/* bucket.c - The routines for playing with hash buckets. */ /* This file is part of GDBM, the GNU data base manager. Copyright (C) 1990-1991, 1993, 2007, 2011, 2013, 2016-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDBM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GDBM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GDBM. If not, see . */ #include "autoconf.h" #include "gdbmdefs.h" #include #define GDBM_MAX_DIR_SIZE INT_MAX #define GDBM_MAX_DIR_HALF (GDBM_MAX_DIR_SIZE / 2) /* Initializing a new hash buckets sets all bucket entries to -1 hash value. */ void _gdbm_new_bucket (GDBM_FILE dbf, hash_bucket *bucket, int bits) { int index; /* Initialize the avail block. */ bucket->av_count = 0; /* Set the information fields first. */ bucket->bucket_bits = bits; bucket->count = 0; /* Initialize all bucket elements. */ for (index = 0; index < dbf->header->bucket_elems; index++) bucket->h_table[index].hash_value = -1; } /* Return true if the directory entry at DIR_INDEX can be considered valid. This means that DIR_INDEX is in the valid range for addressing the dir array, and the offset stored in dir[DIR_INDEX] points past first two blocks in file. This does not necessarily mean that there's a valid bucket or data block at that offset. All this implies is that it is safe to use the offset for look up in the bucket cache and to attempt to read a block at that offset. */ int gdbm_dir_entry_valid_p (GDBM_FILE dbf, int dir_index) { return dir_index >= 0 && dir_index < GDBM_DIR_COUNT (dbf) && dbf->dir[dir_index] >= dbf->header->block_size; } /* Find a bucket for DBF that is pointed to by the bucket directory from location DIR_INDEX. The bucket cache is first checked to see if it is already in memory. If not, a bucket may be tossed to read the new bucket. On success, the requested bucket becomes the "current" bucket and dbf->bucket points to the correct bucket. On error, the current bucket remains unchanged. */ int _gdbm_get_bucket (GDBM_FILE dbf, int dir_index) { int rc; off_t bucket_adr; /* The address of the correct hash bucket. */ off_t file_pos; /* The return address for lseek. */ int index; /* Loop index. */ if (!gdbm_dir_entry_valid_p (dbf, dir_index)) { /* FIXME: negative caching? */ GDBM_SET_ERRNO (dbf, GDBM_BAD_DIR_ENTRY, TRUE); return -1; } /* Initial set up. */ dbf->bucket_dir = dir_index; bucket_adr = dbf->dir[dir_index]; if (dbf->bucket_cache == NULL) { if (_gdbm_init_cache (dbf, DEFAULT_CACHESIZE) == -1) { _gdbm_fatal (dbf, _("couldn't init cache")); return -1; } } /* If that one is not already current, we must find it. */ if (dbf->cache_entry->ca_adr != bucket_adr) { size_t lru; hash_bucket *bucket; /* Look in the cache. */ for (index = 0; index < dbf->cache_size; index++) { if (dbf->bucket_cache[index].ca_adr == bucket_adr) { dbf->bucket = dbf->bucket_cache[index].ca_bucket; dbf->cache_entry = &dbf->bucket_cache[index]; return 0; } } /* It is not in the cache, read it from the disk. */ /* Position the file pointer */ file_pos = gdbm_file_seek (dbf, bucket_adr, SEEK_SET); if (file_pos != bucket_adr) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (dbf, GDBM_FILE_SEEK_ERROR, TRUE); _gdbm_fatal (dbf, _("lseek error")); return -1; } /* Flush and drop the last recently used cache entry */ lru = (dbf->last_read + 1) % dbf->cache_size; if (dbf->bucket_cache[lru].ca_changed) { if (_gdbm_write_bucket (dbf, &dbf->bucket_cache[lru])) return -1; } _gdbm_cache_entry_invalidate (dbf, lru); /* Read the bucket. */ rc = _gdbm_full_read (dbf, dbf->bucket_cache[lru].ca_bucket, dbf->header->bucket_size); if (rc) { GDBM_DEBUG (GDBM_DEBUG_ERR, "%s: error reading bucket: %s", dbf->name, gdbm_db_strerror (dbf)); dbf->need_recovery = TRUE; _gdbm_fatal (dbf, gdbm_db_strerror (dbf)); return -1; } /* Validate the bucket */ bucket = dbf->bucket_cache[lru].ca_bucket; if (!