#! /usr/bin/perl # Copyright (C) 2012 Sergey Poznyakoff # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . use strict; use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt no_ignore_case); use Socket; use Digest::MD5; use Net::DNS; use Net::CIDR; use Pod::Usage; use Pod::Man; use POSIX qw(strftime); # Global vars my $sys_config_file = "/etc/axfr2acl.conf"; # Configuration file name my $descr = "create a BIND-style ACL containing all A records from a zone"; my $script; # This script name. my %debug_level = ( 'GENERAL' => 0, 'DNS' => 0); my @netlist; my @oldlist; # Options: my $debug; # Debug mode indicator. my $logfile; # Name of the logfile. my $dry_run; # Dry-run mode. my $help; # Show help and exit. my $man; # Show man and exit. my @zones; my $outfile = "netlist"; my $aclname; # Name of a bind-style ACL my $comment; # Initial comment line my $update; my %oldserial; # Old serial numbers my %serial; # Zone serial numbers # "Initial" are networks supplied by "--add-network" and "--from-file" options. my $initnetctx; # MD5 context for tracking changes in initial networks my $oldsig; # Old MD5 signature of the initial networks my $netsig; # Current MD5 signature of the initial networks # Return codes: # 0 - OK, nothing changed # 1 - OK, list updated # 2 - General error # 3 - Usage error ############# sub logit { print LOG "@_\n"; } sub loginit { if ($logfile and (!-e $logfile or -w $logfile)) { print STDERR "$script: logging to $logfile\n"; open(LOG, ">$logfile"); } else { open(LOG, ">&STDERR"); } } sub logdone { } sub abend($) { my $msg = shift; logit($msg); debug('GENERAL', 1, "ABEND"); logdone(); exit(2); } sub debug { my $category = shift; my $level = shift; # print STDERR "$category: $debug_level{$category} >= $level\n"; if ($debug_level{$category} >= $level) { print LOG "$script: DEBUG[$category]: @_\n"; } } sub read_config_file($) { my $config_file = shift; print STDERR "reading $config_file\n" if ($debug); open(FILE, "<", $config_file) or die("cannot open $config_file: $!"); while () { chomp; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/\s+=\s+/=/; s/#.*//; next if ($_ eq ""); unshift(@ARGV, "--$_"); } } sub note_init_network($) { my $cidr = shift; $initnetctx->add($cidr); } sub networks_from_file($) { my ($file) = @_; open(FILE, "<", $file) or abend("Cannot open file $file for reading"); while () { chomp; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/;$//; s/#.*//; next if ($_ eq ""); note_init_network($_); @netlist = Net::CIDR::cidradd($_,@netlist); } close(FILE); } sub read_acl($) { my ($file) = @_; open(FILE, "<", $file) or return; my $line=1; my $zone; my $sn; while () { chomp; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/;$//; if (($zone, $sn) = ($_ =~ /^#serial\s+(\S+)\s+([0-9]+)/)) { $oldserial{$zone} = $sn; next; } if (($sn) = ($_ =~ /^#netsig\s+(\S+)/)) { $oldsig = $sn; } s/#.*//; next if ($_ eq ""); next if /^acl/; next if /}/; abend("$file:$line: invalid CIDR: $_") unless (Net::CIDR::cidrvalidate($_)); @oldlist = Net::CIDR::cidradd($_,@oldlist); $line++; } @oldlist = sort @oldlist; close(FILE); } ########### ($script = $0) =~ s/.*\///; my $home; eval { my @ar = getpwuid($<); $home = $ar[7]; }; if ($ENV{'AXFR2ACL_CONF'}) { read_config_file($ENV{'AXFR2ACL_CONF'}); } elsif (-e "$home/.axfr2acl.conf") { read_config_file("$home/.axfr2acl.conf"); } elsif (-e "$sys_config_file") { read_config_file("$sys_config_file"); } $initnetctx = Digest::MD5->new; GetOptions("help|h" => \$help, "man" => \$man, "dry-run|n" => \$dry_run, "debug|d:s" => sub { if (!