path: root/TODO
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'TODO')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 144 deletions
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 594c478..d753794 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,151 +1,152 @@
This is a list of EC2 actions and their status in Eclat.
A check mark in Impl column means the corresponding action is implemented,
-and that in Doc columnt means the action is documented. The abbreviation
-column lists the action abbreviation, which is used to name the source files.
+and that in Doc columnt means the action is documented. The Eclat Command
+column lists the corresponding command name, which is used to request the
+operation from the command line.
-| Action | Abbreviation | Impl | Doc |
+| Action | Eclat Command | Impl | Doc |
-AllocateAddress ALLCADR [X] [X]
-AssignPrivateIpAddresses ASGNPRIVIPADRS [ ] [ ]
-AssociateAddress ASSCADR [X] [X]
-AssociateDhcpOptions ASSCDHCPOPTS [ ] [ ]
-AssociateRouteTable ASSCROUTTAB [ ] [ ]
-AttachInternetGateway ATTINETGW [ ] [ ]
-AttachNetworkInterface ATTNETIF [ ] [ ]
-AttachVolume ATTVOL [X] [X]
-AttachVpnGateway ATTVPNGW [ ] [ ]
-AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress AUTHSECGRPEG [ ] [ ]
-AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress AUTHSECGRPIG [ ] [ ]
-BundleInstance BUNINST [ ] [ ]
-CancelBundleTask CANBUNTSK [ ] [ ]
-CancelConversionTask CANCVRSTSK [ ] [ ]
-CancelExportTask CANEXPTSK [ ] [ ]
-CancelReservedInstancesListing CANRSRVDINSTSLST [ ] [ ]
-CancelSpotInstanceRequests CANSPOTINSTREQS [ ] [ ]
-ConfirmProductInstance CFRMPRODINST [ ] [ ]
-CreateCustomerGateway CRECUSTGW [ ] [ ]
-CreateDhcpOptions CREDHCPOPTS [ ] [ ]
-CreateImage CREIMG [X] [X]
-CreateInstanceExportTask CREINSTEXPTSK [ ] [ ]
-CreateInternetGateway CREINETGW [ ] [ ]
-CreateKeyPair CREKEYPAIR [ ] [ ]
-CreateNetworkAcl CRENETACL [ ] [ ]
-CreateNetworkAclEntry CRENETACLENT [ ] [ ]
-CreateNetworkInterface CRENETIF [ ] [ ]
-CreatePlacementGroup CREPLCGRP [ ] [ ]
-CreateReservedInstancesListing CRERSRVDINSTSLST [ ] [ ]
-CreateRoute CREROUT [ ] [ ]
-CreateRouteTable CREROUTTAB [ ] [ ]
-CreateSecurityGroup CRESECGRP [ ] [ ]
-CreateSnapshot CRESNAP [X] [X]
-CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription CRESPOTDFSSCR [ ] [ ]
-CreateSubnet CRESUB [ ] [ ]
-CreateTags CRETAGS [X] [X]
-CreateVolume CREVOL [X] [X]
-CreateVpc CREVPC [ ] [ ]
-CreateVpnConnection CREVPNCNCT [ ] [ ]
-CreateVpnConnectionRoute CREVPNCNCTROUT [ ] [ ]
-CreateVpnGateway CREVPNGW [ ] [ ]
-DeleteCustomerGateway DELCUSTGW [ ] [ ]
-DeleteDhcpOptions DELDHCPOPTS [ ] [ ]
-DeleteInternetGateway DELINETGW [ ] [ ]
-DeleteKeyPair DELKEYPAIR [ ] [ ]
-DeleteNetworkAcl DELNETACL [ ] [ ]
-DeleteNetworkAclEntry DELNETACLENT [ ] [ ]
-DeleteNetworkInterface DELNETIF [ ] [ ]
-DeletePlacementGroup DELPLCGRP [ ] [ ]
-DeleteRoute DELROUT [ ] [ ]
-DeleteRouteTable DELROUTTAB [ ] [ ]
-DeleteSecurityGroup DELSECGRP [ ] [ ]
-DeleteSnapshot DELSNAP [X] [X]
-DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription DELSPOTDFSSCR [ ] [ ]
-DeleteSubnet DELSUB [ ] [ ]
-DeleteTags DELTAGS [X] [X]
-DeleteVolume DELVOL [X] [X]
-DeleteVpc DELVPC [ ] [ ]
