/* grecs - Gray's Extensible Configuration System Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Sergey Poznyakoff Grecs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Grecs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Grecs. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "grecs.h" struct grecs_sockaddr_hints *grecs_sockaddr_hints; void grecs_value_free_content(struct grecs_value *val) { int i; if (!val) return; switch (val->type) { case GRECS_TYPE_STRING: grecs_free(val->v.string); break; case GRECS_TYPE_LIST: grecs_list_free(val->v.list); break; case GRECS_TYPE_ARRAY: for (i = 0; i < val->v.arg.c; i++) grecs_value_free(val->v.arg.v[i]); free(val->v.arg.v); } } void grecs_value_free(struct grecs_value *val) { grecs_value_free_content(val); grecs_free(val); } const char * grecs_value_type_string(int t) { static const char *types[] = { [GRECS_TYPE_STRING] = N_("string"), [GRECS_TYPE_LIST] = N_("list"), [GRECS_TYPE_ARRAY] = N_("one or more arguments") }; if (t >= 0 && t < sizeof(types) / sizeof(types[0])) return types[t]; return N_("unrecognized type; please report"); } struct grecs_node * grecs_node_create(enum grecs_node_type type, grecs_locus_t *loc) { struct grecs_node *np = grecs_zalloc(sizeof(*np)); np->type = type; if (loc) np->locus = *loc; return np; } struct grecs_node * grecs_node_create_points(enum grecs_node_type type, struct grecs_locus_point beg, struct grecs_locus_point end) { grecs_locus_t loc; loc.beg = beg; loc.end = end; return grecs_node_create(type, &loc); } void grecs_node_bind(struct grecs_node *master, struct grecs_node *node, int dn) { struct grecs_node *np; if (!node) return; if (dn) { if (!master->down) { master->down = node; node->prev = NULL; } else { for (np = master->down; np->next; np = np->next) ; np->next = node; node->prev = np; } for (; node; node = node->next) node->up = master; } else { if (!master->next) { master->next = node; node->prev = master; } else { for (np = master->next; np->next; np = np->next) ; np->next = node; node->prev = np; } node->up = master->up; } } int grecs_node_unlink(struct grecs_node *node) { if (node->prev) node->prev->next = node->next; else if (node->up) node->up->down = node->next; else return 1; if (node->next) node->next->prev = node->prev; node->up = node->prev = node->next = NULL; return 0; } static void listel_dispose(void *el) { grecs_free(el); } struct grecs_list * _grecs_simple_list_create(int dispose) { struct grecs_list *lp = grecs_list_create(); if (dispose) lp->free_entry = listel_dispose; return lp; } static enum grecs_tree_recurse_res _tree_recurse(struct grecs_node *node, grecs_tree_recursor_t recfun, void *data) { enum grecs_tree_recurse_res res; #define CKRES() \ switch (res) { \ case grecs_tree_recurse_fail: \ case grecs_tree_recurse_stop: \ return res; \ default: \ break; \ } while (node) { struct grecs_node *next = node->next; if (node->type == grecs_node_stmt) { res = recfun(grecs_tree_recurse_set, node, data); CKRES(); } else { switch (recfun(grecs_tree_recurse_pre, node, data)) { case grecs_tree_recurse_ok: res = _tree_recurse(node->down, recfun, data); CKRES(); res = recfun(grecs_tree_recurse_post, node, data); CKRES(); break; case grecs_tree_recurse_fail: return grecs_tree_recurse_fail; case grecs_tree_recurse_stop: return grecs_tree_recurse_stop; case grecs_tree_recurse_skip: break; } } node = next; } return grecs_tree_recurse_ok; #undef CKRES } int grecs_tree_recurse(struct grecs_node *node, grecs_tree_recursor_t recfun, void *data) { switch (_tree_recurse(node, recfun, data)) { case grecs_tree_recurse_ok: case grecs_tree_recurse_stop: return 0; default: break; } return 1; } void grecs_node_free(struct grecs_node *node) { if (!node) return; switch (node->type) { case grecs_node_root: grecs_symtab_free(node->v.texttab); break; default: grecs_value_free(node->v.value); } grecs_free(node->ident); grecs_free(node); } static enum grecs_tree_recurse_res freeproc(enum grecs_tree_recurse_op op, struct grecs_node *node, void *data) { switch (op) { case grecs_tree_recurse_set: case grecs_tree_recurse_post: grecs_node_unlink(node); grecs_node_free(node); break; case grecs_tree_recurse_pre: /* descend into the subtree */ break; } return grecs_tree_recurse_ok; } int grecs_tree_free(struct grecs_node *node) { if (!node) return 0; if (node->type != grecs_node_root) { errno = EINVAL; return 1; } grecs_tree_recurse(node, freeproc, NULL); return 0; } static int fake_callback( #if GRECS_TREE_API enum grecs_callback_command cmd, grecs_node_t *node, void *varptr, void *cb_data #else enum grecs_callback_command cmd, grecs_locus_t *locus, void *varptr, grecs_value_t *value, void *cb_data #endif ) { return 0; } static struct grecs_keyword fake = { "*", NULL, NULL, grecs_type_void, GRECS_DFLT, NULL, 0, fake_callback, NULL, &fake }; static struct grecs_keyword * find_keyword(struct grecs_keyword *cursect, grecs_node_t *node) { if (cursect && cursect->kwd && cursect != &fake) { struct grecs_keyword *found = NULL, *kwp; char const *msg; for (kwp = cursect->kwd; kwp->ident; kwp++) { if (strcmp(kwp->ident, node->ident) == 0) { found = kwp; if (kwp->callback || node->down ? kwp->type == grecs_type_section : kwp->type != grecs_type_section) return kwp; } } if (found) { if (found->type == grecs_type_section) { msg = N_("section keyword used as a scalar"); } else { msg = N_("scalar keyword used as a section"); } } else { msg = N_("unknown keyword"); } grecs_error(&node->idloc, 0, "%s", gettext(msg)); } else { return &fake; } return NULL; } static void * target_ptr(struct grecs_keyword *kwp, char *base) { if (kwp->varptr) base = (char*) kwp->varptr + kwp->offset; else if (base) base += kwp->offset; return base; } static int string_to_bool(const char *string, int *pval, grecs_locus_t const *locus) { if (strcmp(string, "yes") == 0 || strcmp(string, "true") == 0 || strcmp(string, "t") == 0 || strcmp(string, "1") == 0) *pval = 1; else if (strcmp(string, "no") == 0 || strcmp(string, "false") == 0 || strcmp(string, "nil") == 0 || strcmp(string, "0") == 0) *pval = 0; else { grecs_error(locus, 0, _("%s: not a valid boolean value"), string); return 1; } return 0; } static int string_to_host(struct in_addr *in, const char *string, grecs_locus_t const *locus) { if (inet_aton(string, in) == 0) { struct hostent *hp; hp = gethostbyname(string); if (hp == NULL) return 1; memcpy(in, hp->h_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)); } return 0; } #if !GRECS_SOCKADDR_LIST static int string_to_sockaddr(struct grecs_sockaddr *sp, const char *string, grecs_locus_t const *locus) { if (string[0] == '/') { struct sockaddr_un s_un; if (strlen(string) >= sizeof(s_un.sun_path)) { grecs_error(locus, 0, _("%s: UNIX socket name too long"), string); return 1; } s_un.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(s_un.sun_path, string); sp->len = sizeof(s_un); sp->sa = grecs_malloc(sp->len); memcpy(sp->sa, &s_un, sp->len); } else { char *p = strchr(string, ':'); size_t len; struct sockaddr_in sa; sa.sin_family = AF_INET; if (p) len = p - string; else len = strlen(string); if (len == 0) sa.