/* grecs - Gray's Extensible Configuration System -*- c -*- */ %option nounput %option noinput %top { #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif } %{ /* grecs - Gray's Extensible Configuration System Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Sergey Poznyakoff Grecs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Grecs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Grecs. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static char *multiline_delimiter; static size_t multiline_delimiter_len; static int multiline_unescape; /* Unescape here-document contents */ static int (*char_to_strip)(char); /* Strip matching characters of each here-document line */ struct grecs_locus_point grecs_current_locus_point; /* Input file location */ /* Line correction. Equals to the number of #line directives inserted into the input by the preprocessor instance. The external preprocessor, if any, counts these as input lines and therefore the line numbers in *its* #line directives are offset by the value of XLINES. Uff, running two preprocessors is confusing... */ static size_t xlines; static void multiline_begin(char *); static void multiline_add(char *); static char *multiline_strip_tabs(char *text); static int ident(void); static int isemptystr(int off); static void qstring_locus_fixup(void); #undef YY_INPUT #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \ do { \ if (grecs_preprocessor) \ result = fread(buf, 1, max_size, yyin); \ else \ result = grecs_preproc_fill_buffer(buf, max_size); \ } while(0) #define YY_USER_ACTION do { \ if (YYSTATE == 0) { \ yylloc.beg = grecs_current_locus_point; \ yylloc.beg.col++; \ } \ grecs_current_locus_point.col += yyleng; \ yylloc.end = grecs_current_locus_point; \ } while (0); %} %x COMMENT ML STR WS [ \t\f][ \t\f]* ID [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9-]* P [1-9][0-9]* %% /* C-style comments */ "/*" BEGIN(COMMENT); [^*\n]* /* eat anything that's not a '*' */ "*"+[^*/\n]* /* eat up '*'s not followed by '/'s */ \n grecs_locus_point_advance_line(grecs_current_locus_point); "*"+"/" BEGIN(INITIAL); /* Line directive */ ^[ \t]*#[ \t]*{P}[ \t]+\".*\".*\n { grecs_parse_line_directive_cpp(yytext, &yylloc, &grecs_current_locus_point, &xlines); } ^[ \t]*#[ \t]*line[ \t].*\n { grecs_parse_line_directive(yytext, &yylloc, &grecs_current_locus_point, &xlines); } /* End-of-line comments */ #.*\n { grecs_locus_point_advance_line(grecs_current_locus_point); } #.* /* end-of-file comment */; "//".*\n { grecs_locus_point_advance_line(grecs_current_locus_point); } "//".* /* end-of-file comment */; /* Identifiers */ {ID} return ident(); /* Strings */ [a-zA-Z0-9_\.\*/:@\[\]-]([a-zA-Z0-9_\./:@\[\]-][a-zA-Z0-9_\.\*/:@\[\]-]*)? { grecs_line_begin(); grecs_line_add(yytext, yyleng); yylval.string = grecs_line_finish(); return STRING; } /* Quoted strings */ \"[^\\"\n]*\" { grecs_line_begin(); grecs_line_add(yytext + 1, yyleng - 2); yylval.string = grecs_line_finish(); qstring_locus_fixup(); return QSTRING; } \"[^\\"\n]*\\\n { BEGIN(STR); grecs_line_begin(); grecs_line_acc_grow_unescape_last(yytext + 1, yyleng - 1); grecs_locus_point_advance_line(grecs_current_locus_point); } \"[^\\"\n]*\\. { BEGIN(STR); grecs_line_begin(); grecs_line_acc_grow_unescape_last(yytext + 1, yyleng - 1); } \"[^\\"\n]*\\\n { grecs_line_acc_grow_unescape_last(yytext, yyleng); grecs_locus_point_advance_line(grecs_current_locus_point); } [^\\"\n]*\\. { grecs_line_acc_grow_unescape_last(yytext, yyleng); } [^\\"\n]*\" { BEGIN(INITIAL); if (yyleng > 1) grecs_line_add(yytext, yyleng - 1); yylval.string = grecs_line_finish(); qstring_locus_fixup(); return QSTRING; } /* Multiline strings */ "<<"(-" "?)?\\?{ID}[ \t]*#.*\n | "<<"(-" "?)?\\?{ID}[ \t]*"//".*\n | "<<"(-" "?)?\\?{ID}[ \t]*\n | "<<"(-" "?)?\"{ID}\"[ \t]*#.*\n | "<<"(-" "?)?\"{ID}\"[ \t]*"//".*\n | "<<"(-" "?)?\"{ID}\"[ \t]*\n { BEGIN(ML); multiline_begin(yytext+2); } /* Ignore m4 line statements */ ^"#line ".*\n { grecs_locus_point_advance_line(grecs_current_locus_point); } .