#! /usr/bin/perl # Copyright (C) 2013 Sergey Poznyakoff # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . use strict; use File::Spec; =doc This hook is intended to be run as an "update" hook by git. It is called by git-receive-pack with arguments: refname old-sha1 new-sha1. If the hooks.aclfile keyword is defined in the repository's config file, this hook will parse the file and allow or deny update depending on its settings. If hooks.aclfile is not defined, update is allowed unconditionally. The ACL file has the usual line-oriented syntax. Comments are introduced by the # sign and extend to the end of the physical line. Comments and empty lines are ignored. Non-empty lines introduce ACL rules. The syntax is: VERB PROJECT USER [OP REF] where brackets denote optional parts. The parts of an ACL are: VERB Either 'allow' or 'deny', to allow or deny the operation, correspondingly. PROJECT The name of the project. It is obtained by removing the directory and suffix parts of the repository pathname. Thus, if the repository is located in /var/gitroot/foobar.git, then the corresponding name of the project is 'foobar'. USER Name of the user. The word 'all' stands for any user, the word 'none' matches no one at all. Otherwise, if this part begins with a percent sign (%), the rest of characters aretreated as the name of the UNIX group to check and the rule matches any user in that group. Otherwise, the literal match is assumed. The optional parts are: OP Requested operation codes. It is a string consisting of one or more of the following letters (case-insensitive): C: create new ref D: delete existing ref U: fast-forward existing ref (no commit loss) R: rewind or rebase existing ref (commit loss) REF Affected ref, relative to the git refs/ directory. If it begins with a caret (^), it is treated as a Perl regular expression (with the ^ being its part). If it ends with a /, it is treated as a prefix match, so, e.g., "heads/baz/" matches "refs/heads/baz" and anything below. Otherwise, it must match exactly the affected ref. The rule applies only if its PROJECT and USER parts match the project which is being updated and the user who requests the update, its OP contains the opcode of the requested operation and REF matches the affected ref. Missing REF and/or OP are treated as a match. If no rule applies, the operation is allowed. For example, assume you have the following ACL file: allow myprog %devel U heads/master allow myprog %pm CDUR heads/ allow myprog %pm C ^heads/tags/v\\d+$ allow myprog admin CDUR deny myprog all Then the users from the 'devel' group will be able to push updates to refs/heads/master, the users from the 'pm' group will be allowed to do anything with refs under refs/heads and to create tags with names beginning with 'v' and containing only digits afterwards, and the user 'admin' will be allowed to do anything he pleases. No other users will be allowed to update that repository. Configuration settings: hooks.aclfile STRING Name of the ACL file hooks.acllog STRING Send log info to this file hooks.acldebug BOOL Enable debugging hooks.aclquiet BOOL Suppress diagnostics on stderr =cut my $debug = $ENV{GIT_UPDATE_DEBUG} > 0; my $logfile; my $quiet; my ($user_name) = getpwuid $<; my $git_dir = $ENV{GIT_DIR}; my $ref = $ARGV[0]; my $old = $ARGV[1]; my $new = $ARGV[2]; my $project_name; my $op; my %opstr = ('C' => 'create', 'D' => 'delete', 'U' => 'update', 'R' => 'rewind/rebase'); sub logmsg($$;$) { return 0 unless $logfile; my $status = shift; my $message = shift; my $loc = shift; my $fd; open($fd, $logfile); if ($loc) { print $fd "$status:$loc: $message\n"; } else { print $fd "$status: $message\n"; } close($fd); } sub deny ($;$) { my $msg = shift; my $loc = shift; logmsg("DENY", "$project_name:$user_name:$opstr{$op}:$ref:$old:$new: $msg", $loc); print STDERR "debug: denied by $loc\n" if ($debug and $loc); print STDERR "denied: $msg\n" unless $quiet; exit 1; } sub allow ($) { logmsg("ALLOW", "$project_name:$user_name:$opstr{$op}:$ref:$old:$new", $_[0]); print STDERR "debug: allow $_[0]\n" if $debug; exit 0; } sub info ($) { logmsg("INFO", $_[0]); print STDERR "info: $_[0]\n" if $debug; } sub git_value (@) { my $fd; open($fd,'-|','git',@_); local $_ = <$fd>; chop; close($fd); return $_; } sub match_user($) { my $user = shift; return 1 if ($user eq 'all'); return 0 if ($user eq 'none'); if ($user =~ /^%(.+)/) { my ($name,$passwd,$gid,$members) = getgrnam($1) or return 0; my @a = split(/\s+/,$members); for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#a; $i++) { return 1 if $a[$i] eq $user_name; } } elsif ($user eq $user_name) { return 1; } return 0; } sub match_ref($) { my $expr = shift; return ($ref =~ /$expr/) if ($expr =~ /^\^/); return ("$ref/" eq $expr or index($ref, $expr) == 0) if ($expr =~ /\/$/); return $ref eq $expr; } sub check_acl($$$) { my $project = shift; my $op = shift; my $ref = shift; my $fd; my $line = 0; my @ret; my $filename = git_value('config', 'hooks.aclfile'); allow("no ACL configured for $project") unless defined($filename); open($fd, "<", $filename) or deny("cannot open configuration file: $!"); while (<$fd>) { ++$line; chomp; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/#.*//; next if ($_ eq ""); my @x = split(/\s+/, $_, 5); deny("unknown keyword", "$filename:$line") unless ($x[0] eq 'allow' || $x[0] eq 'deny'); deny("malformed line", "$filename:$line") unless $#x >= 2; next if ($x[1] ne $project); next unless match_user($x[2]); next if ($#x >= 3 && index(uc $x[3], $op) == -1); next if ($#x == 4 && !match_ref($x[4])); allow("$filename:$line") if ($x[0] eq 'allow'); deny("you are not permitted to " . $opstr{$op} . " $ref", "$filename:$line"); } close($fd); allow("default rule"); } #### # Sanity checks deny "don't run this script from the command line" unless ($git_dir); $debug = git_value('config', '--bool', 'hooks.acldebug') unless ($debug); $logfile = git_value('config', 'hooks.acllog'); if ($logfile && $logfile !~ /[>|]/) { $logfile = ">>$logfile"; } $quiet = git_value('config', 'hooks.aclquiet') unless ($debug); deny "need a ref name" unless $ref; deny "bogus ref $ref" unless $ref =~ s,^refs/,,; deny "bad old value $old" unless $old =~ /^[a-z0-9]{40}$/; deny "bad new value $new" unless $new =~ /^[a-z0-9]{40}$/; deny "no such user" unless $user_name; allow "no change requested" if $old eq $new; $project_name = File::Spec->rel2abs($git_dir); $project_name =~ m,/([^/]+)(?:\.git|/\.git)$,; $project_name = $1; if ($old =~ /^0{40}$/) { $op = 'C'; } elsif ($new =~ /^0{40}$/) { $op = 'D'; } elsif ($ref =~ m,^heads/, && $old eq git_value('merge-base',$old,$new)) { $op = 'U'; } else { $op = 'R'; } info "$user_name requested $opstr{$op} on $ref in $project_name"; check_acl($project_name, $op, $ref); # Finis