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; else { char *host = grecs_malloc(len + 1); memcpy(host, string, len); host[len] = 0; if (string_to_host(&sa.sin_addr, host, locus)) { grecs_error(locus, 0, _("%s: not a valid IP address or hostname"), host); grecs_free(host); return 1; } grecs_free(host); } if (p) { struct servent *serv; p++; serv = getservbyname(p, "tcp"); if (serv != NULL) sa.sin_port = serv->s_port; else { unsigned long l; char *q; /* Not in services, maybe a number? */ l = strtoul(p, &q, 0); if (*q || l > USHRT_MAX) { grecs_error(locus, 0, _("%s: not a valid port number"), p); return 1; } sa.sin_port = htons(l); } } else if (grecs_default_port) sa.sin_port = grecs_default_port; else { grecs_error(locus, 0, _("missing port number")); return 1; } sp->len = sizeof(sa); sp->sa = grecs_malloc(sp->len); memcpy(sp->sa, &sa, sp->len); } return 0; } #endif /* The TYPE_* defines come from gnulib's intprops.h */ /* True if the arithmetic type T is signed. */ # define TYPE_SIGNED(t) (! ((t) 0 < (t) -1)) /* The maximum and minimum values for the integer type T. These macros have undefined behavior if T is signed and has padding bits. */ # define TYPE_MINIMUM(t) \ ((t) (! TYPE_SIGNED(t) \ ? (t) 0 \ : TYPE_SIGNED_MAGNITUDE(t) \ ? ~ (t) 0 \ : ~ TYPE_MAXIMUM(t))) # define TYPE_MAXIMUM(t) \ ((t) (! TYPE_SIGNED(t) \ ? (t) -1 \ : ((((t) 1 << (sizeof(t) * CHAR_BIT - 2)) - 1) * 2 + 1))) # define TYPE_SIGNED_MAGNITUDE(t) ((t) ~ (t) 0 < (t) -1) #define STRTONUM(s, type, base, res, limit, loc) \ { \ type sum = 0; \ \ for (; *s; s++) \ { \ type x; \ \ if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9') \ x = sum * base + *s - '0'; \ else if (base == 16 && 'a' <= *s && *s <= 'f') \ x = sum * base + *s - 'a'; \ else if (base == 16 && 'A' <= *s && *s <= 'F') \ x = sum * base + *s - 'A'; \ else \ break; \ if (x <= sum) \ { \ grecs_error(loc, 0, _("numeric overflow")); \ return 1; \ } \ else if (limit && x > limit) \ { \ grecs_error(loc, 0, _("value out of allowed range")); \ return 1; \ } \ sum = x; \ } \ res = sum; \ } #define STRxTONUM(s, type, res, limit, loc) \ { \ int base; \ if (*s == '0') \ { \ s++; \ if (*s == 0) \ base = 10; \ else if (*s == 'x' || *s == 'X') \ { \ s++; \ base = 16; \ } \ else \ base = 8; \ } else \ base = 10; \ STRTONUM(s, type, base, res, limit, loc); \ } #define GETUNUM(str, type, res, loc) \ { \ type tmpres; \ const char *s = str; \ STRxTONUM(s, type, tmpres, 0, loc); \ if (*s) \ { \ grecs_error(loc, 0, _("not a number (stopped near `%s')"), \ s); \ return 1; \ } \ res = tmpres; \ } #define GETSNUM(str, type, res, loc) \ { \ unsigned type tmpres; \ const char *s = str; \ int sign; \ unsigned type limit; \ \ if (*s == '-') \ { \ sign = 1; \ s++; \ limit = TYPE_MINIMUM(type); \ limit = - limit; \ } \ else \ { \ sign = 0; \ limit = TYPE_MAXIMUM(type); \ } \ \ STRxTONUM(s, unsigned type, tmpres, limit, loc); \ if (*s) \ { \ grecs_error(loc, 0, _("not a number (stopped near `%s')"), s); \ return 1; \ } \ res = sign ? - tmpres : tmpres; \ } int grecs_string_convert(void *target, enum grecs_data_type type, const char *string, grecs_locus_t const *locus) { switch (type) { case grecs_type_void: abort(); case grecs_type_null: break; case grecs_type_string: *(char**)target = grecs_strdup(string); break; case grecs_type_short: GETUNUM(string, short, *(short*)target, locus); break; case grecs_type_ushort: GETUNUM(string, unsigned short, *(unsigned