$_[1]) { foreach my $key (keys %debug_level) { $debug_level{$key} = 1; } } elsif ($_[1] =~ /^[0-9]+/) { foreach my $key (keys %debug_level) { $debug_level{$key} = $_[1]; } } else { foreach my $cat (split(/,/, $_[1])) { my @s = split(/[:=]/, $cat, 2); $s[0] =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/; if (defined($debug_level{$s[0]})) { $debug_level{$s[0]} = ($#s == 1) ? $s[1] : 1; } else { abend("no such category: $s[0]"); } } } }, "log-file|l=s" => \$logfile, "outfile|o=s" => \$outfile, "acl=s" => \$aclname, "comment=s" => \$comment, "add-network=s" => sub { foreach my $cidr (split(/,/, $_[1])) { note_init_network($cidr); @netlist = Net::CIDR::cidradd($cidr,@netlist); } }, "from-file|T=s" => sub { networks_from_file($_[1]); }, "zones|z=s" => sub { foreach my $rs (split(/,/, $_[1])) { push(@zones,$rs); } }, "update|u" => \$update ) or exit(3); pod2usage(-message => "$script: $descr", -exitstatus => 0) if $help; pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man; loginit(); debug('GENERAL', 1, "startup"); abend("No zones given") if ($#zones == -1); $netsig = $initnetctx->b64digest; read_acl($outfile) if ($update); # Determine initial update status: # The output needs to be updated if either the --update flag is *not* # given (i.e. the user wants unconditional update), or if the MD5 signatures # of added network differ. # # The initial update status will be corrected in the loop below, based on the # SOA of the networks involved. # my $need_update = !$update; if (!$need_update) { $need_update = $netsig ne $oldsig; debug('GENERAL', 1, "update forced because initial networks changed") if ($need_update); } # Create resolvers and collect serial numbers my %resolver; foreach my $zone (@zones) { my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; debug('DNS', 1, "querying SOA for $zone"); my $query = $res->query($zone, "SOA"); unless ($query) { print STDERR "$script: cannot get SOA of $zone: " . $res->errorstring . "\n"; next; } $resolver{$zone} = $res; my $rr = (grep { $_->type eq 'SOA' } $query->answer)[0]; debug('DNS', 2, "zone $zone serial ".$rr->serial); $need_update = 1 if ($update && (!defined($oldserial{$zone}) || $oldserial{$zone} < $rr->serial)); delete $oldserial{$zone}; $serial{$zone} = $rr->serial; } if ($update and keys(%oldserial)) { debug('GENERAL', 1, "some zones removed: forcing update"); $need_update = 1; } if ($need_update) { foreach my $zone (@zones) { my $res; my $rr; $res = $resolver{$zone}; next unless ($res); debug('DNS', 1, "querying NSs for $zone"); my $query = $res->query($zone, "NS"); unless ($query) { print STDERR "$script: cannot get NS records for $zone: " . $res->errorstring . "\n"; next; } foreach $rr (grep { $_->type eq 'NS' } $query->answer) { $res->nameservers($rr->nsdname); debug('DNS', 2, "$zone NS ". $rr->nsdname); } debug('DNS', 1, "Transferring $zone"); my @records = grep { $_->type eq 'A' } $res->axfr($zone); debug('DNS', 1, "Got $#records records"); foreach my $rr (@records) { @netlist = Net::CIDR::cidradd($rr->address,@netlist); } } } if (!$need_update) { debug('GENERAL', 1, "shutdown: list unchanged"); logdone(); exit(1); } if ($update) { my %oldset = map { $_ => $_ } @oldlist; $update = 0; foreach my $net (sort @netlist) { if (!$oldset{$net}) { $update = 1; last; } else { delete $oldset{$net}; } } unless ($update or keys(%oldset) > 0) { if ($need_update && !$dry_run) { debug('GENERAL', 1, "list unchanged; proceeding to save serials"); } else { debug('GENERAL', 1, "shutdown: list unchanged"); logdone(); exit(1); } } } if ($dry_run) { print join("\n",@netlist)."\n"; } else { my $file; my $indent = ""; debug('GENERAL',1,"writing output file $outfile"); open($file, ">", $outfile) or abend("cannot open $outfile for writing: $!"); if ($comment) { foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $comment)) { print $file "# $line\n"; } } print $file strftime "# network list created by $script on %c\n", localtime; foreach my $zone (keys %serial) { print $file "#serial $zone $serial{$zone}\n"; } print $file "#netsig $netsig\n" if ($netsig); if (defined($aclname)) { print $file "acl $aclname {\n"; $indent = "\t"; } foreach my $cidr (@netlist) { print $file "${indent}${cidr};\n"; } print $file "};\n" if (defined($aclname)); close($file); } debug('GENERAL', 1, "shutdown"); logdone(); ########### __END__ =head1 NAME axfr2acl - create a BIND ACL containing "A" records from a set of zones =head1 SYNOPSIS axfr2acl [I] =head1 DESCRIPTION B collects all B records from a set of supplied DNS zones and writes out a DNS ACL containing all of them. If possible, the addresses are compressed into CIDRs. The resulting list is sorted lexicographically. The resulting ACL is normally written to a file, either as a list of CIDRs or as a BIND B statement, if the ACL name is given. In both cases, the file is sutable for inclusion in the BIND configuration file. If the file already exists when the command is invoked, its contents is recorded and is used subsequently to determine whether it has changed. The utility will actually modify the output file only if the constructed list differs from the one it contained initially. It will also avoid running zone transfers if the serial records of all involved zones did not change since the last run. The program exits with code 0 if the file is up to date, 1 if it has successfully updated the file, 2 if some error ocurred and 3 if the command line usage was incorrect. =head1 OPTIONS The following option control the output: =over 4 =item B<--acl>=I Format output as a B ACL statement with the given I. =item B<--comment>=I Print I as the heading comment to the output. The argument can consist of multiple lines. A C<#> sign will be printed before each of them. =item B<--outfile>=I, B<-o> I Write the result to I, instead of the default C. =back The following options control the selection of DNS zones and initial contents of the output list: =over 4 =item B<--add-network>=I Add given CIDRs to the output list. Argument is a comma-separated list of CIDRs. =item B<--from-file>=I, B<-T> I Populate the output list with CIDRs read from I. The file must list each CIDR on a separate line. Empty lines and comments (introduced by C<#> sign) are ignored. =item B<--zones>=I, B<-z> I Defines a list of zones to query. I is a comma-separated list of zone names. =back Options controlling log and debug output: =over 4 =item B<--log-file>=I, B<-l> I Write diagnostic output to I, instead of standard error. =item B<--debug>[=I[,I...]], B<-d>[I[,I...]] Set debugging level. I is either B or B=B, B is a debugging category name and B is a decimal verbosity level. Valid categories are: C and C. =item B<--dry-run>, B<-n> Don't create output file. Instead print the result on the standard output. =back Informational options: =over 4 =item B<--help>, B<-h> Shows a terse help summary and exit. =item B<--man> Prints the manual page and exits. =back =head1 CONFIGURATION The program reads its configuration from one of the following locations: =over 4 =item B The file name given by C environment variable (if set) =item B B<~>/.axfr2acl.conf =item B /etc/axfr2acl.conf =back The first existing file from this list is used. It is an error, if the B<$AXFR2ACL_CONF> variable is set, but points to a file that does not exist. It is not an error, if B<$AXFR2ACL_CONF> is not set and neither of the two remaining files exist. It is, however, an error if any of these file exists, but is not readable. The configuration file uses a usual UNIX configuration format. Empty lines and UNIX comments are ignored. Each non-empty line is either an option name, or option assignment, i.e. B=B, with any amount of optional whitespace around the equals sign. Valid option names are the same as the long command line options, but without the leading B<-->. For example: zones = example.net,example.com acl = mynets add-network = outfile = networks.inc =head1 ENVIRONMENT =over 4 =item AXFR2ACL_CONF The name of the configuration file to read, instead of the default F. =back =head1 SEE ALSO B(1). =head1 AUTHOR Sergey Poznyakoff =cut