*\n { char *p = multiline_strip_tabs(yytext); if (!strncmp(p, multiline_delimiter, multiline_delimiter_len) && isemptystr(p + multiline_delimiter_len - yytext)) { grecs_free(multiline_delimiter); multiline_delimiter = NULL; BEGIN(INITIAL); yylval.string = grecs_line_finish(); /* Update end pos */ yylloc.end.line--; for (yylloc.end.col = 0, p = yylval.string + strlen(yylval.string) - 1; p > yylval.string && p[-1] != '\n'; yylloc.end.col++, p--); if (yylloc.end.col == 0) yylloc.end.col = 1; return MSTRING; } grecs_locus_point_advance_line(grecs_current_locus_point); multiline_add(p); } {WS} ; /* Other tokens */ \n { grecs_locus_point_advance_line(grecs_current_locus_point); } [,;{}()] return yytext[0]; . { if (isascii(yytext[0]) && isprint(yytext[0])) grecs_error(&yylloc, 0, _("stray character %c"), yytext[0]); else grecs_error(&yylloc, 0, _("stray character \\%03o"), (unsigned char) yytext[0]); } %% pid_t grecs_preproc_pid; int yywrap() { if (yyin) { grecs_preproc_extrn_shutdown(grecs_preproc_pid); fclose(yyin); } else grecs_preproc_done(); grecs_current_locus_point.file = NULL; return 1; } int grecs_lex_begin(const char *name, int trace) { yy_flex_debug = trace; grecs_line_acc_create(); if (grecs_preprocessor) { int fd; fd = open(name, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { grecs_error(NULL, errno, _("Cannot open `%s'"), name); return 1; } close(fd); yyin = grecs_preproc_extrn_start(name, &grecs_preproc_pid); if (!yyin) { grecs_error(NULL, errno, _("Unable to start external preprocessor `%s'"), grecs_preprocessor); return 1; } } else return grecs_preproc_init(name); return 0; } void grecs_lex_end(int err) { grecs_line_acc_free(); } static int isemptystr(int off) { for (; yytext[off] && isspace(yytext[off]); off++) ; if (yytext[off] == ';') { int i; for (i = off + 1; yytext[i]; i++) if (!isspace(yytext[i])) return 0; yyless(off); return 1; } return yytext[off] == 0; } char * multiline_strip_tabs(char *text) { if (char_to_strip) for (; *text && char_to_strip(*text); text++) ; return text; } static void multiline_add(char *s) { if (multiline_unescape) { for (; *s; s++) { if (*s == '\\') { grecs_line_acc_grow_char_unescape(s[1]); ++s; } else grecs_line_acc_grow_char(*s); } } else grecs_line_add(s, strlen(s)); } static int is_tab(char c) { return c == '\t'; } static int is_ws(char c) { return c == '\t' || c == ' '; } void multiline_begin(char *p) { if (*p == '-') { if (*++p == ' ') { char_to_strip = is_ws; p++; } else char_to_strip = is_tab; } else char_to_strip = NULL; if (*p == '\\') { p++; multiline_unescape = 0; multiline_delimiter_len = strcspn(p, " \t"); } else if (*p == '"') { char *q; p++; multiline_unescape = 0; q = strchr(p, '"'); multiline_delimiter_len = q - p; } else { multiline_delimiter_len = strcspn(p, " \t"); multiline_unescape = 1; } /* Remove trailing newline */ multiline_delimiter_len--; multiline_delimiter = grecs_malloc(multiline_delimiter_len + 1); memcpy(multiline_delimiter, p, multiline_delimiter_len); multiline_delimiter[multiline_delimiter_len] = 0; grecs_line_begin(); /* Update locus */ grecs_locus_point_advance_line(grecs_current_locus_point); yylloc.beg = grecs_current_locus_point; yylloc.beg.col++; } static int ident() { char *p; char *str; size_t len; for (p = yytext; *p && isspace(*p); p++) ; len = strlen(p); str = grecs_malloc(len + 1); strcpy(str, p); yylval.string = str; return IDENT; } static void qstring_locus_fixup() { if (grecs_adjust_string_locations) { yylloc.beg.col++; yylloc.end.col--; } } grecs_value_t * grecs_value_ptr_from_static(grecs_value_t *input) { grecs_value_t *ptr = grecs_malloc(sizeof(*ptr)); *ptr = *input; return ptr; } static int assign_locus(struct grecs_locus_point *ploc, char *name, char *line, size_t *pxlines) { char *p; if (name) { if (pxlines && (!ploc->file || strcmp(name, ploc->file))) *pxlines = 0; ploc->file = grecs_install_text(name); } ploc->line = strtoul(line, &p, 10) - (pxlines ? *pxlines : 0); ploc->col = 0; return *p != 0; } void grecs_parse_line_directive(char *text, grecs_locus_t *ploc, struct grecs_locus_point *ppoint, size_t *pxlines) { int rc = 1; struct wordsplit ws; if (wordsplit(text, &ws, WRDSF_DEFFLAGS)) grecs_error(ploc, 0, _("cannot parse #line line: %s"), wordsplit_strerror(&ws)); else { if (ws.ws_wordc == 2) rc = assign_locus(ppoint, NULL, ws.ws_wordv[1], pxlines); else if (ws.ws_wordc == 3) rc = assign_locus(ppoint, ws.ws_wordv[2], ws.ws_wordv[1], pxlines); else if (ws.ws_wordc == 4) { rc = assign_locus(ppoint, ws.ws_wordv[2], ws.ws_wordv[1], 0); if (pxlines && rc == 0) { char *p; unsigned long x = strtoul(ws.ws_wordv[3], &p, 10); rc = *p != 0; if (rc == 0) *pxlines = x; } } else grecs_error(ploc, 0, _("invalid #line statement")); if (rc) grecs_error(ploc, 0, _("malformed #line statement")); wordsplit_free(&ws); } } void grecs_parse_line_directive_cpp(char *text, grecs_locus_t *ploc, struct grecs_locus_point *ppoint, size_t *pxlines) { struct wordsplit ws; if (wordsplit(text, &ws, WRDSF_DEFFLAGS)) { grecs_error(ploc, 0, _("cannot parse #line line: %s"), wordsplit_strerror(&ws)); return; } else if (ws.ws_wordc < 3) grecs_error(ploc, 0, _("invalid #line statement")); else { if (assign_locus(ppoint, ws.ws_wordv[2], ws.ws_wordv[1], pxlines)) grecs_error(ploc, 0, _("malformed #line statement")); } wordsplit_free(&ws); }