-DeleteVpnConnection DELVPNCNCT [ ] [ ]
-DeleteVpnConnectionRoute DELVPNCNCTROUT [ ] [ ]
-DeleteVpnGateway DELVPNGW [ ] [ ]
-DeregisterImage DRGIMG [X] [X]
-DescribeAddresses DSCRADRS [X] [X]
-DescribeAvailabilityZones DSCRAZS [X] [X]
-DescribeBundleTasks DSCRBUNTSKS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeConversionTasks DSCRCVRSTSKS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeCustomerGateways DSCRCUSTGWS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeDhcpOptions DSCRDHCPOPTS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeExportTasks DSCREXPTSKS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeImageAttribute DSCRIMGATTR [ ] [ ]
-DescribeImages DSCRIMGS [X] [X]
-DescribeInstanceAttribute DSCRINSTATTR [X] [X]
-DescribeInstances DSCRINSTS [X] [X]
-DescribeInstanceStatus DSCRINSTSTAT [X] [X]
-DescribeInternetGateways DSCRINETGWS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeKeyPairs DSCRKEYPAIRS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeNetworkAcls DSCRNETACLS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute DSCRNETIFATTR [ ] [ ]
-DescribeNetworkInterfaces DSCRNETIFS [ ] [ ]
-DescribePlacementGroups DSCRPLCGRPS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeRegions DSCRREGS [X] [X]
-DescribeReservedInstances DSCRRSRVDINSTS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeReservedInstancesListings DSCRRSRVDINSTSLSTS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings DSCRRSRVDINSTSOFRS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeRouteTables DSCRROUTTABS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeSecurityGroups DSCRSECGRPS [X] [X]
-DescribeSnapshotAttribute DSCRSNAPATTR [X] [X]
-DescribeSnapshots DSCRSNAPS [X] [X]
-DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription DSCRSPOTDFSSCR [ ] [ ]
-DescribeSpotInstanceRequests DSCRSPOTINSTREQS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeSpotPriceHistory DSCRSPOTPRICHIST [ ] [ ]
-DescribeSubnets DSCRSUBS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeTags DSCRTAGS [X] [X]
-DescribeVolumes DSCRVOLS [X] [X]
-DescribeVolumeAttribute DSCRVOLATTR [ ] [ ]
-DescribeVolumeStatus DSCRVOLSTAT [ ] [ ]
-DescribeVpcs DSCRVPCS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeVpnConnections DSCRVPNCNCTS [ ] [ ]
-DescribeVpnGateways DSCRVPNGWS [ ] [ ]
-DetachInternetGateway DETINETGW [ ] [ ]
-DetachNetworkInterface DETNETIF [ ] [ ]
-DetachVolume DETVOL [X] [X]
-DetachVpnGateway DETVPNGW [ ] [ ]
-DisableVgwRoutePropagation DISVGWROUTPRPG [ ] [ ]
-DisassociateAddress DSSCADR [X] [X]
-DisassociateRouteTable DSSCROUTTAB [ ] [ ]
-EnableVgwRoutePropagation ENAVGWROUTPRPG [ ] [ ]
-EnableVolumeIO ENAVOLIO [ ] [ ]
-GetConsoleOutput GETCONOUT [X] [X]
-GetPasswordData GETPWDDATA [ ] [ ]
-ImportInstance IMPINST [ ] [ ]
-ImportKeyPair IMPKEYPAIR [ ] [ ]
-ImportVolume IMPVOL [ ] [ ]
-ModifyImageAttribute MODIMGATTR [ ] [ ]
-ModifyInstanceAttribute MODINSTATTR [X] [X]
-ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute MODNETIFATTR [ ] [ ]
-ModifySnapshotAttribute MODSNAPATTR [X] [ ]
-ModifyVolumeAttribute MODVOLATTR [ ] [ ]
-MonitorInstances MONINSTS [ ] [ ]
-PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering PURRSRVDINSTSOFR [ ] [ ]
