # Copyright (C) 2013 Sergey Poznyakoff # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . use strict; use File::Basename; use sigtrap; use Sys::Syslog; use Safe; my $package_name = "mansrv"; our $VERSION = "1.1"; my $cf = "/etc/mansrv.conf"; our $docdir; our $manref = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}."?"; our $htmltop; our $htmlbot; our $errpage; our $includepath; our $cachedir = "/tmp/mansrv"; our $incfilesuf; my @deps = ( $0 ); my @grohtml_opts; my $tempcachefile; my $mansep; my %decomp = ( 'gz' => 'gzip -d -c', 'bz2' => 'bzip2 -d -c', 'z' => 'compress -d -c', 'Z' => 'compress -d -c' ); sub syserror { my $s = shift; syslog("LOG_ERR", "$s"); print "


\n"; # Let them guess... exit 1; } my %conftab = ( 'docdir' => \$docdir, 'manref' => \$manref, 'htmltop' => \$htmltop, 'htmlbot' => \$htmlbot, 'errpage' => \$errpage, 'cachedir' => \$cachedir, 'includepath' => \$includepath, 'incfilesuf' => \$incfilesuf ); sub read_config($) { my $config_file = shift; my $err; my $fd; open($fd, "<", $config_file) or syserror("cannot open $config_file: $!"); my $line = 0; while (<$fd>) { ++$line; chomp; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/#.*//; next if ($_ eq ""); if (/([^\s]+)\s*=\s*(.+)/) { if (exists($conftab{$1})) { ${$conftab{$1}} = $2; } else { syslog("LOG_ERR", "$config_file:$line: unknown variable: '$1'"); print "$conftab{$1}\n"; ++$err; } } else { syslog("LOG_ERR", "$config_file:$line: syntax error"); ++$err; } } close($fd); syserror("errors in config file") if ($err); } sub sighan { unink($tempcachefile) if -e $tempcachefile; } sub build_manpath() { my $d; opendir($d, $docdir) or return; my $dirs=join ':', sort map { "$docdir/$_/man" } grep { !/^\./ && -d "$docdir/$_" && -d "$docdir/$_/man" } readdir($d); closedir($d); $ENV{'MANPATH'} = "$dirs:$ENV{'MANPATH'}" if ($dirs); } sub expand_template { my ($comp, $code, $file, $line) = @_; my $r = $comp->reval($code); unless (defined($r)) { syslog("LOG_ERR", "%s:%d: error expanding template expression %s", $file, $line, $code); $r = ''; } return $r; } sub interpret_file($$) { my ($ofd, $file) = @_; my $ifd; open($ifd, $file) or syserror("cannot open $file: $!"); my $s = new Safe 'Root' ; %{$s->varglob('ENV')} = %ENV; ${$s->varglob('TITLE')} = $ARGV[1]; ${$s->varglob('SECTION')} = $ARGV[0]; ${$s->varglob('PACKAGE')} = $package_name; ${$s->varglob('VERSION')} = $VERSION; ${$s->varglob('SERVER')} = "$proto://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}"; while (<$ifd>) { chomp; s/\{%(.*)%\}/expand_template($s, $1, $file, $.)/ex; print $ofd "$_\n"; } close($ifd); } sub interpret { my $fd = shift; foreach my $file (@_) { interpret_file($fd, $file); } } sub addopts($) { my $file = shift; my $fd; open($fd, $file) or return; while (<$fd>) { chomp; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/#.*//; next if ($_ eq ""); push @grohtml_opts, "-P $_"; } close($fd); push @deps, $file; } sub checkdeps($) { my $ts = (stat(shift))[9]; foreach my $depfile (@deps) { return 0 if ($ts < (stat($depfile))[9]); } return 1; } # ############################################################################# openlog(basename($0), "ndelay,pid", "daemon"); if ($ENV{'MANSRV_CONF'}) { $cf = $ENV{'MANSRV_CONF'}; } read_config($cf); push @deps, $cf; if ($manref =~ /\?$/) { $mansep = '+'; } elsif ($manref =~ /\/$/) { $mansep = '/'; } else { $manref .= "?"; $mansep = '+'; } # Set up environment build_manpath(); my $proto; if (exists($ENV{HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO})) { $proto = $ENV{HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO}; } elsif ($ENV{HTTPS} eq 'on') { $proto = 'https'; } else { $proto = 'http'; } $ENV{REQUEST_SCHEME} = $proto; $ENV{'MANCGI'}='WEBDOC'; if ($#ARGV != 1) { print "Location: $ENV{REQUEST_SCHEME}://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}\n"; print "\n"; exit 0; } # Begin output print "Content-Type: text/html\n"; print "\n"; # Body begins my $file = `man -w $ARGV[0] $ARGV[1] 2>/dev/null`; unless ($file) { my $f; open($f, ">&STDOUT"); interpret($f, $htmltop, $errpage, $htmlbot); exit 0; } chomp $file; push @deps, $file; # Split the name and determine the root mandir my ($manfile, $mandir) = fileparse($file); $mandir =~ s/\/man[1-8n]//; $manfile =~ s/^(.