(bucket->count >= 0 && bucket->count <= dbf->header->bucket_elems && bucket->bucket_bits >= 0 && bucket->bucket_bits <= dbf->header->dir_bits)) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (dbf, GDBM_BAD_BUCKET, TRUE); return -1; } /* Validate bucket_avail table */ if (gdbm_bucket_avail_table_validate (dbf, bucket)) return -1; /* Finally, store it in cache */ dbf->last_read = lru; dbf->bucket_cache[lru].ca_adr = bucket_adr; dbf->bucket = dbf->bucket_cache[lru].ca_bucket; dbf->cache_entry = &dbf->bucket_cache[lru]; dbf->cache_entry->ca_data.elem_loc = -1; dbf->cache_entry->ca_changed = FALSE; } return 0; } int _gdbm_read_bucket_at (GDBM_FILE dbf, off_t off, hash_bucket *bucket, size_t size) { off_t file_pos; int i; if (dbf->cache_entry && dbf->cache_entry->ca_adr == off) { memcpy (bucket, dbf->bucket, size); return 0; } /* Look in the cache. */ for (i = 0; i < dbf->cache_size; i++) { if (dbf->bucket_cache[i].ca_adr == off) { memcpy (bucket, dbf->bucket_cache[i].ca_bucket, size); return 0; } } /* Read the bucket. */ file_pos = gdbm_file_seek (dbf, off, SEEK_SET); if (file_pos != off) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (dbf, GDBM_FILE_SEEK_ERROR, TRUE); return -1; } if (_gdbm_full_read (dbf, bucket, size)) { GDBM_DEBUG (GDBM_DEBUG_ERR, "%s: error reading bucket: %s", dbf->name, gdbm_db_strerror (dbf)); return -1; } return 0; } /* Split the current bucket. This includes moving all items in the bucket to a new bucket. This doesn't require any disk reads because all hash values are stored in the buckets. Splitting the current bucket may require doubling the size of the hash directory. */ int _gdbm_split_bucket (GDBM_FILE dbf, int next_insert) { hash_bucket *bucket[2]; /* Pointers to the new buckets. */ int new_bits; /* The number of bits for the new buckets. */ int cache_0; /* Location in the cache for the buckets. */ int cache_1; off_t adr_0; /* File address of the new bucket 0. */ off_t adr_1; /* File address of the new bucket 1. */ avail_elem old_bucket; /* Avail Struct for the old bucket. */ off_t dir_start0; /* Used in updating the directory. */ off_t dir_start1; off_t dir_end; off_t *new_dir; /* Pointer to the new directory. */ off_t dir_adr; /* Address of the new directory. */ int dir_size; /* Size of the new directory. */ off_t old_adr[GDBM_HASH_BITS]; /* Address of the old directories. */ int old_size[GDBM_HASH_BITS]; /* Size of the old directories. */ int old_count; /* Number of old directories. */ int index; /* Used in array indexing. */ int index1; /* Used in array indexing. */ int elem_loc; /* Location in new bucket to put element. */ bucket_element *old_el; /* Pointer into the old bucket. */ int select; /* Used to index bucket during movement. */ /* No directories are yet old. */ old_count = 0; if (dbf->bucket_cache == NULL) { if (_gdbm_init_cache (dbf, DEFAULT_CACHESIZE) == -1) { _gdbm_fatal (dbf, _("couldn't init cache")); return -1; } } while (dbf->bucket->count == dbf->header->bucket_elems) { /* Initialize the "new" buckets in the cache. */ do { dbf->last_read = (dbf->last_read + 1) % dbf->cache_size; cache_0 = dbf->last_read; } while (dbf->bucket_cache[cache_0].ca_bucket == dbf->bucket); bucket[0] = dbf->bucket_cache[cache_0].ca_bucket; if (dbf->bucket_cache[cache_0].ca_changed) { if (_gdbm_write_bucket (dbf, &dbf->bucket_cache[cache_0])) return -1; } do { dbf->last_read = (dbf->last_read + 1) % dbf->cache_size; cache_1 = dbf->last_read; } while (dbf->bucket_cache[cache_1].ca_bucket == dbf->bucket); bucket[1] = dbf->bucket_cache[cache_1].ca_bucket; if (dbf->bucket_cache[cache_1].ca_changed) { if (_gdbm_write_bucket (dbf, &dbf->bucket_cache[cache_1])) return -1; } new_bits = dbf->bucket->bucket_bits + 1; _gdbm_new_bucket (dbf, bucket[0], new_bits); _gdbm_new_bucket (dbf, bucket[1], new_bits); adr_0 = _gdbm_alloc (dbf, dbf->header->bucket_size); if (adr_0 == 0) return -1; dbf->bucket_cache[cache_0].ca_adr = adr_0; adr_1 = _gdbm_alloc (dbf, dbf->header->bucket_size); if (adr_1 == 0) return -1; dbf->bucket_cache[cache_1].ca_adr = adr_1; /* Double the directory size if necessary. */ if (dbf->header->dir_bits == dbf->bucket->bucket_bits) { if (dbf->header->dir_size >= GDBM_MAX_DIR_HALF) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (dbf, GDBM_DIR_OVERFLOW, TRUE); _gdbm_fatal (dbf, _("directory overflow")); return -1; } dir_size = dbf->header->dir_size * 2; dir_adr = _gdbm_alloc (dbf, dir_size); if (dir_adr == 0) return -1; new_dir = malloc (dir_size); if (new_dir == NULL) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (dbf, GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR, TRUE); _gdbm_fatal (dbf, _("malloc error")); return -1; } for (index = 0; index < GDBM_DIR_COUNT (dbf); index++) { new_dir[2*index] = dbf->dir[index]; new_dir[2*index+1] = dbf->dir[index]; } /* Update header. */ old_adr[old_count] = dbf->header->dir; dbf->header->dir = dir_adr; old_size[old_count] = dbf->header->dir_size; dbf->header->dir_size = dir_size; dbf->header->dir_bits = new_bits; old_count++; /* Now update dbf. */ dbf->header_changed = TRUE; dbf->bucket_dir *= 2; free (dbf->dir); dbf->dir = new_dir; } /* Copy all elements in dbf->bucket into the new buckets. */ for (index = 0; index < dbf->header->bucket_elems; index++) { old_el = &dbf->bucket->h_table[index]; select = (old_el->hash_value >> (GDBM_HASH_BITS - new_bits)) & 1; elem_loc = old_el->hash_value % dbf->header->bucket_elems; while (bucket[select]->h_table[elem_loc].hash_value != -1) elem_loc = (elem_loc + 1) % dbf->header->bucket_elems; bucket[select]->h_table[elem_loc] = *old_el; bucket[select]->count++; } /* Allocate avail space for the bucket[1]. */ bucket[1]->bucket_avail[0].av_adr = _gdbm_alloc (dbf, dbf->header->block_size); if (bucket[1]->bucket_avail[0].av_adr == 0) return -1; bucket[1]->bucket_avail[0].av_size = dbf->header->block_size; bucket[1]->av_count = 1; /* Copy the avail elements in dbf->bucket to bucket[0]. */ bucket[0]->av_count = dbf->bucket->av_count; index = 0; index1 = 0; if (bucket[0]->av_count == BUCKET_AVAIL) { /* The avail is full, move the first one to bucket[1]. */ _gdbm_put_av_elem (dbf->bucket->bucket_avail[0], bucket[1]->bucket_avail, &bucket[1]->av_count, dbf->coalesce_blocks); index = 1; bucket[0]->av_count--; } for (; index < dbf->bucket->av_count; index++) { bucket[0]->bucket_avail[index1++] = dbf->bucket->bucket_avail[index]; } /* Update the directory. We have new file addresses for both buckets. */ dir_start1 = (dbf->bucket_dir >> (dbf->header->dir_bits - new_bits)) | 1; dir_end = (dir_start1 + 1) << (dbf->header->dir_bits - new_bits); dir_start1 = dir_start1 << (dbf->header->dir_bits - new_bits); dir_start0 = dir_start1 - (dir_end - dir_start1); for (index = dir_start0; index < dir_start1; index++) dbf->dir[index] = adr_0; for (index = dir_start1; index < dir_end; index++) dbf->dir[index] = adr_1; /* Set changed flags. */ dbf->bucket_cache[cache_0].ca_changed = TRUE; dbf->bucket_cache[cache_1].ca_changed = TRUE; dbf->bucket_changed = TRUE; dbf->directory_changed = TRUE; dbf->second_changed = TRUE; /* Update the cache! */ dbf->bucket_dir = _gdbm_bucket_dir (dbf, next_insert); /* Invalidate old cache entry. */ old_bucket.av_adr = dbf->cache_entry->ca_adr; old_bucket.av_size = dbf->header->bucket_size; dbf->cache_entry->ca_adr = 0; dbf->cache_entry->ca_changed = FALSE; /* Set dbf->bucket to the proper bucket. */ if (dbf->dir[dbf->bucket_dir] == adr_0) { dbf->bucket = bucket[0]; dbf->cache_entry = &dbf->bucket_cache[cache_0]; _gdbm_put_av_elem (old_bucket, bucket[1]->bucket_avail, &bucket[1]->av_count, dbf->coalesce_blocks); } else { dbf->bucket = bucket[1]; dbf->cache_entry = &dbf->bucket_cache[cache_1]; _gdbm_put_av_elem (old_bucket, bucket[0]->bucket_avail, &bucket[0]->av_count, dbf->coalesce_blocks); } } /* Get rid of old directories. */ for (index = 0; index < old_count; index++) if (_gdbm_free (dbf, old_adr[index], old_size[index])) return -1; return 0; } /* The only place where a bucket is written. CA_ENTRY is the cache entry containing the bucket to be written. */ int _gdbm_write_bucket (GDBM_FILE dbf, cache_elem *ca_entry) { int rc; off_t file_pos; /* The return value for lseek. */ file_pos = gdbm_file_seek (dbf, ca_entry->ca_adr, SEEK_SET); if (file_pos != ca_entry->ca_adr) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (dbf, GDBM_FILE_SEEK_ERROR, TRUE); _gdbm_fatal (dbf, _("lseek error")); return -1; } rc = _gdbm_full_write (dbf, ca_entry->ca_bucket, dbf->header->bucket_size); if (rc) { GDBM_DEBUG (GDBM_DEBUG_STORE|GDBM_DEBUG_ERR, "%s: error writing bucket: %s", dbf->name, gdbm_db_strerror (dbf)); _gdbm_fatal (dbf, gdbm_strerror (rc)); return -1; } ca_entry->ca_changed = FALSE; ca_entry->ca_data.hash_val = -1; ca_entry->ca_data.elem_loc = -1; return 0; }