-RebootInstances RBTINSTS [X] [X]
-RegisterImage REGIMG [ ] [ ]
-ReleaseAddress RLSADR [X] [X]
-ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation RPLNETACLASCN [ ] [ ]
-ReplaceNetworkAclEntry RPLNETACLENT [ ] [ ]
-ReplaceRoute RPLROUT [ ] [ ]
-ReplaceRouteTableAssociation RPLROUTTABASCN [ ] [ ]
-ReportInstanceStatus REPINSTSTAT [ ] [ ]
-RequestSpotInstances REQSPOTINSTS [ ] [ ]
-ResetImageAttribute RSTIMGATTR [ ] [ ]
-ResetInstanceAttribute RSTINSTATTR [ ] [ ]
-ResetNetworkInterfaceAttribute RSTNETIFATTR [ ] [ ]
-ResetSnapshotAttribute RSTSNAPATTR [X] [ ]
-RevokeSecurityGroupEgress RVKSECGRPEG [ ] [ ]
-RevokeSecurityGroupIngress RVKSECGRPIG [ ] [ ]
-RunInstances RUNINSTS [X] [ ]
-StartInstances STAINSTS [X] [X]
-StopInstances STOINSTS [X] [X]
-TerminateInstances TRMINSTS [ ] [ ]
-UnassignPrivateIpAddresses USGNPRIVIPADRS [ ] [ ]
-UnmonitorInstances UMONINSTS [ ] [ ]
+AllocateAddress allocaddr [X] [X]
+AssignPrivateIpAddresses - [ ] [ ]
+AssociateAddress assocaddr [X] [X]
+AssociateDhcpOptions - [ ] [ ]
+AssociateRouteTable - [ ] [ ]
+AttachInternetGateway - [ ] [ ]
+AttachNetworkInterface - [ ] [ ]
+AttachVolume atvol [X] [X]
+AttachVpnGateway - [ ] [ ]
+AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress - [ ] [ ]
+AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress - [ ] [ ]
+BundleInstance - [ ] [ ]
+CancelBundleTask - [ ] [ ]
+CancelConversionTask - [ ] [ ]
+CancelExportTask - [ ] [ ]
+CancelReservedInstancesListing - [ ] [ ]
+CancelSpotInstanceRequests - [ ] [ ]
+ConfirmProductInstance - [ ] [ ]
+CreateCustomerGateway - [ ] [ ]
+CreateDhcpOptions - [ ] [ ]
+CreateImage mkimg [X] [X]
+CreateInstanceExportTask - [ ] [ ]
+CreateInternetGateway - [ ] [ ]
+CreateKeyPair - [ ] [ ]
+CreateNetworkAcl - [ ] [ ]
+CreateNetworkAclEntry - [ ] [ ]
+CreateNetworkInterface - [ ] [ ]
+CreatePlacementGroup - [ ] [ ]
+CreateReservedInstancesListing - [ ] [ ]
+CreateRoute - [ ] [ ]
+CreateRouteTable - [ ] [ ]
+CreateSecurityGroup - [ ] [ ]
+CreateSnapshot mksnap [X] [X]
+CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription - [ ] [ ]
+CreateSubnet - [ ] [ ]
+CreateTags mktag [X] [X]
+CreateVolume mkvol [X] [X]
+CreateVpc - [ ] [ ]
+CreateVpnConnection - [ ] [ ]
+CreateVpnConnectionRoute - [ ] [ ]
+CreateVpnGateway - [ ] [ ]
+DeleteCustomerGateway - [ ] [ ]
+DeleteDhcpOptions - [ ] [ ]
+DeleteInternetGateway - [ ] [ ]
+DeleteKeyPair - [ ] [ ]
+DeleteNetworkAcl - [ ] [ ]
+DeleteNetworkAclEntry - [ ] [ ]
+DeleteNetworkInterface - [ ] [ ]
+DeletePlacementGroup - [ ] [ ]
+DeleteRoute - [ ] [ ]
+DeleteRouteTable - [ ] [ ]
+DeleteSecurityGroup - [ ] [ ]
+DeleteSnapshot rmsnap [X] [X]
+DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription - [ ] [ ]
+DeleteSubnet - [ ] [ ]
+DeleteTags rmtag [X] [X]
+DeleteVolume rmvol [X] [X]
+DeleteVpc - [ ] [ ]
+DeleteVpnConnection - [ ] [ ]
+DeleteVpnConnectionRoute - [ ] [ ]
+DeleteVpnGateway - [ ] [ ]
+DeregisterImage deimg [X] [X]
+DescribeAddresses lsaddr [X] [X]
+DescribeAvailabilityZones lszon [X] [X]
