# Run as this user. # Argument must be either login name of a user listed in the user database, # or a numeric UID prefixed with a plus sign. #user root # Run as this primary group. # Argument must be either the name of a group listed in the user database, # or a numeric GID prefixed with a plus sign. # By default, the primary group of the user supplied with the 'user' statement # will be used. # Note that supplementary groups are always honored. #group root # Name of the PID file # Notice, that the file is created after assuming user privileges, so # you should make sure that its directory is writable for the user # fileserv is running as. pidfile /var/run/fileserv.pid # Name of the MIME magic file. This file is used to determine the # types of the files being served or listed. mime-types-file /var/lib/fileserv/mime.types # Listen on the given interface #listen # Name of the per-directory access file. # The file has the same syntax as /etc/fileserv.conf, except that only # the following statements are allowed: directory-index, follow, # listing, list-unreadable, and hidden-files. #access-file-name .fileserv # Treat the value of the specified header as a comma-delimited list of # intermediate useragent IP addresses. To determine the actual useragent # IP, the list is traversed from right to left, until an IP is found # that is not listed as trusted-proxy address (see below). # #forwarded-header X-Forwarded-For # List of IP addresses of trusted proxies. Expects one or more arguments. # Multiple statements accumulate. Initial list is empty. trusted-proxy # Directory for temporary files. #temp-dir /tmp # Syslog facility to use for reporting. #syslog daemon # Global access control settings. These remain in effect for all # subdirectories of the selected mapping, until overridden by the # corresponding statements in the per-directory access files (see # access-file-name above). # Directory index file names. One or more filename arguments are # expected. If the first argument is + (a plus sign), subsequent # arguments are appended to the current list, instead of overwriting # it. This is for use in per-directory access files. directory-index index.html # Follow symbolic links. # If set to "yes", symbolic links appearing in the request will be # resolved. Notice, that the resulting file or directory will be served # only if it is located in one of the configured mappings. #follow no # Enable directory listing mode. #listing no # Add unreadable files to the listing. #list-unreadable no # When producing a directory listing, omit any files whose names match # one of the POSIX extended regular expressions from this list. hidden-files '^\..*' '^#' '~$' '\.rej$' '\.orig$' # MAPPINGS # Mappings define which directories fileserv will be serving. # # Each statement declares a mapping between the URL of the incoming request # and the directory on the local filesystem (think of Apache Alias directive). # The syntax is # [HOST:]URL:DIR # URLs with a path beginning with URL will be mapped to local file paths # beginning with DIR. Optional HOST part limits the mapping to requests that # have this value in the HTTP Host: header. # # At least one mapping must be defined. mapping /:/var/www/static # ERROR DOCUMENTS # Customized versions of error pages are looked up in the directory, # specified by the error-dir statement. # When reporting a HTTP error, fileserv will search in that directory # for the first existing file from the following list: # CODE.html, CODE.html.var, ERR.html, ERR.html.var # where CODE is the HTTP error code, and ERR is its internal name. # Allowed CODEs and the corresponding ERR names are: # # 403 HTTP_FORBIDDEN # 404 HTTP_NOT_FOUND # 405 HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED # 500 HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR # 501 HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED # 503 HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE # # If the file with .html suffix is found, it will be served as the body of # the error response. If the file with .html.var suffix is found, it # will be treated as a type map in Apache's mod_negotiation: # A type map has a format similar to RFC822 mail headers. It contains # error document descriptions separated by blank lines, with lines beginning # with a hash character ('#') treated as comments. A document description # consists of several header records; records may be continued on multiple # lines if the continuation lines start with spaces. The leading space will be # deleted and the lines concatenated. A header record consists of a keyword # name, which always ends in a colon, followed by a value. Whitespace is # allowed between the header name and value, and between the tokens of value. # The headers allowed are: # Content-Language: # The language(s) of the variant, as an Internet standard language tag # (RFC 1766), e.g. en, meaning English. If the variant contains more than # one language, they are separated by a comma. # This header is a look-up key # Content-Type: # The MIME media type of the document, with optional parameters. # Body: # The actual content of the error document is included in the type-map # file using the Body header. This header must contain a string that # designates a delimiter for the body content. Then all following lines # in the type map file will be considered part of the document body until # the delimiter string is found. # Fileserv will select the error description whose Content-language header # matches the language definitions from the Accept-Language request header. #error-dir /var/lib/fileserv/error # INDEX TEMPLATE # # The following statements control generation of directory index # listings for directories, where these are allowed (see the 'listing' # statement, above). # By default, fileserv uses the built-in template (see src/defidx.html). # The index-template statement supplies alternative template file. #index-template /var/lib/fileserv/index.tmpl # Name of the CSS file. It will be available in the $INDEXCSS template # variable. #index-css /css/autoindex.css # Define icons for various MIME types. # Syntax: # mime-icon URL alt=TEXT TYPELIST # where URL is the URL of the image file to be displayed for matching files, # TEXT is the alternative text, # TYPELIST is a whitespace-delimited list of one or more globbing # patterns. # When a file is being processed for the listing, its MIME type is determined # using rules from the mime-types-file, then defined mime-icons are scanned # until the MIME type matches one of patterns in the TYPELIST. # mime-icon /icons/compressed.gif alt=CMP */x-compress */x-gzip */x-bzip2 # mime-icon /icons/text.gif alt=TXT text/* # mime-icon /icons/image2.gif alt=IMG image/* # mime-icon /icons/sound2.gif alt=SND audio/* # mime-icon /icons/movie.gif alt=VID video/* # mime-icon /icons/text.gif alt=TXT text/* # mime-icon /icons/image2.gif alt=IMG image/* # mime-icon /icons/sound2.gif alt=SND audio/* # mime-icon /icons/movie.gif alt=VID video/* # mime-icon /icons/unknown.gif alt=FILE */* # Define icons for various file names. # Syntax: # name-icon URL alt=TEXT SUFFIXLIST # where URL is the URL of the image file to be displayed for matching files, # TEXT is the alternative text, # SUFFIXLIST is a whitespace-delimited list of one or more file suffixes. # # name-icon /icons/back.gif alt=BACK .. # name-icon /icons/script.gif alt=SCRIPT .conf .sh .shar .csh .ksh .tcl # name-icon /icons/hand.right.gif README # name-icon /icons/compressed.gif alt=CMP .Z .z .tgz .txz .tbz .gz .xz .bz2 .lzip # .zip # name-icon /icons/uuencoded.gif alt=UU .uu # name-icon /icons/a.gif alt=PS .ps .ai .eps # name-icon /icons/layout.gif alt=HTML .html .shtml .htm # name-icon /icons/layout.gif alt=PDF .pdf # name-icon /icons/text.gif alt=TXT .txt # name-icon /icons/c.gif alt=SRC .c # name-icon /icons/p.gif alt=SRC .pl .py # name-icon /icons/f.gif alt=SRC .for # name-icon /icons/dvi.gif alt=DVI .dvi # name-icon /icons/tex.gif alt=TEX .tex # name-icon /icons/bomb.gif alt=CORE core # Define icons for various file types. # Syntax: # type-icon URL alt=TEXT TYPELIST # where URL is the URL of the image file to be displayed for matching files, # TEXT is the alternative text, # TYPELIST is a whitespace-delimited list of one or more file types. # # type-icon /icons/folder.gif alt=DIR DIRECTORY # type-icon /icons/blank.gif alt=ICO BLANK # type-icon /icons/unknown.gif alt=FILE FILE