path: root/lib/App/Glacier/Command/Get.pm
diff options
authorSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2017-05-21 10:17:38 +0300
committerSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org.ua>2017-05-21 10:42:28 +0300
commit0ef4b6de1ddac63549ba289fe1cd0270386b5426 (patch)
tree8049eed2f217c1bf17aca58b95adc86b570fd17b /lib/App/Glacier/Command/Get.pm
parentd2e0434acd323e9fb39546b96519173822640092 (diff)
Implement get and purge
* glacier: Register purge and get * lib/App/Glacier/Command.pm (getyn): New method. * lib/App/Glacier/Command/DeleteFile.pm: Don't invalidate directory on completion. * lib/App/Glacier/Command/Get.pm: New file. * lib/App/Glacier/Command/Purge.pm: New file. * lib/App/Glacier/Command/ListVault.pm (get_vault_inventory): Only check for DIR_PENDING. DIR_OUTDATED is mostly irrelevant, because the inventory can be as much as 24 hours old. * lib/App/Glacier/Command/Put.pm: Fix argument checking. Don't invalidate directory on completion. * lib/App/Glacier/Job.pm: Implement debugging. * lib/App/Glacier/Job/FileRetrieval.pm: Bugfixes.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/App/Glacier/Command/Get.pm')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/App/Glacier/Command/Get.pm b/lib/App/Glacier/Command/Get.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd3ca37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/App/Glacier/Command/Get.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+package App::Glacier::Command::Get;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use App::Glacier::Command;
+use App::Glacier::Job::FileRetrieval;
+use App::Glacier::DateTime;
+use parent qw(App::Glacier::Command);
+use Carp;
+=head1 NAME
+glacier get - download file from a vault
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<glacier put>
+[B<-s> I<N>]
+[B<-j> I<NJOBS>]
+use constant {
+sub getopt {
+ my ($self, %opts) = @_;
+ $self->{_options}{ifexists} = IFEXISTS_OVERWRITE; # Default
+ $self->SUPER::getopt(
+ 'interactive|i' => sub { $self->{_options}{ifexists} = IFEXISTS_ASK },
+ 'force|f' => sub { $self->{_options}{ifexists} = IFEXISTS_OVERWRITE },
+ 'no-clobber|f' => sub { $self->{_options}{ifexists} = IFEXISTS_KEEP },
+ 'part-size|s=i' => \$self->{_options}{part_size},
+ 'jobs|j=i' => \$self->{_options}{jobs},
+ 'test|t' => \$self->{_options}{test},
+ %opts);
+sub run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->abend(EX_USAGE, "two or three arguments expected")
+ unless @_ == 2 || @_ == 3;
+ my ($vaultname, $filespec, $localname) = @_;
+ $filespec =~ /^(?<file>.+?)(?:(?<!\\);(?<ver>\d+))?$/
+ or die "unexpected failure";
+ my ($filename, $ver) = ($+{file}, $+{ver});
+ $localname = $filename unless defined($localname);
+ if (-e $localname) {
+ if ($self->{_options}{ifexists} == IFEXISTS_ASK) {
+ $self->{_options}{ifexists} =
+ $self->getyn("\"$localname\" already exists, overwrite")
+ }
+ if ($self->{_options}{ifexists} == IFEXISTS_KEEP) {
+ exit(EX_NOPERM);
+ }
+ }
+ my $job = new App::Glacier::Job::FileRetrieval($self, $vaultname,
+ $filename, $ver);
+ if ($self->{_options}{test}) {
+ $self->error("downloading file $filename initialized on",
+ $job->get('CreationDate')->canned_format('full-iso'));
+ $self->error("job id:", $job->id);
+ $self->error("current status:", $job->get('StatusCode'));
+ if ($job->is_completed) {
+ $self->error("completed on",
+ $job->get('CompletionDate')->canned_format('full-iso'));
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ if ($job->is_completed) {
+ $self->download($job, $localname);
+ } else {
+ $self->abend(EX_TEMPFAIL,
+ "archive retrieval job for $vaultname:$filespec initiated at " .
+ $job->get('CreationDate')->canned_format
+ . "; please retry later to download the file");
+ }
+sub download {
+ my ($self, $job, $localname) = @_;
+ use threads;
+ use threads::shared;
+ my $fd :shared;
+ open($fd, '>', $localname)
+ or $self->abort(EX_FAILURE, "can't open $localname: $!");
+ binmode($fd);
+ truncate($fd, 0);
+ my $archive_size = $job->get('ArchiveSizeInBytes');
+ my $njobs = $self->{_options}{jobs} || 1;
+ my $part_size = $self->{_options}{part_size} || 10*1024*1024*1024; # FIXME
+ my $glacier = $self->{_glacier};
+ my $tree_hash;
+ if ($njobs <= 1 || $archive_size < $part_size) {
+ # simple download
+ my $res;
+ ($res, $tree_hash) = $glacier->get_job_output($job->vault, $job->id);
+ syswrite($fd, $res);
+ } else {
+ use Fcntl qw(SEEK_SET);
+ $self->debug(1,
+ "downloading ".$job->file_name(1)." to $localname in chunks of $part_size bytes, in $njobs jobs");
+ my @part_hashes = ();
+ my $read_bytes;
+ my $rest_size = $archive_size;
+ my $off = 0;
+ my $part_idx = 0;
+ while ($rest_size) {
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $njobs && $rest_size; $i++) {
+ if ($rest_size < $part_size) {
+ $part_size = $rest_size;
+ }
+ my ($thr) = threads->create(
+ sub {
+ my ($part_idx, $off) = @_;
+ my $range = $off . '-' . ($off + $part_size);
+ my ($res, $hash) =
+ $glacier->get_job_output($job->vault,
+ $job->id, $range);
+ lock $fd;
+ seek($fd, $off, SEEK_SET);
+ syswrite($fd, $res);
+ return ($part_idx, $hash);
+ },
+ $part_idx, $off);
+ $part_idx++;
+ $off += $part_size;
+ $rest_size -= $part_size;
+ }
+ $self->debug(2, "waiting for the bunch to finish");
+ while (threads->list()) {
+ foreach my $thr (threads->list(threads::joinable)) {
+ # FIXME: error handling
+ my ($idx, $hash) = $thr->join()
+ or croak "thread $thr failed";
+ $part_hashes[$idx] = $hash;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $tree_hash = $glacier->_tree_hash_from_array_ref(\@part_hashes);
+ }
+ close($fd);
+ if ($tree_hash ne $job->get('ArchiveSHA256TreeHash')) {
+ unlink $localname;
+ $self->abend(EX_SOFTWARE, "downloaded file is corrupt");
+ }

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