+DescribeBundleTasks - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeConversionTasks - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeCustomerGateways - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeDhcpOptions - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeExportTasks - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeImageAttribute - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeImages lsimg [X] [X]
+DescribeInstanceAttribute lsiattr [X] [X]
+DescribeInstances lsinst [X] [X]
+DescribeInstanceStatus lsistat [X] [X]
+DescribeInternetGateways - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeKeyPairs - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeNetworkAcls - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeNetworkInterfaces - [ ] [ ]
+DescribePlacementGroups - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeRegions lsreg [X] [X]
+DescribeReservedInstances - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeReservedInstancesListings - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeRouteTables - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeSecurityGroups lssg [X] [X]
+DescribeSnapshotAttribute lssattr [X] [X]
+DescribeSnapshots lssnap [X] [X]
+DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeSpotInstanceRequests - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeSpotPriceHistory - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeSubnets - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeTags lstag [X] [X]
+DescribeVolumes lsvol [X] [X]
+DescribeVolumeAttribute - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeVolumeStatus - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeVpcs - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeVpnConnections - [ ] [ ]
+DescribeVpnGateways - [ ] [ ]
+DetachInternetGateway - [ ] [ ]
+DetachNetworkInterface - [ ] [ ]
+DetachVolume devol [X] [X]
+DetachVpnGateway - [ ] [ ]
+DisableVgwRoutePropagation - [ ] [ ]
+DisassociateAddress disasaddr [X] [X]
+DisassociateRouteTable - [ ] [ ]
+EnableVgwRoutePropagation - [ ] [ ]
+EnableVolumeIO - [ ] [ ]
+GetConsoleOutput conmesg [X] [X]
+GetPasswordData - [ ] [ ]
+ImportInstance - [ ] [ ]
+ImportKeyPair - [ ] [ ]
+ImportVolume - [ ] [ ]
+ModifyImageAttribute - [ ] [ ]
+ModifyInstanceAttribute setiattr [X] [X]
+ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute - [ ] [ ]
+ModifySnapshotAttribute setsattr [X] [ ]
+ModifyVolumeAttribute - [ ] [ ]
+MonitorInstances - [ ] [ ]
+PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering - [ ] [ ]
+RebootInstances reboot [X] [X]
+RegisterImage - [ ] [ ]
+ReleaseAddress freeaddr [X] [X]
+ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation - [ ] [ ]
+ReplaceNetworkAclEntry - [ ] [ ]
+ReplaceRoute - [ ] [ ]
+ReplaceRouteTableAssociation - [ ] [ ]
+ReportInstanceStatus - [ ] [ ]
+RequestSpotInstances - [ ] [ ]
+ResetImageAttribute - [ ] [ ]
+ResetInstanceAttribute - [ ] [ ]
+ResetNetworkInterfaceAttribute - [ ] [ ]
+ResetSnapshotAttribute clrsattr [X] [ ]
+RevokeSecurityGroupEgress - [ ] [ ]
+RevokeSecurityGroupIngress - [ ] [ ]
+RunInstances mkinst [X] [ ]
+StartInstances start [X] [X]
+StopInstances stop [X] [X]
+TerminateInstances killinst [ ] [ ]
+UnassignPrivateIpAddresses - [ ] [ ]
+UnmonitorInstances - [ ] [ ]

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