short*)target, locus); break; case grecs_type_bool: return string_to_bool(string, (int*)target, locus); case grecs_type_int: GETSNUM(string, int, *(int*)target, locus); break; case grecs_type_uint: GETUNUM(string, unsigned int, *(unsigned int*)target, locus); break; case grecs_type_long: GETSNUM(string, long, *(long*)target, locus); break; case grecs_type_ulong: GETUNUM(string, unsigned long, *(unsigned long*)target, locus); break; case grecs_type_size: GETUNUM(string, size_t, *(size_t*)target, locus); break; /*FIXME case grecs_type_off: GETSNUM(string, off_t, *(off_t*)target, locus); break; */ case grecs_type_time: /*FIXME: Use getdate */ GETUNUM(string, time_t, *(time_t*)target, locus); break; case grecs_type_ipv4: if (inet_aton(string, (struct in_addr *)target)) { grecs_error(locus, 0, _("%s: not a valid IP address"), string); return 1; } break; case grecs_type_host: if (string_to_host((struct in_addr *)target, string, locus)) { grecs_error(locus, 0, _("%s: not a valid IP address or hostname"), string); return 1; } break; case grecs_type_sockaddr: #if GRECS_SOCKADDR_LIST return grecs_str_to_sockaddr((struct grecs_sockaddr **)target, string, grecs_sockaddr_hints, locus); #else return string_to_sockaddr((struct grecs_sockaddr *)target, string, locus); #endif case grecs_type_cidr: return grecs_str_to_cidr((struct grecs_cidr *)target, string, locus); case grecs_type_section: grecs_error(locus, 0, _("invalid use of block statement")); return 1; } return 0; } struct grecs_prop { size_t size; int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *); }; static int string_cmp(const void *elt1, const void *elt2) { return strcmp((const char *)elt1,(const char *)elt2); } #define __grecs_name_cat__(a,b) a ## b #define NUMCMP(type) __grecs_name_cat__(type,_cmp) #define __DECL_NUMCMP(type,ctype) \ static int \ NUMCMP(type)(const void *elt1, const void *elt2) \ { \ return memcmp(elt1, elt2, sizeof(ctype)); \ } #define DECL_NUMCMP(type) __DECL_NUMCMP(type,type) DECL_NUMCMP(short) DECL_NUMCMP(int) DECL_NUMCMP(long) DECL_NUMCMP(size_t) /*FIXME DECL_NUMCMP(off_t)*/ DECL_NUMCMP(time_t) __DECL_NUMCMP(in_addr, struct in_addr) __DECL_NUMCMP(grecs_sockaddr, struct grecs_sockaddr) static int cidr_cmp(const void *elt1, const void *elt2) { struct grecs_cidr const *cp1 = elt1, *cp2 = elt2; return !(cp1->family == cp2->family && cp1->len == cp2->len && memcmp(cp1->address, cp2->address, cp1->len) == 0 && memcmp(cp1->netmask, cp2->netmask, cp1->len) == 0); } struct grecs_prop grecs_prop_tab[] = { { 0, NULL }, /* grecs_type_void */ { sizeof(char*), string_cmp }, /* grecs_type_string */ { sizeof(short), NUMCMP(short) }, /* grecs_type_short */ { sizeof(unsigned short), NUMCMP(short) }, /* grecs_type_ushort */ { sizeof(int), NUMCMP(int) }, /* grecs_type_int */ { sizeof(unsigned int), NUMCMP(int) }, /* grecs_type_uint */ { sizeof(long), NUMCMP(long) }, /* grecs_type_long */ { sizeof(unsigned long), NUMCMP(long) }, /* grecs_type_ulong */ { sizeof(size_t), NUMCMP(size_t) }, /* grecs_type_size */ #if 0 FIXME { sizeof(off_t), NUMCMP(off_t) }, /* grecs_type_off */ #endif { sizeof(time_t), NUMCMP(time_t) }, /* grecs_type_time */ { sizeof(int), NUMCMP(int) }, /* grecs_type_bool */ { sizeof(struct in_addr), NUMCMP(in_addr) }, /* grecs_type_ipv4 */ { sizeof(struct grecs_cidr), cidr_cmp }, /* grecs_type_cidr */ { sizeof(struct in_addr), NUMCMP(in_addr) }, /* grecs_type_host */ { sizeof(struct grecs_sockaddr), NUMCMP(grecs_sockaddr) }, /* grecs_type_sockaddr */ { 0, NULL }, /* grecs_type_section */ { 0, NULL } /* grecs_type_null */ }; #define grecs_prop_count \ (sizeof(grecs_prop_tab) / sizeof(grecs_prop_tab[0])) void grecs_process_ident(struct grecs_keyword *kwp, grecs_value_t *value, void *base, grecs_locus_t *locus) { void *target; if (!kwp) return; target = target_ptr(kwp, (char *) base); if (kwp->callback) { #if GRECS_TREE_API struct grecs_node node = { 0 }; node.locus = *locus; node.v.value = value; node.ident = (char*) kwp->ident; kwp->callback(grecs_callback_set_value, &node, target, &kwp->callback_data); #else kwp->callback(grecs_callback_set_value, locus, target, value, &kwp->callback_data); #endif } else if (kwp->type == grecs_type_void || target == NULL) return; else if (!value) { grecs_error(locus, 0, "%s has no value", kwp->ident); return; } else if (value->type == GRECS_TYPE_ARRAY) { grecs_error(locus, 0, _("too many arguments to `%s'; missing semicolon?"), kwp->ident); return; } else if (value->type == GRECS_TYPE_LIST) { if (kwp->flags & GRECS_LIST) { struct grecs_list_entry *ep; enum grecs_data_type type = kwp->type; int num = 1; struct grecs_list *list; size_t size; if (type >= grecs_prop_count || (size = grecs_prop_tab[type].size) == 0) { grecs_error(locus, 0, _("INTERNAL ERROR at %s:%d: " "unhandled data type %d"), __FILE__, __LINE__, type); abort(); } list = _grecs_simple_list_create( type == grecs_type_string); list->cmp = grecs_prop_tab[type].cmp; for (ep = value->v.list->head; ep; ep = ep->next) { const grecs_value_t *vp = ep->data; if (vp->type != GRECS_TYPE_STRING) grecs_error(&vp->locus, 0, _("%s: incompatible data type in list item #%d"), kwp->ident, num); else if (type == grecs_type_string) grecs_list_append(list, grecs_strdup(vp->v.string)); else { void *ptr = grecs_malloc(size); if (grecs_string_convert(ptr, type, vp->v.string, &vp->locus) == 0) grecs_list_append(list, ptr); else grecs_free(ptr); } } *(struct grecs_list**)target = list; } else { grecs_error(locus, 0, _("incompatible data type for `%s'"), kwp->ident); return; } } else if (kwp->flags & GRECS_LIST) { struct grecs_list *list; enum grecs_data_type type = kwp->type; size_t size; void *ptr; if (type >= grecs_prop_count || (size = grecs_prop_tab[type].size) == 0) { grecs_error(locus, 0, _("INTERNAL ERROR at %s:%d: unhandled data type %d"), __FILE__, __LINE__, type); abort(); } list = _grecs_simple_list_create(1); list->cmp = grecs_prop_tab[type].cmp; if (type == grecs_type_string) grecs_list_append(list, grecs_strdup(value->v.string)); else { ptr = grecs_malloc(size); if (grecs_string_convert(ptr, type, value->v.string, &value->locus)) { grecs_free(ptr); grecs_list_free(list); return; } grecs_list_append(list, ptr); } *(struct grecs_list**)target = list; } else { if (kwp->type == grecs_type_string && !(kwp->flags & GRECS_CONST)) free(*(char**)target); grecs_string_convert(target, kwp->type, value->v.string, &value->locus); } kwp->flags &= ~GRECS_CONST; } struct nodeproc_closure { struct grecs_keyword *cursect; struct grecs_list *sections; int flags; }; #define CURRENT_BASE(clos) \ ((char*)((clos)->cursect ? (clos)->cursect->callback_data : NULL)) static void stmt_begin(struct nodeproc_closure *clos, struct grecs_keyword *kwp, struct grecs_node *node) { void *target; grecs_list_push(clos->sections, clos->cursect); if (kwp) { target = target_ptr(kwp, CURRENT_BASE(clos)); clos->cursect = kwp; if (kwp->callback) { #if GRECS_TREE_API if (kwp->callback(grecs_callback_section_begin, node, target, &kwp->callback_data)) #else if (kwp->callback(grecs_callback_section_begin, &node->locus, target, node->v.value, &kwp->callback_data)) #endif clos->cursect = &fake; } else kwp->callback_data = target; } else /* install an "ignore-all" section */ clos->cursect = kwp; } static void stmt_end(struct nodeproc_closure *clos, struct grecs_node *node) { grecs_callback_fn callback = NULL; void *dataptr = NULL; struct grecs_keyword *kwp = clos->cursect; if (clos->cursect && clos->cursect->callback) { callback = clos->cursect->callback; dataptr = &clos->cursect->callback_data; } clos->cursect = (struct grecs_keyword *)grecs_list_pop(clos->sections); if (!clos->cursect) abort(); if (callback) #if GRECS_TREE_API callback(grecs_callback_section_end, node, kwp ? target_ptr(kwp, CURRENT_BASE(clos)) : NULL, dataptr); #else callback(grecs_callback_section_end, &node->locus, kwp ? target_ptr(kwp, CURRENT_BASE(clos)) : NULL, NULL, dataptr); #endif if (kwp) kwp->callback_data = NULL; } static enum grecs_tree_recurse_res nodeproc(enum grecs_tree_recurse_op op, struct grecs_node *node, void *data) { struct nodeproc_closure *clos = data; struct grecs_keyword *kwp; switch (op) { case grecs_tree_recurse_set: kwp = find_keyword(clos->cursect, node); if (!kwp) return grecs_tree_recurse_skip; grecs_process_ident(kwp, node->v.value, CURRENT_BASE(clos), &node->idloc); break; case grecs_tree_recurse_pre: kwp = find_keyword(clos->cursect, node); if (!kwp) return grecs_tree_recurse_skip; stmt_begin(clos, kwp, node); break; case grecs_tree_recurse_post: stmt_end(clos, node); break; } return grecs_tree_recurse_ok; } int grecs_tree_process(struct grecs_node *node, struct grecs_keyword *kwd) { int rc; struct nodeproc_closure clos; struct grecs_keyword config_keywords; memset(&config_keywords, 0, sizeof(config_keywords)); config_keywords.kwd = kwd; clos.cursect = &config_keywords; clos.sections = grecs_list_create(); if (node->type == grecs_node_root) node = node->down; rc = grecs_tree_recurse(node, nodeproc, &clos); grecs_list_free(clos.sections); return rc; } int grecs_node_eq(struct grecs_node *a, struct grecs_node *b) { if (a->type != b->type) return 1; if (a->type == grecs_node_root) return 0; if (strcmp(a->ident, b->ident)) return 1; if (a->type == grecs_node_block && !grecs_value_eq(a->v.value, b->v.value)) return 1; return 0; } static void free_value_entry(void *ptr) { struct grecs_value *v = ptr; grecs_value_free(v); } struct grecs_list * grecs_value_list_create() { struct grecs_list *list = grecs_list_create(); list->free_entry = free_value_entry; return list; } static void value_to_list(struct grecs_value *val) { struct grecs_list *list; int i; if (val->type == GRECS_TYPE_LIST) return; list = grecs_value_list_create(); switch (val->type) { case GRECS_TYPE_STRING: grecs_list_append(list, grecs_value_ptr_from_static(val)); break; case GRECS_TYPE_ARRAY: for (i = 0; i < val->v.arg.c; i++) grecs_list_append(list, val->v.arg.v[i]); } val->type = GRECS_TYPE_LIST; val->v.list = list; } static void value_to_array(struct grecs_value *val) { if (val->type == GRECS_TYPE_ARRAY) return; else { struct grecs_value **vp; vp = grecs_calloc(1, sizeof(*vp)); vp[0] = grecs_value_ptr_from_static(val); val->type = GRECS_TYPE_ARRAY; val->v.arg.c = 1; val->v.arg.v = vp; } } static void array_add(struct grecs_value *vx, struct grecs_value *vy) { size_t i; vx->v.arg.v = grecs_realloc(vx->v.arg.v, (vx->v.arg.c + vy->v.arg.c) * sizeof(vx->v.arg.v[0])); for (i = 0; i < vy->v.arg.c; i++) vx->v.arg.v[i + vy->v.arg.c] = vy->v.arg.v[i]; grecs_free(vy->v.arg.v); vy->v.arg.v = NULL; vy->v.arg.c = 0; } static void node_aggregate_stmt(struct grecs_node *dst, struct grecs_node *src, int islist) { if (islist) { struct grecs_list *t; /* Coerce both arguments to lists */ value_to_list(dst->v.value); value_to_list(src->v.value); /* Aggregate two lists in order */ grecs_list_add(src->v.value->v.list, dst->v.value->v.list); /* Swap them */ t = dst->v.value->v.list; dst->v.value->v.list = src->v.value->v.list; src->v.value->v.list = t; } else { value_to_array(dst->v.value); value_to_array(src->v.value); array_add(dst->v.value, src->v.value); } } static void node_merge_stmt(struct grecs_node *to_node, struct grecs_node *from_node, struct grecs_keyword *kwp, int flags) { if (kwp && (flags & GRECS_AGGR) ^ (kwp->flags & GRECS_AGGR) && ((kwp->flags & GRECS_LIST) || kwp->callback)) node_aggregate_stmt(to_node, from_node, kwp->flags & GRECS_LIST); else { grecs_value_free(from_node->v.value); from_node->v.value = NULL; } } static void node_merge_block(struct grecs_node *to_node, struct grecs_node *from_node, struct grecs_keyword *kwp) { struct grecs_node *sp; if (!from_node->down) return; for (sp = from_node->down; ; sp = sp->next) { sp->up = to_node; if (!sp->next) break; } sp->next = to_node->down; to_node->down->prev = sp; to_node->down = from_node->down; from_node->down = NULL; } static int node_reduce(struct grecs_node *node, struct grecs_keyword *kwp, int flags) { struct grecs_node *p; for (p = node->next; p; p = p->next) if (grecs_node_eq(p, node) == 0) break; if (p) { switch (node->type) { case grecs_node_root: return 0; case grecs_node_stmt: node_merge_stmt(p, node, kwp, flags); break; case grecs_node_block: node_merge_block(p, node, kwp); break; } grecs_node_unlink(node); grecs_node_free(node); return 1; } return 0; } static enum grecs_tree_recurse_res reduceproc(enum grecs_tree_recurse_op op, struct grecs_node *node, void *data) { struct nodeproc_closure *clos = data; if (op == grecs_tree_recurse_post) { if (clos->sections) clos->cursect = (struct grecs_keyword *) grecs_list_pop(clos->sections); } else { struct grecs_keyword *kwp = NULL; if (clos->cursect) { kwp = find_keyword(clos->cursect, node); if (!kwp) return grecs_tree_recurse_skip; if (kwp->flags & GRECS_INAC) return grecs_tree_recurse_skip; if (!(kwp->flags & GRECS_MULT) && node_reduce(node, kwp, clos->flags)) return grecs_tree_recurse_skip; if (op == grecs_tree_recurse_pre) { grecs_list_push(clos->sections, clos->cursect); clos->cursect = kwp; } } else if (node_reduce(node, kwp, clos->flags)) return grecs_tree_recurse_skip; } return grecs_tree_recurse_ok; } int grecs_tree_reduce(struct grecs_node *node, struct grecs_keyword *kwd, int flags) { int rc; struct nodeproc_closure clos; struct grecs_keyword config_keywords; memset(&config_keywords, 0, sizeof(config_keywords)); config_keywords.kwd = kwd; if (kwd) { clos.cursect = &config_keywords; clos.sections = grecs_list_create(); } else { clos.cursect = NULL; clos.sections = NULL; } clos.flags = flags; rc = grecs_tree_recurse(node->down, reduceproc, &clos); grecs_list_free(clos.sections); return rc; } struct grecs_node * grecs_tree_first_node(struct grecs_node *tree) { if (tree->type == grecs_node_root) return tree->down; return tree; } struct grecs_node * grecs_next_node(struct grecs_node *node) { if (!node) return NULL; if (node->down) return node->down; while (!node->next) { node = node->up; if (!node || node->type == grecs_node_root) return NULL; } return node->next; }