*\.[1-8n])\..*/$1/; $manfile .= ".html"; if (! -d $cachedir) { mkdir($cachedir,0755) or syserror("mkdir $cachedir: $!"); } $cachedir .= "/cat$ARGV[0]"; if (! -d $cachedir) { mkdir($cachedir) or syserror("mkdir $cachedir: $!"); } my $cachefile = "$cachedir/$manfile"; push @deps, $cachefile; # Check if it has an include file if ($file =~ /^$docdir\/*/ && $incfilesuf) { my $incfile = "$file$incfilesuf"; if (-f $incfile) { push @deps, $incfile; $ENV{'INCFILE'} = $incfile; } } # Override top and bottom files, if necessary. $htmltop = "$mandir/top.html" if (-R "$mandir/top.html"); $htmlbot = "$mandir/bottom.html" if (-R "$mandir/bottom.html"); push @deps, $htmltop, $htmlbot; # Process grohtml options if (-R "$mandir/grohtml.opt") { addopts("$mandir/grohtml.opt"); push @deps, "$mandir/grohtml.opt"; } unless (-e $cachefile && checkdeps($cachefile)) { my $tempcachefile = "$cachefile.$$"; open(my $fd, ">$tempcachefile") or syserror("opening $tempcachefile: $!"); $SIG{'HUP'} = \&sighan; $SIG{'INT'} = \&sighan; $SIG{'QUIT'} = \&sighan; $SIG{'PIPE'} = \&sighan; $SIG{'TERM'} = \&sighan; my $groffcmd = "groff -Thtml -man "; if ($includepath) { $groffcmd .= join(' ',map { "-I $_" } split(/:/,$includepath)) . " "; } if ($#grohtml_opts >= 0) { $groffcmd .= join(' ', @grohtml_opts) . " "; } if ($file =~ /.*\.([^.]+)$/ && exists($decomp{$1})) { $groffcmd = "$decomp{$1} $file | $groffcmd -"; } else { $groffcmd .= $file; } open(my $p, "-|", $groffcmd) or syserror("running \"$groffcmd\": $!"); interpret($fd, $htmltop); # State map: # 0 - before # 1 - between and # [ 2 - after ] my $state = 0; while (<$p>) { if ($state == 0) { if (/(.*)/) { print $fd "$1\n"; $state = 1; } next; } if (/(.*)<\/body>/) { print $fd "$1\n"; last; } if (/[^<>]+<\/b>\([0-9n]\)/) { while (/(.*?)([^<>]+)<\/b>\(([0-9n])\)(.*)/) { print $fd "$1"; my $pref = $2; my $href = $2; my $sect = $3; $_ = $4; $href =~ s/−/-/g; print $fd ''.$pref.'('.$sect.')'; } print $fd "$_\n"; } else { print $fd $_; } } close($p); interpret($fd, $htmlbot); close $fd; rename($tempcachefile, $cachefile) or syserror("failed to rename $tempcachefile to $cachefile: $!"); } open(FILE, $cachefile) or syserror("opening $cachefile for reading: $!"); while () { print; } close FILE; __END__ =head1 NAME mansrv - manpage server =head1 SYNOPSIS B I
I =head1 DESCRIPTION This CGI script searches for the manpage I in the section I
and displays it as an HTML. It uses B(1) to create initial translation and preprocesses its output, replacing references to other manpages by appropriate hyperlinks and fixing some other minor inconsistencies. The program is designed to help display on-line the documentation in manpage formats for multiple software projects without the need to install these manpages somewhere in the system B. This is necessary for software forge sites that host a number of projects. To this effect, the following directory structure is assumed. Each software project keeps its documentation files in a separate directory, located in common B directory. If the project's directory contains a directory named B, its full pathname is prepended to the system B. The prepended directories are sorted in lexicographical order. When a manpage is requested, it is looked in the B using B. If found, it is piped through B to obtain initial translation. Each project can customize the call to B by placing the file named B in its B subdirectory. This file should list the valid B(1) options, one option per line. Empty lines and comments (beginning with B<#>) are ignored. The HTML prologue (anything up to and including the B<> tag) and epilogue (starting from the B<> closing tag) are removed and replaced by the content of B and B files which are supplied in the configuration file (see the B and B settings below). A project can override any one or both of this files by placing the file B and B in its B subdirectory. Before inclusion, both files are subject to variable expansion, during which any occurrence of B<@>IB<@> is replaced with the value of the I. See the section B